Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments conducts or The Michigan West Germanic Assessment Battery (or MELAB) is an identical check, created by CaMLA, that evaluates proficiency in understanding, writing and speaking of English. It was conducted to analyze whether the people who wanted to study have minimal eligibility or not, itโs more like a verification of the knowledge at a university level. The MELAB score card lasts for two years.
The following components are involved during the test:
- A written composition
- A Listening comprehension
- Grammatical Part, Cloze (fill in the blanks of words )
- An optional speaking test would be analyzed by an examiner individually
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MELAB Admit Card
- Visit the official website michiganassessment.org
- Download and print the MELAB Application form
- Fill out the form completely and accurately.
- Attach a passport-sized photo to the applicant.
- Send or deliver it, along with the test cost, to the nearest MELAB Computer Based Test Center.
While registering for MELAB, students should keep the following considerations in mind:
- MELAB Registrations that do not include a passport photo or a test fee will be rejected.
- Candidates cannot register solely for speaking examinations; they must also submit their most current written MELB test scores.
- Contact the MELB Test Center closest to you for exam dates.
- Accommodations for impaired candidates are made with special care.
- Wheelchair access, extended exam time, rest breaks, scribe, reader, headphones, and other facilities are included.
Highlights of MELAB
- Each candidate must appear in four parts of the paper: Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, and Speaking, which is optional.
- The exam will take anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 hours to complete. The following are the specifics for each component:
Section 1: Writing Techniques
In this part, test takers are required to write an essay from the two given choices.
Time allotted to this section- 30 minutes.
Section 2- Listening Skills
Part 1 consists of 18 assigned tasks.
Part 2 has 22 tasks.
Part 3 has 20 tasks.
Only MCQs are asked in this section.
Time allotted: 35- 40 minutes
Section 3- Grammar Cloze, Vocabulary Reading
Listening skills are divided into 4 parts โ Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading.
Questions: MCQ format.
Time allotted to this section- 80 minutes
Section 4- Speaking ( An optional one )
The candidate would be interviewed for 15 mins.
MELAB Important Dates
Test Dates |
Registration Deadline |
to be announced soon |
january 28 to April 20, 2024 |
(tentative dates only )
Eligibility Criteria
- Anyone with a higher secondary education who wants to be certified in English Language Proficiency can apply.
- The MELAB test is available to candidates who want to be certified in English language competency.
- Candidates who intend to pursue higher study at universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Canada can take the exam.
- MELAB results are utilised by professionals who require English for a job or training.
- Individuals can also use MELAB scores to determine their English Language Proficiency for educational and job purposes.
Application Process
MELAB Registration is carried out in 75 countries across several test centres separately. MELAB Registration involves the following steps:
- Visit the official website: MLA (Michigan Language Assessment).
- Download and print the MELAB Identification form
- Fill in the asked information as per the application form
- Attach a passport size photograph and fill in the details asked.
- Submit the filled form to the nearest test centre.
- Now finally pay the MELAB Examination fee and rush score fee (if required).
(The fee is non-refundable and it differs in every country )
The following things are to be mentioned without failing :
- Rush/Non-Rush
- Application Date
- ID/ Passport Number
- Issuing Authority
- Gender
- Name
- Address
- Birth Date
- Date of exam
- MELAB/ MELAB Speaking
- Purpose of taking the exam
- Candidateโs Photograph
- Signature
Important Points for MELAB Registration:
- While filling the identification form online, have a soft copy as the software doesnโt store the information.
- The name and date of birth has to be matched along with the passport
- Passport size photo is required
- Special Accommodations are provided for people with disabilities
- The request for special accommodation should be booked in advance.
How to Register for Special Accommodations for MELAB?
- To be considered for this category, candidates must submit documented medical proof that has been confirmed by a specialist who will assess the test taker's disability.
- If the documentation is in another language, it should be translated into English.
- Apply before time for unique materials such as braille script (preferably 3 months before the test).
- Apply one month before the exam for administrative changes such as extra time, a reader, a scribe, and so on.
- Check with your local testing centre to see if your request was granted.
Arrangements available on Special Request
Candidates can ask for items below, in case they are very much required.
- Wheelchair access
- Extended testing time
- Additional rest breaks
- Reader
- Scribe
- Recorder to mark answers
- Headphones
- Alternate test formats (e.g., Braille, large print)
- Alternate Answering formats (e.g., computer for writing section)
MELAB Syllabus
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking of the English language should be practised well enough, as the whole exam is about these four sections being questioned individually.
