Managing the symptoms of ADHD is not at all an easy feat. With this disorder, anything from paying the bills to completing your daily tasks on time can become a difficult mountain to climb, not to mention the juggling family and underlined social demands.
ADHD in childhood becomes prominent and Noticeable when the child exhibits some minor symptoms of hyperactivity, inability to sit still or pay attention, and impulsivity. The degree of severity may vary widely. Some children with ADHD may need only mild interventions and treatments , while others require much greater support and help to achieve optimal levels of body functioning. While our health professionals do not fully understand what causes ADHD, but it is believed to be related to both changes in the chemical physical environment of the brain and also the genetic factors.
Fortunately, there are a few skills you can learn that can help you better organize your symptoms and keep yourself on track. Just remember, changes like these can take time a longer time and won’t happen overnight. But with practice, patience, and positive approach, you can become more productive, organized, and can get control over things.
ADHD treatment
While treatment won’t cure ADHD permanently it can help a great deal with claiming the symptoms. Treatment basically involves medications, home remedies and other behavioral interventions. But the Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in final outcome.
It’s also important fir you to work with a therapist who specializes in ADHD to learn the dealing and coping mechanisms that are non pharmacological to help with ADHD symptoms and behaviors. A therapist can enhance the outcomes of the medication and also it will give tools to empower those with ADHD using proper treatments that may involve behavioral, psychological, social, emotional, educational and lifestyle interventions.
Praise and reward your child when rules are followed.
Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism and ignorance more so than other children does . This can really impact there confidence and self-esteem. Some days, you might have been really looking for the good behavior, but you should praise good behavior at least five times in your child more often than you criticize bad behavior.
Give clear, effective directions or commands.
Always try to Make eye contact or you can make a gently touch on arm or shoulder to get his or her attention. Give brief, simple and clear steps and short commands that get to the point rather than multiple directions or complicated wordy statements and questions.
Establish healthy habits.
If your child is on regular medication, it should be taken as prescribed by there health experts . Contact your child’s health care provider if any problems arise. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet consisting of three regular meals, a snack and adequate water daily, and has an outlet for some form of daily physical activities. These healthy habits will help your child to feel his or her best and help minimize ADHD complications.
Try to Stick to regular sleep and wake times
To Many people suffering from ADHD, can find that getting up to start the day can be an enormous challenge. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day of the week even on weekends try to follow the same cycle. A proper Waking up on time depends on the time of going to bed, And getting a full night’s rest. Try to Develop routines that will help you wake up happier and faster in the morning . These get-to-sleep and wake-up routines can be made simple by listening to music each night, having coffee and reading the paper each morning.
Work on a set routine
People with ADHD , often get distracted very easily. This can mean it’s challenging for them to stick to a particular routine. Even when a good routine is planned, it can soon go amiss without a good lookout so support these people to keep there routine it on track.
Think proficiency, not perfection.
Some kids are slow learners , yet excel at music, art, or athletics. Nurture and acknowledge their gifts but discuss expectations. Rather than striving for straight expect that your child be proficient in academic and social-emotional learning for their grade level. This includes lifelong learning skills, such as teamwork, group membership, problem solving, critical thinking, and communication.
Keep a Eye
If your child has ADHD, you can’t tell him to do his homework, and assume that he will do it correctly . Keep an eye on him to be sure he isn’t lost in a daydream thoughts, or doodling on his math assignment. If he appears frustrated or confused, offer your help to him to get back on track. He will feel confident and ready to start the day if his homework is complete in an organised manner.
Have a Morning Pep Talk with your kid
Kids with ADHD love to feel secure. Find the sometime to have a positive discussion with your child before school begins each morning. It may be at the breakfast table, a walk session early morning, or in the car on the way to school. Assure him that you’ve double-checked his homework and it’s all ok , and that it’s neatly tucked in his backpack. Remind him to follow the rules and other instructions at school, and to listen when the teacher is talking. Give him positive reinforcement by motivating and telling him you know he’ll have a great day, and help him feel good about himself before he gets out of the car.
Meeting with the teacher
Try to Learn about the learning style, rules, ways you can help your child, and access to tutoring. The more you learn and communicate, about your Childs abilities the greater the chances of your child’s success. If you think a grade is undeserving call the teacher or counsellor and act as your child’s advocate
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