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Bad School Grades and Adhd in kids


Every child gets the disappointing grade during there early school days And that’s very normal. Sometimes their own  shame is enough to set them on the right path for there future . Other times, parental influence and care is  needed to make sure it’s not the beginning of a pattern.

Also Children with ADHD often have poor grades in annual school report card , low self-esteem, and an inability to interact appropriately with others. ADHD can make it so difficult for the child to control his behaviours that he appears to lose interest in whole  learning process 

Effect of ADHD ON Academic Performance 

ADHD impacts several aspect of the child’s life. During this phase of disorder He is forgetful, disorganized and impulsive. He has a hard time grasping simple concepts that most of his peers take for granted and make fun off . He gets easily distracted by everyday noises, such as a ticking clock, a bird in the tree outside the window, or a classmate sharpening his pencil and lose their concentration and get side-tracked several times during the study hours . 

This kids have special needs and special care needs to be taken for their growth and development. They don’t have time to finish their lunch because they’re too busy watching the other kids on the playground. They may ask the teachers to go to the washroom but get distracted in the hallway and forget to go.

These symptoms of ADHD  make a child’s day so difficult that by the time he gets home he’s in tears, or ready to have a meltdown. These everyday frustrations affect the child’s mental health, academic performance and inhibit the ability to learn new skills and concepts.

 So, let’s have a look on how  you can help your child overcome some of the obstacles to learning caused by ADHD. 

Identify  motivational patterns

 by recognizing the symptoms and problems the child is facing you can help them to find out a relevant solution and building on special interests Towards learning . If your son stumbles in math, a learning-based computer game could make numbers fun to them . 

Never punish poor grades. 

It’s better to restructure time such as limiting instant messaging to your child to foster progress. Fear of punishment can block learning. Focus on a good  fresh start. 


Praise your Childs ability 

Try to Acknowledge  your Childs interest and abilities , the good attendance, the well-mannered attitude. Then identify and focus on areas of improvement. Assure your child that the grade does not make him a failure and that together you can find helpful strategies to overcome these grades. 


Always try to discuss problems your child is facing towards learning and help them to  find out the solution. Ask them what’s making it so difficult for them to focus during their lecture series . Does the teacher talk too fast or is there any other disturbance . homework assignments incomplete? A structured routine is vital for the progress of your child .

Give them time

Kids always need some downtime to recharge after the school hours before tackling homework. Build homework into a daily routine that includes a protein snack for fuel, some physical playful activities a half hour of tube time, chatting with friends, or a daily chore like feeding the dog.

Think proficiency, not perfection.

 Some kids are slow learners , yet excel at music, art, or athletics. Nurture and acknowledge their gifts but discuss expectations. Rather than striving for straight  expect that your child be proficient in academic and social-emotional learning for their grade level. This includes lifelong learning skills, such as teamwork, group membership, problem solving, critical thinking, and communication.

Keep a Eye

If your child has ADHD, you can’t tell him to do his homework, and assume that he will do it correctly . Keep an eye on him to be sure he isn’t lost in a daydream thoughts, or doodling on his math assignment. If he appears frustrated or confused, offer your help to him to get back on track. He will feel confident and ready to start the day if his homework is complete in an organised manner. 

Have a Morning Pep Talk with your kid 

Kids with ADHD love to feel secure. Find the sometime to have a positive discussion with your child before school begins each morning. It may be at the breakfast table,  a walk session early morning, or in the car on the way to school. Assure him that you’ve double-checked his homework and it’s all ok , and that it’s neatly tucked in his backpack. Remind him to follow the rules and other instructions at school, and to listen when the teacher is talking. Give him positive reinforcement by motivating and telling him you know he’ll have a great day, and help him feel good about himself before he gets out of the car.

 Meeting with the teacher

Try to Learn about the learning style, rules, ways you can help your child, and access to tutoring. The more you learn and communicate, about your Childs abilities  the greater the chances of your child’s success. If you think a grade is undeserving call the teacher or counsellor and act as your child’s advocate

Create a study area

 Rather than on the kitchen table, have a specific, organised place where your child can study quietly, and away from  any distractions. with that in mind, the study area needs to be distraction  free. Smartphones and electronic are lethal to studying.

Target weaknesses

It’s always wise to spend more time on subjects that your child is struggling with.

Give them confidence. 

Never let your child  think of themselves as “dumb”. Remember, “the difference between a good student and a poor one  has more to do with diligence than intelligence”

Don’t react on your Childs grade with disappointment. A poor grade marks is often a red flag for a potential problem area, not a measure of your child’s worth or your parenting skills. Collect your thoughts and respond in a calm, clear, humble and a understanding way. 

Future Scope
HDFC Credila: Education Loan
Fair Exhibition Organisation
Indian Education Congress
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