Preparation Tips of MELAB
- The guide should be produced by writers who have thoroughly researched the themes and ideas necessary to pass the MELAB. The blind will never be able to guide the blind.
- The guidance should be provided in simple daily language so that everyone who takes the test may understand it.
- The guide should be to the point, with no clutter to distract the examinee's attention away from the important information.
- The guide should motivate the test taker to prepare for the communication. If the guide is difficult to scan, learning will take longer and be more uncomfortable, resulting in poor results.
- It is recommended that the guide be attached. If you don't pass with flying colours, you'll get a refund with no questions asked.
- The test must come first in the instructions, followed by the contents. If only the Syllabus material mattered, then any test taker who understood the subject should receive a 100% score. This isn't the case because there's a distinction to be made between simply knowing what's on the test and how you perform on it. To bridge the gap, you'll need a syllabus.
MELAB Exam Pattern
There are four parts of the paper where each candidate has to appear in Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary Reading and Speaking which is optional.
The total time duration of the full examination is 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours.
The details are as follows:
Section 1- Writing Skills
In this part, test takers are required to write an essay from the two given choices.
Time allotted to this section- 30 minutes.
Section 2- Listening Skills
This section is divided into 3 varieties, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
- Part 1 consists of 18 assigned tasks.
- Part 2 has 22 tasks.
- Part 3 has 20 tasks.
Only MCQs are asked in this section.
Time allotted: 35- 40 minutes
Section 3- Grammar Cloze, Vocabulary Reading
Listening skills are divided into 4 parts โ Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading.
Questions: MCQ format.
Time allotted to this section- 80 minutes
Section 4- Speaking ( An optional one )
The candidate would be interviewed for 15 mins.
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Exam Centres of MELAB
The following website could be used for the test centres
It is officially recognized in 75+ countries namely
- 1. Afghanistan
- 2. Dominican Republic
- 3. Ireland
- 4. Singapore
- 5. Albania
- 6. Ecuador
- 7. Liechtenstein
- 8. South Africa
- 9. Argentina
- 10. Egypt
- 11. Malaysia
- 12. South Korea
- 13. Armenia
- 14. El Salvador
- 15. Malta
- 16. Spain
- 17. Austria
- 18. Finland
- 19. Mexico
- 20. Sweden
- 21. Azerbaijan
- 22. France
- 23. Myanmar
- 24. Switzerland
- 25. Bahrain
- 26. Nepal
- 27. Taiwan
- 28. Belgium
- 29. Georgia
- 30. Netherlands
- 31. Thailand
- 32. Bolivia
- 33. Germany
- 34. New Zealand
- 35. The Netherlands
- 36. Bosnia Herzegovina
- 37. Greece
- 38. Norway
- 39. Togo
- 40. Brazil
- 41. Guatemala
- 42. Pakistan
- 43. Turkey
- 44. Bulgaria
- 45. Hungary
- 46. Paraguay
- 47. United Arab Emirates
- 48. Cameroon
- 49. India
- 50. Peru
- 51. United Kingdom
- 52. Canada
- 53. Indonesia
- 54. Philippines
- 55. United States
- 56. Chile
- 57. Iran
- 58. Poland
- 59. Uruguay
- 60. Colombia
- 61. Italy
- 62. Portugal
- 63. Uzbekistan
- 64. Costa Rica
- 65. Japan
- 66. Qatar
- 67. Vietnam
- 68. Croatia
- 69. Jordan
- 70. Romania
- 71. The US and the British Virgin Islands
- 72. Cyrus
- 73. Korea
- 74. Russia
- 75. Ukraine
- 76. The Czech Republic
- 77. Kosovo
- 78. Saudi Arabia
- 79. Venezuela
- 80. Denmark
- 81. Lebanon
- 82. Serbia
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Results for Melab 2024
Details can be found in the MELAB Score Report.
The following is taken from the MELAB score report:
- Each section receives a score.
- The total MELAB score includes the components of Writing, Listening, and GCVR.
- Speaking test results (for those who opted for it)
- Observations on test results (if relevant).
Reporting MELAB Scores(Sending it across)
- CaMLA sends MELAB score reports directly to the admission offices of the institutions listed on the Identification form during registration. The official score report form also includes these results.
