Social Communities | Educational Videos
Hello boys and girls,
How are you all?
Today we will talk about social communities.
Community can be different sizes
The family home that you live in is a small community.
The continent you live on is an enormous community.
But they are both communities you belong to,
You know a community is a place where people live together but do you know that you belong to many different communities.
Meet Maggie, she lives at her home with her mom, dad and a brother.
This is Maggie's family community.
This is Maggie's school, and this is Maggie's classroom.
Mggie and her friends learn and play here.
And they all are a part of their social community.
A social community is a group of people that you enjoy spending time with like Friends.
Maggie is in the soccer team, her teammates are also a part of her social community.
Maggie's school is a part of her neighbourhood.
A neighbourhood is the area near your home.Maggie's neighbourhood is located in a big city called Miami.Miami is in the state of Florida.
Florida is a part of the United States of America, UsA is the part of the continent of North America.
Let's look at that again,
Maggie is a citizen of all of these small , big communities.
Which community do you belong to?
Lets review,
People can belong to many different communities.
These communities can be different sizes,
A social community is a group of people you enjoy spending time with.
A neighbourhood is a nearby community.A citizen is a member of such a place such as a country.
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Well great job boys and girls!
So i hope u enjoyed too,
See u next time, till then Take care, bbye.