Every children go through different phases where they stop eating foods that they used to eat or reduce the variety of foods that they would have eaten. For a lot of parents this can be a very worrying and stressed time. Especially to the parents of ADHD children where it’s more difficult to deal with child’s psychology and mental conditions of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Children are quite resilient and will not really harm themselves if they don’t eat enough for a few days. If the problem continues and your child’s weight and growth are affected naturally , so it’s very important for you to look after your Childs eating habits to make them a healthy individual.
- Parents control the supply lines. Being a parent you should decide which foods to buy and when to serve them to your child . Though kids will pester from their parents for less nutritious junk foods, adults should be in charge when deciding which food should be egularly stocked in the house. Kids will never go hungry. They’ll eat whatever available in the cupboard and fridge at home. If their favourite snack is not all that nutritious and healthy, you can buy it once in a while so that your child don’t feel deprived.
- From the variety of food you offer, kids get to choose what they will eat or whether to eat at all Or leave the plate untouched . Try to Schedule regular meal and snack times. From the selections you offer let them choose what they want to eat and how much.
- Leave the “clean-plate club.” Let kids stop eating when they feel they’ve had enough and there stomach is full . Lots of parents grew up to under the clean-plate rule, but this approach doesn’t help the kids listen to their own bodies when they feel full. When kids respond to feelings of fullness, they’re less likely to overeat and don’t force them to eat more once they are done .
- Food preferences should be developed early in life, so offer health variety to your kid . Likes and dislikes begin forming right from very small age when kids are babies. So You need to serve new food a few different times for a child to accept it. Don’t force your child to eat, but offer them in few bites.
- Who says kids only want to eat junk like hot dogs, pizza, burgers, and macaroni and cheese? When eating out, allow your kids try new foods at every corner you visit and they might surprise you with their willingness to experiment.
- Soda and other sweetened drinks add extra calories to your body and get in the way of good nutrition. Water, juice and milk are the best drinks for kids.
- Occasionally Sweet’s are fine, but don’t turn dessert into the main reason for eating the meals . When dessert is the prize for eating food , kids will naturally place more value on the cupcake than the broccoli. .
- Try can try newer and a better ways to say “I love you.” When foods are used as reward to kids they may start using food to cope with stress or other emotions. Offer hugs, kisses, praise, and attention instead of food treats.
- Be a role model for your kids and eat healthy yourself. When trying to teach good eating habits, try to set the best example possible and follow them 1st before implementing them on your kids . Choose nutritious snacks, eat at the table, and don’t skip meals try to have your food on regular time .
- Research has shown that kids who cut down on TV-watching and using other electronics while eating also reduced their percentage of body fat. When TV and computer time are limited, to your kids they’ll find more active things to do.
Below listed are some practical tips for parents dealing with fussy eaters:
- Never force your child to eat food
- Remove the leftover food without making a fuss and don’t offer an alternative, wait for the next snack time or meal time before offering next meal
- Give small portions of food in between meal times
- Try offering finger foods as these are easier for little ones to manage
- Squashes and milk can fill a child up, so avoid such drinks before meal times
- Snacking on crisps, chocolate, biscuits and cupcakes can also fill a child up so avoid giving snacks close to a meal time
- Try to eat in a calm and relaxed place turn off televisions and tidy away the toys, and don’t rush to meals
- Sit together with your family at the table and enjoy your meals together, showing your child that you are enjoying your meals might encourage them to eat a little more
- Use brightly coloured plates and cutlery that may attract your child towards the food
The snacks that contain a balance amount of protein and carbs are ideal for kids with ADHD. Keep a Watch on sugars and other processed food , low-fiber grains such as white rice, white bread, and white pasta. Avoid carbohydrate meals and snacks and try adding a protein rich sources like nuts, cheese, seeds, bean-based dips, yogurt, or milk allows the food to be delivered into the body in a steadier way that optimizes energy levels for conditions such as ADHD. According to the British Dietetic Association’s paediatric group, new tastes , flavours and textures need to be offered several times, for example 16 or 17 times before your child will take them, so don’t give up too soon.
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