DMRC Recruitment Government Exam | Application Form, Syllabus - Easy Shiksha

DMRC Recruitment: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 21, 2023


Tony Stark

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is a joint venture of the Union Government of India and the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD). It was registered on May 3, 1995, under the Companies Act, 1956. DMRC was incorporated with a mandate to construct and operate a world-class Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS).

DMRC also endeavors to become a Model employer which can attract the best of the talent in the country.

DMRC recruits the candidates through two channels:

  • Direct recruitment
  • Lateral recruitment

The number of vacancies notified in the DMRC notification is 1493. The highest number of vacancies are notified under the Regular-Non-Executive Category for Customer Relations Assistant. The eligibility conditions are prescribed in the notification for all the posts.

Almost in all the openings, applications are invited from engineers in various streams. DMRC issues the recruitment notification for the executive and non-executive jointly. The DMRC recruitment notification for the non-executive post attracts a large number of applications from the arts and maths graduates also.


Name of the exam DMRC Recruitment
Full form Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Type of Exam Recruitment/ Employment Test
Frequency of the exam Once a year for the respective posts
Application Fee 500
Test Cities Test centers across India
Exam Mode Online
Type of Questions MCQ
Medium Available English and Hindi
Official Website

DMRC Recruitment Vacancies

The DMRC has released a list of vacancies to fulfill its immediate requirements. Few positions are on a contractual basis, while a few are on a deputation basis from other government departments and a few are on direct recruitment basis.

Check this table to find the detailed list of vacancies, number of vacancies, and DMRC official notification.

Name of the Post Total number of vacancies
Chief Project Manager (Civil) 01
Claims Commissioner 01
Director 01
General Manager (Inspection) 01
GM (Electrical) 01
Supervisor (Track) 01
Senior Section Engineer/ Electric Loco Shed 02
Senior Section Engineer/ Rolling Stock 02

Exam Dates

The DMRC exam dates 2023 for different posts are different as the separate notification was released for each of the posts mentioned hereof. DMRC exam dates were released along with the recruitment advertisement official notification.

Few important dates of face-to-face interviews and final results are mentioned below:

Name of the post Important Dates Dates for Results
Senior Section Engineer (SSE)/ Rolling Stock Third week of May 2023 Fourth week of May 2023
Senior Section Engineer (SSE)/ Electric Loco Shed The first week of May 2023 The second week of May 2023
General Manager The first week of May 2023 The second week of May 2023
Chief Project Manager Third week of March 2023 Last week of March 2023
Claims Commissioner Last week of March 2023 The first week of April 2023
General Manager (Inspection) The second week of March 2023 Third week of March 2023
Director To be announced later To be announced later
Supervisor The second week of May 2023 Third week of May 2023

DMRC Exam Eligibility

DMRC has set certain parameters for appearing in DMRC recruitment 2023 for various jobs. The eligibility criteria may vary as per the job role for which a candidate is applying.

Here are some common eligibility points which a candidate needs to cover for DMRC Recruitment 2023:

  • To be eligible to appear in DMRC Recruitment 2023, a candidate must be an Indian citizen
  • Candidates must possess the required 3 Year/ 4 Year Graduation Degree/Diploma as per the job for which a candidate is applying for.
  • The applicant also needs to fulfill some Medical/ Health criteria to be eligible for Final Selection.

Candidates must check the DMRC Exam 2023 eligibility criteria for detailed information regarding recruitment of SSE, GM, Senior Project Engineer, Supervisor, Claims Commissioner, etc.

DMRC defines the eligibility criteria for each position in the official notification. The eligibility criteria are different according to the functionality and requirement of the job.

  • For technical jobs, an engineering degree is the minimum educational qualification.
  • A diploma in a particular branch is required in some of the technical supervisory job roles.
  • A graduate in any discipline is required for the non-executive and customer care executive positions. These positions attract a huge number of applications from graduate degree holders.

DMRC Application Form

This year the DMRC has released various openings for experienced professionals according to their immediate requirements.

The official notification and application form can be downloaded from the link given below in this article. The eligible candidates need to download the application form and can send their duly filled application through speed post or email the scanned copies of the application to on or before the last date of the application process.

However, it is notified by DMRC that incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected. DMRC shall not be responsible for loss/delay in post.

The DMRC recruitment 2023 official notification and application form a download link for various posts is given below.

DMRC Admit Card

DMRC recruitment 2023 admit cards will be released once the candidates are shortlisted after the application process. Candidates can check the list of shortlisted candidates uploaded on the DMRC website.

There is no other mode for downloading the admit card.

