Gujarat PSC Gov Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

Gujarat PSC Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 11, 2021


Tony Stark

The GPSC viz. Gujarat Public Service Commission conducts several exams to recruit vacant Group A posts in the state of Gujarat. The Gujarat Commission has released the GPSC official notification 2021 for 183 vacancies. The GPSC application forms are available on their official website for the candidates to apply till October 13, 2021. The Eligible candidates who ace the examination shall further move forward and finally end up filling vacant positions in the state.

GPSC Latest Updates:โ€‹

  • October 5, 2021: GPSC STI Result 2021 has been declared by the Gujarat PSC on its official website.
  • September 30, 2021:
    • GPSC Class I Recruitment 2021- Latest 13 Deputy Director, Class I Recruitment
    • GPSC Recruitment Gandhinagar 2021- Latest 6 Assistant Manager, Class-II Recruitment
    • GPSC has announced the interview schedule for a variety of posts.
    • GPSC has released the GPSC Updated Calendar for Prelims and Mains exams to be conducted during the year 2021-22.
  • September 29, 2021: GPSC Civil Service Notification 2021 for 183 vacancies.
  • September 24, 2021: GPSC DYSO Prelims Result 2021 out.
  • September 22, 2021: GPSC Class 1-2 Recruitment for 183 Dy. Collector, Dy. SP, TDO, Mamlatdar & other posts

GPSC 2022 Highlights

Name of the exam GPSC
Full-Form of the exam Gujarat Public Service Commission
Frequency of the examination Once a year
Conducting body Gujarat Public Service Commission
Job Posting Across Gujarat
Mode of the exam Offline/pen and paper
Official Website

GPSC Important Exam Dates

Name of the exam event Important Dates
Publication of official notification September 10, 2020
The last date for submitting the application forms October 25, 2020
Date for issuing of Prelims admit card August 21, 2021
Date for Prelims examination September 12, 2021
Date for declaration of result To be announced

GPSC Application Process

The aspiring candidates who wish to apply for the exam can do it only through online mode. Follow the step by step process to overcome any trouble during the process.

  • Visit the official website of GPSC
  • After opening the tab, click on the link that reads 'apply online'.
  • You shall see the application forms for several posts.
  • Click on the post/recruitment of your interest.
  • Enter required details such as educational qualification, date of birth, residential address, etc.
  • Upload neatly scanned documents such as certificates, a passport-sized photograph, and the signature of the candidate.
  • Cross-check all the entered details and go for the payment process.
  • Pay the application fee based on the social category you belong to.
  • Cross-check all the entered details and click on the button that reads 'submit'.
  • Download the application form and take a printout of the same for future references.

GPSC Admit card

A candidate must carry the admit card while appearing for the examination without it he/she wouldnโ€™t be allowed to enter the exam hall. An admit card of a candidate consists of details such as time of exam commencement, examination center allotted, etc.

How to download the admit card?

An aspirant appearing for the GPSC exam must download and carry it along with them. A candidate must follow the steps mentioned below while downloading the admit card.

  • Step 1: Check out the Visit official website run by the commission (
  • Step 2: A tab shall open
  • Step 3: Once on the newly opened tab, search for a link/button that reads 'Download call letter'.
  • Step 4: Click on the link and wait for it to load
  • Step 3: Click on the link for the post you've applied for.
  • Step 4: A candidate has to enter his/her registration number, date of birth, gender to get themselves logged in.
  • Step 5: Once the candidate gets done with entering the required details, he/she now has to click on the button that says 'Download admit card' and get it downloaded.
  • Step 6: Once downloaded, take a colour printout of the same and carry it during the examination.

GPSC Eligibility Criteria

A candidate aspiring to appear for the examination must fulfil all the essential eligibility criteria. The Gujarat Public Service Commission and state government team up to set the eligibility requirements. A candidate who fails to meet even any one of the rules shall be prohibited from appearing for the exam.

A candidate appearing for the exam must fulfil the below-mentioned essential criteria:

  • She/he must be a citizen of India
  • A subject from Nepal
  • A subject from Bhutan
  • A person from Tibet can also appear only if he/she is a refugee from Tibet and permanently migrated from fibre to India with a motive to settle down before 1st January 1962.
  • A person with Indian origin and ancestry who migrated to India from Pakistan, (Bangladesh), Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam.
Age limit for GPSC 2021:

The exam conducting body has set up different age limits for candidates based on the social category he/she belongs to.

  • When a candidate belonging to any of the reserved categories, she/he gets profited by experiencing relaxation in the maximum age limit set by the commission is proper documents are submitted:
A candidate from SC, ST, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes with origin in the state of Gujarat.
  • The candidate gets his/her age relaxed for up to 5 years.
  • The maximum age limit of the person to appear for the exam shall be 45 years.
A female candidate belonging to any of the reserved categories The candidate gets to experience an age relaxation of 10 years.
A candidate who has served as an ex-serviceman/officer
  • The candidate gets to experience age relaxation of their entire military years with the addition of 3 years.
  • The candidate should've served in the military at least for five years.
Candidates who are physically disabled
  • The commission relaxes the work according to the person's disability.
  • The candidates get to experience age relaxation of about ten years.
  • Candidates who are physically challenged must provide a certificate/document proving their statement.
Female candidates of any unreserved categories The person gets her age relaxed up to 5 years from the actual maximum age limit.
A person who had served the state government The candidate doesn't get to experience any relaxation in age during the upper age.

