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Newborns (0-3 months) |Parenting - EasyShiksha


New-born: Behaviours, guidance and care

New-born’s behaviour is very different from that of an older baby and children. As they are adjusting to the outside world, they like to maintain the foetal position, clenched fists, bent hips and knees and arms and legs held close to the front of their body.  For many first-time parents, they may be unaware of the behaviours normally shown by a new born. It is important for the parents to know about their new born baby behaviour, how to manage that effectively and what they can expect.   New born behaviour: Know the normal aspects  A normal new born behaviour for the first few months typically consists of crying and sleeping for the long hours and eating. Other behaviour aspects include hiccup, sneeze, cough, spit up, burp and gurgle.  The posture for the first few weeks can be similar to that of a foetal position in the womb, which gradually changes with the baby’s development.  The reflexes can include ‘the sucking reflex’, the instinct to suck when an object is placed in its mouth, ‘the grasp reflex’ in which they tightly closed their fingers around an object placed in its hand and ‘startle response’ which is sudden throwing out of arms and legs and then quickly bringing them back to their body.  The breathing pattens in new born is irregular, that is they can stop breathing for 5-10 seconds and then again start breathing. This pattern usually occurs during the sleep and is considered normal but if it stops breathing for more than recommended time period or if it starts turning blue, then the parents should immediately seek medical attention.  New born crying: Causes and effective management  A new born usually cry and fuss for 2-3 hours a day for the first 6 weeks and the crying gets intense during the first 3 months or at about 6-8 weeks. Some new born can cry for longer time period than recommended. The baby crying typically signals to hunger, tiredness, need for burping, overstimulation, diaper change, need for comfort or even sickness.  The long hours of crying can get frustrating and overwhelming for the parents but they can definitely handle it by – Taking a break to calm the mind before soothing the new-born, making sure that the baby is not hungry, needs diaper change or sick, reducing the stimulation by lowering the noise and other activities and dimming the lights, wrapping the baby in a blanket and humming a soft calming tune and taking the baby for a ride in pram or sling.  In case the crying persists for the longer hours than usual or if the crying pattern is abnormal, try contacting the doctor for help. 

Understand Babies Behaviour And Awareness

A baby’s behavior changes as they become more aware of the world around them. Their behavior is often a response to things that they like, is scared of, or finds interesting. As they learn to speak or express their thoughts with words or actions, they get better at communication and it gets easier to understand baby’s behavior.  Babies’ early experiences and relationships stimulate their brain, shaping the way they see, perceive and respond to the world. As your baby’s awareness of the world grows through these experiences, your baby learns new things and develops, this will result in you noticing many changes in their behavior. Your baby soon learns to tell you apart from everybody else. To them, you are someone very special and they totally trust you and depend on you. Your baby’s relationship with you and other primary care takers is the main way that they learn about the world and how to respond to it. they will copy what they see. Your behavior is the primary thing that will influence your child and they will learn to behave by watching you. WHAT MAKES YOUR BABY HAPPY? Your baby automatically develops strong attachments to the most important people in their world. These are the people who make your children feel loved, special, safe and secure. If you or your partner spends more of their time with the baby, its more likely that they will prefer that person more than others. Its part of their development. Similarly, your baby might love one toy much more than others that they possess. So, its natural that playing with their favourite toys and being with their favourite people is bound to make them happy and this is very well reflected in their behavior. When your baby is happy, they might smile and make noises stating that they are happy. Your baby can also learn to signal, wave or clap their hands when they see their favourite people. WHAT MAKES YOUR BABY ANXIOUS? Your baby might be afraid of specific things such as the bath and as your baby learns what to expect from their life, the unexpected might really hurt their feelings. For example, your baby may start getting afraid of people around them, they don’t recognize or anxious or upset around people who are not so important or familiar.  Also, once your baby understands that you are a separate person and that you have your own personal life and duties to do and cant be around them all the time, they might cry when you leave thinking that you will never come back. Fear of strangers and separation anxiety are very common and usually go away gradually throughout early childhood. WHAT INTERESTS YOUR BABY? As a baby, they might find mostly everything interesting.it is simply because, they have not even started to understand their surroundings and there is so much to learn about the world. Your baby will start experimenting with objects to see what is their purpose. As a result, almost everything will end up in your baby’s mouth because this is their method to observe and understand things. Your baby might also do other things such as biting, pinching or pulling hair just to find out what happens.  Around 6-12 months is a good time to start setting gentle limits to form the basis of teaching your child positive behavior in the future. For example, if your child gets too close to the railings, you can say, ‘No, that’s not safe’. Then simply, pick up your child and make him sit in a safe place. Your baby doesn’t understand danger, so its important to create a safe home environment, especially when baby starts moving. For example, it might be best to use a gate or some other way of keeping your baby out of the kitchen and away from hot cooking surfaces. They are attracted to almost anything without understand that whether it is edible or not, it is safe or not and it is right thing to do or not. They just want to explore objects and gain a sense of understanding things their own way. As a parent, it is your responsibility to let them understand and develop at their own pace and keep them away from any kind of danger. It may be so that your child ended up fidgeting with a knife, perhaps it is very dangerous as it can poke their eye, cut their skin or may leave a scar that will be with them for the rest of their life. Try to keep these sharp and dangerous object out of bounds. If it is in their sight, babies are curious enough to try their best to grab it and then experiment with it to see what happens.

Understand The Behaviour Of Preschoolers

Preschoolers are curious children, easily distracted, keen on independence and still developing self-relations. Preschool actually helps your child learn about getting along with other children of their age and elders and also get to know about following rules. Common preschool behavior concerns can include throwing tantrums, developing bad habits, lying to people and anxiety. They depend awfully a lot on their parents to guide them correctly through every problem that they encounter. Preschoolers are almost fascinated by anything in their surroundings, so you can expect a lot of ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘why’ questions. You need to spend more time with them to satisfy their learning urges – for example, while walking on the street, they encounter a strange insect, so you also need to stop to explain to them what it is and how harmful it can be. Preschoolers are a bit slow on the uptake as they still in the phase to understand the things happening around them. So, sometimes while you are talking to them, you might feel that they are ignoring or have blanked out but the truth is that they are still trying to understand what you said a minute ago. Independence is important to them, especially for those who try to do everything by themselves. But your child depends a lot upon you to boost their confidence and build up their self-esteem. Attention, praise, active listening and providing them opportunities to practice the skills they have learnt are some methods that will help in this process. As a preschooler, they are still getting better at self-regulation, which is great for getting along with kids at preschool or play group. But they still require your help with expressing strong feelings and emotions appropriately and managing behavior, especially in tough and challenging situations. WHY PRESCHOOL IS GOOD? Children, at this age, can benefit from going to preschool. Some kids may can take a while before they are accustomed to preschool or have fears in the first place, about going to preschool. But its too great an opportunity to pass, as preschool will allow your child to make friends and practice skills such as communicating and sharing. They start to learn to follow other people’s rules and getting along with them. BEHAVIOUR CONCERNS IN PRESCHOOL YEARS Anxiety It is a normal part of your child’s development and preschoolers often fear of being lonely or being in the dark. If your child worries too much or shows signs of anxiety often, you can support them by acknowledging their fear and gradually encouraging to do things they are anxious about. Don’t forget to praise them after each trial. It’s a great way to rid them of their fear.  Bullying Bullying can be devastating for your child’s confidence and mental health, especially in their preschool years. If you child is being bullied in preschool, immediately seek support of the school staff and support your child with lots of love and compassion. Make known to them that you will take care of everything and nothing similar would happen to them in the future. Fighting Fights, confrontations and disagreements are very common among children. A few factors that affect fighting are – temperament, age, environment, overconfidence etc. Children learn what he sees. You can start by reducing fights at home in front of them and explaining to them the negative impact that fighting has. Habits Lots of children have habits that children posses include biting nails, digging their nose, not washing hands regularly or scratching their head. It may be so that you cannot stand to watch these but these are natural, you can just talk to them about this. As they grow older, they automatically learn and rectify their habits. Lying This is no big secret that all children of this age lie about something or the other. You may have noticed their lying but being unexperienced they are immediately caught. It is a part of their development process and you have to try the best you can to teach them values such as truth and honesty. Though it is okay to lie in some situations but never tell them that. Shyness Shy behavior is common among children of any age group. But preschoolers are still learning ways to make their thoughts known and how to express their feelings. its always beneficial for your child when you praise them and encourage them to interact with others, make eye contact and play with them as often as possible. Tantrums If your child has tantrums, its nothing to be mad about considering the fact that they are still learning to express their feelings. If you work on reducing their stress, connecting with their feelings and emotions and carefully spotting what triggers their tantrums. This will help you to monitor them leading to fewer tantrums in the future.

Teenagers' Behaviour

Teenage may be associated with the term ‘adolescence’ which is a stage in which there is continuous psychological and physical development in a human that generally occurs when he enters from puberty to adulthood. Teenage is perhaps the most important stage in a person’s life. It is the time when parents start noticing changes in their child’s behaviour as well as his physical self. It may be characterized by growth spurt, voice change, facial hair, frequent mood swings, rebellious behaviour, demand for freedom and allowance etc.  As a parent, now is the time to be closer to their children more than ever. The first step should be to closely watch and understand their child’s behaviour and if a change from the usual is noticeable, they should immediately approach him/her. Here are a few tips that might lead you to a path of successful parenting. ENCOURAGING GOOD BEHAVIOUR Engage in a conversation with your child as often as possible. Take time to actively listen to their worries and troubles. Try to be someone that your child may look up to and admire. This is the best way to teach and instil good manners and positivity. Understand that your child is now mature enough to handle some responsibilities. Handling responsibilities is one the biggest challenges of teenagers and an important stepping stone towards becoming an adult. Praising your child’s success is one of the most important things that a parent can do. It not only boosts their self-confidence but also makes them feel wanted. Sharing your personal feelings and experiences as a teen might be the best way to establish a connection and it makes future conversations way easier. Teenagers demand for a bit of freedom and privacy. A parent should respect the personal space of their child and little actions such as seeking permission before entering their room can prove to be very effective. SIBLING TENSION It's natural for fight to break out between siblings at this age. Children slowly start to understand how the world operates and how real pressure of studies and expectations feel. It's a stressful phase. Frequent mood swings and low tolerance are common among teens. Even the slightest bit of hate is enough to make them burst out in anger and create commotion. Even a petty issue such as the control of the television remote can initiate fights. The blame game is not uncommon between siblings as a result fights break out and it's nothing out of the ordinary.  This is where the role of parents come in. It is the perfect time to preach how important family is. Teens must be taught to be on good terms with every family member as they will be the only ones to be truly happy on their success and step up whenever they require any kind of help. Family values and respecting others ought to be cultivated at this age.  As a parent, you must, Encourage siblings to resolve fights themselves. This will make them learn essential life skills. Although stepping in would be a faster way but it must be avoided. Only step in if a sibling gets verbally or physically violent. Understand each of their perspectives and carefully listen to them. Knowing what each of them wants will enable you to explain them where they went wrong. Help the siblings calm down. Fights bring out strong emotions and may lead to some kind of emotional trauma. Making them calm is not easy during a fight but for them to come to a mutual understanding, it's important. Fights can be avoided to a great extent if the parents treat their children equally and stop comparing them with each other. Distributing equal amount of household chores between them is a great way to start. Staying connected with children and promoting positivity and sharing, inculcating family values and relaying the importance of optimism will definitely help. PEER PRESSURE AND FRIENDS Monkey see, monkey do. So, it's very important to have good friends to stand by your side as they are more influencial than our own parents. Teens like to rebel. They will never miss an opportunity to act like an adult. Peer pressure can be the worst nightmare of a teenager's parent. They know that they have done their best to never indulge in harmful activities like smoking, alcohol, drugs etc. Teenagers are most likely to try atleast one because of the ever growing curiosity. Peer pressure an cause teenagers to even steal money from their parents' wallet or credit card to flaunt their rich lifestyle or acquiring the same product as their friends upon their parents' disapproval. To make your child ready for this inevitable circumstance, you must Build teenage confidence. Encourage them to try new things and upon success always praise them. Confidence will compel them to keep themselves way from people and situations that are not right. It will provide strength to resist negative peer influence. Make them accept themselves as they are. Make them believe that you care about them and never take a decision unfavorable for them. Self compassion comes in handy when dealing with stress and peer pressure. Teach them to say 'no'. It takes courage to say no to friends at this age but confidence is key. There will be situations when your child does not want to embarrass himself in front of his friends. But you can always teach some methods to politely decline an invitation. Such as 'No thanks, I have got to be somewhere right now'. Encourage your child to invite friends over. This will make you learn more about your child's friends and check whether is there a peer influence or not. This can be achieved by good communication and positive relationship. Try to keep your child's friends' phone number as it will be very useful. BULLYING This, perhaps could be the worst trauma a teen can suffer. It can be referred to as usage of force, harmful intentions, intimidation on a physically or emotionally weaker person or someone of lower grade. Cyberbullying is where the threats are given over the internet. Some of the signs of bullying may include that your child, Refuses to go to school or college Comes homes with damaged or missing belongings Isolates themselves Looks gloomy or nervous all the time Has bruises on their body Has difficulty in sleeping Parental role is extremely important here. You must actively listen to your child and show interest in all what's happened. Comfort him by reassuring that you are always with him. Tell him that what happened was not right and that they deserve to be treated with respect. Praise them for opening to you and sharing their feelings. The next step is to contact the school or college authorities and relay all the information and leave everything to them. The reverse is possible too, maybe your child is the bully. In such a case you must get to know more about their daily life, such as what they are doing in school, who are his friends, how often he gets involved in conflicts and his behaviour at home. It is possible that by bullying others, they are venting out their stress and anger. In this circumstance, you must contact the school and co-operate with them until your child leaves bullying others. Cyberbullying include, Spreading rumours online about people Excluding someone from a social group or games Stalking people online Creating fake accounts with real details of people Disclosing people's personal information without their permission Harrasing people online Cyberbullying can lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. To prevent this, you must beforehand let your child know about it and how dangerous it can be. Accepting requests from known people, not giving passwords, thinking before uploading or posting a photo or video are some of the precautions which you can teach your child. Symptoms of cyberbullying include, Low academic achievement Unusually longer use time of phone or PC Frustration and anger issues Homesickness and stays isolated If any of these symptoms are noticed, you must immediately approach your child and ask all the details, boost his confidence, let them know that you are there, avoid banning him from technology. These will help with their mood. As a parent you must instantly block the bully and note all the details and the messages as evidence, report to the required authorities, seek help from professional help from organizations. Parenting a teen is not the easiest thing in the world. Being careful and considerate every step of the way is essential. Adolescence shapes the future of your child. The values and virtues they learn Today, will last with them their entire life. Trying to become your child's friend is much more effective than approaching them as a parent.

Why do Baby Cry?

It could be beneficial to remember that your infant is really just communicating with you. In fact, research suggests that a baby’s screams are influenced by the language spoken in their home. German and French babies, for example, cry to distinct melodies. What specifically is your infant attempting to communicate, then? Here are a few typical problems that your young child may be attempting to express. Intestinal problems The digestive system of your kid is growing, and this process involves a lot of learning. Every step can make you cry till things are easy. Hunger The most frequent cause of crying in infants is hunger. Thankfully, taking care of it is simple. Your infant will relax once they begin to eat. Unless the item after that on our list starts. Gas It takes some practise for babies to learn to regulate their breathing while feeding, so they might swallow air at first. Make sure to burp your baby both during and after the meal to aid in the removal of gas. You can hold them upright under the arms while supporting the head, drape them across your arm, or put them over your shoulder. Have a burp cloth on hand to mop up any spittle. Soiled diaper Verify that the diaper on your child is clean. Their delicate skin will become irritated by poop, especially if they already have a rash. Avoid problems by smearing a layer of diaper cream over the diaper area every time you change them. Food intolerances and allergies If you’re breastfeeding, you know that everything you eat is passed on to your baby through your milk. Gluten, eggs and dairy can be difficult for your baby to digest. True food allergies in young children are rare. If you are breastfeeding you may want to change your diet. If your baby is formula-fed, talk to your doctor about switching formulas. Typically, solid food is introduced at 6 months. You should talk to your doctor about when to introduce common allergens like cow’s milk, peanuts, fish, wheat, and eggs. This schedule may vary depending on whether your child is at high risk of developing a food allergy – your doctor knows your family best! Other causes Aside from feeding and digestive issues, there are other reasons your baby might be crying, including: Fatigue Babies can become overtired if they stay up too long or are overstimulated. Your baby will signal to you that he is getting tired by crying, yawning, touching his face or pulling his ears, clinging to you, or moving away. Your job at this point is to get her to sleep. Try diapering, feeding, rocking, offering a pacifier, and darkening the room. When your baby gets sleepy, place him on his back in his crib or cradle. Body temperature Like humans, babies don’t like it when it’s too hot or too cold. Slide a finger down the back of your baby’s onesie to see if it’s sweaty. Touch your baby’s ears to feel if they are too cold. And then dress them appropriately.

How to Deal with Crying Baby

You’re cradling a crying baby (again) and wishing you were anywhere but here. What can you do to deal with this? Bury your nose in that soft spot on your baby’s neck and breathe in this heavenly scent. Then try these tricks: To calm oneself down. Okay, that’s easier said than done. But it’s worth it. Promise. Why does it work? It’s something called entrainment: we’re programmed to fall in sync with an external rhythm. This means your baby’s breathing and heartbeat will naturally follow yours. So hold her slow. Cluster feed. During the witching hour, your baby may want to nurse every 30 minutes or more. That’s perfectly fine. Hopefully they’ll sleep longer at night when they fill up their tummy with cluster feeding. Use a pacifier. All babies have a strong sucking reflex. You can try soothing your baby with a pacifier instead of offering your breast or a bottle. Not only will sucking soothe your baby, but all the saliva he swallows will help break down the milk that’s already in his stomach. Offer skin-to-skin time. You can soothe your baby by holding him naked to your chest (red alert: leave diaper on) so he can hear your heartbeat. Check for tourniquet syndrome. Make sure no hair is caught on your baby’s fingers, toes, or genitals. The hair could restrict blood flow and cause redness and swelling. It’s pretty rare, but keep your eyes peeled. What can help a crying baby? You can’t spoil your baby with too much attention. To calm a crying baby: First, make sure your baby doesn’t have a fever. In a baby, a fever is a temperature of 38°C (100.4°F). Call the doctor right away if your baby has a fever. Make sure your baby is not hungry and has a clean diaper. Cradle or walk the baby. Sing or talk to your baby. Offer the baby a pacifier. Take the baby for a stroller ride. Hold your baby close to your body and breathe calmly and slowly. Give the baby a warm bath. Pat or rub the baby’s back. Place your baby on his tummy across your lap and rub your baby’s back. Put your baby in a swing or vibrating seat. The movement can be calming. Put your baby in an infant carrier in the back of the car and go for a ride. The vibrations and movements of the car often have a calming effect. Play music – some babies respond to both sound and movement. Some babies need less stimulation. Babies 2 months and younger may be well swaddled and lying on their backs in the cradle when the lights are very dim or dim. Make sure the wrap is not too tight. Stop changing when the baby starts to roll over. Never shake a baby A crying baby can cause extreme stress. In fact, mothers are biologically wired to feel this stress. So when crying seems unstoppable, stress is building up in your body. Still, make sure you never shake your baby. Severe shaking can cause the blood capillaries in your baby’s brain to burst. Shaken Baby Syndrome can be fatal. If you’re feeling extreme stress when your baby cries, it’s perfectly okay to place your child safely in their crib and step back to take a few deep breaths. You can also ask your partner or a friend to do the caring for you for a while.

