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Relationship in pregnancy and tips for a healthy relationship

The hormonal changes during pregnancy make you feel ambivalent about highs and lows making you feel anxious, tense and vulnerable. While some women tackle it easily and unaffectedly, others can have a problem dealing with all those changes, causing them to stress over it more. In that case, you need a positive relationship. Being loved and cared for can solve half of the problems. Being parents No couple does not fight at all. It is natural to have arguments and small fights. Sometimes you both might differ from one another on different topics. Regardless of your healthy relationship, it is normal to have tussles sometimes. These fights do not have anything to do with your pregnancy. But, there are some reasons for which you might fight with your partner over and during your pregnancy- Your partner is less interested in your pregnancy than you are.  You are affected by sickness, fatigue and mood swings You and your partner, both are stressed over money.  Your baby is not yet real for your partner, making him take it lightly.  One of you wants to have sex but the other does not.  You and your partner are feeling anxious about being parents  One of you might worry over the changed lives after pregnancy You might be perplexed if your partner will like your changed body or not. The effect your baby will have on your career. Start communicating Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. It is one of the most important ways to keep your relationship positive and happy. Good communication can help you clear all the misunderstandings and avoid conflicts and arguments.   Tips for healthy communication with your partner- Talk about your hopes and dreams  Your fears and your expectations, first from your partner and then from the baby Talk about your own style of parenting. Be open and talk about your sexual relationship and needs   Tips for practically handling the relationship- You can get relationship advice and support from a counsellor It's better to be together, thus go to the antenatal classes together. Have a discussion on future problems and solutions, like taking out time for yourself and your partner after having a baby.  Discuss managing your money.

Pregnancy: Preparing for a new arrival

The journey of pregnancy is filled with many blissful moments for a woman. Waiting for a little new addition to the family is very sure very exciting but at the same time equally nerve-racking. There are a lot of preparations involved, from planning a balanced work schedule to the baby essentials. Here is how the expectant parents can proceed with the arrangements. Remember one step at a time!  Couple’s relationship and pregnancy Women during pregnancy go through many changes be it physical, emotional, or hormonal and it can cause the development of mixed emotions, sometimes extreme happiness, and sometimes severe anxiety and vulnerabilities. As a couple, there can be a lot to think about on the plate-like about jobs and financial issues, careers, unexpected timing of pregnancy, or a decrease in sexual drive. If these matters are not dealt with with delicate care and time, it can put a deep strain on a couple’s relationship, endangering the baby’s development too.  The crucial key to the solutions is open and honest communication with the partner. It can significantly aid in proper conflict management, clearing up petty misunderstandings, all while increasing mutual trust. One can solve the problems by talking and listening to others, coming up with a midway solution to effectively deal with the negatives. They can also seek the help of antenatal classes, books, friends, and families for financial and household work support. Work and pregnancy In India, women usually inform the employer about their pregnancy on the 12th week but they can inform them much sooner in case of complications so that the employer can look into the concerns and can make proper arrangements for travel, work duties, and environment and sanitary arrangements. Women are also entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave with 6-8 weeks of prenatal leave, starting from up to 8 weeks before the due delivery date according to the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017. There is also the provision for 12-week adoption leave for women who adopts a child under the age of three months. Pregnancy and baby equipment Parents-to-be can start their preparation for the essentials they’re going to need at the time of arrival of a new baby from the third trimester. They can talk and make a list of the important things or they can check out the relevant websites and their descriptions for online shopping. The necessities include – a place to sleep (crib or co-sleeper and mattress), nappies and diapers, toiletries, changing table, a Baby tub, receiving blankets, and baby-proofing gear for safety of your baby. Doing extensive research through online websites and forums will prove to be a great help for the preparations.

