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Caesarean Birth

Thighs I wish somebody had told me before my C-section Here are some very common things I wish I had been introduced to before having my C-section. If Had I known these things earlier, my recovery would have been less anxiety-filled and much faster, because I would have known what to expect. It is major surgery. C-sections are very common these days. a statistical data proved that as many as 1/3 of babies are born this way. But still, it is a major surgery to keep in mind. Getting up to walk can be ROUGH at first. It’s going to hurt like heck when you get out of bed and walk for the first time after your surgery which your medical experts make you do relatively soon after surgery. You will feel like you are 100 years old and you can’t even stand up straight to hold your weight.  Each day gets a little better than yesterday. You will feel a little bit better with every progressing day.  It is advised to take medication for the pain. You will be offered narcotics in the initial days after surgery. But If you can stay on top of the pain without taking medicines you will be able to move better and care for yourself and your baby better. It hurts like crazy to cough, laugh or even sneeze. Holding a pillow against your incision, or pressing on it with your hands might help a little bit to relieve your pain. But in those early days, it’s going to be a hurting period for you The water retention in your body will likely get worse before it gets better. You are given a lot of IV fluids in the hospital during labor and during the C-section. Which will make your swollen face, legs and feet even bigger before your body started to get rid of the excess fluid try to stay relaxed It will go away over the next week or two. Accept help when you go home. Cooking help, cleaning help, child care help Accept it all because your body will really need it. Always remember, you just had major surgery. You need to look after yourself. Expect to be taking care of yourself in the early days of surgery as you recover enough to take care of your baby.  Be careful with how you move and carry out things. Don’t do anything resembling a  difficult physical activity like sitting up or anything that strains the muscles. Don’t try to use your abs to sit up from the laying down position on your back. Instead, try sleeping in a recliner if laying flat hurts too much at first. Expect soreness. Especially in the scar tissue beneath the incision, this is where most of the women have the most tenderness due to surgery. Expect the little soreness to move, too. One day, the right side might be sore and the next you can feel the same thing on the left. Ice might help. Buy a couple of ice packs or take a few of them home from the hospital and use it while you’re resting. It will help decrease inflammation, and swelling and will relief your pain. Expect numbness. You will likely feel numbness and tingling in your lower abdomen, especially around the incision area. This is a very normal result of the surgery because of the affected nerves. It will get better sooner with the passing time No driving for a while. It is advised not to drive until you can slam on the brakes without pain. And sit comfortably in the car too you can use extra cushions and pillows for your comfort. Look for signs of infection. Increased pain, swelling, redness, heat or blood discharge from the incision, fever if you experience any of it Report these signs of infection to your doctor immediately. Some swelling around the incision area is normal. Don’t worry yet—let time pass and see how it all disappears. Things are trying to heal beneath the surface, and through all the layers that were cut, It will get better with time.

C-Section purpose and risks

A C-section is a way of delivering a baby by medical surgery that opens up the mother’s abdomen and uterus. The whole process is also known as a cesarean birth. Though many women are certain ahead of time that they’ll have a C-section for some different reasons, you may plan to have a normal and safe vaginal birth only to find that your plan has to change. During labor or delivery, your doctor might decide that you need to have a normal delivery or a C-section right away. This can be a sudden change if your health or your baby’s health takes a turn for the worse and it’s too risky for you to have major surgery.  Why a cesarean delivery is done Cesarean delivery is generally performed when complications from pregnancy make traditional vaginal birth difficult or put the mother or child's life in danger. Sometimes the cesarean deliveries are planned during the early stages of the pregnancy, but they’re most often performed when complications arise during labor and doctors don’t have the chance to perform normal delivery. Reasons for cesarean delivery include: The baby has some developmental conditions The Baby’s head is too big for the birth canal to pass-through The baby is coming out feet first (breech birth) Mother is having some Early pregnancy complications Mother is suffering from some health problems, such as high blood pressure or unstable heart disease Mother has active genital herpes that could be transmitted to the newborn baby Previous cesarean delivery Problems with the placenta, such as placental abruption  Problems with the umbilical cord Reduced oxygen supply to the embryo Stalled labor The baby is coming out shoulder first (transverse labor) The risks of a cesarean delivery Cesarean delivery is becoming a more common delivery type in today’s world, but it’s still a major surgery that carries major life complications for both mother and child. Vaginal birth still remains the preferred method for the lowest risk of complications. Some risks of cesarean delivery include: Bleeding Blood clots Breathing problems for the child, especially if delivery is done before 39 weeks of pregnancy Increased risks for future pregnancies Infection Injury to the child during surgery Longer recovery time compared with vaginal birth Surgical injury to other organs Adhesions, hernia, and other complications of abdominal surgery  your doctor will surely discuss your birthing options before your due date to you. Your doctor will also be determining if you or your baby are showing any signs of complications that would require an immediate cesarean delivery.

Birth Defects

Defects at birth in children What is a kid birth defect? A birth defect, also known as a congenital anomaly, is a medical condition or unusual physical change that exists at birth in a child. Very minor birth abnormalities may not affect the baby’s appearance or behaviour at all. Or there may be more serious birth defects. Some congenital abnormalities only result in a single issue. Others impact more than one organ or system of the body. Birth defects may result in disease and lifelong impairment. Some severe birth abnormalities pose a risk to life. A newborn may only live a few weeks or months. Or a child could pass away when they are really young, like as teenagers. Certain birth abnormalities are incurable. These include flaws that impair learning or thought. But surgery is a common treatment for many physical birth abnormalities. Many congenital deformities, such as cleft lip or cleft palate, and specific heart anomalies, can be repaired. What leads to a child’s birth defects? The first thing that parents frequently ask after their child is born with a birth defect is, “How did this happen? This query is occasionally unanswerable. For parents, this can be extremely traumatic. It’s reasonable to be curious about your baby’s medical condition. There are numerous causes of birth malformations. They may occur as a result of the mother’s exposure to specific substances while she is expecting. The various reasons why birth abnormalities occur include: Gene flaws and inheritance. A trait you inherit is one that one of your parents passes on to you. Eye colour and blood type are two examples of typical hereditary features. Your qualities are determined by your genes. Sometimes, in addition to the genes responsible for normal characteristics like eye colour, a kid may also inherit the genes underlying diseases that result in birth defects. Chromosomal issues Each cell’s nucleus contains stick-like structures called chromosomes. Your genes are located on chromosomes. Chromosome changes can have negative effects on health. Inheritance with multiple factors. This indicates that a birth defect is caused by a variety of factors. These factors frequently combine hereditary and environmental factors. Teratogens. A chemical that can result in a birth abnormality is known as a teratogen. It is frequently something from the environment to which the mother might have been exposed while pregnant. A prescribed medication, an illicit substance, alcohol usage, a harmful chemical, or a sickness the mother has could all be to blame. Any of these factors could raise the likelihood that the child will be born with a birth defect. Which kids are most likely to have birth defects? Babies with birth abnormalities can be found in families from various nations and ethnic backgrounds. Every time a woman gets pregnant, there’s a possibility that the child will be born with a birth defect.
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