The two sheets are both math worksheets. They are created for teaching students of class 3. The questions given are some very basic mathematics calculations that will not be too difficult for students of class 3.
It is indeed very clear from the start, that even before attempting to answer the worksheet, its main function seems to be 'teaching' basic concepts of addition!
After having answered all the questions in sheet 1, the young students will have understood better the concept of addition. What's more is that after attempting these exercises they will get the hang of 'adding numbers' in mathematics
Upon reading through the first sheet among the two worksheets, one would find that there are 20 sums given in the question sheet provided.(sheet 1).
All of these are relatively simple calculations of just two numbers. The children will learn the addition concept easily .The problems given in sheet 1 are quite simplistic and are beginner-level addition sums.
This is an exercise that will help all young students. It will also enable them to relax while learning something, New day isn't it?
Dad got up with a start. Looks like the Alarm isn’t working……
Soon they will start to understand the concept of basic addition in mathematics. These sheets are designed with the basic idea of teaching students how to add numbers.
Instructions To Solve The Worksheet
For eg., On the first sheet of the workbook, the children are asked to add two double digit numbers.The children are then required to fill in the blanks provided below the numbers 83, and 71 with the appropriate answer.
8 3
+ 7 1
The children will most easily solve this using a calculator, though using fingers to count the numbers and do the carry over would also be appropriate.
The child can work out the sum on his own, perform the addition, do the carry over and then arrive at a solution. He then needs to refer to the answer key to check whether what he has done is accurate,
The challenge here, for the young students, is to write down the answers in the empty space provided. The questions are relatively simple, but it might be a bit challenging for those students who generally have problems with doing their addition.
In simpler words the children will immediately observe that sheet 2 is almost the same as sheet 1. Soon enough they realize they are looking at an answer key and learn to use it properly.
The children will Finally start to understand basic concepts of adding numbers.
Both sheets can be compared side by side, the student will learn to properly refer to the answer sheet, not only for finding the right answer, but also for understanding the basic concepts of addition and checking if the sum of addition is accurate.
It is by now very clear that both sheets are intended for teaching simple concepts in an easy to learn fashion. It includes the numbers in a colorful font. This will attract the attention of the young students and keep them engaged in their learning process.