Working woman and pregnancy

Women are now standing in every workplace from pilots to corporate, healthcare, sports, and possibly everywhere. However, working women need to be extra careful about their health conditions during pregnancy period. Serious attention should be paid to their overall nutrition, sleep, and exercise to cope up with ongoing discomforts due to pregnancy.  A mom-to-be can have a lot to consider when deciding the right time to stop working for their overall health condition before the baby arrives. Nowadays more and more pregnant women are working right up until a few days, or even a few hours before they go into labor. Often, that decision is based on economic factors, like how much-paid maternity leave you will have according to your role in your workplace. Getting pregnant does not necessarily mean that working women have to quit their jobs although it gets them in a delicate state of health. Working up until the start of labor is possible for a woman who is expecting a normal, healthy pregnancy. They can, however, opt to cease working according to their convenience. Some women choose to quit working several weeks before their due date, while others still continue to work even if they are in their early stages of labor.  Most women can physically handle their usual workload up until about 32 to 34 weeks of their pregnancy period. Around this same time, many women are also shifting their mental focus from their job towards being new healthy mothers, and that can decide the decision on when to stop working. As pregnancy progresses, everyday activities such as sitting and standing can become a little uncomfortable to practice, and Short, frequent breaks can combat fatigue. Moving around every short hour also can ease muscle tension and help prevent fluid build-up in the legs and feet.  Try these other strategies, to ease your working days Sitting. Using a comfortable adjustable chair with good lower back support can make long hours of sitting much easier — especially during pregnancy body weight and posture change. For chairs that aren’t adjustable, use a small pillow or padded cushions to provide extra support for the lower back. You can also Elevate the legs to decrease swelling. Standing. For those who have to stand for long periods, try putting one foot up on a footrest, low stool, or box can also help. Switch feet every so often and take short frequent breaks. Wear soft comfortable shoes with good arch support. You can also consider wearing a support or compression hose. Bending and lifting. Even when lifting light objects, proper form can spare the back. Try Bending at the knees, not at the waist. Keep the load close to the body, try lifting with the support of the legs, not the back. Avoid twisting your body while lifting heavy objects.  job precautions to be considered during pregnancy  Certain working conditions might increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and can affect your baby's growth — especially for those at high risk of preterm labor. Those working conditions include: Exposure to harmful substances Prolonged standing Heavy lifting, climbing or carrying Excessive noise Extreme temperatures Also, getting regular vaccinations recommended by your health care provider will help to keep you safe at your workplace and home. If you’re concerned about any of these issues, mentioned above discuss it with your health care provider. Together you can sit and decide if you need to take any special precautions or modify your work duties during your pregnancy period or if things are going right for you. 

How can you improve your chances of getting pregnant of fertilization ?

After deciding to have a baby, many women try to do whatever it takes to conceive in the next cycle. But it’s important to remember that getting pregnant can take time. A healthy 30-year-old woman has only a 20 percent chance of conceiving each month. It’s normal for it to take a few months or more. If you’re trying to conceive, there are a few steps you can take to make “trying” more effective. This is how you increase your chances. The basics Your high school health teacher probably made it sound like you could get pregnant anytime you have sex. But in truth, it’s a bit more complicated. Each month there are a number of hormonal changes in your body that cause an immature egg to grow and mature in the ovary. Every woman’s cycle is different. This process takes about two weeks on average and begins with a woman’s menstrual period. Once the egg is fully developed it is released from the ovary in a process known as ovulation. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube of the female reproductive tract toward the uterus. The egg is only viable for around 24 hours after it is released. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell during this period, the fertilized egg travels further down toward the uterus. It is then implanted in the lining of the uterus. The key is to have sex in the days exactly before and during ovulation. This way, when the egg is released, the sperm cells will be in the fallopian tubes. This facilitates fertilization. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for around four to five days. Find the right time The best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly is to make sure you’re having sex at the right time in your cycle. If you have regular cycles, you will ovulate about two weeks before your expected period date. This means your fertile window is around the seven days before you are expected to ovulate. If you have irregular cycles, it can be a little more difficult for you to predict when you will ovulate and when your fertile window will be Or it’ll be actually starting. There are a number of techniques you can use to more accurately pinpoint your ovulation and fertile window.


