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Traveling and breastfeeding a baby


Traveling during vacations can be stressful, but traveling while breastfeeding can seem particularly challenging. At Women’s Health Texas, our goal is to help our patients feel comfortable and confident at all stages of their lives, and that includes traveling while breastfeeding. Whether you’re traveling by plane, train, or car, following these guidelines and tips will help you and your family have a wonderful vacation. Whether it’s your first trip or you’re a professional traveling mom, you may have some concerns about how to manage breastfeeding on your journey


When traveling, some mums find it easier to breastfeed directly, while others prefer to give their breast milk in a bottle. Choose the option that feels right for you! If you’re offering breast milk in a bottle, it’s important to know how to pump or express before you travel. Milk expression helps with:

  • Maintain your milk supply.
  • Relieve full and/or swollen chest.
  • Have your milk ready if you cannot feed your baby directly.
  • Have family members help feed the baby.


Depending on how you travel, whether by car, bus, train or plane, traveling with your baby can become less stressful if you plan ahead and anticipate the unexpected.

Mimic your home routine: Try to keep sleeping, feeding, and diaper routines like your routine.

Make a list: Before you travel, write down the time you plan to breastfeed along with the necessary items to feed your baby along the way, which will make your journey smoother. Such items may include:

A breastfeeding cover: Breastfeeding in public can be intimidating. Many airports and trains have designated private areas for breastfeeding, but if you can’t find one, it can be helpful to have a nursing blanket or blanket on hand if you want to breastfeed more discreetly. Try practicing with the cover before your trip to build your confidence.

Nursing Bra: Wearing a nursing bra can also help with breastfeeding in public and ease the breastfeeding experience when traveling.

Breast pumps, storage bag or bottle and portable cooler: if you want to pump when you travel, bags and bottles to store your milk are essential. You may also need a power adapter or batteries for your pump. To ensure your breast milk is stored properly, you need a portable cooler with ice or gel packs. Remember to put your expressed breast milk in a fridge or freezer as soon as possible.

Baby Carrier: A baby carrier makes getting around easier, keeps your baby close (settles baby), and can be used as a discreet method of feeding when traveling.

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