Central bank of India SO Exam | Application Form, Syllabus - Easy Shiksha

Central bank of India SO Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 1st, 2021


Tom Helson

The Central Bank of India is the largest and oldest bank of India which is wholly owned and managed by Indians. It was established in 1911 by Sorabiji Pochkhanawala. Central Bank of India will release the notification for filling specialist officer posts in its various streams.

Latest updates:

Central Bank of India will release the notification for filling specialist officer posts in its various streams. It will have all the details regarding education, exam date, eligibility, exam pattern, salary, etc



Conducting Authority Central Bank of India
Central Bank of India website https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in
Post Specialist Officer
Mode for the application Online Mode
Stages for Examination Written, interview
Exam date To be notified later

Important Dates

To be notified


Previous year vacancies

Total 74

Specialist Category/ Stream Vacancies
Information Technology (JMGS I) 26
Security Officer (MMGS III) 01
Security Officer (JMGS I) 09
Risk Manager (MMGS III) 06
Risk Manager (MMGS II) 06
Financial Analyst/ Credit Officer (MMGS II) 10
Economist (MMGS II) 01
CDO/Chief Data Scientist (SMGS IV) 01
Data Analyst (MMGS III) 03
Analytics-Senior Manager (MMGS III) 02
Data Engineer (MMGS III) 02
Data Architect (MMGS III) 02
CA/Credit Officer (MMGS III) 05

Eligibility Criteria

Age Criteria

As per the notification of the Central Bank of India for giving the exam of specialist officer post, the minimum age requirement is 21 years and the maximum is of 30 years. The age limit is for the general category and in general, age varies from one post to another.

  • For Credit Officers/III a candidate must attain the minimum age of 26 years and a maximum of 35 years under the general category and for the reserved category minimum age should be of 26 years and a maximum of 38 years.
  • For Risk Manager/ II minimum age should be 21 years and a maximum of 30 years.
  • For both Security Officer/I and /III minimum age should be of 26 years and a maximum of 45 years.
  • For Risk Manager /III minimum age should be 21 years and a maximum of 35 years.
  • For CDO/Chief Data Scientist /IV minimum age should be 28 years and a maximum of 35 years.
  • For Financial Analyst/I and Economist/ II minimum age should be 21 years and a maximum of 30 years.
  • For Data Architect/III, Data Analyst/III, Analytics Senior Manager/III and Data Engineer/III minimum age should be 26 years and a maximum of 35 years.
  • For Information Technology/I minimum age should be 21 years and a maximum of 28 years.

Age Limitation

The Central Bank of India for the SO exam also provides some age limit/relaxation to the reserved categories. A candidate should produce a valid document for claiming age relaxation also, age relaxation varies from one reserved category to another.

  • For Other Backward Classes, age relaxation for the candidate given by the Central bank of India is of 3 years.
  • Children/Family members of those who died in the year 1984 because of riots are of 3 years.
  • Persons domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1980 to 1989 are of 5 years.
  • For Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates it is for 5 years.

