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Botany, zoology, and microbiology are the three primary fields of biological science. Botany is a discipline of biology devoted to the study of plants in all of their forms. Biology is described as the science of life and living beings. It is derived from the Greek words /bios/, which means "life," and "logos," which means "study." An organism is a living being made up of one or more cells, such as bacteria or animals, plants, or fungus.
Biotechnology is a branch of science that uses biological systems, living beings, or components of them to produce or build new products that have grown fast as a result of the new ability to alter the genetic material of organisms (DNA). Biotechnology now encompasses a wide range of fields.
Biochemistry is a science that studies the biological processes that occur in cells and organisms. Biochemistry is a branch of biology that studies the properties of biological molecules. It can be utilised for a variety of reasons. Among the various subfields of biochemistry, which is the oldest of the basic sciences, are neurochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, clinical biochemistry, physical biochemistry, molecular genetics, biochemical pharmacology, and immunochemistry.
In the discipline of biochemistry and biotechnology, the following positions are available:
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