Handling a New born

New parents often worry they’ll hurt their baby by handling them incorrectly since newborns appear fragile, from their tiny fingers to their swaying heads. I can understand their worry, but many new parents don’t realise how resilient new-born’s are. If you make soft, supportive movements when feeding or changing a baby’s diaper, you won’t damage them even though you must hold a newborn with care and never shake the baby. No of the position, supporting the head and neck is crucial. Unless you’ve spent a lot of time with new-borns, their fragility can be intimidating. Here are a few basics to remember: Wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer) before touching your baby. New-borns do not yet have a strong immune system and are therefore susceptible to infections. Make sure everyone who touches your baby has clean hands. Support your baby’s head and neck. Rock your head when you are carrying your baby and support your head when you are carrying your baby upright or when you are laying your baby down. Never shake your new-born, either in play or out of frustration. Shaking can cause brain bleeding and even death. If you need to wake your baby up, don’t do it by shaking — instead, tickle your baby’s feet or gently blow on one cheek. Make sure your baby is securely fastened in the carrier, stroller or car seat. Limit any activities that might be too rough or springy. Remember that your new-born is not ready for rough play, such as B. being shaken on the knee or thrown in the air Try using the five Ss. Follow the five S’s to calm your infant if you cannot understand why he or she is crying. These activities will soothe the infant by simulating the uterine environment. Swaddle Hold the infant in either a side or stomach position. When it’s time for bed, always remember to put your child on his or her back. Shut up – Use the vacuum, hair dryer, fan, or clothes dryer to drown out any other noises. Swing – Rock the infant or put them in a stroller or automobile. Have the infant sucking on a pacifier. Practice will help you improve. Concern when handling a newborn is common. But as you practise, you’ll grow more accustomed to it. Additionally, our neonatal staff will ensure that you receive plenty of practise before you are left on your own.

Adhd and Mental Disorder

Do kids with ADHD suffers from other mental disorder ?  Mental illness is a very broad term. It refers to any type of condition that affects a person’s behaviour, action,  mood, or thinking . That can cover everything that range from mild anxiety to severe depression or bipolar disorder .  People with ADHD are usually seen to have difficulties in managing their emotions and organizing themselves. Mostly They tend to get into a trouble at school and elsewhere because of their inability to process information before reacting. IN reality, few medicine practitioners use the words “mental illness” to mainly describe kids with ADHD. They generally tend to refer to it as a “behaviour disorder.” Some might even refer to it as a learning disability  that can affect all areas of learning. Still, for some parents, the idea that their child has a mental disorder is quite difficult  to absorb and are worried  that their child will be stigmatized. Mental illness is actually more common than many people think of even in kids. In fact, about 20 percent of kids in America every year will be diagnosed with a mental disorder. Mental illnesses are health issues that are mainly caused by Heredity, brain chemistry , stress, and environmental factors all can play a role. We’re still learning about how the brain cells and body chemistry influence ones behaviour.  While being particularly in children, the disorder is mostly seen across all age groups except in geriatric individuals. ADHD affects people from all races , gender, and ethnicities equally. Psychological dealing with the brain of an individual with ADHD is different from what we see of an unaffected individual. Imbalances in the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain are commonly seen in the patients of ADHD.The front striatal circuit of the brains of ADHD patients has been the area of the major focus for several studies aiming to understand neural responses in ADHD patients. The Large scale trials with samples from diverse geographical populations are being carried out by various scientists across the globe to understand the patterns of ADHD, its prognosis, and its association with other concurrent mental health conditions in a better manner. We know that if a person suffers with ADHD he/she is more likely to experience a mental health problem. There’s evidence that anxiety, depression, inability in processing data, conduct disorder like persistent patterns of antisocial, aggressive or defiant behaviour, substance abuse, and sleep problems are all more common with people who have ADHD. Some people with ADHD  develop a symptoms of schizophrenia, including psychosis. Schizophrenia is usually a long-term mental condition. But the appropriate treatment can relieve the symptoms and enable many people to live a normal life, but relapse is likely if they do not follow their treatment plan properly . Technically, yes  ADHD is a mental disorder . But it’s a complex topic that can leave some parents and health officials confused or upset. The three main characteristics symptoms of ADHD are hyperactivity , impulsivity , and inattention . All of these impact a person behaviour, action,  mood , and thinking Ability . That’s why ADHD meets the criteria for mental illness. Inattentive Symptoms Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or while studying.  Has difficulty in keeping attention during tasks or play Does not really seem to listen when spoken to directly Does not follow  on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork or chores and tasks Has major problems in organizing tasks and activities Mostly Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort  Often loses toys, pencils, books, or tools needed for tasks or activities Gets easily distracted often forgetful in daily activities Hyperactivity Symptoms Fidgets with hands or feet  Leaves seat when being seated is expected Runs about  in inappropriate situations Has major problem in playing or working quietly Is often “on the go,” acts as if “driven by a motor” Talks  excessively sometimes  Impulsivity Symptoms Blurts out answers before questions have been completed by someone Has difficulty awaiting turn and are mostly aggressive to others Mostly Interrupts or intrudes on others


Good mental health is important for healthy teenage development, strong relationships and resilience. Strong and loving relationships can have a direct and positive influence on teenage mental health. Physical health is key to mental health. Encourage teenagers to stay active, eat well, sleep, and avoid alcohol and other drugs. If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, a great way to initiate conversation on the topic is starting by casually talking with your child.  WHAT IS PRE-TEEN AND TEENAGE MENTAL HEALTH?  Mental health is a way of describing social and emotional wellbeing. Your child needs good mental health to develop in a healthy way, build strong relationships, put faith and trust in those relationships, adapt to ever changing surroundings and deal with life’s challenges. Pre-teens and teenagers who have good mental health often: feel happier and more positive about themselves and enjoy life bounce back from upsets and disappointments have healthier relationships with family and friends do physical activity and eat a healthy diet get involved in activities have a sense of achievement can relax and get a good night’s sleep feel like they belong to their communities. One important thing to note is that adolescence can be a risky period for mental health problems because teenagers are going through many changes and challenges in a short period of time. This all happens while the teenage brain is still in the development process and maturing. PROMOTING GOOD TEENAGE MENTAL HEALTH Your love and support and a strong relationship with you and your partner can have a direct and positive influence on your child’s mental health. It can even reduce the chances of your child experiencing mental health problems. Here are some ideas to promote your child’s mental health and wellbeing: Show love, affection and care for your child and praise them upon success. Show that you’re interested in what’s happening in your child’s life. Praise your child’s efforts as well as their good points and achievements. Value your child’s ideas and opinions. Enjoy spending time together one on one with your child by conversing or playing  and also as a family. Encourage your child to talk about feelings with you. It’s important for your child to feel they don’t have to go through things on their own and that you can work together to find solutions to problems. Deal with problems as they arise to remove the burden that your child may suffer in the future, rather than letting them build up. Talk to trusted family members, friends, other parents or teachers if you have any concerns. If you feel you need more help, speak to your GP or another health professional. Physical health is a big part of mental health. To help your child stay emotionally and physically healthy, encourage your child to do the following: Keep active. Physical fitness will help your child stay healthy, have more energy, feel confident, manage stress and sleep well. Develop and maintain healthy eating habits. Get enough regular sleep. Quality sleep will help your child to manage a busy life, stress and responsibilities. Avoid alcohol, smoking and other drugs. SIGNS TEENAGERS MIGHT NEED HELP WITH MENTAL HEALTH It’s normal for children and teenagers to sometimes have low moods, poor motivation and trouble sleeping. These things aren’t always the signs of a mental health problem. But if you notice any of the following signs and the signs go on for more than a few weeks, it’s important to talk with your child. The next step is to get professional help. For children younger than 12 years, mental health warning signs might include: sadness a lot of the time a drop in school performance ongoing worries or fears aches and pains that don’t go away quickly loss of appetite or being picky with food problems fitting in at school or getting along with other children aggressive or consistently disobedient behaviour, or repeated temper tantrums sleep problems, including nightmares. For children 12 years and older, watch out for your child: seeming down, feeling things are hopeless, being tearful or lacking motivation having trouble coping with everyday activities showing sudden changes in behaviour, often for no obvious reason having trouble eating or sleeping doing less well at school, or suddenly refusing to go to school, TAFE or work avoiding friends or social contact saying they have physical pain – for example, headache, stomach ache or backache being aggressive or antisocial – for example, missing school, getting into trouble with the police, fighting or stealing being very anxious about weight or physical appearance, losing weight or failing to gain weight as they grow. TALKING WITH TEENAGERS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, start by talking with your child. Talking with your child about how they’re feeling shows your child they’re not alone and that you care. Also, your child might need your help to get professional support. Here are some ideas to encourage your child to talk with you about how they’re feeling: Say that even adults have problems they can’t sort out on their own. Point out that it’s easier to get help when you have someone else’s support. Tell your child that it’s not unusual for young people to feel worried, stressed or sad. Also tell your child that opening up about personal thoughts and feelings can be scary. Tell your child that talking about a problem can often help put things into perspective and make feelings clearer. Someone with more or different experience – like an adult – might be able to suggest options your child hasn’t thought of. Suggest some other people your child could talk with if they don’t want to talk with you – for example, aunts or uncles, close family friends, a trusted sports coach or religious leader, an elder or your GP. Let your child know that talking with GPs or other health professionals is confidential. These professionals can’t tell anyone else, unless they’re worried about your child’s safety or someone else’s safety. Emphasise that your child isn’t alone. You’ll be there whenever your child is ready to talk.

ADHD And Sleeping Disorder

The attention deficient hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD  is a  disease that begins in childhood and encompasses symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and may or may persist to adulthood. These symptoms majorly interfere with regular  functioning of individual at school, at work, and in social situations. ADHD is present in approximately 7% of the children, and  is more common to boys. For a majority of people the disorder continues into adulthood, by careful managing can greatly improve quality of life for people with ADHD. It is  estimated that nearly 25 to 50% of people with ADHD experience sleep problems, ranging from insomnia to other  secondary sleep conditions. Doctors are  now starting to realize the importance of treating sleep problems and the impact this can have on both ADHD symptoms and quality of life for ADHD patients and their families.  Beginning around puberty, people with ADHD are more likely to experience shorter sleep time, problems falling early asleep and staying on bed for very long, and a higher risk of developing a sleep disorder. Nightmares are also very b common in children with ADHD, especially to those with insomnia.  Even those children who are rarely hyperactive during the day may experience racing thoughts and a burst of energy at night that interfere with sleeping. For some, night-time offers the perfect opportunity to “hyper focus” on project, as there are less distractions. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to settle down for sleep and it can lead to a disrupted sleep-wake schedule. Over time, insomnia may worsen as people start to develop feelings of stress and anxiety related to bedtime. Many people with ADHD experience daytime sleepiness and difficulty waking up in the morning as a result of poor sleep during night . Others experience restlessness, non-refreshing sleep with multiple night-time awakenings, horrible nightmare . Sleeping problems in ADHD appear to hit differently to people depending on the type of ADHD they are suffering from . Individuals with predominantly inattentive symptoms are more likely to have a later bedtime then usually , while those predominantly hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are more likely to suffer from insomnia And sleeplessness. While Those with combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive symptoms experience both poor sleep quality and a later bedtime. Many ADHD symptoms are similar to symptoms of sleep deprivation. Among others, adult ADHD sleep problems include forgetfulness and difficulty in concentrating and focusing on things. In children, fatigue, anxiety, hyperactivity may present as being  impulsive and distracted . Sometimes it can be difficult to identify whether these issues are brought on by ADHD or by a lack of sleep. Such cases may lead to misdiagnoses or may allow sleep disorders to go undetected. Medical Experts therefore recommend screening patients for sleep problems before prescribing any medication for ADHD .  Some of the most common sleep disorders to watch for in people with ADHD include: Insomnia. Along with medications and trouble sticking to a schedule, there are other reasons for the people with ADHD are at high risk for insomnia. One may get a burst of energy at night, along with racing thoughts which make it hard to get to sleep. Even when you do sleep, it might not be restful  especially if you also have nightmares.  Circadian-rhythm sleep disorders. Our  body makes changes throughout the day to adjust to the amount of light and darkness in a 24-hour period of time . Sometimes the body may not be in tune with the cycle and might not release hormones like melatonin at the right time which in turn, can make it hard to fall asleep.  Sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea stop and start breathing throughout the night and suffer breathlessness . It messes with your rest period of the body and leaves you feeling tired.  Restless legs syndrome (RLS). Symptoms include limb discomfort and a strong urge to move your legs  And hands while you sleep. Some people describe the feeling as pulling, throbbing, aching, or itching inside there Forelimbs and Hind limbs .  Things to look out for symptoms of sleeping disorder in person with ADHD include: Trouble falling asleep and Trouble staying asleep Trouble waking up in the morning Waking up screaming out of anxiety Waking up coughing and suffering from breathing problems  like laboured breathing or pauses in breathing during sleep Strange noises during sleep Anger and Irritability Falling asleep in the middle of class Distractibility and difficulty in paying attention 1st stage of Treatment  involves asking the person about: About Their usual bedtime The general amount of time it takes them to fall asleep Problems Awakenings during the night Duration of Daytime naps Daytime and night time energy levels  The doctor may also give the patients a sleep diary. They’ll ask to use the diary to record the patients sleeping habits over several weeks. If the doctor suspects a sleep disorder, they may order different diagnostic tests other than the ADHD curing   .  Some lifestyle changes and home remedies that can help the patients ADHD with sleep disorders include: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day  Avoiding caffeine in the late afternoon  Avoiding alcohol and nicotine  Avoiding the use of electronics majorly  before bedtime Using the bed primarily for sleeping and never for activities like working, eating  Keeping the bedroom dark, and cool Getting enough exercise and physical activities during the day Avoiding heavy meals especially close to bedtime Establishing a relaxation routine before bed, such as reading books, listening to soft music , doing yoga, or taking a warm bath Using  a weighted blanket

adhd and infections

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common chronic condition  that affects millions of children all over the world and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour,Angerness  it also affects a person’s ability to concentrate and makes them easily distracted, impulsive, or excessively energetic. There are several medical  treatments available for ADHD, but another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet.  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a remarkable difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD Some research has indicated that genetic factors, family education, environment and dietary habits have some major association with people suffering from ADHD. If You have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder then , you may notice that you have strong and very unpredictable  emotional reactions to things that other people seem to take in stride. Heightened, over-the-top emotions with the disorder are very common for people carrying this disease , and the reaction can be in both positive and negative situations. It is also not unusual for person  with ADHD to feel physically hypersensitive to touch, sounds, light, even of the tags on clothing.  Studies have consistently documented that improvement with age in core symptoms are mostly accompanied by functional changes in cortical and cerebellar regions of the brain whereas basal ganglia anomalies seem to be a peculiar lifetime feature of ADHD, regardless of adult remission . Studies on structural anomalies and age-by-diagnosis interaction in the caudate and putamen have also supported the pivotal role of subcortical basal ganglia anomalies in the pathophysiology of ADHD which in turn gives observation about infections response of the patients .  Probably, a variable and complex interaction between predisposing genetic and environmental factors during the early months or years of life could affect the normal path of neurodevelopment of a child . Considering the above-mentioned structural and functional evidences, environmental factors influencing basal ganglia development should be worthy of investigation and further studies . For instance, a specific vascular vulnerability of the striatum due to its positioning in a border zone of arterial supply has already been suggested by a case-control study reporting on hypoxic and other perinatal complications  and by the review of some in vivo studies . A more recent study has shown  the negative impact of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the caudate nucleus in people suffering from ADHD.  Recently It has been reported that in China many children with ADHD also have allergic rhinitis or asthma. These children are more Venerable and   susceptible to the common cold or upper respiratory infections compared with normal healthy children. Additionally, the common cold or an upper respiratory infection may lead to some disease recurrence or worsen the symptoms of disorder in these children. Previous studies and some deep researches have determined that the ADHD may have a close association with allergic disease. Based on the clinically observed phenomenon and  studies, it was hypothesized that ADHD is a high inflammation  and immune‑associated disease.  Therefore, some scientists designed a clinical and animal experiments to test this hypothesis in the future. Immune system disorders may be a intruding  part of the entomology  of ADHD. The current report and outcomes of experiments may have implications for future clinical practices.  So the Patients with ADHD might be more prone to infections during there early childhood  stage and subclinical streptococcal infections during adulthood. Moreover, they seem to have an increased risk for basal ganglia autoimmunity by reaching adulthood. Both of these infections and the ensuing acquired autoimmunity could influence the neurodevelopmental process, by contributing, at least in part, to the ADHD pathogenesis.