Steps to check the list of shortlisted candidates and download DMRC Admit Card 2023

  • Visit the official website of DMRC.
  • Click on - โ€˜Careers.โ€™
  • Now, click on โ€“ โ€˜Download Admit Card for the post of relevant post vide advertisement number.โ€™
  • Candidates need to type their Registration Number and Date of Birth.
  • Now, Click on โ€“ โ€˜Login/Submit/View Admit Card.โ€™
  • Now the candidate can see their Admit card for DMRC Recruitment 2020.
  • Candidates should take one or two colored printouts of the Admit Card, for examination purposes and also for future reference.

DMRC Exam Pattern

DMRC has made it clear that no separate communication, by post, will be sent to candidates individually. Candidates must go through the instructions/schedule for the interview displayed on the DMRC website and appear for the interview, accordingly along with original copies of testimonials.

As it is recruitment for some specific requirement, candidates will have to appear for a face-to-face interview within a short notice of 1-2 weeks.

The DMRC recruitment 2023 interview will be held at Metro Bhawan, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.

Exam Pattern for DMRC Recruitment 2020-21 was to be set by DMRC. Letโ€™s take a look at some of the details about the DMRC recruitment 2020-21 exam pattern:

  • DMRC Recruitment 2020-21 is to be conducted in offline mode for Assistant Manager (Electrical, Civil, and S&T) and SC/TO while it will be conducted in online mode for CRA, JE, Maintainer, and other posts.
  • DMRC Recruitment 2020-21 will consist of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
  • Where paper 1 will have subjects like GK, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Knowledge of Domain, on the other hand, Paper 2 is taken to check a candidateโ€™s ability in the English language.
  • Both the papers will consist of MCQ questions.
  • Both the papers will have Negative Marking. A wrong answer will lead to a deduction of 0.33 marks from the total score, where a correct answer fetches a candidateโ€™s 1 mark.

The following table may sum up the key details of the DMRC exam pattern:

Particulars Paper 1 Paper 2
Subjects General Awareness, Quantitative aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Relevant Discipline General English
Number of Questions 120 60
Type of Questions MCQ MCQ
Negative Marking Yes (โ…“) Yes (โ…“)
Time allotted 90 minutes 45 minutes
Medium Available English and Hindi English only

DMRC Exam Syllabus

DMRC Exam Syllabus 2023 is not subject-specific. It is for experienced professionals and as per the project requirement of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. So the DMRC selection process 2023 has only a face-to-face round of interviews. The interview will be based on the career, experience, and expertise of the eligible candidates.

However fresher engineering graduates, engineering diploma holders, ITI, and other aspirants who desire to get into DMRC must be well acquainted with the DMRC exam syllabus. It is expected that DMRC will soon release vacancy notifications for such candidates.

To ace DMRC Recruitment 2020-21, a candidate needs to study:

  • General Awareness
  • Logical reasoning
  • Quantitative aptitude
  • English, and,
  • The relevant discipline he/she has studied.

DMRC Exam Result

As per the official notification, the DMRC exam results in 2023 are expected to be announced within 1-2 weeks after the face-to-face interview round. The credentials of the candidates who appear for the interview and are found suitable for the post will be published on the DMRC official website

Candidates who had appeared in DMRC exam 2023 can follow the below table to get an idea about the DMRC exam expected cutoff. A list of expected cutoffs is prepared based on the studentโ€™s feedback.

Name of the Post General OBC SC ST
Assistant Manager (Electrical) 57 53 49 52
Customer Relations Assistant 56 51 46 36
Junior Engineer (Electrical) 66 61 55 49
Junior Engineer (Electronics) 58 56 46 42
Station Controller/Train Operator 47 43 39 35

DMRC Job Profile

There are four types of employees in DMRC viz. Regular Executive, Contractual Executive (for 2 years), Regular Non-Executive, and Contractual Non-Executive.

DMRC pay scale 2023 is as per the 7th Central Pay Commission. The gross salary for all categories of employees is different. Apart from basic pay, employees get some extra benefits like 35 percent perk, 30 percent HRA, and DA as applicable. Other benefits for DMRC employees include Travelling allowances, Life Insurance, Mediclaim, Gratuity, Employees Provident Fund, etc.

AFCAT 2023: FAQs

Q. Can fresh engineering graduates apply for the DMRC exam 2023?

A. No. The DMRC recruitment 2023 is for experienced professionals and as per the project requirement of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. Therefore candidates must read the eligibility criteria carefully before applying.

Q. Can non-engineering graduates apply for DMRC recruitment 2023?

A. DMRC releases various job openings every year for engineering and non-engineering graduates.

Q. What is the full form of DMRC?

A. The full form of DMRC is Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

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