Conception is the time when sperm travel through the vagina to the uterus and fertilize an egg found in the fallopian tube. Where does conception take place? Sperm normally fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. This is a pathway from the ovary to the uterus of a woman. According to the University of California San Francisco, it takes an egg about 30 hours to travel from the ovary to the fallopian tube. As the egg travels down the fallopian tube, it stays in a specific section called the ampullar-isthmic junction. This is where sperm normally fertilize the egg. Normally, when the egg is fertilized, it quickly travels to the uterus and implants. Doctors call the fertilized egg cell an embryo. When and how does conception occur? Conception can occur just before or after ovulation. This is the point in the menstrual cycle when the ovaries release an egg. In a regular cycle, ovulation usually occurs about 10–16 days before a person’s next period. However, many have irregular cycles that change in length each month, so the exact day of ovulation often varies. Fertilization can then occur in several ways: Sexual intercourse: Sperm can enter the vagina during sex. From here it can swim up to the uterus and find its way to the egg. This can take several days, with healthy sperm surviving in the body for up to 5 days. Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This is when a doctor inserts sperm into the uterus through a thin tube. A doctor can do this for people trying to conceive through sperm donation or for those who choose surrogacy. Surrogacy occurs when someone other than the birth parents carries the pregnancy to term. IVF: This is where a doctor takes sperm and eggs from two people and combines them in a laboratory setting. IVF cannot guarantee fertilization, but creates the best possible circumstances for it.

Pregnancy test everything you should know

Test for pregnancy Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a unique hormone that only arises in a woman’s body during pregnancy, is what pregnancy tests seek for. These tests can check for hCG in your blood or urine. Home urine tests for pregnancy are affordable and often used. Home pregnancy tests are quite accurate when done correctly. What is pregnancy test By examining the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your body, a pregnancy test can tell you whether or not you are pregnant. Your body begins to alter from the very beginning of pregnancy in order to support the growth of the cluster of cells that will eventually give birth to your kid. Production of hCG is one event that takes place extremely quickly. This chemical is found only in pregnant women and begins to build up as soon as the fertilized egg implants in the womb (womb) — about 10 days after conception. There are two main types of pregnancy tests – urine tests and blood tests. Often times, you’ll do a urine test at home using a home pregnancy test kit. This type of test can be purchased over the counter (you don’t need a prescription from your doctor) and comes in a range of price points. Blood tests to check for pregnancy will be done in your doctor’s office. There are several reasons why you might take a pregnancy test. You could be trying to conceive and hoping for a positive result. You may have had a problem with your birth control. You could even be about to have a medical procedure or take a new medication that could be complicated by pregnancy. Whatever the reason, if you ever have questions about your test results, it’s best to consult your doctor. Pregnancy can also be confirmed by an ultrasound. Later in pregnancy, an ultrasound is actually used not only to look at your baby, but to make sure the timeline of development matches the dates of your conception and your missed period. How reliable are home tests for pregnancy? Many at-home pregnancy tests make the 99.9% accuracy guarantee. The efficacy of home pregnancy tests to detect pregnancy in women who have just missed a period varies, though. Retest one week following your missing period if your first test came back negative but you still suspect pregnancy, or consult your doctor. Could medicine affect test outcomes? Results from home pregnancy tests may be affected by fertility medicines or other pharmaceuticals containing HCG. The majority of drugs, including antibiotics and birth control pills, have no impact on how accurate home pregnancy tests are. Could a favourable outcome be inaccurate? Even though it’s uncommon, it is possible to do a home pregnancy test and discover that you are not indeed pregnant. A false-positive is what this is. If you had a pregnancy loss shortly after the fertilised egg had connected to your uterine lining (biochemical pregnancy), or if you took a pregnancy test too soon after taking an HCG-containing fertility medication, you can experience a false-positive. Misleading test results could also be caused by an ectopic pregnancy, menopause, or issues with your ovaries. Could a  negative result be incorrect? When you’re genuinely pregnant, a home pregnancy test could come up negative. A false-negative is what this is. A false-negative could result from: Take the test too soon. It is more difficult for a home pregnancy test to detect HCG the sooner after a missing period you take it. Repeat the test one week following a missed menstruation for the most reliable results. Ask your doctor for a blood test if you are unable to wait that long. Examine test outcomes too quickly. Allow the test some time to run. Consider setting a timer in accordance with the directions on the product.

