Q: What if I have not completed graduation by the time of the CAT exam?
A: If the candidate has not completed graduation by the time of the CAT exam, they can still take the
test as proof of graduation is to be submitted along with all the other documents.
Q: Can a candidate having a backlog apply for CAT?
A: Yes, you can. Candidates are eligible to apply and sit for the examination of CAT. The only eligibility, in this case, is to have an aggregate of 50 per cent.
Q: Are CAT and MBA eligibility criteria the same or different?
A: No, CAT eligibility criteria and MBA eligibility criteria are the same i.e. Graduation.
Q: What is the CAT application fee?
A: CAT application fee is
- Rs 1,900 (for General/OBC category)
- Rs 950 (or SC/ST/PwD)
Q: How many sections are there in the CAT exam?
A: The CAT question paper has three sections:
- Section 1: VARC
- Section 2: DILR
- Section 3: QA
Q: Does the CAT exam have negative marking?
A: Yes, the CAT exam has a negative marking of -1 for each wrong answer. While no marks are deducted for
non-MCQs type questions and unattempted questions.
Q: Is a calculator permitted at the exam centre?
A: No, and a strict no. Nothing from outside is allowed in the examination centre, especially any
electronic device. Every candidateโs system and computer have an on-screen calculator.
Q: What is the total no. of MCQs and Non-MCQs type questions in CAT 2024?
A: CAT 2024 consists mainly of MCQs. The Quantitative Aptitude section may have a few NON-MCQ types. The
exact and precise information can only be learnt after the examination has taken place.
Q: How many marks will be deducted if I skip a question in the CAT paper?
A: For not attempting a question, no marks are deducted as such. The candidates thus can be safe, and
tension-free if they have skipped any, for not knowing or being unsure about the answer.
Q: Can I customize my CAT exam slot?
A: One can only choose the slot from the available slots, which are morning, afternoon and evening. The
slots are allotted to all the candidates on a first-come-first-served basis, by the exam authorities.
Hence no further choices are available if one slot is filled out.
Q: What is WAT/PI?
A: It is a stage of exam to secure best admissions in the top B-schools of the country, WAT is the
Written Ability Test of 30-minutes, which includes essay writing and judges the ability of the candidate
on language and communication. Subjects for these essays are socio-political, economic and business
affairs, sports, Current trending topics, according to options chosen etc. PI is the later stage after
the WAT, which is also called a Personal Interview. It occurs on the same day as WAT.