Human Body Worksheet for Class 2: Human Life Cycle - EasyShiksha

EVS Worksheet : Human Body For Class 2

Human life cycle

Human life cycle involves a time period for different stages of life. The ideal nutrition ,diet and physical well-being ensures prosperity of each stage and helps humans to live more. The major stages of the human life cycle starts with the prenatal stage where fertilisation takes place and foetal development occurs inside a mother and then ends with the death of human beings. Therefore, the old age is the final stage of the life cycle and death is the end of human life cycle .

Baby Stages :

Just like flowers grows out from seeds that have been fertilized, so do humans! In humans, the seed is called an egg, and the fertilizer is called a sperm. When the egg and sperm combine, they form a zygote, which is beginning of human life cycle . Over 40 weeks, the zygote grows into a foetus the size of a small watermelon. All this time, the foetus has been in its motherโ€™s womb. Now, itโ€™s time for the foetus to enter the world and begin the baby stage.

The baby stage lasts from birth to age of one . Babies canโ€™t walk or talk yet, so they cry to communicate when they need something. As the babyโ€™s body and brain grow, the baby will start to move around on their own. At 6-8 months old, most babies can sit up and start to crawl. By one year old, babies usually have several teeth to bite and are trying to talk by fumbles voice .


If your baby is 12 years old or younger, they are in the childhood stage right now! Ages 1-12 make up the childhood stage, and this is when a lot of changes happen within our brain and body . In this stage, the child crawls and eventually learns to walk, talk, eat independently, and become more aware of their surroundings. The child is more social and active during this period and is intrigued to learn new things. This stage in a childโ€™s life is where they undergo immense cognitive, emotional and social developmental changes . Childhood is probably the most important stage in human life cycle. Everything one learn and the habits picked up during this stage will usually stay for the rest of the life.


In this human life cycle stage, a child start to grows into an adult through puberty period. Puberty is the process of physical and mental changes where a childโ€™s body matures into an adult body that is capable of sexual reproduction. It starts from the age of 13 years and continues up to 19 years . Adolescents are also called as teenagers because they belong to thirteen to nineteen years of age range. In this stage, the teenager grows rapidly and physical changes begin to appear. These changes include hair growth, structural changes in body shape, voice cracking in adolescent males, breast growth in adolescent females and many more. Many hormonal changes in the body take place that appear externally too in the form of facial acne . Some of the changes taking place in boys and girls include turning taller, heavier and stronger, getting hair under on arms and legs and around genitals, oily skin and more sweating. Boysโ€™ specific changes are deep and rough voice, hair on face, broader chests, shoulders and muscles and girlsโ€™ specific changes include development of breasts, bigger hips and start of menstruation cycle. It is considered that the adolescence stage is difficult to manage for parents as there are behavioural and attitudinal changes in teenagers and they find more comfortable in being independent in their day-to-day activities and are mostly impatient.


This stage comprises people who fall in the range of ages between 20 -65 years and they are regarded as adults. This is the right age for the process of reproduction as both male and female have understanding of there physical emotional and mental status and are capable of reproduction. Adults can be young adults i.e. 20-36 years, middle-aged adults i.e. 36-55 years and older adults i.e. 55-65 years.


A person who reaches at 65 years of age generally belongs to the elderly group. Generally The average life expectancy of a person can range from 70-85 years . It also depends on the overall health and fitness of a person. The healthier a person is, their life expectancy is more. During this stage, the intestine absorbs fewer nutrients from food sources. The physical capabilities of doing tasks also reduce and they again depend on external support to do things.

The behaviour of old people In this stage varies, depending on the immunity and lifestyle of the human.

Instructions to solve the worksheet

Given below is a picture depicting the human life cycle on basics of your learning and understanding label the each stage of human life cycle and label them from 1-5.

Importance of Environmental Education for kids

  • EVS helps children to develop their own insights into the functioning of several things or understand human processes in their environment. Such interactions with their surrounding environment are immensely important for the healthy development of children.
  • Not only does environmental education offers opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom, but it also enables students to make connections and apply their learning in the real world.
  • EVS helps learners see the interconnectedness of social, ecological, economic, cultural, and political issues.
  • By providing environmental education to students they will engage problem-solving techniques of the outer world to their subjects to understand a particular problem by implying outdoor environmental solutions.
  • Environmental Education gives students a new meaning of exploring mother nature to see and resolve the issues which are harmful to the environment and this will also help them in maintaining their own health by doing physical work so that their bodies will be immune from some serious health issues such as short-sightedness, obesity and in some cases even lack concentrations
  • The one major issues which we need to deal with is pollution and if we donโ€™t educate our kids about the hazardous effects of environmental damage there will be no future of the world.
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