Therapy of adhd Treatment

For children with ADHD the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) has recommends parent training in behaviour management as the  initial stage  of treatment, before medication is tried. For small children  the recommendations include medication and behavior therapy together , the parent training in behaviour management and other therapy of behaviour therapy and training are for adolescents.   Schools can also be a very important part of the treatment as well. AAP recommendations also include adding behavioural classroom intervention and school’s pupils and peers support. Good treatment plans will include the close monitoring of whether and how much the treatment helps the child’s with its behavioural activities  , as well as making changes as needed along the way.  The Behavioural  Therapy, Including Training for Parents:  ADHD affects not only a child’s ability to pay attention or sit still and concentrate at school, it also affects it’s mutual relationships with family and other children. Sometimes Children with ADHD  show behaviour that can be very disruptive to others. Behavioural  therapy is a treatment option that can help to reduce these aggressive symptoms ; it is often helpful to start behaviour therapy as soon as a detection of the disorder is made. The ultimate goals of behaviour therapy is to learn or strengthen positive behaviour and eliminate unwanted aggressive behaviour in children. it is usually most effective if parents and educators work together to help the child to come out of the situation.  For Children younger than 6 years of age For small children with ADHD, behaviour therapy is an important first step before trying any kind of medication because: Parent training methods in behaviour management gives parents the required skills and strategies to help their child. Parent training in behaviour management has been shown to work equally as medication for ADHD in young children. The Young children have more side effects from ADHD medications than older children. The long-term effects of ADHD medications on young children have  been well-studied and are have some major effects on child’s health.  For School going children and adolescents For  older children  AAP recommends combining medication treatment with behaviour therapy. Several other types of behaviour therapies are effective in treatment of symptoms , that including: The Parent training in behaviour management; Behavioural interventions in the learning environment The Peer interventions that focus on behaviour And basic behaviour Organizational skills training. These approaches are often most effective if they are used together, depending on the needs of the individual child and the family Other treatment therapies for ADHD  Try to exercise on most days   You don’t really have to go to the gym Everyday . A 30-minute walk four times a week is more than enough to provide the needed benefits. Thirty minutes of any physical activity every day is even better. Try to Pick something enjoyable stuff, so you’ll stick with it  Choose activities that will build your physical strengths or that you find challenging yet fun. Team sports can be a good choice for you because the social element keeps them interesting. Get out into nature Many Studies proves that spending time in nature can reduce the symptoms of ADHD. So you can Double up on the benefits by combining “green time” with some exercise. Try hiking, trail running, or walking in a local park to get some fresh air . Meditations Meditation can help children manage their ADHD symptoms in their everyday life and can help them control the behaviour that cause difficulties with family, friends, and at school. Healthy diet A good protein rich diet with lot of fresh fruits v, vegetables and animal products will surly help a patient of ADHD to overcome there problem of anxiety, hyperactivity and impulsivity.  Medication  There are Several different types of medications  to treat ADHD in children and adults Stimulants are the best-known by far and most widely used ADHD medications. Between 75-80% of children with ADHD have fewer ADHD symptoms when taking these fast-acting medications. Non stimulants were approved for the treatment of ADHD in 2002. They do not work as quickly as stimulants, but their effect  last up to 24 hours. Medications can affect different children differently and can have side effects such as decreased appetite or other sleep problems. One child may respond well to one medication, but not to other one . Healthcare workers who prescribe medication may need to try different medications and doses. The healthcare providers observe and adjust the dose of medication to find the right balance between benefits and side effects on different personality . It is important for parents to work closely with their child’s healthcare providers to find the medication that works best for their child. Problems associated with treatment The children receiving stimulant treatment for ADHD have long been the subject of scientific discussion. Conflicting results have been reported with some scientists indicating that stimulants  indeed affect growth in children, but  it only occurs during active treatment phase and does not compromise final height in children . Taken together different theories, and results suggest that clinicians should monitor the growth of hyperactive children receiving stimulants, and consider dose reduction in cases where  evidence of growth suppression occur. Another frequently concern about treatment of ADHD with stimulant medications is that it could lead to drug addiction and it causes in fertility. Young people with ADHD are the impulsive risk takers, and there is clear evidence that untreated ADHD especially with concomitant conduct disorder is generally associated with a three- to fourfold increase in the risk of substance misuse  and addiction.  Healthcare costs Healthcare costs for individuals with ADHD in have not been fully estimated, but evidence from the past records suggests that they are increased compared with age matched controls. The findings are likely to reflect increased injury following accidents and a rise in use of substance abuse services and other outpatient facilities, although poor ability to comply with advice on medication may also be implicated in the total cost. A study of the injuries to children with ADHD established that children with ADHD were more likely to be injured as pedestrians or bicyclists than children not suffering from ADHD and are normal . They were more likely to sustain injuries to multiple body regions, head injuries, and to be severely injured which required a good amount of money to be treated .The difference in these costs was basically due to a higher incidence of mental health problems in the family members of ADHD patients, which reflects the major stress and demands of living with an adult or child with ADHD. Indeed, ADHD related family stress has been linked to increased risk of major parental depression and alcohol related disorders.

Naps are Calming for Kids

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD) is a chronic disorder that begins in childhood stage of an individual and encompasses symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms generally interfere with functioning of the affected person at school, at work, and in social situations. ADHD is present in approximately 6-7% of children, and it is more common in boys. For a majority of these population the disorder continues into adulthood also , though careful management and proper treatment can greatly improve quality of life for people with ADHD. An estimated 35 to 50% of people with ADHD experience some sleep problems, ranging from insomnia to many secondary sleep conditions and  complain of restless nights and exhausted mornings. Doctors and scientists are starting to realize the importance of treatment of these sleep problems and the impact this can have on both ADHD symptoms and quality of life for ADHD patients and their families.  Sometimes, ADHD medications can cause many adverse reactions, other times your racing brain keeps you up. Just as there is no single reason for ADHD-related sleeping disturbances, there is no single solution that will works for everyone.    What’s the Connection Between ADHD and Sleeping disturbance ? With Beginning of puberty, people with ADHD are more likely to experience shorter sleep time, problems falling asleep and staying asleep for long duration , and a higher risk of developing a sleep disorder. The Nightmares are also very common in children with ADHD, especially those with insomnia. Sleep problems in ADHD is more likely to increase with age, though sleep problems in early childhood are a risk factor for future occurrence of ADHD symptoms. Even those who are rarely hyperactive during the day may experience racing thoughts and a outburst of energy at night that majorly interfere with sleeping.  Unfortunately, this makes very  difficult for individuals   to settle down for sleep and it can lead to a disrupted sleep-wake schedule. Over time, insomnia may get worsen as people start to develop feelings of stress related to bedtime. Importance of Sleep  A Good and sound sleep is a crucial part of our physical and mental well-being. We typically spend about one third of our lives asleep but when we miss out on sleep, we can feel fatigued , stress and struggle to concentrate. Sleeping disorder  are generally quite common and have been reported as one of the most common health conditions in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is possible that sleep disturbances can make ADHD symptoms more worse in affected children and adolescents .  Improving on the sleep quality has the potential to reduce ADHD problems and to have a positive impact on everyday life of the affected individuals, as well as their families A healthy sleep is important for the ability to focus and concentrate on work , pleasant mood, general health, and a overall Well-being of an individual . Unfortunately, many people with ADHD do not get the proper amount of sleep they need. In fact, around 35 % to 50% of people who have ADHD suffer from sleep problems. Sleeping disorder  and ADHD have a complex relationship but taking steps to improve sleep can also help to improve some of the symptoms of ADHD. A good  Sleep plays a very crucial role in supporting good mental health and helps us to regulate emotions. In turn, this supports better decision making by a individual  . Tips to have a good sleep  Try to a Create regular Wake-Up cycle  A proper Waking up  on time depends on the time of going to bed, and getting a full night’s rest. Try to Develop routines that will help you wake up happier and faster in the morning . These get-to-sleep and wake-up routines can be made simple by  listening to music each night, having coffee and reading the paper each morning. Try to Avoid Sleep Traps Try to find out your ADHD sleep traps and avoid them. If talking on the phone, watching TV, or checking e-mail keeps you up past your bedtime schedule , try to avoid them . Seek for help from family, so they know not to distract you from your goal. Calm and Slow Down Your Brain Once you’re in bed, with lights off, use ADHD-friendly tools that will help you to relax  a white noise machine, earplugs, or soothing soft  music can all slow down racing thoughts. Another solution is try to Concentrate on relaxing one muscle at a time, starting with your feet and moving up toward your head, slow breathing out each time you reach a new muscle group.

Adult adhd Difficulties in Concentration

Why it’s difficult to concentrate for the people with ADHD  ? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  is a chronic developmental difference that affects the parts of the brain that control attention, impulses and concentration. Common symptoms are short attention span, restlessness, hyperactive, aggression, and constant fidgeting and being impulsive. People suffering from this  condition lack the filters to ignore what is going on around them resulting in a lack of focus. It can occur to any people of all intellectual ability and is common in people with learning difficulties . so it is not just an inability to pay attention on a broad perspective it’s an inability of brain to control attention. Children with ADHD generally have a decreased  level of brain arousal, which in turn lowers their ability to screen out distractions like noise in the hallway, movement outside, or even their own inner thoughts and feelings. That can moreover affect a student’s ability to concentrate and focus , to pay attention, listen, or put effort into schoolwork. ADHD also can make a student fidgety, restless, talk too much, aggressive, hyperactive or disrupt the class. Kids with ADHD might also have learning disabilities that cause them to have problems in there school education.  The ADHD brains are naturally low on dopamine and norepinephrine, which control brain arousal , attention and concentration  levels. Other people may find that, when the situation demands for it, they can “buckle down” to all distractions and force their brains to focus. For people with ADHD, the advice to “just focus”  is maddening, it simply can’t be done by the individual .People with ADHD of the inattentive type have the major trouble paying attention to details, and more are easily distracted, they often have trouble organizing or finishing tasks and are more likely to forget routine chores such as paying bills on time or returning phone calls.  When the ADHD brain gets stressed  it tends to jumps into fight or flight mode. This  generally looks like a lack of motivation if You abandon your piles of laundry or half-done taxes and binge-watch Netflix instead. So try to Break this chain  by identifying the triggers that cause you to feel overwhelmed. For some, it’s hunger; for others, it maybe too many conflicting priorities.  Whoever must have  said “focus on what’s really important” might not have had adult ADHD. The conversations with people you value most, such as family and friends, and other important tasks that will advance your career,  everything seem almost impossible to stay concentrated when you have adult ADHD. The disorder makes it harder for your brain to focus on the details, so your mind wanders while others are speaking and at times This can be frustrating for you and to many others also .  But by changing your routine in simple ways can help you to come out of the situation.  Take  a deep Breaths  may seem very  obvious, but you’d be amazed by how many people forget this important step when they’re stressed out. Practicing simple meditation and taking deep breaths can help improve your ability to focus, as said by Shane K. Perrault, PhD, a clinical psychologist and founder of the ADHD Performance Clinic in Greenbelt, Md. “When you have ADHD, your blood doesn’t flow to a part of the brain where the high-order decisions are made,” he explained. The yoga, Meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax and better manage the symptoms. Try to exercise on most days   You don’t really have to go to the gym Everyday . A 30-minute walk four times a week is more than enough to provide the needed benefits. Thirty minutes of any physical activity every day is even better. Try to Pick something enjoyable stuff, so you’ll stick with it  Choose activities that will build your physical strengths or that you find challenging yet fun. Team sports can be a good choice for you because the social element keeps them interesting. Get out into nature Many Studies proves that spending time in nature can reduce the symptoms of ADHD. So you can Double up on the benefits by combining “green time” with some exercise. Try hiking, trail running, or walking in a local park to get some fresh air . Healthy diet  Try to eat smart as by Following a healthy diet can help improve many of your ADHD symptoms, including your inability to concentrate, Perrault said. People with adult ADHD need to be sure to start the day with protein rich breakfast as They are metabolized quickly, causing your blood sugar to spike.  Acknowledge the things you have done and try to dismiss  negative thoughts. Taking frequent short breaks during the lesson that can be helpful in making  the tasks more manageable. Try Breaking down the tasks into smaller more manageable chunks   dividing up questions groups and then asking learners to share their answers with each other encourages collaboration and peer support.  Keep your place a clutter free zone. Remove any unnecessary hanging  from the walls as they will only add to distraction.  Include various visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities. Vary the interaction patterns by giving students opportunities to work together in pairs, groups and individually on different projects . Playing memory and concentration games can help students learn to focus better and longer.

adhd Coach

The role of ADHD coach  Many children and adults with ADHD lack the major organizational skills, they are often losing things or becoming overloaded with commitments. They may struggle with managing their time, prioritizing there work , planning, persisting at tasks and sustaining motivation towards goals. The Coaching is a tool you can use along with medications and other ADHD treatment therapy  to help you get organized and reach your goals. While ADHD can have a positive impact on a person’s energy levels by making them hyperactive and creativity, it can also create different challenges in other areas of life. For instance, people who have ADHD might have difficulty in performing certain tasks, such as responding to emails, meeting deadlines, or following instructions. ADHD coach helps to tackle these and similar practical matters .The coach provides a supportive non-judgmental partnership in which the patients is encouraged to set  attainable goals and create an action plan to reach those goals moreover  An ADHD coach is a trained professional who helps the patients to come up with different ways to handle the responsibilities and activities made harder by  ADHD symptoms. What Is ADHD Coaching? ADHD coaching focuses on practical ways to deal with everyday tasks that might be tougher for ADHD patients . The process is a lot like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a type of psychotherapy that works to change the way you react to different situations. Coaching helps the individual with many lifesaving and important tasks the coach always looks after the children and teach them the following  Prioritization things  Motivation to do work Basic Organizational skills Planning and scheduling the tasks Problem solving skills  Stress management techniques Impulse management Help with Confidence and self-esteem building The Relationship and communication skills Memory improvement  Homework and study activities But while CBT and other organizational therapy focuses on your thoughts and emotions, ADHD coaching work  on larger perspective it teaches you how to adopt positive behaviour towards life . An ADHD coach will work with you to pinpoint and have a very close view on how ADHD affects you. Then, they’ll help you learn to solve your problem by your own.  Your coach will also be your  regular accountability partner who can encourage you as you work to change your habits. What ADHD coaching will help you to learn ?  An ADHD coach is a trained professional who works with teens and adults who have ADHD to address there life challenges directly. A coach will train you and can help develop and hone abilities in the following areas: Organization. The Time management, skills, task and project management, workflow, prioritizing, keeping records, multitasking, and organizing your home or office all this will be taught to you by your coach.  Managing emotions. This includes things like improving self-esteem, reducing stress and anxiety, personal empowerment and motivation to perform work in public with ease.  Developing new skills. Learning communication and social skills, problem-solving, interpersonal conflict resolution, punctuality, public speaking, and boundaries of things . Achieving goals. It includes the healthy lifestyle, career success, managing a household, accountability, and motivation Like other types of mental health counselling sessions, ADHD coaching can happen in a one-on-one setting  you can take this sessions in person, on the phone,  or in a group setting on a regular basis. Typically, sessions are around 30 to 60 minutes. You and your coach will decide how long your coaching periods need to be, based on your progress and the symptoms you have The coaching will  work best for people who are aware that they need help and feel ready to make a change. It can be especially helpful if you are a child , because your coaching can focus on time management and staying on task with assignments. A child with ADHD can also see it’s coach in their parents, or parents of a child with ADHD may see a coach separately. The teacher can help both the child and their parents learn more about the disease, and find new ways to approach life in more easier way with its symptoms.

Go-to diet for adhd Children

The go-to diet for children with ADHD  Foods that are rich in fibre  protein and carbohydrate may help kids with ADHD focus, concentrate, and learn. A healthy  Fibre , protein rich , and a complex carbohydrate, food take longer to digest and keeps blood sugar levels stable longer, which is super  beneficial for kids with ADHD, because any quick dips in energy can trigger behaviour changes and impact concentration Try Keeping these easy and healthy go-to food on hand to sustain their energy and avoid triggering symptoms.  Mini healthy Pizzas to Improve Concentration and Behaviour Mini pizzas are a fun, quick snack , easy and tempting food that your child will never resist and you don’t have to tell your kids they’re healthy. You can Make a mini pizza on a whole-wheat bread with low-fat cheese (that’s the protein source). Protein will improve concentration and possibly make ADHD medications work longer,  Fruit Smoothies and juices to Boost Brain Function Kids who have ADHD are hyperactive and get benefits from the vitamins, minerals, and fibre that fruit are rich in . Vitamin C and folate, in particular, play a direct role in helping brain functioning.  Orange juice, oranges, and strawberries are all good sources of vitamin C, and other beneficiary nutrients and they’re all smoothie-friendly so try adding mango, spinach, and avocado, Bananas, and other fruits to your kids smoothie to make it more wholesome and nutritious which will aid in the formation of neurotransmitters that affect behaviour.  Try Hummus Spread on Pita to Help Kids Focus Hummus is a Middle Eastern spread made from ground chickpeas and sesame seeds. It’s a great source of plant protein,  fiber and other vitamins and minerals . Chickpeas and sesame seeds also contain iron and folate, which may help with ADHD by improving functions like blood flow and focus, and concentration.  Have Peanut Butter on Whole-Wheat Bread to Build Memory For kids with ADHD symptoms and all other kids, too the healthy snacks should contain protein, which helps with building memory and learning. One classic idea: peanut butter which is an excellent source of protein spread  on whole-wheat bread is a great choice for kids to sharpen there memories.  Make Veggie Sticks With Tasty Dips to Entice Kids With Dampened Hunger When your child opens up the refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, being parents  you want them to see healthy snacks, instead of cookies, candies, or salty snacks, so Cut up fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, and sweet bell peppers into bite-sized pieces and leave them in the fridge for easy and healthy snacking. A healthful diet will surely reduce the symptoms of ADHD by reducing exposure to artificial colour’s and additives and improving intake of micronutrients needed by a persons body for normal functioning. Paneer, peanut butter, cottage cheese, and low-fat dressings made in olive oil and healthy sauces make great dips for cut-up veggies and may entice kids whose ADHD medications dampen their hunger.  Dried Fruits and Nuts to Boost Fiber and Protein intake Dried fruits are another great source of fiber and multivitamin for your child. They have little protein, but it generally go well with nuts, which can provide the protein needed in a healthy diet for ADHD. A dozen of almonds will net about 5 g protein. However, if you don’t watch portion sizes, dried fruits and nuts can quickly add extra calories to your child’s diet but That may not be a concern, since many kids with ADHD are hyperactive and need more calories . It’s recommended to divide the snack into small servings for your child so that they doesn’t overeat . Give Snacks With Hidden Nutrients to Cut Down on Sugar If your child with ADHD is a clumsy and fussy eater, one way to get them to eat healthy snacks is to disguise the healthy ingredients. Try baking a healthier version of carrot cake and cookies or zucchini bread. As a diet high in sugar can cause swings in your child’s blood glucose levels, exacerbating ADHD symptoms  but you can  cut the amount of sugar in the recipe by a quarter  without affecting the taste . You may also be able to substitute applesauce for the oil and other oil based food . Which Foods Are Good for ADHD and Which Can Make the symptoms more Worse? The snacks that contain a balance amount of protein and carbs are ideal for kids with ADHD. Keep a Watch on sugars and other processed food , low-fiber grains such as white rice, white bread, and white pasta. Avoid carbohydrate meals and snacks and try adding a protein rich sources like nuts, cheese, seeds, bean-based dips, yogurt, or milk allows the food to be delivered into the body in a steadier way that optimizes energy levels for conditions such as ADHD.

