A baby’s behavior changes as they become more aware of the world around them. Their behavior is often a response to things that they like, is scared of, or finds interesting. As they learn to speak or express their thoughts with words or actions, they get better at communication and it gets easier to understand baby’s behavior.
Babies’ early experiences and relationships stimulate their brain, shaping the way they see, perceive and respond to the world. As your baby’s awareness of the world grows through these experiences, your baby learns new things and develops, this will result in you noticing many changes in their behavior.
Your baby soon learns to tell you apart from everybody else. To them, you are someone very special and they totally trust you and depend on you. Your baby’s relationship with you and other primary care takers is the main way that they learn about the world and how to respond to it. they will copy what they see. Your behavior is the primary thing that will influence your child and they will learn to behave by watching you.
Your baby automatically develops strong attachments to the most important people in their world. These are the people who make your children feel loved, special, safe and secure. If you or your partner spends more of their time with the baby, its more likely that they will prefer that person more than others. Its part of their development. Similarly, your baby might love one toy much more than others that they possess.
So, its natural that playing with their favourite toys and being with their favourite people is bound to make them happy and this is very well reflected in their behavior. When your baby is happy, they might smile and make noises stating that they are happy. Your baby can also learn to signal, wave or clap their hands when they see their favourite people.
Your baby might be afraid of specific things such as the bath and as your baby learns what to expect from their life, the unexpected might really hurt their feelings. For example, your baby may start getting afraid of people around them, they don’t recognize or anxious or upset around people who are not so important or familiar.
Also, once your baby understands that you are a separate person and that you have your own personal life and duties to do and cant be around them all the time, they might cry when you leave thinking that you will never come back. Fear of strangers and separation anxiety are very common and usually go away gradually throughout early childhood.
As a baby, they might find mostly everything is simply because, they have not even started to understand their surroundings and there is so much to learn about the world.
Your baby will start experimenting with objects to see what is their purpose. As a result, almost everything will end up in your baby’s mouth because this is their method to observe and understand things. Your baby might also do other things such as biting, pinching or pulling hair just to find out what happens.
Around 6-12 months is a good time to start setting gentle limits to form the basis of teaching your child positive behavior in the future. For example, if your child gets too close to the railings, you can say, ‘No, that’s not safe’. Then simply, pick up your child and make him sit in a safe place.
Your baby doesn’t understand danger, so its important to create a safe home environment, especially when baby starts moving. For example, it might be best to use a gate or some other way of keeping your baby out of the kitchen and away from hot cooking surfaces.
They are attracted to almost anything without understand that whether it is edible or not, it is safe or not and it is right thing to do or not. They just want to explore objects and gain a sense of understanding things their own way.
As a parent, it is your responsibility to let them understand and develop at their own pace and keep them away from any kind of danger. It may be so that your child ended up fidgeting with a knife, perhaps it is very dangerous as it can poke their eye, cut their skin or may leave a scar that will be with them for the rest of their life. Try to keep these sharp and dangerous object out of bounds. If it is in their sight, babies are curious enough to try their best to grab it and then experiment with it to see what happens.
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