Educational Qualification

Post/scale Qualification Experience in Years
Credit officers/3rd CA/CFA/ACMA/MBA in Finance that should be a regular course from a reputed/recognized college/institute CA/CFA/ACMA-the experience of 2 years & above in post-qualification of PSBs, Fis, Credit Rating Agencies (Aluminum RS.10000 crore)incorporate credit assessment MBA (finance)-4 years & above in PSBs, Fis, Credit Rating Agencies (Aluminum RS.10000 crore) incorporate credit assessment.
Risk Manager/II B.Tech./MCA with MBA(Finance), M.Sc. Maths, M.Sc. Statistics or its equivalent from a reputed institute/university with an aggregate of 60% marks. N/A
Security Officer/III A candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university or any equivalent qualification by the Central Government. Minimum 10 years of experience with Indian Army or service from Air Force, Navy and Military Forces.
Security Officer/I Graduate degree and working knowledge in a Computer system like MS office (word, excel, ppt, etc). Minimum 5 years of experience as JCO in Indian Army or service from Air Force, Navy and Military Forces
Risk Manager/III MBA in Finance or postgraduate diploma in banking or Finance. 2 years of experience in Risk Management/Credit/Treasury/ALM.
CDO/Chief Data Scientist /IV Must be graduate from a science background(engineering), statistics, economics, applied science. Should have expert knowledge in quantitative methods for business and advance data science and 8-10 years of industry experience in data science or business analytics out of which 5 years of experience in banking and financial services.
Financial Analyst/II Passed Examination of institute of charted accountants of India (ICAI), Institute of Cost and works accounts of India (ICWAI) or MBA in Finance from a reputed institute with a minimum of 3years experience as an officer ICWAI- N/A MBA in Finance-3 years of experience in the public sector.
Economist/II Post Graduate degree in economics/rural economics/econometrics 3 years of minimum experience in data collection, economic analysis or research.
Data Architect/III Degree in engineering/ science/ advance degree in the analytical field. Minimum 5 years of industry experience in data science or business analytics role out of which 3 years of experience in banking and financial services.
Data Analyst/III Degree in engineering/science. Minimum 5 years of experience in data science or IT.
Data engineer/III Degree in engineering/science Minimum 5 years of experience in data science or IT.
Analytics Senior Manager/III Degree in engineering/science Minimum 5 years of experience in data science or IT.
Information Technology/I 4 years of engineering degree in computer science/ computer application/IT/telecommunications from a recognized institute. NA/


How to apply.

  • A candidate must visit the official website of the central bank and first register to themselves. Once registration is completed a provisional password is generated, and they have to use this password for filling the application form.
  • Documents required like a signature, passport size photograph, Aadhar card. number, and all the necessary details which will be given on the portal. All the documents should be in jpg/jpeg format and the signature should be on white paper with black ink.
  • A candidate should check all his/ her details after the submission, later no correction will be made. Payment should be done through online mode.
  • The aspirant must take the printout of the generated e-receipt and central bank of India SO exam application form.

Application fee

  • For all other candidates application fee is S.500/- and intimation charges is of RS. 50/- i.e is 550.
  • For schedule caste and tribes, there is no application fee for them only intimate charge is there which of RS.50/-

Exam Pattern 2021

The online objective test of the Canara Bank PO 2021-22 will have an equal number of questions from subjects such as Reasoning, Aptitude, General English and General Awareness. There will be 50 questions from each of these sections totalling 200 questions each carrying one mark. The details of the Canara Bank PO exam pattern are given below:

Subjects Number of questions Number of marks
Stream/ category specific questions 60 60
Computer knowledge 20 20
Banking and general awareness 20 20
Total 100 100

For Personal interview

  • Once the candidate has qualified for ed the online exam then, he/she will be eligible for the personal interview round.
  • A candidate needs to score minimum qualifying marks in each section and in aggregate as decided by the bank.
  • A candidate should have all original documents and their Scale-IV xerox prescribed by the bank to produce during the interview of a central bank security officer.


Sections Topics
Banking, Economic Scenario and General Awareness Role of the Banking Industry, RBI, All nationalized bankโ€™s history, Types of Banks, Money market in India, Fiscal-Monetary Policies, RBI Functions, Inflation-deflation, Capital market in India, National income and public finance
Stream Specific
  • Capital Market in India: Primary Market, Secondary Market, Over the Counter Market, Derivatives Market
  • Indian Banking Industry: Banking History, Types of Banks, Functions of Banks, Role of Banking
  • RBI and Monetary Policy: Main Functions, Devaluation, Credit Rating Agencies, RTGS, MSF, Types of Money, Anti-Money Laundering, BASEL Committees, Instruments, International Financial Institutions
  • Information Technology: Software Engineering, Basic programming languages, Data Structure, Data Communication & Networking, DBMS, Object-Oriented Programming, Operating System, Computer Organization & Microprocessor
  • Money Market in India: Money Market Concepts, Types of Cheques, FDI and FII Bills, Types of Negotiable Instruments, FERA and FEMA
  • Public Finance: Revenue of Central Govt., Concept of Budget, Schemes and policies implemented by the Govt., Revenue Deficit, Financial and Railway Budget, Finance Commissions, Taxes on Income and Expenditure
  • National Income: Source of Income, Some Macro Economic Indicators
Computer Knowledge History of Computer, Computer Basics Questions, Basic computer terminology, Security Tools, Network basics (LAN & WAN) Computer abbreviation, Virus, Hacking Software names and usages (Microsoft Office) Computer Shortcuts, Computer hardware parts, and controls, Basic internet knowledge and protocols