Bad School Grades and Adhd in kids

Every child gets the disappointing grade during there early school days And that’s very normal. Sometimes their own  shame is enough to set them on the right path for there future . Other times, parental influence and care is  needed to make sure it’s not the beginning of a pattern. Also Children with ADHD often have poor grades in annual school report card , low self-esteem, and an inability to interact appropriately with others. ADHD can make it so difficult for the child to control his behaviours that he appears to lose interest in whole  learning process  Effect of ADHD ON Academic Performance  ADHD impacts several aspect of the child’s life. During this phase of disorder He is forgetful, disorganized and impulsive. He has a hard time grasping simple concepts that most of his peers take for granted and make fun off . He gets easily distracted by everyday noises, such as a ticking clock, a bird in the tree outside the window, or a classmate sharpening his pencil and lose their concentration and get side-tracked several times during the study hours .  This kids have special needs and special care needs to be taken for their growth and development. They don’t have time to finish their lunch because they’re too busy watching the other kids on the playground. They may ask the teachers to go to the washroom but get distracted in the hallway and forget to go. These symptoms of ADHD  make a child’s day so difficult that by the time he gets home he’s in tears, or ready to have a meltdown. These everyday frustrations affect the child’s mental health, academic performance and inhibit the ability to learn new skills and concepts.  So, let’s have a look on how  you can help your child overcome some of the obstacles to learning caused by ADHD.  Identify  motivational patterns  by recognizing the symptoms and problems the child is facing you can help them to find out a relevant solution and building on special interests Towards learning . If your son stumbles in math, a learning-based computer game could make numbers fun to them .  Never punish poor grades.  It’s better to restructure time such as limiting instant messaging to your child to foster progress. Fear of punishment can block learning. Focus on a good  fresh start.    Praise your Childs ability  Try to Acknowledge  your Childs interest and abilities , the good attendance, the well-mannered attitude. Then identify and focus on areas of improvement. Assure your child that the grade does not make him a failure and that together you can find helpful strategies to overcome these grades.  Discuss Always try to discuss problems your child is facing towards learning and help them to  find out the solution. Ask them what’s making it so difficult for them to focus during their lecture series . Does the teacher talk too fast or is there any other disturbance . homework assignments incomplete? A structured routine is vital for the progress of your child . Give them time Kids always need some downtime to recharge after the school hours before tackling homework. Build homework into a daily routine that includes a protein snack for fuel, some physical playful activities a half hour of tube time, chatting with friends, or a daily chore like feeding the dog. Think proficiency, not perfection.  Some kids are slow learners , yet excel at music, art, or athletics. Nurture and acknowledge their gifts but discuss expectations. Rather than striving for straight  expect that your child be proficient in academic and social-emotional learning for their grade level. This includes lifelong learning skills, such as teamwork, group membership, problem solving, critical thinking, and communication. Keep a Eye If your child has ADHD, you can’t tell him to do his homework, and assume that he will do it correctly . Keep an eye on him to be sure he isn’t lost in a daydream thoughts, or doodling on his math assignment. If he appears frustrated or confused, offer your help to him to get back on track. He will feel confident and ready to start the day if his homework is complete in an organised manner.  Have a Morning Pep Talk with your kid  Kids with ADHD love to feel secure. Find the sometime to have a positive discussion with your child before school begins each morning. It may be at the breakfast table,  a walk session early morning, or in the car on the way to school. Assure him that you’ve double-checked his homework and it’s all ok , and that it’s neatly tucked in his backpack. Remind him to follow the rules and other instructions at school, and to listen when the teacher is talking. Give him positive reinforcement by motivating and telling him you know he’ll have a great day, and help him feel good about himself before he gets out of the car.  Meeting with the teacher Try to Learn about the learning style, rules, ways you can help your child, and access to tutoring. The more you learn and communicate, about your Childs abilities  the greater the chances of your child’s success. If you think a grade is undeserving call the teacher or counsellor and act as your child’s advocate Create a study area  Rather than on the kitchen table, have a specific, organised place where your child can study quietly, and away from  any distractions. with that in mind, the study area needs to be distraction  free. Smartphones and electronic are lethal to studying. Target weaknesses It’s always wise to spend more time on subjects that your child is struggling with. Give them confidence.  Never let your child  think of themselves as “dumb”. Remember, “the difference between a good student and a poor one  has more to do with diligence than intelligence” Don’t react on your Childs grade with disappointment. A poor grade marks is often a red flag for a potential problem area, not a measure of your child’s worth or your parenting skills. Collect your thoughts and respond in a calm, clear, humble and a understanding way. 

Parental Control

How to put parental control on electronic devices and other applications to monitor the activities of children (ADHD) .  Raising a child with ADHD isn’t like traditional childrearing of your normal kid . Normal rule-making and other household routines can become almost impossible to cope up for your child , depending on the type and severity of symptoms, so you’ll need to adopt different approaches that suits well to your child. It can become frustrating to cope with some of the behaviours which result from your child’s ADHD, but there are many ways to make there life easier. Owning a smartphone has become a new trend and also the necessity among children these days. Children want their own smart phones so they can use the  internet facility for their homework assignments, watch informative and funny videos, play games with their friends, use social media platforms, and stream online movies and TV shows. The internet puts the world at your fingertips on your mobile screens from laughing at your favourite shows to shuddering at the latest news, anything you want to access is just a click away. But that may be cause of your worries if you’re a parent or teacher . It is a good idea to allow your children to keep smart gadgets  but you need to make sure they stay away from all sorts of online dangers lurking on the internet all ranging from inappropriate content to cyber crime . Some kids innocently stumble upon adult sites while using the internet and some get contacted by these sexual predators. If you learn how to put parental controls on mobile phone of your kids, you can keep them safe online from all the traps . Children these days have access to multiple devices and gadgets so as a parent Make sure to project each of them by implementing parental controls. They are available on almost all internet-enabled devices such as computers, smartphones and gaming systems. Parental controls help reduce the risk of your child accessing inappropriate content on the web. In addition to setting parental controls, it’s important for you to monitor your child’s internet activity.  Some parents still think about what’s the right age to allow their children to have there own personal cell phones. Many researchers thinks children should not be given cell phones until they are 14. However, it may not be possible for most parents to stop their children from having a cell phone until that age Especially during these Pandemic time when the education also demands for mobile phones and internet . It’s a tricky situation for most parents and teachers since they do not want their child to come across adult, abusive content and the unwanted affecting games on the internet . At the same time, they can’t even stop them using cell phones to access social media when it’s the important part of there learning activities..  While it is becoming increasingly difficult and almost impossible for parents to prevent their children from getting addicted to their cell phones, we are going to tell you about some ways to set parental controls on your child’s phones to keep them away from harmful content. 1.Blocking inappropriate websites: You can Sign into your Microsoft account using the page. Find your child’s name and then click Content restrictions. Scroll to Web browsing and toggle Block inappropriate websites from off to On position. For blocking specific sites, add their URLs under Always blocked. To limit your child to only browse your restricted  websites, check the box next to Only allow these websites. Require kids to ask a parent before purchasing in the Microsoft Store: Find your child’s name and then click on Content restrictions. Toggle Needs adult approval to buy anything  Approve or deny their requests through your personal email address.   2.Using a Parental Control App Parents can use a parental control app to prevent their kids from online threats and inappropriate adult content . A parental control solution is one of the most effective ways to manage and control your kids active over internet.  There are Several parental controls apps that are available in the market but our pick is Secure Teen as it is regarded as the most advanced parental control solution and also it is very easy to use by parents for keeping there kids safe online.  Check out the following steps to use Secure Teen as a parental control app: Step 1: First, you need to open the Play Store and download the Secure Teen app. Step 2: then  Sign up for the service by choosing the needed pricing plan that suits your needs. Step 3: Once downloaded, you can install it on your child’s device by getting hold of it. Step 4: After installation, you need to log into your Secure Teen control panel and start controlling your child’s device usage and monitor all their cell phone activities such as phone calls, text messages, games, location, web browsing, social media accounts, YouTube etc.  Parenting tips for ADHD Parents must accept the fact that children with ADHD have functionally different brains from those of other normal and healthy children. While children with ADHD can still learn what is acceptable and what isn’t, their disorder does make them more prone to impulsive to their response to the other people and there rules and regulations.  Fostering the development of a child with ADHD means that you will have to modify your behaviour and learn to manage the activities and responses of your child. Medication and different therapy may be the first step in your child’s treatment. Behavioural techniques for managing a child’s ADHD symptoms must always be included in the treatment process. 

Exercises the Calming Therapy

How  exercises can help in calming the symptoms of ADHD in children  ?  The popular saying that physical activity has a positive impact on ADHD isn’t new, but a recent study has proven regular physical activity decreased the severity of the ADHD symptoms and improves the cognitive functioning of the child. A lot of people and health experts are talking about the future of exercise as a treatment for ADHD. Sports and physical activity  can increase your child's confidence and help them work toward goals. Team sports such as football, baseball, tennis are associated with greater benefits in children, as they demand more cognitive engagement. Traditional martial arts, and games particularly Taekwondo, emphasizes character development and self-control, has been linked to improved executive functions in children.  Exercises are associated with a boost in the brain’s neurotransmitters, including the cells and chemicals that many people with ADHD are thought to run short on. It also increases the amount of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) available, which plays an important role in child’s learning ability.  Overall, the self exercise is an essential part of a healthy and a happy lifestyle, and is important for optimal functioning of the brain and body . Take the account of sleeping problems, which are common in ADHD. One study proved  that physical activity may help the ADHD impact of sleeping difficulties in children. Indeed, a study showed that children with ADHD improved in math and reading skills after 20 minutes of aerobic exercise (going on a treadmill at an intensity between 70% and 75% of their maximum heart rates). Another study showed that 30 minutes of exercise before going to school can improve ADHD symptoms, moodiness, and peer functioning in children.  Exercise and the Brain functioning Exercise isn’t just good for toning muscles of the body . It can also help to keep the brain in shape, too. When kids exercise, the amount and mix of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters their brain releases change. Neurotransmitters include dopamine, which is involved with attention ,focus and concentration  . The different medicines used to treat ADHD work by increasing the amount of this same chemical in the brain. So it makes sense that a workout can have many of the same effects on children brain with ADHD as stimulant drugs . Exercise increases blood flow to the brain And other parts of the body. Kids with ADHD may have decreased amount of blood flow to the parts of their brain responsible for: Thinking Planning Emotions Behaviour Blood vessels  Exercise improves blood vessels capacity to stretch and brain structure in turn This helps with thinking ability. Brain activity Exercise increases activity in parts of the brain related to behaviour, focus and attention. So encourage your child  to Get creative! With Jumping jacks, sprints, and other bursts of aerobic exercises before and during class may prime your child’s brain for learning. Another way teachers can sneak in physical activity by Asking students to help hand out supplies, collect papers, or deliver messages. Wiggle chair or fidgets can also help with extra body activities.  Impact of green surrounding Research shows that green space loaded with plants has a positive impact on cognitive skills and symptoms in children with ADHD. One study even suggests that living in a residential area with higher density of green space in early life may lower the chances of developing ADHD. Exposure to outdoor activities Exposure to open space and outdoor activities like camping, fishing, Canoeing or just running around in the woods are just some of the physical activity that will make your child relaxed and calm it’s hyper behaviour.  Have quality time with your kids Get children moving after school! Take them for a walk or on a bike ride. Once your child is home, set a timer for atleast 30 minutes of physical activity before they start on homework or other sedentary activities. Make sure to reward your child afterward with sweet gestures  to increase their motivation . Extra Curricular activities  A karate class, swim lesson, or soccer practice are all great ideas to engage your child in there free time but running around the park works, too. Ask your child what they’ve learning in extra curricular  class, and encourage them to practice the all new skills. Health experts recommends  that kids get should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every day. How they get that physical activity done with bike riding, swimming, playing soccer, dancing – doesn’t really matter. But there is evidence that getting outside and spending some quality time in nature can calm some kids with ADHD.  Some More Reasons to Exercise Beyond helping your child with ADHD symptoms, there are many other reasons to get your kids to exercise. Engaging in regular fitness activities can help your kids to : Stay at the healthy weight It Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in a normal range Reduces the risk of diabetes It Improve self-confidence and self-esteem

ADHD and Selective Hearing

When Your ears are constantly picking up the sounds around you even when you aren’t actively listening then the Selective listening comes into the play  when you focus your attention on some specific information. Basically it involves consciously or unconsciously choosing to listen to what is relevant to you and ignore what isn’t.  How does the Selective Listening Works Your brain is constantly functioning to interpret what you see, smell, touch, feel, and hear. Many Research on how the brain responds to listening different sound has showed how selective listening works.‌ The auditory cortex is the part of the brain that processes the different sounds you hear and When you focus on a specific noise, it only responds to that sound. Even in a room full of competing noise, the neural response of your auditory cortex is only connected to what you selected to listen to and focus on.  Your brain can pick out certain tones, frequencies, and signals that it recognizes on its own to process further. You’ll find that in situations where you are surrounded by many noises, your auditory cortex will struggle to differentiate between different then our selective listening will suffer. For example, talking to someone with a deep, gruff voice at a monster truck rally could be difficult because the deep tones of the voice and the truck engines can be easily blended.  The complex work that your auditory cortex performs is what sets you apart from voice recognition technology. You can have a conversation with someone even in a noisy room, but your phone will have a difficult time picking out your voice among a mess of other sounds being produced.  The Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder among the general population. It often appears during childhood, when selective listening skills are just started to develop. Its symptoms include hyperactivity, inability to pay attention, impulsive aggressive  behaviour. People with ADHD generally have trouble with selective listening. Selective listening requires you to focus on one set of sounds Between the noise. If you have ADHD, your brain might face difficulty to tune out unimportant sounds, especially if you’re in a noisy environment. Still, research has proved that people with ADHD can improve their selective listening skills there is no formal diagnosis or treatment is available, but a specialist can help you.  children with ADHD  have trouble screening out background noise, so they pick up bits of the every surrounding sounds. The echo in a gymnasium or the hum of the air conditioner in the classroom interferes with the conversation that’s important .for them It’s like listening to the radio with interference from different stations garbling the reception. A child with the disorder typically tries very  hard to understand what’s being said that more likely he forgets parts of the conversation or doesn’t pick up on the nuances or subtleties of the words.  A study conducted at the new York looked at the effects of Ritalin on auditory processing in children with  ADHD and has proved that people with ADHD can improve their selective listening skills there is no formal diagnosis or treatment is available, but a specialist can help you. How to Improve Your Selective Listening  If your brain is struggling to tune out unimportant sounds and focus on relevant noises, you can improve your selective listening skills with the following strategies: Working With a Professional This Treatment includes a wide range of exercises that target specific auditory deficits. Therapy can range from computer-assisted software programs like  Earobics to one-on-one training sessions with a speech and language therapist.  How does it works:  To overcome sound discrimination problem, a professional trains the child’s brain to differentiate mixed sounds  first in a quiet environment, then with  noisy  background . To sharpen auditory memory, an audiologist uses sequencing routines such as having the child repeat a series of numbers and directions to exercise the listening to the muscle movement ” To manage language-processing problems, a therapist trains and encourage a child to ask a teacher, adult, or peer to repeat or rephrase an instruction provided .  For  School the Classroom accommodations can often include: Seating a child in the front of the classroom, away from notorious students who might be disruptive, will  enhance a child’s ability to listen. Asking a teacher to face a child while teaching , speak slowly, and use simple sentences when giving assignments can help an ADHD  student retain the information.  Avoid noisy environments When your ears are overwhelmed with many sounds at a time , it’s difficult to pick out the sounds that you want to pay attention to.  Turn up the volume Ask the person talking to you to talk a bit louder, turn up the volume when you’re listening to a podcast, or move closer to what you’re listening to. If the sound is loud enough, it will be easier to formulate   the information you need. Try to Pay attention to one thing at a time Avoid dividing your focus  to many sounds if you’re already having trouble focusing one . If you’re watching a movie and listening to a friend at the same time, for example, pause one and give your full attention to the one which is your priority.

Emotional outburst

EMOTIONAL OUTBURST  IN CHILDREN WITH ADHD  If you have a child with ADHD,  it’s very normal for them to experiences a strong emotional outbursts as well. This is because kids with ADHD are more prone to be emotionally unstable and impulsive, which means they are more easily frustrated, impatient, excited, angry and annoyed than other kids who are at the same age, sex and physical and intellectual developmental level as them.   In fact, around 60 to 70% of kids with ADHD have symptoms of emotional impulsivity. Parents often wonder why these emotional episodes happen to There children , and what can be done about them.  Many child psychologist who are specializing in ADHD, think that it is an important distinction to make. If we seek to understand why they act in the weird way, it may be easier for us to help them prevent and manage their emotional outbursts.  More than 60% of preadolescent children with ADHD experience an impulsive aggression, which is also known as affective aggression, and is characterized by strong, unplanned emotion outbreak , usually anger, and actions that often take place in the heat of moment. Children with ADHD  experience different emotions with a greater intensity than their peers without it. ADHD, panic attacks and anger can be connected , and some kids with ADHD experience very frequent outbursts of anger. Although common, these intense emotions breaks can make it hard for a child to maintain friendships and behave in school and at home’s. Understanding the causes of anger and frustration among kids with ADHD is very important  along with planning strategies for managing these intense emotions, can help prevent these short bursts of anger from causing long-term future damage as an adult.  some common symptoms are  Impulsivity Impulsivity is a symptom of ADHD that is often concern with the inability to focus and control behaviour and actions of the person. The impulsive nature of ADHD children means that if your child feels angry, they cannot communicate it in the right away.  Emotional Sensitivity Kids with ADHD generally tend to be very emotional, more sensitive, and feel things very deeply. They also have a very hard time in regulating those feelings. This can cause them to cry very easily or feel intensely angry anywhere.   Mood Disorders Moods change very quickly in the children throughout the day when you have ADHD. There can be many episodes of happiness, anger sadness, and frustration—all in one afternoon. Frustration Frustration is an emotion reaction that grows from challenges that stand in the way of goals. The ability to deal with these frustration is known as frustration tolerance. Low tolerance to frustration can mean that your child feels frustrated and gets irritated quickly, and this can quickly result in anger outbursts. STEPS TO HELP KIDS WITH ADHD MANAGE THEIR EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS Understand Why Your Child Is Struggling  At its base, ADHD is a disorder of lacking self-control and managing emotions is simply one part of that. Kids with ADHD have an underlying weakness in mental inhibition that negatively impacts executive functioning. The Executive functioning is our brain’s self-management system, which helps us plan things out , get our jobs done, and regulate our emotions. CONSIDER THEIR DEVELOPMENTAL LEVEL The executive functioning in kids with ADHD can vary from situation  to situation.  Therefore, when they’re having trouble in managing their emotions in the moment, parents should consider their developmental level, not their age, when responding towards them .  Stay calm  When your child is having an emotional meltdown, it may be hard for you to stay calm, especially if your child is acting loud  in a public place. But it won’t really help the situation if you’re both given up. Try to stay calm and talk quietly to your child; don’t shout. Seeing you acting normally may help your child calm down very easily.  Be understanding If you see that your child is getting upset or acting weird in public , ask them what’s wrong. Acknowledge what your  child is telling you and explain that you can understand their point of view. Children can find it reassuring that there parents can understands their concern.  Try to Encourage them to talk about their own feelings  Helping them to understand that  it’s not always okay to act on the feelings, it is always okay to talk about them. Try Managing good emotional self-control in your  interactions with your child. Try to avoid yelling shouting and threatening them . Praising your child’s efforts and help them to calm down, even when those efforts are not  successful.