Pregnancy Sex

Every woman’s pregnancy is unique, and this is true for how she feels about sex as well. Some women experience a decline in desire during pregnancy. When they are pregnant, some women feel even closer to and more aroused by their sexuality. As your body changes throughout pregnancy, it’s normal for your sexual urge to fluctuate. As your belly expands, you could experience self-consciousness. Or having larger, fuller breasts might make you feel more seductive. Another benefit is not having to think about birth control. Having sex when pregnant is safe? If you’re experiencing a normal pregnancy, having sex is a natural and typical aspect of it. The baby is covered by your abdomen and the muscular walls of the uterus, so penetration and movement during an intimate encounter won’t harm the child. The fluid of the amniotic sac also cushions your baby. Contraction during an orgasm differs from a contraction during labour. Although some medical professionals advise against having sex in the latter weeks of pregnancy, they do so because they think that substances called prostaglandins in semen can cause contractions. Women who seek to induce labour because they are past due may be an exception. The following is a typical pattern of libido during pregnancy: Very first trimester. Your desire to have sex may be killed by nausea, exhaustion, or breast soreness. Though rest assured that it will return. Second trimesters. Your libido may increase dramatically. In actuality, more blood circulation throughout your body can improve your orgasms. Final trimester. As delivery time draws near, sex could seem awkward. Share your thoughts and strategies with your partner. To discover a position that is both comfortable and stimulating for you, you may need to experiment, especially later in pregnancy. Change what you’re doing if anything doesn’t feel right for either of you and talk to your OB about any physical issues. After the fourth month of pregnancy, avoid having intercourse while lying flat on your back in the “missionary position.” You can prevent major blood arteries from being constricted by the weight of the developing baby in this way. Position yourself on top of your spouse or rest on your side. Alternately, kneel down with your companion behind you. These postures relieve pressure on your stomach. If uncomfortable intercourse is caused by vaginal dryness, use a lubricant. Make alternate arrangements for intimacy. Hug, kiss, or massage one another. Together, take a bubble bath. Use condoms as usual if you’re not certain of your partner’s sexual history. Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, herpes, genital warts, or chlamydia, which can have an impact on your unborn child, are not protected from during pregnancy.

When should you avoid sex during pregnancy?

Your midwife or doctor will likely advise you to avoid sex if you’ve had heavy bleeding during this pregnancy. Sex can increase the risk of further bleeding if the placenta is low or there is a collection of blood (hematoma). You are also advised to avoid sex if: Your water has ruptured – this can increase the risk of infection (ask your midwife or doctor if you are unsure if your waters have ruptured) If there are any problems with the entrance to your womb (cervix) – you may be at higher risk of preterm labor or miscarriage You are having twins or have previously had early labor and are in the later stages of pregnancy If you or your sexual partner have sex with other people while you are pregnant, it is important that you use a barrier form of birth control, such as a condom. B. A condom to protect you and your baby from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Good and bad sex positions during pregnancy While sex is safe for most couples during pregnancy, it may not be that easy. You’ll probably need to find different positions. This can be a time to explore and experiment together. Having sex with your partner on top can become uncomfortable fairly early in pregnancy, not just because of the bump, but because your breasts might be tender. It can also be uncomfortable if your partner penetrates you too deeply. It may be better to lie on your sides, either facing each other or with your partner behind you. You can also try being on top during sex or being penetrated from behind while on your hands and knees. Use pillows to get comfortable. Can Sex During Pregnancy Cause Miscarriage? Sex during pregnancy does not provoke a miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur because the fetus is not developing normally. What are the best sex positions during pregnancy? As long as you are comfortable, most sex positions during pregnancy are fine. Oral sex is also safe during pregnancy. Experiment as your pregnancy progresses to see what works best. Unleash your creativity as long as you keep mutual pleasure and comfort in mind. Are condoms necessary? A sexually transmitted infection during pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. Avoid all forms of sex — vaginal, oral, and anal — if your partner has an active or recently diagnosed sexually transmitted infection. Use a condom if: You are not in a mutually monogamous relationship You decide to have sex with a new partner during pregnancy Are there times when sex should be avoided? Breast stimulation, female orgasm, and certain hormones in semen called prostaglandins can cause uterine contractions. Your doctor may recommend avoiding sex if: You have unexplained vaginal bleeding You lose amniotic fluid Your cervix starts to open prematurely (cervical incompetence) Your placenta partially or completely covers your cervical opening (placenta Previa) You have a history of preterm labor or premature delivery

