Here are some tips for using the given maths worksheets for basic addition for students of class 2. You will find some easy tips that you can read all about on how to use this worksheet. Here is a brief description:
Just like most of the 2 page maths worksheets that are provided, these worksheets consist of a questionnaire and an answer sheet.
In this worksheet, the students are asked to find the sum of 2 one digit single numbers.
So how will these worksheets help the young students, who are probably only very young in age, and are also very new to basic maths concepts?
The students who are very young and still new even to basic maths concepts like addition, will slowly learn to familiarize themselves with these basic concepts. At first adding the sum of two given numbers, and understanding a 1 digit number is, is difficult and is still something 'new' to them.
The worksheets given below will teach the students to memorize what they have learnt upon comparison with the answer key that contains all the solutions.
Instructions to solve the worksheet
We can see here for ourselves that on the first worksheet, the question is about adding two numbers.
For eg. in sheet 1 on the first line, in column 1, the student is asked to do basic addition. He has to find the sum of 3 and 4 (both 1 digit numbers).
It's obvious that like it was mentioned above in the introduction, the student will learn to familiarize themselves with the basic concept of addition.
Even though the second worksheet provided looks similar to sheet 1, upon closer observation, the child will find out again that both pages are indeed not the same.
He also will notice that this is an 'answer key' in which all the solutions to the questionnaire in sheet 1 is given, and that he can refer to sheet 2 for the right answers!
Here too, the student is asked to answer the questions given in the questionnaire and compare the solution given in the answer key.
The children will understand the proper use of the answer key.
The students will understand how to use an answer key. Answer key can be used not only to check answers but also to memorize the basic maths concepts that are shown in the sheet 1.
This exercise will teach the young students how to do simple maths concepts in an easy to perform fashion.
colorful text is being used that is interesting for a young student. This is a great way to keep him engaged in learning.