Managing the symptoms of ADHD is not at all an easy feat. With this disorder, anything from paying the bills to completing your daily tasks on time can become a difficult mountain to climb, not to mention the juggling family and underlined social demands.
ADHD in childhood becomes prominent and Noticeable when the child exhibits some minor symptoms of hyperactivity, inability to sit still or pay attention, and impulsivity. The degree of severity may vary widely. Some children with ADHD may need only mild interventions and treatments , while others require much greater support and help to achieve optimal levels of body functioning. While our health professionals do not fully understand what causes ADHD, but it is believed to be related to both changes in the chemical physical environment of the brain and also the genetic factors.
Fortunately, there are a few skills you can learn that can help you better organize your symptoms and keep yourself on track. Just remember, changes like these can take time a longer time and won’t happen overnight. But with practice, patience, and positive approach, you can become more productive, organized, and can get control over things.
ADHD management tips to try.
Learn to Prioritize
Prioritizing goes on hand in hand with proper scheduling and chalking of plans. For an ADHD sufferer, it can be a difficult task to manage some of these symptoms like impulse control and efficiently complete tasks. To overcome these problems it’s best to decide which tasks should be done at first. Ask yourself what your most important work is, and then work ahead to accomplish that task first.
Learn to Say No
One major symptom of ADHD is impulsiveness and hyper behavior. This can lead you to agree to more projects than you cannot handle, which will disrupt all the hard work you’ve done to get to this point and can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression over social engagements.
It’s all right to politely say no to certain commitments if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Try to exercise on most days
You don’t really have to go to the gym Everyday . A 30-minute walk four times a week is more than enough to provide the needed benefits. Thirty minutes of any physical activity every day is even better. Try to Pick something enjoyable stuff, so you’ll stick with it Choose activities that will build your physical strengths or that you find challenging yet fun. Team sports can be a good choice for you because the social element keeps them interesting.
Take a deep Breaths
May seem very obvious, but you’d be amazed by how many people forget this important step when they’re stressed out. Practicing simple meditation and taking deep breaths can help improve your ability to focus, as said by Shane K. Perrault, PhD, a clinical psychologist and founder of the ADHD Performance Clinic in Greenbelt, Md. “When you have ADHD, your blood doesn’t flow to a part of the brain where the high-order decisions are made,” he explained. The yoga, Meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax and better manage the symptoms.
Get out into nature
Many Studies proves that spending time in nature can reduce the symptoms of ADHD. So you can Double up on the benefits by combining “green time” with some exercise. Try hiking, trail running, or walking in a local park to get some fresh air .
Meditation can help children manage their ADHD symptoms in their everyday life and can help them control the behaviour that cause difficulties with family, friends, and at school.
Healthy diet
A good protein rich diet with lot of fresh fruits , vegetables and animal products will surly help a patient of ADHD to overcome there problem of anxiety, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Positive thoughts
Though it may take some time to readjust your thought process , try to bring “happy thoughts” in your mind at bedtime. Set aside all worries and negative thoughts. Get into the habit of positive thinking at bedtime you can Think of a favourite place vacation or your favourite person . Happy thoughts and good feelings that can make it easier to drift off to sleep. You can also Try aromatherapy Some people find that using aromatherapy oil at bath time it helps them sleep, you can particularly try scents like lavender, jasmine, and chamomile.
Make your bedroom a relaxing place
Your bedroom should be a place you associate with sleeping and relaxation. A calm environment will help you to drift off to sleep bit easier.
Here are some ideas you can try
- Remove distractions from your bedroom including your laptop
- Switch off your TV and put your phone on silent mode and keep it away
- To feel more comfortable use fluffy pillows and a cosy blanket
Calm and Slow Down Your Brain
Once you’re in bed, with lights off, use ADHD-friendly tools that will help you to relax a white noise machine, earplugs, or soothing soft music can all slow down racing thoughts. Another solution is try to Concentrate on relaxing one muscle at a time, starting with your feet and moving up toward your head, slow breathing out each time you reach a new muscle group.
As a parent try to encourage, value and embrace your child’s uniqueness. Understand Many famous and highly accomplished people are living with ADHD so Remind your children of this fact and help them find the areas in which they can do better and excel. And don’t forget to shower your unconditional love for the unique person that is your child is.
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