A candidate belonging to any general or unreserved category doesn't get any relaxation in age. Therefore, he/she must follow the age limit mentioned below:

35 years old or below 20 years old or above
Educational qualification:

A candidate must follow the educational norms set by the commission to appear for the exam and be offered jobs.

  • A candidate with the aspiration to appear and ace the examination must hold a bachelor's degree or more from a state/central recognized university.
  • Candidates who appeared for their final semester examination and are waiting for the results to be declared can also appear for the GPSC exam.
  • Although, during the application process for the main stage of the exam, the candidate has to submit his/her certificates and final semester scorecard.

GPSC Exam Pattern

The commission recruits candidates only after they qualify the three stages of the examination.

  • Preliminary stage: The questions shall be in the form of objective type.
  • Main stage: The questions shall be asked in the form of descriptive type.
  • The final interview: 100 marks.
Preliminary stage
Name of the examination Gujarat Public Services Examination for administrative services of the Indian state
  • Class I
  • Class ll
  • Gujarat Civil Services
Total number of papers The commission examines the candidates with two papers.
  • Paper I โ€“ General Studies I
  • Paper 2- General Studies II
The maximum duration of the exam
  • Paper l- 3 hours
  • Paper ll- 3 hours
Maximum marks
  • Paper l- 200 marks
  • Paper ll- 200 marks
Type of the question paper Objective/MCQs type
Mode of the exam Offline/pen and paper mode
Main stage
Name of the examination Gujarat Public Services Exam for Gujarat Administrative Services Class I and Gujarat Civil Services, Class I & II
Total number of papers The commission in this stage examines the candidates with six papers.
The maximum duration of the exam Maximum duration of 3 hours is granted for each paper.
Maximum marks
  • Each paper consists of a maximum of 150.
  • The total marks of the main stage are 900.
Type of the question paper Descriptive/stative type
Mode of the exam Offline/pen and paper mode

GPSC Examination fee

A candidate must give a thorough read of details before commencing with the payment processes.

  • A candidate with no reservation or who belongs to the general category must pay the fee of Rs. 100/.
  • A candidate can pay the fee by cash at any computerized post office across the Indian state of Gujarat or through any of the online payment methods.
  • The commission has completely accepted candidates from several categories from paying the examination fee. The categories exempted from paying the application fee are:
  • Candidates from SC, ST, and economically weaker categories with Gujarat as the state of origin.
  • The examination and application fee shall be discharged to candidates who served as an ex-serviceman for the country for class iii posts.
  • Fees for ex-servicemen trying for classes l and ll shall not be exempted meaning they've to pay the examination and application fee as in other categories.

GPSC Previous Year Cutoff

The commission decides the cutoff trends every year based on,

  • The difficulty level of the question paper
  • Highest score of the year
  • The average score of the year
  • Total number of candidates appearing for the examination
Cutoff of the year 2018-2019:
Serial No. Name of the Category Cutoff for the year Final cutoff with relaxation Total number of recruited candidates
1 General Male 139.06 125.15 755
2 General Female 119.36 107.96 303
3 OBC Male 139.06 125.15 1267
4 OBC Female 139.06 125.15 72
5 SC Male 139.06 125.15 267
6 SC Female 139.06 125.15 21
7 ST Male 115.73 104.16 196
8 ST Female 108.13 97.32 30
9 EWS Male 139.06 125.15 994
10 EWS Female 139.06 125.15 41

GPSC Examination Centres

The GPSC examination shall be conducted in 16 different parts across the Indian state of Gujarat.

The declared examination centers:

1 Ahmedabad
2 Bharuch
3 BK (Palanpur)
4 Bhavnagar
5 Jamnagar
6 Junagadh
7 Kutch Bhuj
8 Mahesana
9 Patan
10 Rajkot
11 SK(Himmatnagar)
12 Surat
13 Surendranagar
14 Tapi (Vyara)
15 Vadodara
16 Valsad

GPSC Results

Candidates should check their results after appearing for the examination

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of GPSC (
  • Step 2: Once on the website, click on the tab that reads 'News and events.
  • Step 3: Once opening the tab, click on the link reading 'List of eligible candidates for application scrutiny'.
  • Step 4: A new tab shall open
  • Step 5: The candidate's result shall get displayed on the screen.
  • Step 6: Download the webpage and take a printout of the same for future references.

GPSC Payscale

The salary provided to the candidates after recruiting shall differ according to the post allotted.

Payment with accordance to 7th pay commission:

Rs 56,100 โ€“ Rs 1,77,500 & other subsidies Rs 44,900 โ€“ Rs 1,42,400 & other subsidies

GPSC Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many times can a candidate appear for the examination?

A. Candidates aspiring to appear for the exam have no limitations as they can take up the exam how much ever time they want to.

Q. What is the total number of vacant posts available for the year 2020?

A. The Gujarat Public Service Commission has announced 1716 to be the total post vacancy for the year 2020.

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