- Test takers receive an unauthorised copy of their MELAB scores from their test centres after scoring is completed.
- It's worth noting that the Michigan Language Assessment score report is regarded legitimate.
- The student copy of the MELB Score Report cannot be sent to the institutions directly.
- You can buy extra copies of the MELAB Score Report online if you need them.
Remember these key points:
- MELAB Score Reports are only good for two years.
- Check to see if your MELAB score is accepted at the school to which you are applying
- If you take the test more than once, the most recent results will be sent.
- Speaking exam results cannot be carried over to subsequent tests.
Rescoring in MELAB
- You can have your test rescored by submitting an online request.
- After one month has passed since the score was announced, the request will be considered.
- After careful evaluation, Michigan Language Assessment will analyse and send you
MELAB Score Reports.
- What is the procedure for analysing MELAB results?
- The following is how MELAB results are processed:
- When the MELAB test arrives at Michigan Language Assessment, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to grade and create score results.
- Five to ten days are set aside for mail services.
- As a result, the overall time it takes to receive MELAB Score Reports is around 6 to 8 weeks.
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Documents Required for MELAB
- To the exam hall, bring two copies of the MELAB application form.
- Bring your passport, registration card, or national identity card to prove your identity.
- Without the primary documents listed above, the secondary requirement (driver's licence for identity) will not be accepted.
- The exam cost must be paid in cash on the day of the exam. The money must be in the same currencies as the card.
Answer Key of MELAB
Under the official website, the sample papers of all the sections could be found. Study material is also found on this website as it is the official website of MELAB.
Documents Required at Counselling
There is no specific counselling available for MELAB currently, the important documents required are passport proof.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the Melab English test?
Answer: The Michigan West Germanic Assessment Battery (or MELAB) is an identical check, created by CaMLA, that evaluated proficiency in understanding, writing and speaking of English. It was conducted to analyze whether the people who wanted to study have minimal eligibility or not, itโs more like a verification of the knowledge at a university level. The MELAB score card lasts for two years.
Q. How much is the fee for the Melab Examination?
A. The total fee for the MELAB exam is US$80 without the speaking test and US$120 with the speaking test.
Q. Where to find Melab?
A. https://michigan-test.com/melab/ is the official website for MELAB
Q. What is asked in MELAB?
A. English part is divided into four sections as usual: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. The questions are purely based on the English language in depth.
Q. What are the documents required for MELAB?
- Carry two copies of the MELAB application form with you to the exam hall.
- For identification, take your passport, registration card or national identity card along.
- The secondary requirement or ID proof like Driverโs license will not be accepted first-hand without the primary documents mentioned above.
Q: Can people with disabilities write this?
A: Yes, special accommodations and privileges are provided for them and the fee is charged accordingly. The following are provided if the booking is made in advance :
- Wheelchair access
- Extended testing time
- Additional rest breaks
- Reader
- Scribe
- Recorder to mark answers
- Headphones
- Alternate test formats (e.g., Braille, large print)
- Alternate Answering types (e.g., computer for writing section)
Q: What are the Important preparation tips for MELAB?
The guide should be written by writers who have already researched the topics and ideas required to succeed on the MELAB. The blind cannot hope to steer the blind. The guide should be written in easy-to-use everyday language therefore all take a look at takers will access the knowledge.
Q: Which university conducts this MELAB?
Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments conducts or The Michigan West Germanic Assessment Battery (or MELAB) is an identical check, created by CaMLA, that evaluates proficiency in understanding, writing and speaking of English. It was conducted to analyze whether the people who wanted to study have minimal eligibility or not, itโs more like a verification of the knowledge at a university level. The MELAB score card lasts for two years.
Q: What are the details mentioned in the form of registration?
- Application Date
- ID/ Passport Number
- Issuing Authority
- Gender
- Name
- Address
- Birth Date
- Date of exam
- MELAB/ MELAB Speaking
- Purpose of taking the exam
- Candidateโs Photograph
- Signature
Q. What are the registration details to be filled in for special accommodations?
To apply under this category, the candidates should provide documented medical evidence, These documentations should be certified by a professional who will evaluate the test takerโs disability.
- The documentation should be translated into the English language if in any other language.
- Apply beforehand so for unique materials such as braille script (preferably 3 months before the test).
- Apply one month before the exam for administrative changes such as extra time, a reader, a scribe, and so on.
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