LIC ADO Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

LIC ADO 2023: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 1, 2023


Peter Parker

LIC ADO is a sales administrative job. Candidates assigned to the post of Apprentice Development Officer are responsible for recruiting people as LIC Insurance Agents and inspecting existing policies.

Life Insurance Corporation of India is a reputed insurance group and investment company. Many candidates appear for various LIC Exams to get selected in the industry.

Recruitment to the post of an ADO is done through the LIC ADO exam conducted by the Corporation.

Latest updates:

The LIC Apprentice Development Officer exam or LIC ADO 2023 Recruitment is going to be conducted soon. The exam conducting body is yet to release the official notification of the LIC ADO 2023 Recruitment on its official website homepage.

LIC ADO 2023 examination is one of the most prestigious exams in the country.


  • The exam involves a total of 4 stages as Preliminary examination, Mains examination, Interview stage, and Medical Test.
  • After clearing all the stages candidates will be provided with the appointment letter for the Apprentice Development Officer post.

LIC ADO Full Form

LIC Apprentice Development Officer

Official Website

Exam Conducting Body

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

Post Name

Apprentice Development Officer (ADO)

LIC ADO Exam Date

To be announced

LIC ADO 2023 Vacancy

LIC ADO notification 2023 will be out soon, the exact number of vacancies will be revealed at that time. In the meantime, candidates can refer to previous years' (2019) LIC ADO vacancy.

LIC Region Names LIC ADO Vacancies
Eastern Zonal Office (Kolkata) 922
Central Zonal Office (Bhopal) 525
Southern Zonal Office (Chennai) 1257
Western Zonal Office (Mumbai) 1753
North Central Zonal Office (Kanpur) 1042
East Central Zonal Office (Patna) 701
South Central Zonal Office (Hyderabad) 1251
Northern Zonal Office (New Delhi) 1130
Total 8581

LIC ADO Eligibility Criteria 2023 (Expected)

Before candidates apply for the LIC ADO 2023 exam, it is crucial to know the eligibility criteria of the examination properly. Knowing the eligibility criteria is the first element of any exam preparation. All the eligibility criteria for the concerned examination are given below.

Age limit

The minimum age limit to apply for the LIC ADO 2023 examination is 21 years. The upper age limit for various categories is given below.

Category Max Age Limit
General 30
SC/ST 35
OBC 33
LIC Employee General 42
LIC Employee OBC 45
LIC Employee SC/ST 47
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) -General 40
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE) - OBC 43
LIC Agent or Other than Agent (such as DSE/FSE - SC/ST 45
Ex-serviceman (General) 42
Ex-serviceman (OBC) 45
Ex-serviceman (SC/ST) 47
Educational Qualification

The basic educational qualifications for various categories are given below.

Open market category

Graduation from a recognized university

LIC Employee only

Graduation from a recognized university

LIC Agent

Graduation from a recognized university

LIC ADO Work Experience Requirement

The work experience requirement for LIC Apprentice Development Officer varies for different categories and different areas. The table below shows the work requires a candidate needs to fulfil.

Category Rural Area Urban Area
Agent Category At Least 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post At Least 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post
Employee Category At least 5 years of experience as an agent or DSE/FSE. At least 4 years of experience as an agent or DSE/FSE.
Has brought a minimum of 5,00,000 net First Year Premium Income immediately preceding 5 financial years and a net First Year Premium Income of not less than โ‚น 1,00,000/- on 50 lives per year in any 3 of the financial years. Has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than 1,00,000/- on 50 livesโ‚น per year in any 3 of the immediately preceding 4 financial years.
Others Those candidates will be given preference who have 2 years of experience in the Life Insurance Industry. Those candidates will be given preference who have 2 years of experience in the Life Insurance Industry.


Step 1: Visit the official website of LIC, which is

Step 2: Navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the link which says โ€œCareerโ€

Step 3: Click on the LIC ADO 2023 notification link.

Step 4: On the next page click on the apply online link for LIC ADO Recruitment 2023.

Step 5:Fill the application form with the basic details and click on the submit button.

Step 6:Upload the photograph and signature and click on next to proceed for the payment screen.

Step 7: Select the appropriate mode of payment and pay the application fee.

Step 8: Print the submitted application form along with the fee receipt for future use.

Application Fee (Expected)

Candidates other than SC/ST

โ‚น 600/-


โ‚น 50/- (As Intimation Charges)

LIC ADO Exam Pattern 2023 (Expected)

  • Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary examination will be conducted in 100 marks and it will consist of 3 sections such as Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude and English. The total marks for the Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude 70 (35+35) whereas for the English section it is 30 marks. Candidates need to secure minimum qualifying marks to ensure their selection for the Mains Examination.
  • Mains Examination: The Main Examination will be conducted for a total of 150 marks and it will be online. Candidates need to obtain the minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for the next phase which is an interview round.
  • Interview: The last and final stage would be an interview round. The total marks for the round would be 37 (expected). After clearing this round, the Board will publish the final cut-off marks and successful candidates will be notified through email and SMS.
  • Medical Examination: This is a compulsory stage where qualified candidates need to appear for document verification and medical test. Clearing this round would make them eligible for the Apprentice Development Officers (ADO) post.

