Bank of Baroda PO Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

Bank of Baroda PO Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 1st, 2023


Tom Helson

Bank of Baroda that is known as BOB is a leading government bank that is preferred by lakhs of job seekers looking to foray into the healthcare sector. BOB has headquarters in Vadodara, Gujarat with a presence across the country. Each year several aspirants fill the application form to get posted as Specialist, Probationary and Clerical cadre at the Bank of Baroda.

Latest updates:

July 14, 2023: Bank of Baroda (BOB) Recruitment 2023 For Business Correspondent Supervisor.

June 29, 2023: Bank of Baroda (BOB) Recruitment 2023 for Supervisor Posts, Fresher Can Apply, Notice Available @



Body who takes the exam IBPS
Exam name BOB Recruitment Exam
Application mode Online
Phases 2 levels (including online Exam and Interview)
Official website
Time Duration 2 Hours 30 minutes

Important Dates

To be notified


Participating Organization SC ST OBC UR
Bank of Baroda 90 45 162 303

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Criteria:

  • Candidates interested in this job need to have a valid graduation degree in any stream from a well-versed university or college.
  • Candidates belonging to the general category need to have at least 55% marks while the ones in the reserved category will be allowed to apply even in case they scored 50%.
  • Candidates must be aged between 20 - 28 years as on the date disclosed by the officials. This age limit is for the candidates belonging to the general category.
  • Candidates belonging to the reserved category can refer to the table given below to know about age relaxation:
Category Age relaxation
SC/ ST 5 years
OBC 3 years
Ex-servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) 5 years
Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 5 years
Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 years
Candidates having Disabilities โ€“ SC / ST category 15 years
Candidates having Disabilities โ€“ OBC category 13 years
Candidates having Disabilities โ€“ General category 10 years


Application fee

Category Application Fees
General category candidates/OBC INR 600

Exam Pattern 2023

The exam is taken in two levels including a written exam and then Interview/Group Discussion/Psychometric Test. Candidates will be informed about the next stage of the exam later.

BOB PO Level I Exam Pattern

In case candidates have marked any wrong answer, 1/4th marks or 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Subjects Total Questions Total Marks Time Duration
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 50 75
General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40
Quantitative 40 50
English 35 35
Total 165 200
English Language (Letter & Essay Writing) 2 50

BOB PO Group Discussion / Psychometric Test / Personal Interview

TOnly the ones who cleared the first round will get a chance to appear for the Personal Interview/Group Discussion/Psychometric Test. Shortlisted candidates will get a chance to work as a BOB PO officer. At the time of document verification, candidates are supposed to produce all the original documents and photocopy them.

Four phases:

  • Level I (online exam)
  • Level 2 (Descriptive Test)
  • Level 3 (GD/ Interview)


Quantitative Percentages, Ratio and proportion, Average, Mixture and alligation, Time and Work, Speed, distance and time, Stocks and shares, Partnership, Relations, Volume and Surface Area, Distances and Height, Logarithms Permutation and combinations, Simple and compound interest, Probability, Trigonometry, Profit, loss, and discount, Mensuration
English Synonyms, Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Word formation, Idioms and Phrases, Fill in the suitable words, Grammar, Spotting of the errors, Sentence correction, Active/ passive voice, Phrases and idioms, Direct and indirect, Speech Reading, Comprehension Passage completion, Theme detection, Deriving conclusion, Rearrangement of passage
General Awareness Monetary Policies, Awareness related to Banking & Financial, Economic Terms, Current Affairs, Static GK, Financial & Economic News, Government Schemes, Agreement & Deals, Banking terms, rates, processes, National Institution.
Reasoning Puzzles, Seating Arrangement - Circular, Square and Linear, Data Sufficiency, Directions and Distance, Decoding, Coding, Relations, Inequality, Syllogism, Machine Input/ Output, Reasoning, Rank, Arrangement and Pattern, Scheduling, Distance and Direction, Ranking
Computer knowledge History of computers, Basics of hardware and software, Windows operating system Basics, Internet Terms and services, Basic functionalities of MS-Office (MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint), Networking and communication, Database basics Basics of hacking, Security tools and viruses

Job Profile

During the probation period you will be subjected to rigorous training and will be trained to get practical knowledge in the banking industry like

  • Finance, accounting, marketing, billing as well as investment.
  • Learning nitty gritties of General Banking.
  • Opening of new accounts, Doing deposits, cash management etc.
  • Loan Processing
  • Issuing ATM cards, cheque books, demand drafts etc

After successful completion of the probation period, you will be posted in any bank branch as an Assistant Bank Manager to handle work on daily customer transactions, viz.

