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Exercises the Calming Therapy


How  exercises can help in calming the symptoms of ADHD in children  ? 

The popular saying that physical activity has a positive impact on ADHD isn’t new, but a recent study has proven regular physical activity decreased the severity of the ADHD symptoms and improves the cognitive functioning of the child. A lot of people and health experts are talking about the future of exercise as a treatment for ADHD. Sports and physical activity  can increase your child's confidence and help them work toward goals. Team sports such as football, baseball, tennis are associated with greater benefits in children, as they demand more cognitive engagement. Traditional martial arts, and games particularly Taekwondo, emphasizes character development and self-control, has been linked to improved executive functions in children. 

Exercises are associated with a boost in the brain’s neurotransmitters, including the cells and chemicals that many people with ADHD are thought to run short on. It also increases the amount of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) available, which plays an important role in child’s learning ability. 

Overall, the self exercise is an essential part of a healthy and a happy lifestyle, and is important for optimal functioning of the brain and body . Take the account of sleeping problems, which are common in ADHD. One study proved  that physical activity may help the ADHD impact of sleeping difficulties in children. Indeed, a study showed that children with ADHD improved in math and reading skills after 20 minutes of aerobic exercise (going on a treadmill at an intensity between 70% and 75% of their maximum heart rates). Another study showed that 30 minutes of exercise before going to school can improve ADHD symptoms, moodiness, and peer functioning in children. 

Exercise and the Brain functioning

Exercise isn’t just good for toning muscles of the body . It can also help to keep the brain in shape, too. When kids exercise, the amount and mix of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters their brain releases change. Neurotransmitters include dopamine, which is involved with attention ,focus and concentration  .

The different medicines used to treat ADHD work by increasing the amount of this same chemical in the brain. So it makes sense that a workout can have many of the same effects on children brain with ADHD as stimulant drugs . Exercise increases blood flow to the brain And other parts of the body. Kids with ADHD may have decreased amount of blood flow to the parts of their brain responsible for:

  • Thinking
  • Planning
  • Emotions
  • Behaviour

Blood vessels

 Exercise improves blood vessels capacity to stretch and brain structure in turn This helps with thinking ability.

Brain activity

Exercise increases activity in parts of the brain related to behaviour, focus and attention.

So encourage your child  to Get creative! With Jumping jacks, sprints, and other bursts of aerobic exercises before and during class may prime your child’s brain for learning.

Another way teachers can sneak in physical activity by Asking students to help hand out supplies, collect papers, or deliver messages. Wiggle chair or fidgets can also help with extra body activities. 

Impact of green surrounding

Research shows that green space loaded with plants has a positive impact on cognitive skills and symptoms in children with ADHD. One study even suggests that living in a residential area with higher density of green space in early life may lower the chances of developing ADHD.

Exposure to outdoor activities

Exposure to open space and outdoor activities like camping, fishing, Canoeing or just running around in the woods are just some of the physical activity that will make your child relaxed and calm it’s hyper behaviour. 

Have quality time with your kids

Get children moving after school! Take them for a walk or on a bike ride. Once your child is home, set a timer for atleast 30 minutes of physical activity before they start on homework or other sedentary activities. Make sure to reward your child afterward with sweet gestures  to increase their motivation .

Extra Curricular activities 

A karate class, swim lesson, or soccer practice are all great ideas to engage your child in there free time but running around the park works, too. Ask your child what they’ve learning in extra curricular  class, and encourage them to practice the all new skills.

Health experts recommends  that kids get should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every day. How they get that physical activity done with bike riding, swimming, playing soccer, dancing – doesn’t really matter.

But there is evidence that getting outside and spending some quality time in nature can calm some kids with ADHD. 

Some More Reasons to Exercise

Beyond helping your child with ADHD symptoms, there are many other reasons to get your kids to exercise. Engaging in regular fitness activities can help your kids to :

  • Stay at the healthy weight
  • It Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in a normal range
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes
  • It Improve self-confidence and self-esteem

Future Scope
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