(a) LIC ADO Preliminary Examination

Sections No of Questions Max Marks Duration(min)
Reasoning 35 35 20
Numerical ability 35 35 20
English language 30 30 20
Total 100 70 60

(b) LIC ADO Mains Examination

Sections No. of Questions Marks Duration
(General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language)
Total of 120 mins
(Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector)
50 50
Total 150 150

LIC ADO Syllabus 2023 (Expected)

Sections Syllabus
Numerical Ability
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Mensuration
  • Percentage
  • Average
  • Speed
  • Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Mixture and Alligation
  • Data Interpretation
  • Probability
  • Stocks and Shares
  • Simplification and Approximation
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Inequalities
  • Number Series
  • Upstream and Downstream
  • Profit and Loss
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Inequalities, Direction Test
  • Blood Relation, Syllogism
  • Input-Output
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Reasoning
  • Analogy Coding-Decoding
  • Ranking
  • Alphanumeric series
English Language
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammar
  • Cloze Test
  • Para jumbles
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting
  • Paragraph Completion

LIC ADO Job Profile

LIC ADO is primarily a sales supervision job. The major task involves training the appointed LIC agents properly and help the recruited agents to sell life insurance to a maximum number of people.

Apprentice Period: During the Apprentice Period, Apprentice Development Officer will have to undergo Theoretical & Field Sales Training. The Apprentice Period will begin from the date of commencement of training.

Probation Period: The Apprentice Period will be followed by the Probation Period of one year or more. During this period, the job responsibilities will be the same as that of the appointed ADO.

  • ADO is a sales administration job
  • Recruit suitable candidates for LIC agents
  • Required to train appointed LIC agents
  • Analyse the performance of each agent
  • Motivating to sell maximum LIC policies
  • Assigning target quota
  • Maintaining the integrity of sales as a whole
  • Need to work in both Rural and Urban areas

LIC ADO Salary: LIC ADO Pay Scale

The LIC ADO payscale is as follows:


This means, on being appointed as an Apprentice Development Officer, the Basic Pay will be โ‚น 21,865/- per month (except for Employee Category Candidates).

There will be an annual increment of โ‚น 1340/- for the next two years. At the end of two years candidates, the Basic Pay will be โ‚น 24545/-.

After this, there will be an annual increment of โ‚น 1580/- for the next two years. The Basic Pay will be โ‚น 27705/- at the end of two years.

Then there will be an annual increment of โ‚น 1610/- for the next 17 years. At the end of 17 years, the Basic Pay will be โ‚น 55075/-.

In addition to the Basic Pay, the LIC ADO salary will also include various allowances and other benefits.

Considering the initial payscale and after combining all the allowances, the LIC ADO will be paid โ‚น37,345/- per month in โ€˜Aโ€™ Class City (LIC ADO Salary โ€“ approximate amount).

LIC ADO 2023 Preliminary Examination Expected Cut Off

Category Reasoning Ability Numerical Ability English Language
UR 18 - 20 marks 18 - 20 marks 10 - 12 marks
OBC 18 - 20 marks 18 - 20 marks 10 - 12 marks
SC 16 - 18 marks 16 - 18 marks 09 - 11 marks
ST 16 - 18 marks 16 - 18 marks 09 - 11 marks
EWS 18 - 20 marks 18 - 20 marks 10 - 12 marks

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to easily download the cut off marks for LIC ADO 2023 examination.

Step 1: Visit the official website of LIC, which is

Step 2: Navigate to the โ€œCareerโ€ section at the bottom of the LIC website homepage.

Step 3: Find the official recruitment notification for LIC ADO 2023 examination.

Step 4: Click on the link for cutoff marks and provide the required credentials.

Step 5: Candidates need to enter their Registration Number/Roll Number along with their Date of Birth/Password.

Step 6: A PDF file containing the cut off details will be available there to download.

Step 7: Check the Cutoff PDF file and use the Ctrl + F search option to find the name from the list.

Step 8: Download the cutoff PDF for future reference.

SBI SO Admit Card 2023

Date to be announced

How To Download LIC ADO Admit Card 2023?

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to easily download the Admit Card marks for LIC ADO 2023 examination.

Step 1: Visit the official website of LIC, which is

Step 2: Navigate to the โ€œCareerโ€ section at the bottom of the LIC website homepage.