Maternity clothes

Many women feel physical discomfort during pregnancy, including tight muscles, back pain, and breast pain. It is crucial to dress properly during this period. Wearing comfortable clothing helps ease discomfort and make being pregnant more tolerable overall. For a period of no more than nine months, many women are hesitant to invest in a full wardrobe. Many people would rather purchase a select handful of the most crucial products. Which, though, are the most significant? This post will go through some of the clothing that will be most useful to you during the nine-month wait. When to start wearing maternity clothes Most women can wear their normal clothes for most of the first trimester (3 months). But you may need to consider a larger bra or looser fitting clothing for comfort during this time. By the time you are around 4 or 5 months pregnant, you may need to start wearing larger clothes. Most women switch to maternity wear when they are around six months pregnant. What you need There are many fashionable maternity clothes. But it is not absolutely necessary to invest large sums of money in a full closet. It’s best to buy a few essential pieces of clothing that you can mix and match. Consider the weather and the changing seasons during your pregnancy. Remember that you will wear some of your maternity clothes for a while after the birth. Some of the most important clothing items to consider include: Maternity bra Comfortable cotton underwear Two pairs of well-cut maternity trousers, such as maternity leggings or jeans A plain skirt or dress, e.g. For example, a stretch-jersey wrap dress A maxi dress A jacket Two maternity tops (tops from the empire line are more flattering) A chic outfit Comfortable, flat shoes It is possible to adapt some of your normal clothes during pregnancy, e.g. B. longer tops, sweaters, and cardigans. You can also buy a maternity belt to lengthen your regular jeans and pants. Where to buy maternity clothes Many large stores in the world carry a maternity range. There are also many specialty stores for maternity wear. Shopping online or renting clothes for a special occasion can save you money. Money-saving advice Buy vest tops and extra-large, inexpensive, stretchy t-shirts. Purchase maternity clothing when it’s on sale, keeping in mind the weather forecast for when you’ll need them. Accessorize simple clothing by adding shoes, scarves, jewelry, bags, and accessories. Use a pregnancy belt, adjust the buttons on your existing clothing, or swap the elastic for a drawstring. Ask your partner or pregnant friends to lend you their outfits. Host a clothing swap party.

Are post-sex contractions or cramps more common in the early or late stages of pregnancy?

At any point in your pregnancy, you may have cramping or contractions after having sex, but in the second and third trimesters when your uterus is expanding, they usually feel even more painful. Early in your pregnancy, light post-sex cramping may be linked to implantation, which is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. An ectopic pregnancy may be suspected if there is severe one-sided cramping, vaginal bleeding, and light-headedness. During the initial part of pregnancy, cramping with heavy bleeding, a backache, and pelvic pressure that feels like the baby is pressing down may be symptoms of miscarriage. Round ligament discomfort, also known as cramping with lower abdominal pain, can begin as early as the 14th week of pregnancy and develop worse as the pregnancy goes on. In the third trimester, Braxton Hicks contractions, which are your body’s method of preparing for labor, can make cramping after sex even worse. Always inform your doctor if your cramps are accompanied by any unsettling symptoms, but hold off on giving up on sex for the time being. Even if you’re not physically capable of having an orgasm, cuddling and romanticism are more crucial than ever. After having sex, may cramps or contractions cause labor? There is no getting around the reality that cramps and contractions will intensify as labor approaches. Your uterus is fully stretched, your bones and ligaments are moving to create a place for the delivery of the baby, and it’s possible that your body and mind are preparing for the major event. If you’re still having fun, high-five and carry on as normal with your doctor’s approval. Although it’s doubtful that orgasm may really cause labor, you might want to dial back a little because there are so many bodily changes that are uncomfortable for your groin area. Just keep in mind that after-orgasm cramps and light contractions are typically nothing to worry about and not a reason to quit having sex. What results in post-sex cramping? There are several potential causes of post-sex cramping during pregnancy. In a typical, low-risk pregnancy, cramping or painful twinges that may feel like contractions during or after orgasm are most likely brought on by increased blood flow to your abdominal region and physiological changes that make your cervix more sensitive. Around conception, implantation may be the source of cramping like menstruation. Rarely, cramps following sex may truly be labor contractions, especially if they are excruciatingly painful and cause you to double over, or if they are accompanied by uncontrollable blood flow. That might indicate a more serious condition, such as early labor, a miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy. Call your doctor as soon as possible.

