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ADHD may overlap with other symptoms


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition  that affects millions of children all over the world and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour,Angerness  it also affects a person’s ability to concentrate and makes them easily distracted, impulsive, or excessively energetic. There are several medical  treatments available for ADHD, but another approach is to try to control symptoms through home means, such as your diet.  A Health, food, and nutrition can make a  difference in the lives of both children and adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD

Patients with ADHD are frequently diagnosed with many co-occurring psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression, substance, drug or alcohol abuse, autism spectrum disorders, sleep disorders, learning disabilities, and antisocial, oppositional defiant disorder ,compulsive disorder  conduct, and/or personality disorders. Many of these disorders share some symptomatology with ADHD.

Specifically, the  symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, moodiness, sleep problems, and excessive talking also correspond with a diagnosis of this common bipolar disorder.

These symptoms generally  underscores the necessity of completing a differential diagnosis for all patients. Making the  accurate diagnosis  difficult, and also the misdiagnose is common.

Around  70 percent of those with ADHD are diagnosed with other psychiatric disorder  at sometime during their life. 

 Some common disorders are : 


Things That feels Like ADHD

Some medical conditions have symptoms that overlap with signs of ADHD are : 

Anxiety. You often worry about school, work, or other things household that are important to you and they might cause stressed, tired, and tense. You may lead to trouble in sleeping.

Borderline personality disorder. This condition makes it harder for you to control your emotions. You may have intense outbreak of anger, depression, and anxiety that can stick around for hours or days.  This can lead to several issues like impulsive behavior, low self-esteem, and relationship problems.

Disruptive behavior disorders. You may argue or feel angry a lot of times . Or you might act aggressively toward many harmless people or animals. With this you may end up destroying property, lie, or steal things. People with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) often lose their temper and get angry to blame others for their own mistakes. 

Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is present in once neck  makes hormones that help your body work the right way. When it doesn’t make enough for you to sustain normal life ,you may have brain fog, memory problems, or trouble in focusing or sleeping.

Learning disabilities. You have trouble learning or processing new information, even if you’re enough smart. It may get hard for you to pay attention, finish tasks, or stay organized.

Mood disorders. Everyone gets  sad or feels hopeless sometimes. You feel this way a lot when you have a mood disorder like depression and anxiety. You may have a tough time focusing or you may end up feeling worthless. You might not want to do things you really enjoy. If you have this bipolar disorder, you feel really energetic and happy for a while, then depressed and sad . That can make it difficult for you to keep a job or do well in school.

Schizophrenia. This mental disorder that can lead to problems with paying attention and controlling your emotions. You might also do things you wouldn’t do normally.

Substance abuse. Problems at school or work , problem in memory, and bad judgment are  some of the few symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. ADHD can  make children more likely to drink alcohol, start smoking, or abuse drugs.

Tics and Tourette’s syndrome. Tics make you twitch or jerk a lot, or make some sudden noises. Tourette’s is more severe  condition in children with ADHD. You may loudly repeat words or sounds, blink a lot, or move your arms or legs uncontrollably  In any condition . 

Dehydration. Your brain needs water to function. Dehydration can lead to trouble in thinking clearly, paying attention, solving problems, and making decisions.

Sleep disorders. You need a peaceful sleep to function. Not getting enough can make it hard for you to focus, solve problems, and make decisions.

Try Getting the Right Diagnosis

Several health professionals can help you figure out whether you have ADHD. 

They include:

  • Clinical psychologists
  • Clinical social workers
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Neurologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Pediatricians

Future Scope
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