Step 3: Find the official recruitment notification for LIC ADO 2023 examination.

Step 4: Click on the link for the Admit Card and input your credentials.

Step 5: Candidates need to enter their Registration Number/Roll Number along with their Date of Birth/Password.

Step 6: The LIC ADO Admit Card 2023 will be displayed in front of the screen.

Step 7: Check all the details and download the admit card.

Step 8: Take a printout of the LIC ADO Admit Card 2023 in an A4 size paper for future uses.

Details to Check on LIC ADO Admit Card 2023

Candidates must check the details listed below on their LIC ADO Admit Card 2023. It is really important to check the details. In case of any mistake, it should be corrected immediately or else it can create an issue at the time of examination.
Details that will be mentioned in the LIC ADO Admit Card 2023 are given below.

  • Candidateโ€™s Name
  • Candidateโ€™s Address
  • Roll Number
  • Registration Number
  • Exam Venue Name and Address
  • Centre Code
  • Date of Examination
  • Reporting Time
  • Candidateโ€™s Photograph
  • List of rules and regulations that need to be followed by the candidate

LIC ADO preparation strategy

LIC ADO preparation tips for Prelims

LIC ADO prelims have three sections,
Reasoning, Numerical ability and English language. find the preparation tips below:

  • Complete the syllabus for each section. Don't ignore any particular topics as sometimes questions are being asked from the most underrated topics
  • Divide your time for all three sections, invest more time for the section you feel you are weak in
  • Practice sample questions from previous years
  • Attempt mock test series to improve your accuracy and time management ability
  • Keep revising the subjects
LIC ADO preparation tips for Mains

Paper-I: Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability - Many candidates find this section tricky and hard to deal with. For the reasoning section, practice puzzles and seating arrangements since these topics cover a major portion. Besides, increase your command on other topics such as Coding-Decoding, Inequality, syllogism. Practice tricky questions on numerical ability from god books and magazines.

Paper-II: General Knowledge, Current Affairs & English Language - For this section as well, candidates need to practice questions that are trickier than the ones asked in prelims. Read newspapers, magazines, and books to prepare both the sections as it will help candidates in brushing up current affairs as well as grammatical knowledge.

Paper-III: Insurance Marketing - Read a basic book to understand the nitty-gritty of the insurance sector. The questions asked in this section are fundamental tests. Candidates must have a clear concept about the tools and terminology of the insurance sector to clear this section. Also, practice previous years' papers to understand the pattern of questions.


To be announced

How to Download LIC ADO Result?

Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to download the LIC ADO Result:

Step 1: Visit the official website of IOCL

Step 2: Go to the โ€œCareerโ€ and click on โ€œRecruitment of Apprenticeโ€

Step 3: The LIC ADO result link will be visible and click on it.

Step 4: Click on the zone-wise PDF link and download it.

Step 5: The LIC ADO Result will appear on the screen and look for your registration number.

Step 6: Download the LIC ADO Result for Future use.

LIC ADO Final Result

The LIC will issue the final result after conducting the Interview round. Based on the final merit list candidates then candidates will need to appear in the medical examination round.

Then candidates will get the appointment letter for the LIC ADO post. The final merit list will be published in PDF format on the official website.


Q: What is the primary job responsibility of a LIC ADO?

A: An LIC ADO will be responsible for selecting individuals as Life Insurance Agents and supervising their work, performance along with providing the required training.

Q: Are BTech candidates eligible for LIC ADO?

A: Yes, BTech pass-outs can apply as open market candidates in the LIC ADO exam.

Q: Is there any interview in the LIC ADO exam?

A: yes, all the candidates who secure cut off marks in mains will be called for the personal interview. The final merit list is prepared aggregating marks of mains and interview stages.

Q: Is the LIC ADO exam conducted online or offline?

A: LIC ADO exam is conducted in online mode; both prelims and mains are computer-based tests (CBT).

Q: What is the full form of LIC ADO?

A: Life Insurance Corporation of India Apprentice Development Officer (LIC ADO).

Q: What is the LIC ADO post?

A: LIC ADO is a sales administrative job, they recruit LIC Insurance Agents and also inspect existing policies.

Q: Is LIC ado a government job?

A: LIC is owned by the Government of India, hence, it is a government job.

Q: Is the LIC ado exam tough?

A: Considering the nature of the job and competition, the candidates must be ready to face tough challenges during recruitment.

Q: Is LIC ADO an online exam?

A: Yes, the LIC ADO exam is conducted in online mode.

Q: How do I apply for LIC ADO?

A: To apply for LIC ADO, candidates have to register online on the official website of LIC.

Q: Is LIC ADO vacancy released zone wise?

A: Yes, LIC releases ADO the vacancies for different zones separately.

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