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Online Pregnancy Tips | Pregnancy Precautions | Parenting - EasyShiksha

Sex during Pregnancy things to know


When should you avoid sex during pregnancy?

Your midwife or doctor will likely advise you to avoid sex if you’ve had heavy bleeding during this pregnancy. Sex can increase the risk of further bleeding if the placenta is low or there is a collection of blood (hematoma).

You are also advised to avoid sex if:

Your water have ruptured – this can increase the risk of infection (ask your midwife or doctor if you are unsure if your waters have ruptured)

There are any problems with the entrance to your womb (cervix) – you may be at higher risk of preterm labor or miscarriage

You are having twins or have previously had early labor and are in the later stages of pregnancy

If you or your sexual partner have sex with other people while you are pregnant, it is important that you use a barrier form of birth control, such as a condom. B. A condom to protect you and your baby from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Good and bad sex positions during pregnancy

While sex is safe for most couples during pregnancy, it may not be that easy. You’ll probably need to find different positions. This can be a time to explore and experiment together.

Having sex with your partner on top can become uncomfortable fairly early in pregnancy, not just because of the bump, but because your breasts might be tender. It can also be uncomfortable if your partner penetrates you too deeply.

It may be better to lie on your sides, either facing each other or with your partner behind you. You can also try being on top during sex or being penetrated from behind while on your hands and knees. Use pillows to get comfortable.

Can Sex During Pregnancy Cause Miscarriage?

Sex during pregnancy does not provoke a miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur because the foetus is not developing normally.

What are the best sex positions during pregnancy?

As long as you are comfortable, most sex positions during pregnancy are fine. Oral sex is also safe during pregnancy. Experiment as your pregnancy progresses to see what works best. Unleash your creativity as long as you keep mutual pleasure and comfort in mind.

Are condoms necessary?

A sexually transmitted infection during pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. Avoid all forms of sex — vaginal, oral, and anal — if your partner has an active or recently diagnosed sexually transmitted infection.

Use a condom if:

You are not in a mutually monogamous relationship

You decide to have sex with a new partner during pregnancy

Are there times when sex should be avoided?

Breast stimulation, female orgasm, and certain hormones in semen called prostaglandins can cause uterine contractions.

Your doctor may recommend avoiding sex if:

  • You have unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • You lose amniotic fluid
  • Your cervix starts to open prematurely (cervical incompetence)
  • Your placenta partially or completely covers your cervical opening (placenta Previa)
  • You have a history of preterm labor or premature delivery

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