Defects at birth in children
What is a kid birth defect?
A birth defect, also known as a congenital anomaly, is a medical condition or unusual physical change that exists at birth in a child.
Very minor birth abnormalities may not affect the baby’s appearance or behaviour at all. Or there may be more serious birth defects. Some congenital abnormalities only result in a single issue. Others impact more than one organ or system of the body. Birth defects may result in disease and lifelong impairment. Some severe birth abnormalities pose a risk to life. A newborn may only live a few weeks or months. Or a child could pass away when they are really young, like as teenagers.
Certain birth abnormalities are incurable. These include flaws that impair learning or thought. But surgery is a common treatment for many physical birth abnormalities. Many congenital deformities, such as cleft lip or cleft palate, and specific heart anomalies, can be repaired.
What leads to a child’s birth defects?
The first thing that parents frequently ask after their child is born with a birth defect is, “How did this happen? This query is occasionally unanswerable. For parents, this can be extremely traumatic. It’s reasonable to be curious about your baby’s medical condition.
There are numerous causes of birth malformations. They may occur as a result of the mother’s exposure to specific substances while she is expecting.
The various reasons why birth abnormalities occur include:
Gene flaws and inheritance. A trait you inherit is one that one of your parents passes on to you. Eye colour and blood type are two examples of typical hereditary features. Your qualities are determined by your genes. Sometimes, in addition to the genes responsible for normal characteristics like eye colour, a kid may also inherit the genes underlying diseases that result in birth defects.
Chromosomal issues Each cell’s nucleus contains stick-like structures called chromosomes. Your genes are located on chromosomes. Chromosome changes can have negative effects on health.
Inheritance with multiple factors. This indicates that a birth defect is caused by a variety of factors. These factors frequently combine hereditary and environmental factors.
Teratogens. A chemical that can result in a birth abnormality is known as a teratogen. It is frequently something from the environment to which the mother might have been exposed while pregnant. A prescribed medication, an illicit substance, alcohol usage, a harmful chemical, or a sickness the mother has could all be to blame. Any of these factors could raise the likelihood that the child will be born with a birth defect.
Which kids are most likely to have birth defects?
Babies with birth abnormalities can be found in families from various nations and ethnic backgrounds. Every time a woman gets pregnant, there’s a possibility that the child will be born with a birth defect.
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