Ways for Smooth Evening

Staying productive at school or at work all day when you have ADHD symptoms can suck up a lot of your mental energy, so it’s completely reasonable if you just want to kick up your feet and unwind with your favorited evening activity. Because  ADHD stress in the evening after a long tiring time is the last thing that you want to end your day with. After a long day full of managing things at school and work , you should relax and enjoy your evening with family.  Evenings can be jam-packed with some minimal must-dos things like food shopping, cooking dinner, overseeing kids’ homework, and getting through chores and nice-to-dos like working out, seeing friends, making quality time for your partner and family .so try to incorporating a few new habits into your evening routine will help you stay on track and help make tomorrow’s to-dos even easier and effective .  10 ways for the smooth evening time’s Try to Hit the gym after work Before going home, squeeze in atleast 30 minutes of exercise, and you’ll likely be rewarded with a boost in energy and focus for the rest of the night. But if you have No time for a gym session, Try to get at least some physical activity by playing in the yard with your kids or walking your dog out in nature . Drink a warm cup of tea Many people with ADHD find that a cup of warm chamomile or “sweet dreams” tea helps promote a better  night sleep. But Be sure to choose a tea that doesn’t have caffeine as caffeine makes it harder to sleep.  Eat a light healthy snack Too much food before bedtime can make sleeping little difficult, but many people find that a light healthy snack is helpful. Have dedicated quiet time Spending some quiet time in the evening helps the brain wind down and prepare for rest of the coming time . Try quiet focused self playtime for children, reading time for both adults and teens you can also try listening to relaxing music or soothing outdoor sounds, like running water or crickets, deep relaxation, and breathing exercises, visualization, meditation. Take a warm shower or bath.  Sometimes, simple things can be very effective and curative towards your day time stress . Having  a hot  shower in the evening is relaxing and will help you to fall asleep. Think positive thoughts  Though its quite difficult for anyone to change there thought process and may take some time to readjust your thinking but still you can try to think “happy thoughts” during evening and before your bedtime. Set aside all the worries and negative thoughts. Get into the habit of positive thinking everyday .  Wear relaxed clothing It may be harder for you to let your mind relax if the waistband of your pants is digging into your skin or your top itches. So try to get into your comfortable  clothes soon after you are back to home.  Turn off your phone Place yourself in a quiet location that is free from every kind of distractions, including alerts from electronic devices, such as text messages and incoming  calls and email. If possible, close the door or go into a space where you find yourself alone for the entirety of your meditation. Extra Curricular activities  A karate class, swim lesson, or soccer practice are all great ideas to engage your child in there free time but running around the park works, too. Ask your child what they’ve learning in extra curricular  class, and encourage them to practice the all new skills. Health experts recommends  that kids get should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every day. How they get that physical activity done with bike riding, swimming, playing soccer, dancing – doesn’t really matter. But there is evidence that getting outside and spending some quality time in nature can calm some kids with ADHD.  Try to exercise on most days  You don’t really have to go to the gym Everyday . A 30-minute walk four times a week is more than enough to provide the needed benefits. Thirty minutes of any physical activity every day is even better. Try to Pick something enjoyable stuff, so you’ll stick with it  Choose activities that will build your physical strengths or that you find challenging yet fun. Team sports can be a good choice for you because the social element keeps them interesting. Some More Reasons to Exercise Beyond helping your child with ADHD symptoms, there are many other reasons to get your kids to exercise. Engaging in regular fitness activities can help your kids to : Stay at the healthy weight It Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in a normal range Reduces the risk of diabetes It Improve self-confidence and self-esteem

ADHD and Rejection

WHY CHILDREN WITH ADHD ARE MORE PRONE TO REJECTIONS  The Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience multiple negative emotional outcomes as teens and adults. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) makes it harder for the individual to focus, pay attention, and sit still. Most people who have ADHD are also very particular towards what other people think or say about them. Up to 90% of children and adults with ADHD are more sensitive than usual towards rejection. And nearly 1 of the 3 say it’s the hardest part of living with ADHD syndrome . This condition is called rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), which is not a medical condition , but it is a another way of describing certain symptoms associated with ADHD. The “Dysphoria” comes from a Greek word that means “hard to bear or resist ” People who have RSD cannot handle the rejection well. They get very upset if  someone has shunned or criticized them, even if that’s not the case. Even after the evidence-based treatment, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is associated with poor long-term outcomes. These outcomes can be partly explained by difficulties in peer functioning, which are common among teens and children with ADHD and which do not respond optimally to standard ADHD treatments. Many health experts have examined whether peer rejection and lack of dyadic friendships experienced by children with ADHD after treatment contribute to a negative long-term emotional and behavioural problems and global impairment, and whether having a reciprocal friend buffers the negative effects of these  rejection. People who have this  condition generally work hard to make everyone like and admire them. Sometimes they might stop trying and stay out of any situation where they might get hurt. This social withdrawal can look like social phobia, which is a serious fear in the ADHD people of being embarrassed in public. RSD can affect a persons relationships with it’s family, friends, or a romantic partner. They belief that being rejected by other people can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Symptoms of People with RSD: Be easily embarrassed Generally People Get very angry or have an emotional outburst when they feel like someone very close has hurt or rejected them.  Set a very high standards for themselves they often can’t meet Have a low self-esteem Feel anxious, especially in social gathering Have problems with there relationships Stay away from social situations and withdraw from meeting other people Feel like a failure because they haven’t lived up to other there high expectations Sometimes they might think about hurting themselves Why ADHD makes it hard for people to cope up with rejection Most kids and adults with ADHD struggle with managing emotions . Being rejected by others can bring up a very strong and long-lasting feelings of depression and sadness.  Many kids have found there ways of making themselves feel better if they’re rejected.  But the executive functioning issues can make this kind of self-talk difficult for kids with ADHD. Handling rejection requires the chief executive skills that most kids with ADHD lack. These also include the cognitive flexibility and self-control. The Executive skills allow kids to come up with explanations for what happened and what they are going through inside to develop a plan to move on. This kind of thinking helps kids to put emotional things in perspective. But kids with ADHD generally get stuck here. They find it hard to shift their thinking from one thing to another and move on.  Kids with ADHD often  feel like they’re on different side from others . They’re more likely to struggle in school and have social issues of emotional control which can lead to poor self-esteem . They are also very sensitive and aware that they’re quite different from other kids.  In extreme cases, the rejection triggers such painful feelings that kids go to great lengths to avoid it And might turn to hurt themselves. They  spend a lot of there energy in pleasing other people, so they won’t be rejected by them . Or they may withdraw themselves from the situations that might lead to  rejection, like joining a games at recess.  This only makes them feel more isolated and lonely . And it can contribute to many mental health issues such as anxiety and depression , which are very common in kids with ADHD. Although treatments van improve functioning in children but , they fail to normalize long-term outcomes.  . 

Being Naughty is not ADHD

Every child is  little Notorious right from very small age and it’s quite ok for them to be , but if your child is too impulsive, overactive and hyper energetic , not able to maintain focus, and behaves in a way that affects learning and social relationships, he or she may need treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and it’s your call now to visit a doctor.  ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition  that affects millions of children all over the world and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour,Angerness  it also affects a person’s ability to concentrate and makes them easily distracted, impulsive, or excessively energetic. There are several medical  treatments available for ADHD, but another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet.  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a remarkable difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD Symptoms People with ADHD may experience following symptoms Behavioural: aggression, excitability, depression, fidgeting, hyperactivity, impulsivity, Disorganization and problems prioritizing. Poor time management skills. Irritability, lack of restraint, or persistent repetition of words or actions Cognitive: absent-mindedness, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, problem paying attention, or short attention span, learning disabilities.  Mood: anger, anxiety,  boredom, excitement, or mood swings and may lose control over behaviour.  As we have looked at the symptoms now have to look at the causes of ADHD: Smoking or Alcohol consumption by mothers during her pregnancy days . Heredity or genetic cause . Less than adequate weight of child during birth. Any acquired Injury to the brain. Environmental toxins like drugs and lead poisoning at a young age. How can it be treated? There are many treatment options available out there for the treatment of ADHD and the most popular ones are either: Through drugs and medication By the Use of stimulants, non-stimulants or antidepressants. Through therapy   Parents and teachers can help children   with stress management techniques by hiring a therapist.  A child with ADHD may have  one or maybe all the three of these characteristics of the disease, but the Noticeable symptoms will always appear before the age of 12 years and are mainly caused by abnormalities in the frontal regions of the brain. If you are worried that your child’s notorious behaviour could be a sign of ADHD, please consult your health expert because if it is left untreated ADHD can affect family relationships, social relationships and learning ability for long terms . When children whose ADHD remains untreated grow up, they are likely to feel isolated because they have no friends to play with and all there social relationship are also destroyed due to his behaviour. They  are quick temper, become easily frustrated and be oversensitive to what people say.   As a reminder not every child has all the following symptoms of ADHD .  Some of these symptoms are listed below: Are quite hyperactive Often loosing things easily at school Often fail to complete regular chores Generally Homework has many careless errors and messy Often have behaviour problem Mostly having problem with attention (easily distracted) Problem with concentration  Problem of impulsivity (engage in many dangerous actions without being aware of its consequence such as crossing the road without looking) Having difficulty in waiting Interrupt others while talking  Having learning disability Having low self esteem Often anxious, history of bed-wetting Children with  ADHD are quite smart but due to lack of proper attention and concentration  behind  affects their self confidence causing anxiety and depression which can worsen their symptoms.  To save your child’s future, happiness and education seek a psychological help for your child today! 

ADHD and Misconceptions

10 misconceptions about ADHD  ADHD is a  neurological disorder that usually affects children. In the world, about 9.4 million kids aged between 4-17 have been diagnosed with the disease in year 2021. Despite this huge number, a lot of people still have many misconceptions about it, which will definitely  effect there way of seeking and accepting treatment for ADHD. Although symptoms of the disorder were coined in the early 1900s. Back then, the diagnosis was typically thought to relate to the child having suffering family members with psychiatric problem, or it may be the result of poor parenting. Quite  Strangely , many of these stereotypes persist even today. Despite of the ground-breaking scientific reaches  and clear neurological findings, people still continue to harbour many inaccurate beliefs  and promote some false myths  about ADHD, which only perpetuate misunderstanding, stigma, and shame in the society.   So Here are some of the misconceptions about ADHD and recent research available to address them: ADHD isn’t a real medical condition. Fact: The National Institutes of Health science and research , And the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, also the American Psychiatric Association all have recognized ADHD as a medical neurological condition. In fact, it’s one of the most common conditions in that occur during childhood. Millions of kids and adults in the world have it. People with ADHD just need to try harder. Fact: ADHD isn’t  just a problem of lack of motivation or laziness. Kids and adults who have the symptoms of disease often trying as hard as they can to pay attention towards the work but sometimes it gets difficult for them.  People with ADHD can’t ever focus. Fact: It’s true that people with ADHD usually have problem with focusing. But if they’re really interested in something they like, they may focus on it intensely which is called as hyper focus. Only kids can have ADHD It is One of the most common myths about ADHD is that it only affects small children, if you are a teenager or an adult you cannot have it which is completely wrong. It’s true that more than one in 10 children in the world has been diagnosed with ADHD, but the disorder can  affect adults as well . ADHD in adults is  generally accompanied with other mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.  All kids with ADHD are hyperactive. The stereotype of kids with ADHD is that they race around with thoughts and can’t stop moving physically . But not all kids with ADHD have hyperactivity as a symptoms indicate . And for those who do, hyperactivity usually goes away or lessens as they get little older by age. Only boys have ADHD.  Boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed with ADHD disorder. But it doesn’t really specifies that girls don’t have it. They’re just more likely to be overlooked by there parents and remain undiagnosed. A Part of it also says that the ADHD can look different in boys than in girls . Girls tend to have less trouble with hyperactivity and impulse control as compared boys.  ADHD is a learning disability.  ADHD is not a learning disability but it’s symptoms can get in the way of learning, but they don’t cause difficulty in specific skills like reading, writing, language and math. However Some of the  learning disabilities may often co-occur with ADHD . But just because ADHD isn’t a learning disability doesn’t mean kids can’t get effected and needs help in there school. And adults also with ADHD can often need support at work, too.  Kids with ADHD will outgrow it. Most kids don’t totally outgrow ADHD symptoms, although some symptoms can lessen or disappear as they grow older  . Symptoms may also change as kids get wiser  and will learn ways to manage them .  ADHD is the result of bad parenting. ADHD is mainly caused by brain differences, and not by bad parenting. But some people can see kids fidgeting, being impulsive, or not listening and assume it’s due to a lack of discipline and coordination . They don’t realize that what they’re seeing are the major signs of a medical condition, and not the result of something called bad parents or caregivers did or didn’t do. Having ADHD ‘isn’t that serious’ While it’s a believe that ADHD isn’t life-threatening, but it can have serious implications on a person’s overall quality of life. As Compared to the general population, people with ADHD are more likely to suffer from: Anxiety Mood and the substance use disorders Meanwhile, one common experience among many patients with ADHD is that it’s difficult for them to keep up with work responsibilities, when they’re constantly monitored or on probation. Beating the stereotypes about ADHD The Lack of understanding and misconceptions about mental illness prevent the affected people from seeking medical help. By taking the time to learn  about ADHD, you’ve already made an effort to beat the general stereotypes.  We have to understand that the ADHD isn’t the punch line to a joke. If you suspect that you or someone  close to you has ADHD, don’t hesitate to talk about it to your specialist. 

Rituals and ADHD

Rituals and ADHD A person with attention and hyperactivity disorder may have a highly organized mind, an incredible ability to focus, and a clarity of vision which is beyond of our normal scope, but anyone with executive function problems still has problems counting, talking, following steps, noticing time, and keeping up to the program.  The best way for ADHD people  to form a new habit is to create a “RITUAL.”   That means identifying some behaviour changes that you tend to do the same way every day, and deliberately using that as a springboard to introduce a new set of behaviours that will provide you with your desired result.   How do you switch from a fun activity to  your boring studying schedule ? How do you transit  from studying for one subject to moving on to the next one ? In order to make these moves, many people certain behavioural approach called rituals , which they go through between different tasks.  This is particularly important when it comes to shifting from a very enjoyable activity to something that you need to do, but intentionally don’t really want to do it.  Remember, the ADHD brain has  wired  interest to operates in the “here and now,” conditions so it is important that you identify what will help you get to work on the things that are necessary for your school  job and future success.   Try to Examine your current habits:  You can Start by looking at what you routinely do every morning and find out What behaviour works for you.  Look to Create a new ritual:  Incorporate some of what you already do successfully into your new routine it will boost your confidence. Many rituals are more like routines that allow for more reflection and soul rewards than everyday boring  tasks. Creating rituals around health and wellness keep us focused on the final outcomes we want , you can dedicated exercise clothing makes working out feel special and going to the dentist or to give blood to patients makes it a date. Rituals around work keep you in touch with our higher purpose like when We prepare for meetings by choosing an outfit and packing up our props we become more efficient at work . If we are a pilots, we consciously go through safety steps before the final take-off. Rituals around connection  like going to church with our families every evening , reading stories to kids before bed, having meals with friends , all carve out time on the calendar for things that enrich our souls. YOU CAN TRY SOME OF THE BELOW LISTED RITUALS TO ENCOPERATE IN YOUR DAILY ROUTINE You Sit in the front of class to limit unnecessary distractions. Switch off your phone when doing homework. This will keep you away from being distracted. You can have a Talk with your teacher about your ADHD Symptoms . Some schools give students with ADHD extra relaxation with time to take tests. Some students often benefit from smaller class sizes. Others need special tutoring help. Your teacher can help you with the plan what’s right for you. Let your friends know what’s going on in your life . Sometimes we blurt things out on everyone and regret it later on. Or we end up doing silly, impulsive things. If this ever happens to you, let your friends know that sometimes you say things without thinking about them through. Apologize if you have ever hurt someone’s feelings and try to be extra careful in new situations. Use tools that will help you stay organized. Keep a track of assignments in your homework notebook or on a phone organization app. List the books and assigned readings material you’ll need to bring home. Set a phone reminders for classes and your other scheduled appointments, or write them down in your daily planner. Try to get plenty of exercise. Exercise will surely help people who have ADHD. If you feel hyper during school hours, talk to a teacher about taking activity breaks so you can stay focused and concentrate better when in class. Take activity breaks often while studying or doing homework and go for exercise.. By Following a regular meditation and mindfulness practice can help people train their attention and focus better. Meditation can lower stress and hyperactivity reactions too. Always Take pride in the things you do well. Having ADHD is just one part of your life. Make time to do things you enjoy, and develop your interests and talents Towards your goal . A more complex and interesting lifestyle, which is the birth right of anyone with a complex and interesting ADHD brain, moreover it becomes functional and successful with the support of an intricate web of overlapping and rewarding rituals and routines, so craft them with proper attention and care!

How to Build Confidence

Things to build confidence in your child  Self-esteem helps kids cope with there mistakes. It helps them to try again, even if they failed at first. As a result, self-esteem keeps a child motivated and helps them do better at school, at work, at home,  with friends and family . Kids with low self-esteem are usually unsure of themselves. And It’s very common for kids with ADHD to feel bad about themselves because ADHD creates challenges in all areas of their lives, from home to school to work everywhere . The Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has  been linked to low self-esteem , anxiety, and other emotional and mental health problems since very long . A research proved that ADHD children are up to four times as likely as other kids to develop symptoms of depression as they grow up.  It also the situation doesn’t help them and they often get negative feedback from all sides. Parents scold them for acting loud. Teachers reprimand them for not turning in their homework correctly . Peers tease them if they don’t fit in they would be discarded . Since Confidence can be a tough thing to build up especially for our special children .  As children get older, the confidence can be as important as some basic skills themselves. To thrive, kids need to trust in their own self  and capabilities while, at the same time, knowing that they can handle the failures  if they aren’t successful at something. Here We’ve put together some handy tips for you to help your kids out. If you’re still having a hard time even after trying these self-help ideas, don’t worry! We’ve also listed the ways you can find the extra support and work on boosting your Childs  confidence with your help. Don’t get upset about the mistakes Help kids to understand that everyone makes mistakes and the important thing is to learn from them, not dwell on them. Help them to be Confident around people don’t let fear of failure get on their way of success not because they’re sure they won’t ever fail, but because they know how to take setbacks in stride. It’s very natural that as parents you want to induce  confidence in your kids. Confident children believe in themselves and are able to face new challenges without any fear which is essential factors for a happy and fulfilling life. Make time for play Playtime is one of the best investments you can make in your Childs free time The hours you spend playing with your children makes them feel that they are valuable and worth of your time. Try to Focus your attention on your child during his playtime. Children are perceptive and will know if there mind is elsewhere. Dedicate your time and yourself to the game that you and your child are playing. That shared imagination and playful activities brings you closer together and lets your child know that you’re listening to them. Provide them with small jobs Children often need opportunities to display their skills and feel that their contribution is valued. You can improve your child interest At home, by asking them to help with household chores such as: Making food  Washing clothes and utensils Doing the dishes Sorting or folding laundry Washing the car Gardening Consider your child’s interests and give provide them with such small  job that allow them  to feel useful and successful. If your child is proud of their ability to organize, ask them to put toys properly in designated areas. When a child accomplishes these small task, they feel confident. Encourage them to try new things Instead of focusing all their energy on what they are already good at, it’s good for kids to diversify. Attaining new skills makes kids feel quite capable and confident that they can tackle everything that comes their way. Allow kids to fail It’s natural for any parent  to protect your child from failure, but trial and error is how kids learn, and falling short on a goal helps kids find out that it’s not fatal. It can also spur your kids to greater effort, which will serve them well as adults.  Praise perseverance Learning not to give up at the  frustration of failures or bail after ones setback is an important life skill. Confidence  is surely not about succeeding at everything all the time, they’re about being resilient enough to keep trying harder , and not being distressed if you’re not the best. 