Preparing for a New Baby: How Children Feel

When a new baby comes, other children might get excited. But they must learn to share love and attention with the new baby. This can be a big step, especially when children are still toddlers. Maybe you feel like you’re being pushed out of the spotlight. Almost all children have to adjust when a new baby joins the family. But eventually, a positive sibling relationship develops—usually by the time the new baby is around 14 months old. When to tell kids about a new baby When preparing for a baby, when and how much you tell your child about the new baby is up to you. The age of your child also plays a role. It can be good to Introduce the idea of ​​having a new baby fairly early in the pregnancy, maybe 3-4 months before the due date. You could try talking about babies in general, and then about your new baby. Toddlers don’t really understand time. So when you explain to your child that a new baby is coming, try to relate it to a familiar event. For example, you could say that the new baby will be born shortly after someone special’s birthday. Preparing children for a new baby Before your new baby is born, you can help your child feel positive about their new sibling. You need preparation, communication and a lot of understanding. If you can make this time positive and exciting, your child will be more likely to feel that the change affects everyone in the family, not just the new baby. Here are some ideas that may help you: Read stories about babies. Look at pictures and talk to your child about how your family is growing. Show your child pictures of you when they were very young. Let your child touch the baby bump to feel the new baby move and step inside. Even when visiting the doctor or midwife, you could have the baby’s heartbeat listened to. Involve your child in the practical preparation for the new baby. Let them help you prepare your home, and buy and decorate baby items. Talk to your child about what they look forward to most when the new baby arrives. If your child is concerned about the new baby, talk to them about their concerns and reassure them. Give your child lots of love and cuddles and focus on the positive. For example, they will have a new brother or sister to love. It's also a good idea to give your child an idea of ​​what it’s like to have a new baby in the family: If possible, spend some time with friends and their newborns. Your child will see that newborns are very sleepy and need a lot of care. Let your child know that the baby will be an independent little person with needs of their own. Encourage your child to socialize and play with other children. This will help your child develop the social skills to have a good relationship with a new sibling. Perhaps you can join a playgroup or get other family members—both children and adults—to spend some quality time with your child. Work, childbirth, hospitals and other children During labour and birth Some parents consider having their child present at the birth of a new baby. Or you are planning a home birth and are considering what is best for your child. As you ponder these things, it may help to consider the following: How old is your child is How to explain the birth process to your child beforehand Whether you feel comfortable in the presence of your child Whether you consent to your child being exposed to nudity and sexuality Whether another trusted adult could be present to support your child if they are uncomfortable or upset. During a hospital stay Here are some ideas to make your child feel comfortable when you and your partner are away for a hospital birth: Let your child know who will look after them while they are in the hospital. If your child doesn’t know the caregiver well, it will take time to get used to the idea. Print out some family photos for your child to keep near their bed while you and your partner are away. Make sure your child’s routines stay the same as much as possible. This will make your child feel safer. Keep in touch with your child while you and your partner are away. If the birth went well and everyone is fine, make an appointment to see your child. Make your child feel special and loved when they visit you. Tell your child how happy you are to see them. When the new baby comes home These ideas can help you get things done when your new baby first comes home: Reassure your child with a big loving hug before introducing the new baby for the first time. This is especially important for young children. Organize a small gift for your child right from the newborn. Small children may want to get a small doll so they can have a “baby” of their own. If family and friends are bringing gifts for the new baby, suggest they bring something small for your child as well. Schedule some quality time with your child. This can be a short game outside, some painting or crafting, or a book before bed.
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