The word ‘Personality’ refers to the set of qualities, which encompasses thoughts, feelings, behavior, moods (a particular state of mind or feeling at a particular moment), attitude (a perspective or feelings regarding a person or a thing.) It defines a person’s character, and what makes them unique and popular.
The relationship between personality and sleep
Sleep causes a significant effect on a person’s overall personality. Lack of sleep leads to worsening moods, causing anger, sadness, or irritation. It also gives birth to slow thought processes, inability to perform tasks that require reasoning and judgment, and unwanted or negative thoughts and feelings.
In children, the lack of sleep causes poor or low concentration, memory power, and difficulty in paying attention while learning something new. It also affects their behavior towards their teachers, friends, and others.
On the other hand, a proper amount of sleep does wonders! It improves a person’s mood. It reduces stress, making them happier and more cheerful being. It also leads to positive thoughts and emotions, and the ability to find good and new solutions to overcome, when faced with a difficult situation. It increases creative power, improves problem-solving and decision-making skills, and also enhances memory and concentration in both children and adults. It brings about an optimistic attitude (hopefulness and confidence) which results in less depression and anxiety.
A person with a positive personality is more friendly and respectful around others, making them a more likable and charismatic persona.
Sleeping position and personality
The sleeping position of a person can reveal a lot about their personality. The preferred position of a being varies according to their comfort or what they find comfortable. An unconscious mind brings out the most truthful and sincere expression, hiding under the innermost layers that the person itself may not be aware of! For example, if a person sleeps on their stomach, it means they’re a well-balanced individual with fixed ideas and opinions and they do not accept others' opinions easily. If a person sleeps in a fetal position, that means they are sensitive and vulnerable and can easily get hurt so they have a tough exterior to protect themselves. So, one can know many things about themselves from the position in which they prefer sleeping.
You have to take a simple quiz and select the ‘sleep position’ option, you prefer or the option you are most close to. Once clicking ‘submit’, it will tell you about your personality.
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