What’s going on in the mind of ADHD child

Our little children are expected to be active, rambunctious, and impulsive. They often shout, play loudly and love to climb and run throughout the space. They squirm and fidget and love to be always up and out, exploring the world around them. It is something  unusual for kids to have trouble with listening, remembering, and following directions. This is all a normal trait of being a child. But For a child with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the, normal childhood behaviours looks quite different filled with challenges and are amplified. The common symptoms of ADHD are pervasive and chronic behaviour , disruptive, hyperactive and impulsive and these cause significant problems for the child at school, at home, and with friends and family. Many Researchers have given evidences  that some parts of the brain tend to be a little smaller and/or take longer to mature than usual in kids with ADHD. This doesn’t mean kids with ADHD aren’t smart or they are lacking somewhere from normal children . It simply means that parts of their brain take longer to develop.  These lags mainly happen in parts of the brain’s self-management system. This includes structures that play key roles in emotional, self control and a skill called working memory . If you have ADHD, you’re more likely to experience a mental health problem which may include anxiety, depression, sleep problems, conduct disorder (showing aggressive, arrogant or antisocial behaviour) and substance abuse. By the time young children reach  adulthood, these brain structures tend to become similar in size to those in adults without ADHD. This doesn’t really mean that ADHD goes away after  teen years, though. The symptoms of ADHD may change as kids get older, but ADHD is lifelong disorder . ADHD affects many other pathways too, like the frontal-parietal network which  plays a key role in making decisions and learning new tasks. Differences in this and other neural networks may help explain ADHD symptoms like mind-wandering and trouble with impulse and , hyperactive control.  Children with ADHD can become frustrated , irritate and overwhelmed very easily. They can also have trouble in regulating their emotions and struggle with there executive function issues.  They may  have difficulties in the following:  Planning Prioritizing Paying attention Remembering details They also tend to be less mature developmentally then there other peers . Some children with ADHD are very charismatic, renowned, and popular. For many others, however, the behaviour problems may result in rejection, isolation, and plunging self-esteem. Effects of ADHD on Kids behaviour  It can be very tough for some children to  live with ADHD. Children may experience a broad spectrum of emotional instability , including: Frustration Feeling lost Disconnection Confusion Overwhelm Restlessness Feeling out of control Living with ADHD can mean a lifetime challenges for children in all areas of their life. Sometimes it gets really hard for them to cope with their big feelings and lack of executive function, and they face difficult consequences At different places . At School: Inattentive behaviours during class can result in difficulty  finishing schoolwork, while hyperactive behaviours can disrupt classroom activity and lead to  anti disciplinary actions. Relationships: Children with ADHD can experience struggles in their peer and family relationships .  Tip for parents  Parents must accept the fact that children with ADHD have functionally different brains from those of other normal and healthy children. While children with ADHD can still learn what is acceptable and what isn’t, their disorder does make them more prone to impulsive to their response to the other people and there rules and regulations.  Fostering the development of a child with ADHD means that you will have to modify your behaviour and learn to manage the activities and responses of your child. Medication and different therapy may be the first step in your child’s treatment. Behavioural techniques for managing a child’s ADHD symptoms must always be included in the treatment process. 

Positive Things of adhd

Kids with ADHD have a special physical characteristics in their brains that lead to the symptoms of the disorder including the impulsive, hyperactive , behaviour and trouble paying attention. However, some of these characteristics can lead to benefits, too.  For example, hyperactivity (not being able to sit still and focus) can be a very  frustrating symptom of ADHD, but the flip side of that is it  provides the higher energy levels on average than in normal people  without ADHD,  Some positive qualities of people with ADHD are likened to superpowers and include: Good CREATIVITY AND SPONTANEITY Children with ADHD have exceptionally creative and versatile personalities. Their ability to “think outside the box” is one of their greatest strengths in the whole negative world . They find difficulty suppressing their unbounded clouds of creativity and imagination coming from their brain’s on default mode . Their hyperactive minds are  always busy in discovering amazing and exciting ideas.  Owing to their spontaneous behaviour and “go with the flow” nature, they usually don’t feel tied down to one plan; plus, they are always  more  willing to provide a contingency plan, as long as it seems intriguing.  ASTOUNDING PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS Children with ADHD tend to be great problem-solvers. If they get hooked somewhere on a complicated challenge, they will try to resolve it in an overzealous way  the situation may become too boring for them when there no longer a challenge.  They sometimes tend to come up with a  very simple yet effective solution to a problem that can be mind-boggling for the other person with a relatively great IQ.  HAVING ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY Many children with ADHD are often highly energetic. If they can channel their boundless energy levels into something they love, nothing can stop them from doing and achieving almost anything they set their minds to. HYPERFOCUS Though distractibility is the hallmark of the trait, people with ADHD can also become so engrossed in the things they love, that any form of distraction around them no longer bothers them In there path. Being hyper focused does really make them lose track of time and become oblivious to their surroundings, but it also helps them do whatever it takes to get the task done in a good way.  SPARKLING PERSONALITY Individuals with ADHD are quite bright, creative, and funny  often using self-deprecating humour to remind the world that perfection is wholly uninteresting to them. They’ve already faced challenges, learned a novel ways to manage their symptoms, and developed a sense of humility and self-respect along the way of regular rejections . All these traits add up to a person who is great pleasure to be around, and brightens others’ days with her warmth. RESILIENCE Living with ADHD comes with a great challenges and obstacles. The Daily challenges of ADHD include staying focused at work or school,  time management and procrastination, dealing with the symptoms that can somewhere affect social relationships, and remembering to take medications.  Facing these challenges is never  easy, but it takes a lot of strength and resilience. Resilience refers to having the mental strength to cope with stress, anxiety and hardship without relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms. SELF-AWARENESS Because people who have ADHD have to monitor their behaviour constantly , they often develop an increased sense of self-awareness. Because people who have this condition, monitor their own actions to be sure that they are not being always disruptive. Becoming more  self-aware means that people with ADHD are often skilled at understanding their own feelings , needs and finding ways to adapt in order to better manage their behaviours in any given situation and also find the solutions to there problems .  QUICK STARTERS.  While impulsivity is very ridiculous  symptom of  ADHD that often means that people with ADHD are quick starters. You can find them jump right in without worrying or doing endless research. If you are resistant to risk, resistant to change, hung up on process and procedure, you know it can take you forever to get anything done. People who resist change and will stick with systems even if they don’t work, or get stuck in analysis of paralysis.  GOOD IN CRISES. A recent  research found that the ADHD brain tends to produce more Theta waves than normal brains. Theta waves indicate a state of deep relaxation and calmness, to ADHD employees’ over-abundance of theta waves can make them great in any crisis.   Other health benefit  Ability to find different solutions to the problems Adventurous, courageous, thinking “outside the box” Being able to derive different patterns where others see chaos Are Able to talk about many different topics at a particular time Constant to evolution, and continual learning Some of the most stressful jobs are staffed by the people with ADHD They have a endless desire to try different and unique ideas, tasks and projects A Empathetic and intuitive approach Always bring Continual source , many new ideas, methods and strategies Are always Resourceful

Video game addiction in ADHD children

If your child spends long hours playing video games and sitting over his electronic devices , you might be worried about their health  as they are addicted to it . This addiction is commonly as the gaming disorder. The “Gaming disorder” is real, and has now been recognized  as a disease in the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD).  Gaming disorder is not just for kids – it can be experienced by gamers of all the age groups : from children, young teenagers , to mature adults. The condition generally is not defined by gaming too much, or the number of hours played, but rather it’s how the gaming habit interferes with a person’s daily life. Up to 25% of people who play video games report symptoms of addiction. Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for video game addiction, especially when playing games reinforces the properties of disorder . Warning Signs Some kids with ADHD  spend too much time in front of there device screen playing video games. Being a parent try to Work with your child to agree on rules about how long and when they can play. Also, be careful in checking that the video games are not replacing other activities kids should have, like social interactions, time with family, physical activity, etc. Make sure homework and other household chores are done before they pick up the controller or tablet. Signs that your child needs to ease off the gaming habit  include: Give Fits or throw tantrums when asked to stop playing Emotional Outbursts when losing Staying up all night or very late for playing Lies about how much time is spent on gaming Constant Video Gaming releases dopamine, the same brain chemical that can get you hooked on things like alcohol and other drugs.  Signs your child’s gaming habits are harmful include: If he starts Spending less time with family and friends and more time alone with the game.  Has a Obsessive thoughts about gaming Poor grades on school report cards Loss of interest in other activities they once enjoyed like playing with friends, eating favorite food  If you are worried about your child’s gaming addiction and his health , this below listed classification will help you identify whether they have a serious problem and if you need professional help for treatment . If you think your child’s gaming is a problem for him and his life , you can talk to paediatrician or a mental health professional. So what should you expect from professional treatment? The are two common forms of treatment  which includes  : understanding the gamer’s situation; the other focuses on learning new behaviours for the treatment . Treatment can often include various therapy sessions with an addiction counsellor. The sessions may take long  form of individual sessions, group sessions and/or family sessions. Each session dynamic has a different focus on ones health.  The second most common treatment  is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This  takes place in addition to counselling sessions. CBT is based on the premise that thoughts determine feelings and it is most commonly used to treat many psychiatric disorders, such as substance use disorders, depression , hyperactivity, impulsivity , and anxiety. CBT teaches the gamer different ways to think, behave, and respond to stressful gaming situations without losing the control . Other medical treatments proving to have some success includes the art therapy and exercise therapy. Many Researches  on suitable medication is also continuing. Tips to manage your child’s gaming addiction  Overcoming the addiction of video games, is like all other addictions, can be a difficult process. While most gamers will not like to be diagnosed with gaming disorder, but a child’s gaming habits can cause significant distress for parents. They may be concerned their child is spending too much time sitting over video games which is leading to an unhealthy and  unbalanced lifestyle. Here are some tips to supporting more healthy approaches to gaming for children : Try to Encourage sport and physical activity. As any physical activity can increase blood levels of serotonin and have a positive effect on mood and symptoms of problematic gaming addiction  Talk to your child : you can discuss about what they enjoy about gaming and why they want to game regularly. The answer from your Childs perspective will help you identify if there are others issues they may be experiencing and using gaming as an escape you can help them.  Find other hobbies. Start a collection of some sort of other activities like do some gardening, painting etc. Something else to keep your Childs  hands and mind busy.  Don’t stop cold turkey. Leaving a Video games, unlike other addictions, takes up a hell lot of time. Stopping altogether suddenly can leave a huge void in your life and cause you to relapse. The goal is to slowly curtail how much time you spend playing. Play in moderation.  You can set  a specific number of hours (or minutes) for your kid to play per day. You can Set a countdown on your phone. Once that timer goes off, ask them stop playing. Eliminate the systems you own. Between console, handheld, and  many other gaming systems, there just isn’t enough time in the day to play at all of them .  Instead try having only one system to play games . This will keep your child  focused, without feeling the need to play games on each and every system. Take a break every hour. For each hour of play , ask your child to stand up, walk around, etc. for a few minutes. Make them understand that It’s unhealthy to sit in front of a screen for hours at a time without a break. Try Include your family. There are a lot of enjoyable  games that families can play together. It will not only allow you to continue playing, but it will include your family in your hobby. Just remember to teach your children the moderation, and if you have to, limit their game time ask them patiently .  Seek help. There can be an underlying issue that causes such  addiction. Seeking a mental health professional if needed is not a bad thing and is nothing to be ashamed of. You can talk to your primary care physician about it as well and then go for appropriate treatment .

ADHD may overlap with other symptoms

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition  that affects millions of children all over the world and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour,Angerness  it also affects a person’s ability to concentrate and makes them easily distracted, impulsive, or excessively energetic. There are several medical  treatments available for ADHD, but another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet.  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a  difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD Patients with ADHD are frequently diagnosed with many co-occurring psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression, substance, drug or alcohol abuse, autism spectrum disorders, sleep disorders, learning disabilities, and antisocial, oppositional defiant disorder ,compulsive disorder  conduct, and/or personality disorders. Many of these disorders share some symptomatology with ADHD. Specifically, the  symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, moodiness, sleep problems, and excessive talking also correspond with a diagnosis of this common bipolar disorder. These symptoms generally  underscores the necessity of completing a differential diagnosis for all patients. Making the  accurate diagnosis  difficult, and also the misdiagnose is common. Around  70 percent of those with ADHD are diagnosed with other psychiatric disorder  at sometime during their life.   Some common disorders are :  ANXIETY AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER BIPOLAR  DISORDERBODY-FOCUSED  REPETITIVE BEHAVIORS  DEPRESSION DISRUPTIVE MOOD  DYSREGULATION  DISORDEREATING DISORDERS LANGUAGE PROCESSING DISORDER  LEARNING DISABILITIES OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER  SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER  SLEEP DISORDER STOURETTE’S SYNDROME Things That feels Like ADHD Some medical conditions have symptoms that overlap with signs of ADHD are :  Anxiety. You often worry about school, work, or other things household that are important to you and they might cause stressed, tired, and tense. You may lead to trouble in sleeping. Borderline personality disorder. This condition makes it harder for you to control your emotions. You may have intense outbreak of anger, depression, and anxiety that can stick around for hours or days.  This can lead to several issues like impulsive behavior, low self-esteem, and relationship problems. Disruptive behavior disorders. You may argue or feel angry a lot of times . Or you might act aggressively toward many harmless people or animals. With this you may end up destroying property, lie, or steal things. People with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) often lose their temper and get angry to blame others for their own mistakes.  Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is present in once neck  makes hormones that help your body work the right way. When it doesn’t make enough for you to sustain normal life ,you may have brain fog, memory problems, or trouble in focusing or sleeping. Learning disabilities. You have trouble learning or processing new information, even if you’re enough smart. It may get hard for you to pay attention, finish tasks, or stay organized. Mood disorders. Everyone gets  sad or feels hopeless sometimes. You feel this way a lot when you have a mood disorder like depression and anxiety. You may have a tough time focusing or you may end up feeling worthless. You might not want to do things you really enjoy. If you have this bipolar disorder, you feel really energetic and happy for a while, then depressed and sad . That can make it difficult for you to keep a job or do well in school. Schizophrenia. This mental disorder that can lead to problems with paying attention and controlling your emotions. You might also do things you wouldn’t do normally. Substance abuse. Problems at school or work , problem in memory, and bad judgment are  some of the few symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. ADHD can  make children more likely to drink alcohol, start smoking, or abuse drugs. Tics and Tourette’s syndrome. Tics make you twitch or jerk a lot, or make some sudden noises. Tourette’s is more severe  condition in children with ADHD. You may loudly repeat words or sounds, blink a lot, or move your arms or legs uncontrollably  In any condition .  Dehydration. Your brain needs water to function. Dehydration can lead to trouble in thinking clearly, paying attention, solving problems, and making decisions. Sleep disorders. You need a peaceful sleep to function. Not getting enough can make it hard for you to focus, solve problems, and make decisions. Try Getting the Right Diagnosis Several health professionals can help you figure out whether you have ADHD.  They include: Clinical psychologists Clinical social workers Nurse practitioners Neurologists Psychiatrists Pediatricians

Tips for a good start in school for children in ADHD

Launching the day is stressful for any parent,  especially for those of us whose children have attention deficit disorder (ADHD) — who are easily side-tracked. When your child has day-to-day routines and a good schedule to follow, this creates structure in their lives. Consistent house rules, expectations, and consequences that are clearly understood by your child help to maintain a predictable environment for there future. In a well structured and planned environment, your child knows what to expect and what he’s expected to do . This knowledge creates a sense of security to the parents and children , which is why most children benefit from structure whether they have ADHD or not.  Always try to Establish and review the morning routine by sitting Together with your child, create a chart that details the sequence in which each morning different  activity should take place. Help them to get into the habit of referring to the chart every day after waking up from the bed. For your pre-readers, use pictures to denote activities, such as a toothpaste advertisement clipped from a magazine to represent teeth-brushing time you can also use some cartoons for illustration which will catch your child attention. Or have your child make a tape recording in which he reminds himself what he has to do and when it id to be done. Always Plan for an early bedtime for your child as Catching enough sleep is essential for kids with ADHD. Start your evening routine of preparing food early enough for your child to get atleast  10 hours of sack time he needs to wake up physically and mentally refreshed .Have your child take his bath or shower everyday before bedtime . He’ll sleep better if there will be  less rushed item in the surroundings and less conflict  in the morning. Try Providing a protein-rich bedtime snack the Tryptophan is , the protein that occurs in milk, turkey, and chicken that , is a natural sleep inducer.  Any protein-rich snack about 30 minutes before bedtime is an very efficient get-to-sleep aid. Try eating oatmeal, whole-wheat cereal, an egg, some meat or fish, cheese, or pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Make some decisions at night only like Choose  the clothes for school the night before  Also try to set breakfast and lunch menus to avoid discussions about them in the morning. Ease into a new schedule. If your child sleeps  late during summer holidays, try to wake them up a little earlier each day. That way, they won’t act groggy when school starts. Try to Make bedtime a little earlier each night  so that they get enough sleep. Make them back on there ADHD medicines if you took a break for the summer. Post routines.  Put a list of the daily morning activities on the fridge or somewhere your child will see it easily before going to school . Write down everything they need to do before walking out the door, which may include : Get dressed. Make the bed. Eat breakfast. Pack homework. Pack your backpack, Take shoes, jacket, and lunch. Help your child to always stay on top of homework.  Get organized.  A Great tools for organizing your kid include: A regular calendar or daily planner A dry-erase   A leptin board to post due dates and reminders A desk organizer and storage bins for school supplies to ke ep their study area neat and clean and also free from distractions You can also get them a Color-coded folders or a multipack binder to keep assignments straight Put up a homework station. Choose one spot where your child can do their homework and keep it there every day so that it’s easy for you to check them. Make sure the place is away from distractions like noisy siblings and the TV. Maybe The kitchen table works well for some kids, since from there you can easily check in on them.  There seat should face a wall, not a window or a playful area . White noise, from an MP3 player or a fan, can help drown out sounds to keep their mind away from the work. Plan studying around medication. A child who takes ADHD medication regularly may study better earlier in the afternoon also, when the drugs are  in effect. They may have a difficult time in doing there task later in the evening, after they wear off. A specialised Teachers can focus on your child’s everyday needs. Every student with ADHD is different and Some need help paying attention and managing distractions, Some need help staying organized while Others need help getting started with their work, or finishing up work they start. Also students with ADHD have trouble staying seated or working quietly. So you can Ask the teacher how ADHD affects your child in the classroom and what you can do to help your child with schoolwork and stay focused during the lectures.  As a good Teachers can help your child succeed. Depending on what a student needs and his abilities , a teacher can do things like: Can make Seat a student where there are fewer distractions. Give instructions that are easily understandable  , clear and brief. Can make simple classroom routines and rules. Be warm, encouraging, and positive towards your child Praise there efforts. Help them with organization. Guide kids to slow down and take their own comfortable time. Give prompts to stay on task. Can Give breaks to move around in the classroom. May give extra time to complete work. Also Teach students how to check their work and catch careless mistakes. For older students,  Can Teach study some relevant skills such as taking notes, reading aloud, and prepping for tests. Help them to Break down multi-step projects and assignments into smaller parts. Teachers can also help to bring out the best in your child. When teachers looks for the best in their students, students see the best in themselves. Teachers can convey that every student can grow, learn, and succeed equally, whether or not they have ADHD

