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Toddlers developmental stages - Easyshiksha

Toddlers developmental stages


The physical, emotional, and cognitive development of one- and two-year-olds happens quickly. They have independence as they learn to move around the house thanks to their growing motor abilities. They become more effective at expressing their wants and requirements as they acquire new language abilities.

The “terrible twos,” however, are so-called for a reason. Since they lack patience, toddlers don’t hold back while expressing their annoyance. Since your child can’t yet express their emotions or deal with stress verbally, temper tantrums are typical.

Physical guiding or even removing your child from the situation may be used as toddler disciplinary techniques (like the grocery store).

Parenting Techniques in the growth years of a Toddler

  • During this time, childproofing your home is essential since toddlers are eager to climb on furniture, use the stairs, or get into potentially hazardous situations. They have a natural curiosity and love to travel.
  • A significant milestone for toddlers can be learning to use the toilet. When toddlers can use the potty, many of them are very proud of themselves, and many parents are happy when they can stop changing diapers.
  • You should make sure your toddler is eating a good diet and getting enough sleep in addition to taking the necessary safety precautions. But if you’re dealing with a finicky eater or a toddler who has declared a nap strike, don’t worry.
  • Communication is essential.

The basis of any connection is communication. Talk to your child about subjects besides study and school. This aids in strengthening the link between the two parties.

  • Play with them and do things together

Unavoidably, you spent time with your loved ones. Do something fun and interesting with your child in this situation. Over time, this will enable students to refine their interests.

  • When you make a mistake , apologise.

In a relationship, being open and honest can work wonders. Give up your ego and accept responsibility for your blunders. To prepare the youngster to defend themselves in future pursuits.

You can also discover parenting hints for every step that will assist you in raising a contented, healthy child. You’ll learn more about what your child is experiencing at each stage and the most recent advice for keeping your child healthy. You’ll pick up:

  • Serving size recommendations, advice on what foods your child should eat or avoid, and diet and nutrition techniques for dealing with finicky eaters.
  • Recommendations for physical activity, including the quantity of exercise children should get, kids’ activity suggestions, and ways the whole family may get more active together.
  • Advice on how to organise your home, decide how to spend time as a family, and decide what your children should be doing in the family.
  • Organizing well-child checkup schedules, the right kind of doctor to see, age-appropriate common health issues, and necessary immunizations during doctor visits.
  • Sleep recommendations to help parents understand how much sleep their children require and how to help them get better-quality sleep.
  • Tips and techniques for keeping your children safe.
  • Tips for managing screen time and communicating with children about social media, the internet, and smart gadgets
  • The environment in which your child lives and how you may support them in handling daycare or school, making new friends, managing stress, dealing with bullies, and other potential stressors at each stage.

Future Scope
HDFC Credila: Education Loan
Fair Exhibition Organisation
Indian Education Congress
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