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Tips for a good start in school for children in ADHD


Launching the day is stressful for any parent,  especially for those of us whose children have attention deficit disorder (ADHD) — who are easily side-tracked. When your child has day-to-day routines and a good schedule to follow, this creates structure in their lives. Consistent house rules, expectations, and consequences that are clearly understood by your child help to maintain a predictable environment for there future.

In a well structured and planned environment, your child knows what to expect and what he’s expected to do . This knowledge creates a sense of security to the parents and children , which is why most children benefit from structure whether they have ADHD or not. 

Always try to Establish and review the morning routine by sitting Together with your child, create a chart that details the sequence in which each morning different  activity should take place. Help them to get into the habit of referring to the chart every day after waking up from the bed. For your pre-readers, use pictures to denote activities, such as a toothpaste advertisement clipped from a magazine to represent teeth-brushing time you can also use some cartoons for illustration which will catch your child attention. Or have your child make a tape recording in which he reminds himself what he has to do and when it id to be done.

Always Plan for an early bedtime for your child as Catching enough sleep is essential for kids with ADHD. Start your evening routine of preparing food early enough for your child to get atleast  10 hours of sack time he needs to wake up physically and mentally refreshed .Have your child take his bath or shower everyday before bedtime . He’ll sleep better if there will be  less rushed item in the surroundings and less conflict  in the morning.

Try Providing a protein-rich bedtime snack the Tryptophan is , the protein that occurs in milk, turkey, and chicken that , is a natural sleep inducer.  Any protein-rich snack about 30 minutes before bedtime is an very efficient get-to-sleep aid. Try eating oatmeal, whole-wheat cereal, an egg, some meat or fish, cheese, or pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Make some decisions at night only like Choose  the clothes for school the night before  Also try to set breakfast and lunch menus to avoid discussions about them in the morning.

Ease into a new schedule. If your child sleeps  late during summer holidays, try to wake them up a little earlier each day. That way, they won’t act groggy when school starts. Try to Make bedtime a little earlier each night  so that they get enough sleep.

Make them back on there ADHD medicines if you took a break for the summer.

Post routines. 

Put a list of the daily morning activities on the fridge or somewhere your child will see it easily before going to school . Write down everything they need to do before walking out the door, which may include :

  • Get dressed.
  • Make the bed.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Pack homework.
  • Pack your backpack,
  • Take shoes, jacket, and lunch.
  • Help your child to always stay on top of homework. 
  • Get organized. 
  • A Great tools for organizing your kid include:
  • A regular calendar or daily planner
  • A dry-erase  
  • A leptin board to post due dates and reminders

A desk organizer and storage bins for school supplies to ke

  • ep their study area neat and clean and also free from distractions

You can also get them a Color-coded folders or a multipack binder to keep assignments straight

Put up a homework station. Choose one spot where your child can do their homework and keep it there every day so that it’s easy for you to check them. Make sure the place is away from distractions like noisy siblings and the TV. Maybe The kitchen table works well for some kids, since from there you can easily check in on them. 

There seat should face a wall, not a window or a playful area . White noise, from an MP3 player or a fan, can help drown out sounds to keep their mind away from the work.

Plan studying around medication. A child who takes ADHD medication regularly may study better earlier in the afternoon also, when the drugs are  in effect. They may have a difficult time in doing there task later in the evening, after they wear off.

A specialised Teachers can focus on your child’s everyday needs. Every student with ADHD is different and Some need help paying attention and managing distractions, Some need help staying organized while Others need help getting started with their work, or finishing up work they start. Also students with ADHD have trouble staying seated or working quietly. So you can Ask the teacher how ADHD affects your child in the classroom and what you can do to help your child with schoolwork and stay focused during the lectures. 

As a good Teachers can help your child succeed. Depending on what a student needs and his abilities , a teacher can do things like:

  • Can make Seat a student where there are fewer distractions.
  • Give instructions that are easily understandable  , clear and brief.
  • Can make simple classroom routines and rules.
  • Be warm, encouraging, and positive towards your child
  • Praise there efforts.
  • Help them with organization.
  • Guide kids to slow down and take their own comfortable time.
  • Give prompts to stay on task.
  • Can Give breaks to move around in the classroom.
  • May give extra time to complete work.
  • Also Teach students how to check their work and catch careless mistakes.

For older students, 

  • Can Teach study some relevant skills such as taking notes, reading aloud, and prepping for tests.
  • Help them to Break down multi-step projects and assignments into smaller parts.
  • Teachers can also help to bring out the best in your child. When teachers looks for the best in their students, students see the best in themselves. Teachers can convey that every student can grow, learn, and succeed equally, whether or not they have ADHD

Future Scope
HDFC Credila: Education Loan
Fair Exhibition Organisation
Indian Education Congress
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