No not everyone has ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common chronic condition  that affects millions of people all around the globe and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of some persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactive and impulsive behaviour, that mainly affects a person’s ability to concentrate and makes them easily distracted, impulsive, or excessively energetic. There are several therapeutic and medicinal treatments available for ADHD, but another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet.  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a remarkable difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD Some experts has indicated that genetic factors, family education, environment and dietary habits have some major association with people suffering from ADHD. If You have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder then , you may notice that you have strong and very unpredictable  emotional reactions to things that other people seem to take in stride. Heightened, over-the-top emotions with the disorder are very common for people carrying this disease , and the reaction can be in both positive and negative situations. By the mention of Attention Deficit Disorder Association formally knot as the ADDA When people say things like Everyone has a slight symptoms of ADHD  these days, they mean everyone exhibits some  or the other behaviours like the symptoms of  ADHD disorder. By this they don’t really mean  everyone has a physical difference in their brains. It’s more like, “Everyone is a little bit of distractible, stressed  forgetful ,aggressive and impulsive these days ,people general don’t make these comments to be taken seriously . Moreover by this They’re trying to normalise the challenges and difficulties faced by ADHD PEOPLE. But declaring everyone has a little bit of ADHD is a little inaccurate. It is also hurtful and dismissive of the real struggles faced by people with ADHD go through everyday. The symptoms of ADHD exist within the central nervous system  in human . Most people lose their keys from time to time, They tune out late in meetings also late to class And they have trouble delaying gratification. But these behavioural activities are not the same as ADHD. They are human behaviours or experiences that occur for many other reasons to any normal person.  For ADHD, the reason is neurological in origin. It is not a choice, a fluke, or a bad day but a life time problem . ADHD is a brain-based, and a chronic syndrome. It gets in the way of the smooth operation and self-regulatory functioning of the brain. Ongoing neurological researchers find many differences in the ADHD brain. The structure, volume, chemical activity and communication pathways in the brains of people with ADHD are different than those of any other normal people . Scientists have also linked several genes to this condition. People with ADHD show behaviours resulting from this inner brain dysregulation. These behaviours include forgetfulness, aggressive, violent nature ,distractibility, impulsivity and an inability to focus. For people with ADHD, these some of the behavior pattern are disruptive behaviors . And these symptoms happen more often, with greater intensity, severity, and chronicity than for people without ADHD. Furthermore, when people with ADHD try to change, they often can’t course-correct the way others can. People with ADHD have more negative consequences from their challenges than the normal people with these symptoms. They earn less and incur more debt than there colleagues and tend to struggle more with academic and workplace performance. They even face greater risk of any physical injury. It is true everyone can be forgetful and be distracted sometimes; and it’s also true that the vast majority of people – around 90-95% – do NOT have ADHD following these symptoms. There’s No Vacation From Our Overwhelm With ADHD, this overwhelm thoughts can be constant. Even when lying on a beach, drink in hand and trying to enjoy . By all appearances of the peace. Our mind is still racing, worrying, planning, fretting, wanting to do something. Restless, jumpy, bored, lost in spirals of thoughts which never fully goes away. But it is not all that bad news either. Like many folks with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, everybody credit them for some of there strong suits , successes ans inspiration .  Knowing Always Makes a Difference A proper diagnosis of the disease is a gift. Finally understanding the cause, and finding the right tools to cure and reduce your particular challenges. Which may involve new habits such as Changes in diet, practicing yoga, exercising, mindfulness, organizing tools, and at times, medication.  People with ADHD have a special physical characteristics in their brains that lead to the symptoms of the disorder including the impulsive, hyperactive , behaviour and trouble paying attention. However, some of these characteristics can lead to benefits, too.  For example, hyperactivity (not being able to sit still and focus) can be a very  frustrating symptom of ADHD, but the flip side of that is it  provides the higher energy levels on average than in normal people  without ADHD

Forgetfulness and ADHD

Forgetfulness and ADHD  ADHD formally known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a cognitive neuro- development disorder which is usually diagnosed during childhood. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 9.4 percent of children and 3 percent of adults have ADHD. People with ADHD feel and process information differently than people who are normal in functioning. If you have the condition, you may feel that forgetfulness tends to occur very occasionally  , and you may find tasks that require using short-term and long term memory quite challenging.  Health experts  are still working to understand the exact impact of ADHD on the brain memory cells for children and adults.  Forgetting even small things, can be frustrating, if not infuriating. Failing to remember small and particular things, important events can spoil relationships And also can ruin your day for life .   Most of the  adults and children with ADHD tend to struggle with forgetfulness as an ADHD symptom. Forgetfulness can appear as a part of inattentiveness or just not being able to keep every bit of your thoughts together. The effects of ADHD  on memory? ADHD can cause adults and children to have difficulty focusing and remembering things.  People with ADHD may appear to be quite inattentive at times and are likely to forget important things more often. Specifically this is defined as inattentive type ADHD. They may also interrupt or express disruptive behavior in an individual .  The most common version of ADHD is a combination of these two symptoms, known as combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive type. The Biological cause is related to the brain  activity. The frontal lobe of the brain, which holds your impulse control, attentiveness, and memory, are likely to develop more slowly if you have ADHD .Working memory holds a small amount of information that your mind retain  as you’re working to complete a task. You can Think of it as the part of your brain that capture a phone number while you’re dialling it. Working memory holds only  a little  of data at a time while you work on completing something, “copying” the data from one place and “pasting” it to a another place before forgetting what it was. It’s human to forget small things occasionally, but for someone suffering with ADHD, forgetfulness tends to occur more often. This can include routinely forgetting where you’ve put something to do or what important dates you need to keep. Sometimes forgetfulness can be a great difficulty but not at the point of causing serious disruptions.  The bottom line is that forgetfulness can affect someone’s careers and relationships. Sometimes It can be easily be confused with carelessness or lack of intelligence by others if they’re not familiar with an ADHD diagnosis and other symptoms associated with the condition. Tips to improve memory with ADHD Many ADHD-related disruptive behavior can be modified with a little of lifestyle adjustments that can help you better adjust to the rhythms of work and home life. Firstly you can Try to avoid certain ingredients in your diet such as a food colouring ingredient and sodium benzoate have been linked to increased hyperactive behaviors in children.  Also Try avoiding allergy triggers that can affect your brains normal function. If you suspect that allergen exposure makes your ADHD symptoms worse, make a point of getting an allergy test to help avoid triggers.  Try an app ,planner Or a calendar that tracks dates and times for events, a key-dropping bin, or a charging station where data can be stored. These might help in reducing the stress you might feel trying to remember everything you need to. Try replacing caffeinated beverages with an herbal tea that uses all calming and herbal ingredients. Ginseng , tulsi and chamomile tea can be a good swap for starting your mornings off focused and refreshed. 

Best tips for getting things done for kids with ADHD

Some of the known symptoms of ADHD includes trouble concentrating, inability to focus, and difficulty sustaining attention. Living with ADHD can make it tough to stay focused and complete a task. But with the right tools and resources, you can get things done. Many researchers suggests that people with ADHD have trouble maintaining a sustainable attention for long, uninterrupted periods of time. For this reason, people with ADHD have major difficulties in staying focused and on task while performing  daily activities. This same research also found that people with ADHD  have trouble with selective attention that is focusing on one task for a particular  period of time and divided attention which means focusing on more than one task when compared to people who don’t have ADHD. This means that if you have ADHD, you might find it more difficult to pay attention on , whether on one task or multiple tasks, for a long time. There are several ways to manage your productivity and organize your daily to-do list, every thing from bullet journaling to mind-mapping. minutes Here are some of the top  basic challenges that may get between you and career success if you have ADHD : Staying focused on tasks Tuning out distractions Disorganization Taking on multiple tasks and not finishing them Failure to meet deadlines Paying attention in long meetings Missing important details in conversations Boredom Forgetfulness Communicating with others in a calm and effective way Feeling undervalued One Thing at a Time If your child has ADHD and you’re wondering how to make him stay productive, here are some tips to help your child  get things done. Try each technique until you find the one, that works best for you. Manageable Chunks Breaking tasks down into smaller  bits which can help you to feel less overwhelmed with all there is to do. When work feels insurmountable, procrastination can quickly take over your thoughts and it can be hard to get started on any task at all.  Use a Timer There are many way to use a timer that is For some people, setting a timer for 45 minutes of work followed by a 15-minute break can make life a little easier to get through the day. Shorter work or break periods may work better for other people. The trick is to be sure that the amount of time you allow for work is significant enough to complete a selected portion of the task at hand – and that break time is long enough to make you feel refreshed but short enough to avoid getting bumped  in a new activity. Planners Get into the a regular habit of actively using large calendars, day planners, daily to-do hit lists, and routines. Try to Stick with the strategy that works best for you. Calming Techniques Take a minute in between your hectic schedule to slow down and gather your thoughts. Sometimes If your feelings become too intense, excuse yourself from the conversation until you have better control Over your thoughts . Write things down to prepare, and rehears yourself for what to say to other people . . Create a buffer It can take some extra time to learn how to stay productive when you have ADHD, so manage to give yourself some wiggle room. If you think a task is going to take you 4 hours, then plan to carve out 8 hours in your schedule, just in case. It’s always better to overestimate than underestimate yourself. Encourage them to try new things Instead of focusing all their energy on what they are already good at, it’s good for kids to diversify. Attaining new skills makes kids feel quite capable and confident that they can tackle everything that comes their way. Allow kids to fail It’s natural for any parent  to protect your child from failure, but trial and error is how kids learn, and falling short on a goal helps kids find out that it’s not fatal. It can also spur your kids to greater effort, which will serve them well as adults.  Praise perseverance Learning not to give up at the  frustration of failures or bail after ones setback is an important life skill. Confidence  is surely not about succeeding at everything all the time, they’re about being resilient enough to keep trying harder , and not being distressed if you’re not the best.  Talk to them Always try to discuss problems your child is facing towards learning and help them to  find out the solution. Ask them what’s making it so difficult for them to focus during their lecture series . Does the teacher talk too fast or is there any other disturbance . homework assignments incomplete? A structured routine is vital for the progress of your child .


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can cause symptoms and major problems like   misunderstandings, frustrations, and resentments in some of your closest relationships. But there are many ways to build a healthier, happier  relationship with your closed ones. Relationships can be quite challenging in the best of circumstances – adding ADHD to a relationship  can make it become downright difficult. Misunderstandings and hyperactive behavior can lead to frustration and, if unresolved, can lead to resentment. ADHD symptoms create significantly more stress for the family. When you are aware of potential ADHD pitfalls, you can take some major steps to avoid them before they ruin it completely .  A Successful  relationships depends on consistently bringing our focus and attention to our loved ones. We show that we care , protect when we interact, listen well, and support our partners. For many people affected by ADHD, the key symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity impulsivity, forgetfulness, and disorganization negatively affect their relationships. The partners without ADHD can misinterpret their partners emotional  intentions, and sentiment resulting in increased frustration and resentment.  What can you expect when coping with ADHD’s symptoms effect on your relationship? It will vary based on your particular circumstances and symptoms and level of disorganization , but here are some common issues for a person affected by ADHD. While the distractibility, disorganization,  impulsivity , aggressive and rudeness of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  can cause problems in many areas of adult life, these symptoms can be particularly very damaging when it comes to your closest relationships Also. This is very true if the symptoms of ADHD have never been properly diagnosed or treated during childhood.  If you’re the person suffering  from ADHD, you may feel like you’re constantly being ignored, criticized, nagged, and micromanaged. No matter what you do, nothing seems to please your people, family members or friends. You don’t feel respected and obeyed as an adult, so you find yourself avoiding your partner or saying whatever you have to in order to get them off from your back. You wish your significant other could relax even a little bit and stop trying to control every aspect of your lifestyle. You wonder what happened to the person you fell in love with for whom you cared more that yourself .  you’re  relationship with someone who may feel lonely, lack of spark, ignored, and unappreciated. You’re tired of taking care of everything on your own and being the only responsible party in the relationship when your other half is not interested in you .  They never seem to follow through on any promises made in future, and you’re forced to constantly issue reminders and demands or else just do things by yourself. Sometimes it feels as if your significant other just doesn’t care About anything anymore. It’s quite evident to see how the feelings on both sides can contribute to  a complete destructive cycle in the relationship. The non-ADHD partner always complains, nags, and becomes increasingly resentful while the ADHD partner, has a constant feeling of being judged and misunderstood, gets defensive and always pulls away. In the end of everything nobody is happy. But it doesn’t really have to be this way. You can try a bit harder to build a healthier, happier partnership by learning about the role ADHD plays in destruction of your relationship and how both of you can choose more positive and productive ways to respond to challenges ,manage difficulties, and communicate with each other. With these strategies you can add a greater ,a better  understanding to your family relationship and it can bring you closer together. ADHD and Relationship Difficulties Although every partner brings their own sets of traits and baggage into a relationship, a partner with ADHD often arrives heavily laden with the following issues: Negative self-image Lack of self-confidence Shame from past “failures” These issues may at first be masked by their ability to shower their beloved with romance care, love, and attentiveness, which is a quality of ADHD hyper focus. However, the focus of that hyper focus inevitably shifts to impact negativity on relationship . When it does, a person with ADHD may seem to be barely noticed by their partner at all. This may make the ignored partner wonder if they are equally loved as they love the other person . This dynamic can strain a relationship to the end . The partner with ADHD might constantly question and interrupt their partner’s love or commitment, which maybe perceived as a lack of trust which  can drive the couple even further apart from ea each other  Understanding the role of ADHD in adult relationships Transforming your relationship starts with understanding the role that ADHD plays in a person which can hamper ones relationship . Once you are able to identify how the symptoms are ADHD are affect your interactions as a team, you can learn better ways of responding and understanding. For the partner with ADHD, this means learning how to manage your symptoms with calmness. For the non-ADHD partner, this means learning how to react to frustrations in ways that encourage and motivate your partner to have a positive outlook towards life.  Mutual acceptance and understanding of imperfections can go a long way in terms of creating empathy for each other.  Compassion and teamwork are on the top of the list of qualities that make a relationship with an ADHD partner work well. At the same time, you should encourage your partner to get medical help if you think treatment could help minimize some extreme symptoms. Proper Counselling sessions can also create more of the team atmosphere you both need. A relationship that involves someone with ADHD is never easy, but by no means is it doomed to the failure. The following treatment can help you to keep your relationship both strong and healthy: Medication Therapy Efforts to strengthen communication Mutual consideration for each other Commitment to a fair division of Responsibilities

Tips to deal with ADHD IN TEENS

The attention deficient hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD  is a  disease that begins in childhood and encompasses symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and may or may persist to adulthood. For a majority of people the disorder continues into adulthood, by careful managing can greatly improve quality of life for people with ADHD. There are several medical  treatments available for ADHD, the another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet, nutrition and exercise .  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a remarkable difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD.  Some scientific research has indicated that genetic factors, family education, environment and dietary habits have some major association with people suffering from ADHD. If You have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder then , you may notice that you have strong and very unpredictable  emotional reactions to things that other people seem to take in stride. Heightened, over-the-top emotions with the disorder are very common for people carrying this disease , and the reaction can be in both positive and negative situations. It is also not unusual for person  with ADHD to feel physically hypersensitive to touch, sounds, light, even of the tags on clothing.  Many people with ADHD have reduced symptoms as they grow older , but some adults continue to have major symptoms that may interfere with there daily functioning. In adults, the main features of ADHD may include difficulty paying attention at work, impulsiveness and restlessness behavior. And these Symptoms may range from mild to sever cases. During teen years especially as the hormonal and physical changes of adolescence are going on and the demands of school , counselling and extracurricular activities are increasing and the ADHD symptoms may get worse.   How Does ADHD Affect a Teen’s Life? Because of teenage problems with getting distracted and poor concentration, many children with ADHD have problems in school. There academic Grades may fall, especially if the teen is not getting a proper ADHD treatment. It’s not an uncommon problem for teens with ADHD to forget assignments, lose textbooks, and become bored with their daily routine work. Teens may become less attentive or excessively attentive, not waiting for their turn before blurting out answers When asked. They may get to interrupt their teacher and classmates, and they may rush through assignments quite often.  Teens with ADHD may also be fidgety, aggressive, violent and find it tough to sit still in class. Often, teens with ADHD are too much busy focusing on other things they forget about the task at hand. This can be seen especially with there homework assignments  and athletic skills and in relationships with peers. This lack of attention to what they’re doing often leads to bad academic grades on tests and being passed over for other sports teams, after-school activities, and also the peer groups. By taking the following steps into consideration, you can help your teen manage ADHD: Provide clear instructions, consistent expectations, directions, and limits. Set a daily schedule  for your child band keep distractions to a minimum. Support activities where your teen can have personal interest and can success (sports, hobbies, or music lessons, for example). Boost your teen’s self-esteem by affirming positive behavior. Try to Reward positive behavior. Set consequences for every bad behavior. Help your teen with scheduling and organization tasks . Keep a structured and easy routine for your family with the same wake-up time, mealtime, and bedtime pattern. Set up a reminder system at home and school to help your teen stay on schedule and remember projects that are due.  Be sure to include the homework time and playtime in the schedule. Kids may benefit from a visual representation of their schedule, such as a calendar , planner or list. Review this with them often So that it’s easy for them to remember tasks . Work with your teen’s  class teachers to make sure your teen is on task at school. Stay calm and focused when disciplining your teen. Always Set a good example. Teens don’t always show it, but the adults in their lives are very influential and important to them and they look Upto them for everything. Make sure your teen gets plenty of bed time . Set firm rules for the  scree use such as TV, computers, phones, video games, and other devices. Make sure all of these are turned off on time well before bedtime. Organize everyday fun items. Your child should have a well time and place for everything  Try to teach them to keep everything in its place. This includes clothing, backpacks, and school supplies. You yourself as an teenager can try the following to control your ADHD symptoms Try Sitting in the front row of class to limit distractions. Turn off your mobile phone while doing homework. This will keep you away from being distracted. Always remember to Take pride in the things you do well. Having ADHD is just one part of your life . Make time to do things you enjoy, and focus to develop your interests and talents. Identify the importance of healthy peer relationships Involve yourself in activities with  peers; choosing an activity your child is particularly good at or enjoys will help them have the self confidence to focus on engaging more with friends. Try to Set up social behavior goals with your child and a reward programs Try to Encourage social interactions if your child is withdrawn or excessively shy form people around.  Before your child goes to a public meeting , talk about what they should expect there and what behaviour  others might expect from them Don’t try to handle too much at once . Pick one or two habits to work on at a particular time.

