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Working woman and pregnancy - EasyShiksha Parenting

Working woman and pregnancy


Women are now standing in every workplace from pilots to corporate, healthcare, sports, and possibly everywhere. However, working women need to be extra careful about their health conditions during pregnancy period. Serious attention should be paid to their overall nutrition, sleep, and exercise to cope up with ongoing discomforts due to pregnancy. 

A mom-to-be can have a lot to consider when deciding the right time to stop working for their overall health condition before the baby arrives. Nowadays more and more pregnant women are working right up until a few days, or even a few hours before they go into labor. Often, that decision is based on economic factors, like how much-paid maternity leave you will have according to your role in your workplace.

Getting pregnant does not necessarily mean that working women have to quit their jobs although it gets them in a delicate state of health. Working up until the start of labor is possible for a woman who is expecting a normal, healthy pregnancy. They can, however, opt to cease working according to their convenience. Some women choose to quit working several weeks before their due date, while others still continue to work even if they are in their early stages of labor. 

Most women can physically handle their usual workload up until about 32 to 34 weeks of their pregnancy period. Around this same time, many women are also shifting their mental focus from their job towards being new healthy mothers, and that can decide the decision on when to stop working.

As pregnancy progresses, everyday activities such as sitting and standing can become a little uncomfortable to practice, and Short, frequent breaks can combat fatigue. Moving around every short hour also can ease muscle tension and help prevent fluid build-up in the legs and feet.

 Try these other strategies, to ease your working days

Sitting. Using a comfortable adjustable chair with good lower back support can make long hours of sitting much easier — especially during pregnancy body weight and posture change. For chairs that aren’t adjustable, use a small pillow or padded cushions to provide extra support for the lower back. You can also Elevate the legs to decrease swelling.

Standing. For those who have to stand for long periods, try putting one foot up on a footrest, low stool, or box can also help. Switch feet every so often and take short frequent breaks. Wear soft comfortable shoes with good arch support. You can also consider wearing a support or compression hose.

Bending and lifting. Even when lifting light objects, proper form can spare the back. Try Bending at the knees, not at the waist. Keep the load close to the body, try lifting with the support of the legs, not the back. Avoid twisting your body while lifting heavy objects.

 job precautions to be considered during pregnancy 

Certain working conditions might increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and can affect your baby's growth — especially for those at high risk of preterm labor.

  • Those working conditions include:
  • Exposure to harmful substances
  • Prolonged standing
  • Heavy lifting, climbing or carrying
  • Excessive noise
  • Extreme temperatures

Also, getting regular vaccinations recommended by your health care provider will help to keep you safe at your workplace and home.

If you’re concerned about any of these issues, mentioned above discuss it with your health care provider. Together you can sit and decide if you need to take any special precautions or modify your work duties during your pregnancy period or if things are going right for you. 

Future Scope
HDFC Credila: Education Loan
Fair Exhibition Organisation
Indian Education Congress
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