Job Profile

  • Credit officers/3rd
  • Risk Manager/II
  • Security Officer/III
  • Security Officer/I
  • Risk Manager/III
  • CDO/Chief Data Scientist /IV
  • Financial Analyst/II
  • Economist/II
  • Data Architect/III
  • Data Analyst/III
  • Data engineer/III
  • Analytics Senior Manager/III
  • Information Technology/I

Salary Details 2021

Senior Manager โ€“ Monthly Rs. 63,473/mo
Assistant Manager Rs. 6,96,297/yr
Assistant Manager โ€“ Monthly Rs. 45,021/mo

Central Bank of India SO: Pay Scale 2021

Grade Pay Scale
SMG Scale-IV 50,030-1460(4)-55870-1650(2)-59170
MMG Scale III 42020-1310(5)-48570-1460(2)-51490
MMG Scale-II 31705-1145(1)-32850-1310(10)-45950
JMG Scale I 23700-980(7)-30560-1145(2)-32850-1310(7)-42020

Cut Off

Candidates can check their results on the official website of the central bank of India SO that is @centralbankofindia.co.in by filling in the relevant details like registration number, date of birth or password. Also, the cut off marks are prepared based on the category of the candidates, the number of candidates, attended the exam, the number of qualifiers, the previous year cut off-trend and the toughness level of the question paper.

Admit Card

Candidates can download their admit card at the official website of the central bank of India and no hard copy will be sent to the candidates. Also, announcements will be sent by email in the registered email id of the candidates and registered mobile number.


Design a study plan

After going through the syllabus and exam pattern, design a study plan. It is imperative to have a good study plan. This will help you structure your preparation. Focus on the sections that need more attention.

Capturing strengths and weaknesses

How can you identify your strength and weaknesses? Well, this can be figured out by solving mock tests and previous yearsโ€™ question papers. After finding out your strengths and weaknesses, work on the areas that need improvement.

Start preparing early

Once you have made up your mind about joining the banking sector, do not waste time and start preparing for it. It is ideal to start preparation one year in advance. However, many cracked the exams with six months of rigorous preparation. All you need is planning, focus and determination.

Refer to good books

good study material plays an important role. As these are competitive exams, candidates will find ample good books and online reference materials. They should buy them for practice and clearing concepts.


How to Download Central Bank of India SO Result?

  • Go to the official website of Central Bank of India https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in
  • Click on โ€˜Career with usโ€™ given at the top right corner of the homepage
  • Go to โ€˜Click Here for the details given under Declaration of written test result for Direct Recruitment of Specialist officers
  • Central Bank SO Result PDF will open
  • Checklist of selected candidates
  • Take a printout for future use


Ques. What are the best books to study for the SO exam?

Ans. The candidates can refer to the following books.

Banking and General Awareness

  • Static General Knowledge by Arihant Publications
  • Guide to Banking General Awareness by R Gupta

Computer knowledge

  • Objective Computer Knowledge by R Pillai
  • Fundamental of Computer by RPH Editorial Board
Ques. What questions are asked in the Central Bank of India SO Interview round?

Ans. The interview questions vary depending on the posts you are applying for. In general, recruiters focus on your characteristics, communication skills, etc. Other than that, questions related to Indian Banking policies, marketing, financial system are also asked.

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