The Benefits of Schooling for Child Development

The Value of Education Let’s examine the significance of education for kids. It is the main educational manual for kids. It gives kids the chance to learn about various aspects of education, such as people, literature, culture, math, politics, and a number of other subjects. This enhances the mechanism of reasoning. The surroundings and living become very different if you are exposed to stimuli from different cultural backgrounds. Spending eight hours a day in the same old building full of obnoxious kids of all ages isn’t as easy as you might think. Furthermore, the endless homework that accompanies the students only increases their hatred of the school. There is no doubt that school is frustrating and boring when you try hard to get good grades. However, school is important; That’s why your parents urge you to work hard. School absenteeism means you are missing out on an important part of your life. Among the few disadvantages that a person who goes to school encounters, it certainly has some positive aspects as well. Scroll through the lines below to learn more about the importance of school. Knowledge is power School is the basis of the basic knowledge that is imparted to the child. It gives children the opportunity to acquire knowledge about many different educational areas such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics and many other subjects. By gaining knowledge, a person is better able to help others. For example, you can calculate taxes easily and quickly if you study mathematics. Also, with better information, you can grab the attention of the meeting by actively participating in the discussion. A College Ladder You cannot enrol yourself in a college unless you finish your high school education. College is crucial for success and achieving your goals. You can get a nice career and live a better life with a higher degree. Unless you are one of the extremely few exceptions, you will not be able to support yourself financially without an academic profession. Enables social interaction You have the opportunity to interact with new youngsters your age by going to school. While some people just interact with their classmates, others develop intimate relationships that lead to lifelong friendships. On the other hand, you probably won’t be able to meet many such persons your age if you spend the entire day at home. Cognitive Function A school serves as a centre for learning and information. Students pick up knowledge in a variety of subjects, including history, politics, geography, arithmetic, physics, literature, and other subjects. These academic fields promote critical thinking and logical reasoning skills. All of these subjects improve students’ cognitive abilities. So, education improves brain capacity in this way. Confident and vocal The education gives students the self-assurance and communication skills they need. The ideas and thoughts of a pupil are expressed verbally. Every day a child picks up a new skill. We learn in school to ask “why” and “how”? In their schools, students study about the daytime and night-time climates, pollution, and other topics. As a result, when a youngster acquires knowledge, he comprehends the idea and the science underlying all of these aspects. He becomes informed about world events. He learns how to connect and socialise at school. He can defend his rights and uphold the duties after gaining information and learning. Development of the Body Every age involves the process of physical growth. The optimum setting for these advances is a school, though. Only when a youngster studies and plays with other kids his own age, can he properly use his energy and develop the best manners. The student also uses other school activities like sports, music, art and craft classes, and annual functions to channel his enthusiasm. The child gains health from these activities and learns how to channel their energy toward useful goals.

Quarries About Parenting

Being a parent is a difficult job, and no parent is flawless. Children and their parents have a special bond. A good parent will always make judgments that are in their children’s best interests and that will make them happy. A youngster will replicate their acts and adapt them into their own lives, therefore they must always keep this in mind. As a result, parents have a significant influence on a child’s development and health. Promoting a child’s physical, emotional, and social growth is largely the responsibility of parents. Basic Questions for parents to be addressed  Is your facility or home care licensed or is your home care supervised by an agency? Can I visit my child unannounced? (If the answer is no, ask why) How long have you been a childminder? What qualifications do you or your employees have? Does everyone have CPR and first aid training and have they been checked by the police? Ask for the certificates and documents. How many full-time and part-time employees does your facility have? If this is home childcare, does anyone else have access to the children? How much is it? Are there any additional fees? Will I be charged if I'm late picking up my child? Do you have a waiting list? What are your working hours? What is your sickness policy? What is your vacation policy? What is your cancellation policy? How many children are you currently taking care of? How old are you? Do older/younger children share playgrounds/activities? What is the maximum number of children you will take care of? Do you have separate areas for indoor games, outdoor games and naps? How often do the children play outside? what toys do you have Are toys for younger and older children kept separately? What activities will my child participate in? Is screen time limited or used at all? How do you discipline children? How do you deal with conflicts between children? What type of snacks and meals do you serve? Do you prepare a weekly menu? Is the facility or home non-smoking? What precautions do you have in an emergency? What documents do I need to submit for my child?

Relationship between baby behaviour and consciousnes

Early relationships and encounters with the world excite babies’ developing brains, influencing how they perceive and react to it. You’ll see various behavioural changes as your baby evolves and learns via these encounters, expanding his or her understanding of the environment. Your infant quickly learns to differentiate between you and everyone else. The major method your infant learns about the environment and how to behave in it is through your and other key caregivers. Additionally, your youngster will pick up a lot about manners from you. What brings joy to your infant The most significant individuals in your baby’s life will become close ties to them. They feel cherished, comfortable, and safe with these folks. It’s likely that your infant will favour one or both of you over everyone else if you or your partner are the primary caregivers. Similarly, your child might favour one toy significantly more than others. Your kid will behave differently if they are playing with their favourite toys or spending time with their favourite people. When your baby is content, they may smile and make contented noises. Even when they see their favourite individuals, your baby may wave or clap their hands. Know What your child is interested in Your baby is curious about lots of things. Because your infant still has a lot to discover about the outside world, this is. In order to learn what things are for, your baby will begin to play with them. For example, you might knock the sugar bowl over and spill your phone on the carpet or drop your phone into the cat’s water bowl. Due to the way that babies prefer to investigate the world, everything will likely wind up in your baby’s mouth as well. In an effort to see what occurs, your baby may also bite, pinch, or pull on your hair. In order to lay the groundwork for teaching your child future appropriate behaviour, it is a good idea to start setting mild restrictions around the age of 6 to 12 months. What elements have an impact on attention span?   Your child’s ability to focus can be affected by a variety of things, such as how they are feeling on any given day, outside influences that are taking their focus away from the activities, and even something as basic as the need to use the restroom or a need for a snack. It’s crucial to assess people’s attention spans when they are relaxed, having a generally good day, and have few significant outside distractions. It’s also crucial to consider how long your child can focus on different scenarios and how their general, daily interactions affect their attention span.  

What Is Temperament?

Children’s attitudes toward the outside world are known as their temperament. Consider your child’s temperament in terms of how much or little they exhibit each of these three characteristics: Reactivity is the intensity with which a youngster responds to something, such as an exciting event or not getting their way. Children that react quickly often have strong feelings. Children’s ability to control their behaviour, including how they express their emotions, is known as self-regulation. It also has to do with how well kids can focus and how persistent they are. Children’s sociability refers to how at ease they are in new situations or with unfamiliar individuals. Children are born with unique temperaments, and when your child was a baby, you probably know how to describe your child’s temperament. Match your upbringing to your child’s temperament You cannot change your child’s temperament. Your child is who they are and that’s great. But you can support your child’s development by adapting your parenting to your child’s temperament. You can help your child develop the positive sides of their temperament. And you can understand the situations that your child finds difficult because of their temperament and help them to deal with these situations. Here are some ideas on how to adapt your parenting to your child’s temperament. Parenting more and less reactive temperaments More reactive If you have a very reactive child, chances are your child gets very excited when something good happens. But your child might also be loud and dramatic when they’re unhappy about something, such as not getting their way. You may need to help your child respond more calmly – for example, by relaxing and using words for angry feelings. Reactive children are also often very physically active and may need a lot of time outdoors. You can support your child in his development, for example by encouraging him to try new sporting activities. But your child may also need help unwinding, so relaxing before bed can be a good idea. Less reactive A less reactive child is usually easy to get along with but may be less assertive. You may need to help your child learn how to stand up for themselves. For example, if you notice situations where your child might be more assertive, you could encourage your child to practice handling those situations differently. It Is also important to ensure that less reactive children are not left out of family discussions. For example: “Harper, you didn’t say much. Are you happy with this film choice?’ Children who are less reactive may also be less physically active. Your less active child will be happiest when they have plenty of opportunities to use their fine motor skills, like crafts or drawing. But maybe you need to encourage physical activity. For example, try a trip to the park to collect leaves for a collage. Or make sure you both walk to the library if you can instead of driving. Parenting more and less self-regulated temperaments Rather self-regulated Children who find it easier to self-regulate are good at remaining calm when they are experiencing emotions such as frustration or excitement. You can calm down more quickly after something exciting or exciting and are less impulsive. A child who Is highly self-regulated may also be better able to manage their attention. For example, they could probably keep going with something until it’s right. They are also good at dealing with setbacks and can handle tasks such as homework without much supervision. But they might be a bit of a perfectionist, so make sure they know it’s okay to make mistakes. Less self-regulated If your child has trouble regulating their attention, they need a lot of encouragement to keep going on difficult tasks. These children can easily switch from one activity to another. They can also be very creative. To help your child focus, you can try rewarding your child or making things fun using games and creative activities. Parenting more and less sociable temperaments Sociable If your child is very social, they will enjoy socializing with other people, having play dates and engaging in group activities. But you don’t need to keep organizing playdates and activities for your child because it’s also important for your child to learn to occupy themselves. Children with a more sociable temperament tend to be very adaptable, too, and cope fairly well with changes in everyday life. It’s great when you can bring lots of new experiences to your adaptable child, but make sure your child still has time with you. Less Sociable If your child isn’t very social, they’re probably pretty good at playing on their own and may not need a lot of help to find something to do. But maybe you need to help this kid make friends. For example, if your child doesn’t feel comfortable in groups or parties, you could try inviting just one or two friends over to a playdate at your home or the park. If your less sociable child is not very adaptable, they will enjoy being on a regular schedule and may not cope well with change. This can make it easier for you to plan things around your child’s daily schedule, but your child may also need help managing changes or transitions.

Self Esteem in Children

Self-esteem is defined as feeling good about yourself, believing in yourself, and being aware of your strengths. Children who feel confident in themselves: When things don’t go as planned, try different things and try again. Do activities they might not often find enjoyable or successful at Overcoming obstacles rather than avoiding them. Children learn and develop when they try new things, overcome obstacles, and overcome them again. Because of this, a child’s development can benefit from having high self-esteem. Infants’ self-esteem Babies who are newborns or very young children lack true self-esteem. This is due to the fact that kids do not yet recognise themselves as unique individuals. However, you can still set the groundwork for a strong sense of self-worth by Taking gentle care of your infant Answering your infant’s cries Providing lots of kisses and grins. These kinds of exchanges demonstrate to your infant that they are valued and lovable. Children’s self-esteem Toddlers are beginning to comprehend who they are, what they are capable of, and what makes them who they are. Here are some suggestions for raising your toddler’s self-esteem: Allow your child to make decisions about things that are safe for toddlers, such as which toy to play with or whether to put jam or vegemite on toast. This gives young children a fun sensation of control, which promotes self-assurance and identity development. Give your youngster the opportunity to refuse. Toddlers must learn self-confidence and that their actions have repercussions. Allow your youngster to explore their surroundings, but be available to help if necessary. Your toddler might be captivated by an ant but terrified when it creeps on their foot, for instance. You must reassure your child that it’s okay. Help your youngster navigate challenging social settings. Because they are still figuring out who they are and what belongs to them, toddlers may struggle to share and wait their time. Young children’s self-esteem Preschoolers at this age frequently enjoy making comparisons with others and will inquire as to whether they are the biggest, fastest, or finest at whatever they are doing. You may play a significant part in fostering your child’s sense of worth and assisting them in appreciating themselves. Here are a few tips: Give your child balanced feedback. This is a compliment to your child for trying things, doing their best, or trying something new—not for being the “best.” It encourages them to appreciate other people’s successes as well. For example: “Well done for racing and for doing your best – I’m proud of you. Let’s congratulate Sven on the win.” Explain that losing is a part of life. Ask questions like “Did you try well?” or “Did you enjoy it?” before asking “Did you win?” This shows your child that whether they won or lost, you value them—and encourage them you child to do the same. Play simple board games or card games together. Turn-taking games like these will help your child play cooperatively and get along with others. This can give your child skills and confidence in social situations. Encourage your child to help you around the house – for example setting the table or putting away the laundry. This shows your child that you trust them with responsibility, which will help make your child feel comfortable. Show interest in things that interest your child. For example, you could visit the library to borrow books on your child’s favourite subject. Or spend time together building, doing puzzles, kicking – or whatever your child enjoys. Elementary school-age children and self-esteem At school, children may compare themselves to their friends and classmates. At this age, self-esteem is related to many things, including how well children learn, how they look, how they do sports, and how easily they make friends. Challenges at school seem to affect your child’s self-esteem as your child may feel less capable than others the first time. But this will help them learn that they don’t have to be perfect at everything to be loved, valued, and capable. Here are some ways you can help: Give extra love and cuddles at the end of the school day. Focus on your child’s effort and the courage it takes to try new or difficult things. For example: “I know you were worried about dancing in concert, but you were brave enough to give it up.” Encourage your child to try again if things don’t go to plan the first time. You could say, “Go ahead, try again – I think you can do it”. This also strengthens your child’s resistance. Coach your child through difficult social situations—for example, “Try to show a big smile when you want to join in. People will want to play with you if you look happy.” You could start by trying to role-play these situations with your child.

The Fundamentals of Child Fighting

Disagreements among children are common; they are part of the process of learning how to get along. Fighting occurs when a disagreement becomes aggressive, such as by shouting or hitting. This is not uncommon in children who are still learning to control their emotions. Children’s fights frequently begin when children perceive an unfair situation, attempt to assert what they believe to be their rights, believe that others do not see their point of view, or perceive the same situation in different ways. An older child, for example, may see it as a joke to tease a younger child, but the younger child may not like it. Fighting can also occur between siblings when they compete for their parent’s attention or approval. Disagreements, fights, and problem-solving: learning opportunities Disagreements can provide an excellent opportunity for your children to practise the social skills they will need as adults. When disagreements lead to fighting, it can be an opportunity for children to learn other conflict resolution methods, especially if they learn that fighting does not get them what they want. When disagreements among children are resolved fairly and without causing harm to anyone, children begin to develop problem-solving skills such as negotiating. They also learn the value of seeing things from another person’s perspective and respecting other people’s rights, feelings, and possessions. As your children grow and develop better social skills, there will be less fighting. How temperament influences child fighting Children are born with their own temperaments, which govern how they react to and behave in the world. They could be adaptable or persistent, sociable or shy, for example. Children’s temperaments influence how likely they are to negotiate, argue, or avoid conflict. Temperament may also explain why some people are more prone to rage than others, or why they are less able to control their rage. It’s not always easy for adults to resolve disagreements without resorting to bad behaviour; imagine how much more difficult it is for children. How the environment affects children who fight Children learn to differentiate between differences by observing and mimicking the behaviour they observe in their surroundings. Children will learn to behave in this manner if they see you resolving your disagreements in a positive manner. This is known as modelling good behaviour. You can model behaviours such as: Discussing compromises calmly when you disagree with someone remaining calm when you’re angry checking the facts before you act reacting in a situation-appropriate manner listening to other people’s points of view Negative behaviour teaches children as well. When parents smack their children, the children are more likely to smack their brothers, sisters, friends, or even their parents. They’re also more likely to choose fighting if they see people being aggressive to each other all the time, especially their parents, older brothers and sisters, and friends.  Why children fight Here are some reasons why children fight with each other. Changing Needs – Children’s needs, likes, and dislikes change as they grow. So the reasons for fights differ depending on age. A toddler will respond to someone touching their toy, while a teenager will respond to caring for their younger ones. Individual Nature and Temperament – ​​Your child’s personality plays a big part in how they get along with others from the start. These include mood, outlook and adaptability. Sick Children or Children with Special Needs – Usually, children who have been ill for a long time or have special needs receive more attention from parents. This is one of the main reasons for the quarrel between the two children. Paradigms – The way parents resolve problems between two children creates in the minds of both children an image of the ideal path to fairness. They also see how their parents deal with problems and try to implement this in their daily lives.

How to Inspire Right Behaviour in Your Child

Children quickly analyze how to behave when they get positive, consistent practice from you. This means giving your toddler activity when they behave well, as a substitute than honestly making use of penalties when your little one does some factor you don’t like. Here are some practical pointers for inserting this first-rate technique into action. Tips for trying for appropriate behaviour Be a role model Use your private behaviour to guide your child. Your infant watches you get clues on how to behave – and what you do is regularly a lot greater necessary than what you say. For example, if you wish your infant to say ‘please’, say it yourself. If you don’t pick out your little one to elevate their voice, communicate quietly and gently yourself. Show your baby how you feel Telling your infant in actuality how their behaviour impacts you helps your little one see their own feelings in yours. And if you start sentences with ‘I’, it affords your child the hazard to see things from your perspective. For example, ‘I’m feeling upset due to the reality there’s so an awful lot noise and I can’t discuss on the phone’. Catch your baby being ‘good’ When your child is behaving in a way you like, supply your child with some great feedback. For example, ‘Wow, you’re taking part so nicely. I clearly like the way you’re preserving all the blocks on the table. This works higher than prepared for the blocks to come crashing to the ground before you take a look at it and say, ‘Hey, end that’. Bring yourself to your child’s level You can pick up on your child’s thoughts and feelings while you’re close to them. Being close by also aids in getting your child’s attention when you are addressing their behaviour. You don’t need to force your child to look at you if you’re near them and they’re paying attention to you. Pay close attention As your child speaks, you might show active listening by nodding and reflecting on what you perceive your child to be feeling. For instance: “It sounds like you’re genuinely upset because your blocks broke.” By doing this, you can assist young children in coping with stress and strong emotions like impatience, which can occasionally result in undesirable behaviour. Keep promises When you follow through on your promises, precise or bad, your child learns to have faith and admire you. Your toddler learns that you won’t let them down when you’ve promised something nice, and your toddler additionally learns now not to attempt to change your mind when you’ve defined a consequence. So when you promise to go for a walk after your infant preferences up their toys, make sure you have your walking footwear handy. When you say you’ll depart the library if your child doesn’t end up jogging around, be organized to depart straight away. Create surroundings for correct behaviour The surroundings around your toddler can influence their behaviour, so you can shape the environment to help your infant behave well. This can be as simple as making certain your child’s house has masses of safe, stimulating things for your infant to play with. Also, make certain that your infant can’t attain matters they ought to destroy or that might harm them. Choose your battles Before you get concerned about anything your infant is doing – particularly to say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ – ask yourself if it absolutely matters. By keeping instructions, requests and terrible comments to a minimum, you create fewer possibilities for combat and terrible feelings. You can use family rules to let anyone know what’s truly vital in your family. Be associated with whining If you provide in when your toddler is whining for something, you can by chance educate your infant to whine more. ‘No’ ability ‘no’, no longer ‘maybe’, so don’t say it unless you mean it.
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