  • Marketing of New Schemes.
  • Bringing New Business.
  • Solving the grievances of customers coming in the bank.
  • Any other task bestowed by the bank from time to time.

Salary Details 2023

The BOB PO Salary structure attracts a lot of candidates for recruitment. The pay scale Rs. 23700-980 x 7/30560-1145 x 2/32850-1310 x 7/42020. Also, A newly recruited PO will have a basic pay of Rs. 23,700/- and after one year, he/she will get an increment of Rs 980. This increment will be done 7 times, until the basic pay reaches Rs. 30560. After which the candidate will be eligible for an increment of Rs 1145 for two more years. After they reach a salary of Rs. 32850 after the two years, the increment will increase to 1310 for the next 7 years till his/her salary reaches Rs. 42020/-. In addition, the probationary officers are also eligible for many other allowances such as DA, HRA, City Compensatory Allowance, Transport Allowance, Accident Insurance, and LTC, etc.

Cut Off

Below mentioned is the cut off list for the last year

Section Cutoff for UR (General)
Reasoning Ability 29.25
English Language (50) 13.75
General Awareness (50) 7.25
Quantitative Aptitude (50) 21.75
Total (200) 142.51
Descriptive 17.50
Total (250) 174.88

Admit Card

Ways to download the BPB PO Admit Card

  • Access the official website.
  • Check the home main page to look for the recent notification related to the admit card.
  • Once seen, click on the same.
  • To download your card, it is essential to mention the right registration number & D.O.B.
  • Once completed successfully, the test-takers will be able to view all the details related to the PO admit card on the screen.
  • Save the same, and tale a print out for future use.


  • Try and understand the syllabus and exam pattern to know the topics.
  • Make sure you divide your time equally among all the topics. This will help in allocating extra time to subjects that according to you are a bit difficult.
  • Practice aptitude questions regularly.
  • Candidates can also go through the BOB PO online test series.
  • For the Group Discussion, candidates can go through the latest Current Affairs topics.
  • Go through some tips and tricks for Public Speaking.
  • Practice structuring your gathered thoughts. Speak among your friends, practice in front of the mirror.
  • For the interview, know the Job Description as well as roles.


The BOB PO Results for the Online Examination will be announced after a few weeks of the conduction of the Examination. The selected candidates will be called further for the Group Discussion and the personal interview. The final selection list will then be released.


Q1: What is the total number of vacancies for BOB PO Recruitment 2023-22?

A1: The number of total vacancies for the BOB PO is expected to be around 600.

Q2: What is the selection process for BOB PO Recruitment?

A2: The BOB PO Recruitment happens in two phases. Phase 1 is an Online Examination and phase 2 will be Group Discussion and Interview.

Q3: What is the age limit to apply for the BOB PO Recruitment?

A3: A candidate must be between the age of 20-28 Years. However there are some relaxations given as well.

Q4: What is the educational qualification required for the BOB PO?

A4: The candidates require a Degree (Graduation) with minimum of 55% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.

Q5: What are the topics to be tested in BOB PO recruitment?

A5: Various topics for the Online Examination are Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language and English Writing.

Q6: What is the process to download the Admit Card for BOB PO?

A6: The admit card for the BOB PO can be downloaded from the official website once it is out. We will also update the direct link on our website accordingly.

Q7: What is the salary for the candidates selected in the BOB PO?

A7: The pay scale for BOB PO is 23700-980 x 7/30560-1145 x 2/32850-1310 x 7/42020.

Q8: When will the BOB PO Answer Key release?

A8: The BOB PO Answer Key will be released after the first stage of the Computer Stage Examination.

Q9: When will BOB PO Results be out?

A9: The result dates will be updated on the website as soon as it is out.

Q10: What is the type of Online Based Examination?

A10: The Online Examination is both Objective as well as Descriptive in nature.

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