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Development at 10 to 12 Months - EasyShiksha

Development at 10 to 12 Months


Babies who are between 10 and 12 months old are learning a lot and displaying interest in their environment. Babies can now hold themselves with their hands and are starting to pull themselves to a standing posture during these exciting milestone months. Some infants may even begin to take a few independent steps.

To determine whether a baby is developing as predicted, doctors look at specific milestones. Some babies develop their talents earlier or later than others since there is a wide range of what is regarded as normal. Premature babies frequently delay reaching developmental milestones. Always discuss your baby’s development with your doctor.

How much will my 10-12-month-old baby grow?

While all babies can grow at different rates, the following gives the average for boys and girls aged 10-12 months:

  • Weight: Average gain of about 13 ounces per month, birth weight doubles at about 4 to 5 months and triples at a year
  • Size: Average growth of just over ½ inch per month, with most infants growing 10 inches in their first year.
  • Head Size: average growth of about ½ inch per month

What can my 10 to 12-month-old baby do at this age?

As your baby continues to grow, you will find new and exciting skills developing. While babies can progress at different rates, the following are some of the most common milestones your child may reach in this age group:

  • Pulls himself into a standing position
  • Can sit down from standing
  • Cruises or walks clinging to furniture
  • May stand next to furniture without holding on
  • Can walk by holding onto your finger or hand
  • Can begin to take steps and walk independently
  • Plays ball by receiving and returning a rolled ball
  • Can pick up food and small objects with fingers
  • Can even feed finger food
  • Drinks from a cup with a spout
  • Can turn pages in a book, often several at a time
  • Slams objects together
  • Mimics doodle
  • New teeth keep erupting; may have four to six teeth by the age of one year
  • Takes two naps a day and can sleep up to 12 hours at night without food
  • Wake up at night looking for the parents

What can my 10-12-month-old baby say?

Language development is very exciting for parents as they watch their babies grow into social creatures who can interact with others. While each baby develops language at their own pace, the following are some of the most common milestones in this age group:

  • Say Da-Da and Ma-Ma and you know who these people are
  • Mimics sounds and some speech
  • Can say things like “Uh oh”
  • Mimics animal sounds in response to questions (e.g., “What is the cow saying?”)
  • Simple gesture (e.g. shaking head “No”)

What does my 10 to 12-month-old baby understand?

Babies at this age are much more aware of others and themselves. They are not sure yet if their parents will return after they leave. Some common milestones that children in this age group can achieve include:

Recognizes familiar objects and pictures in books and can point to some objects when asked “Where is…?”.

Follows a one-step command that requires the parent to show the child how to do it

Has preferences for people and toys, and may have a favourite toy or blanket

  • Is curious and wants to explore
  • Moves to the music
  • Intentionally drops items for others to pick up
  • Points and gestures for objects and actions
  • May begin to pretend simple activities such as cleaning or drinking from a cup

How does my 10-12-month-old baby interact with others?

Babies at this age have a better understanding of their relationship with others, e.g. B. when they are near or far, coming or going. Although every child’s personality is unique, some of your child’s common behavioural traits may include:

  • Anxiety and fear of strangers; can cling and cling to parents; cries when the parents leave
  • Waves goodbye
  • Cries or shows emotion when “no” is said

Future Scope
HDFC Credila: Education Loan
Fair Exhibition Organisation
Indian Education Congress
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