Do you know what it takes to be successful consistently?
Your education? Your understanding? Your ability to use your degree knowledge? Guess, what another ingredient is important. Technical skills will take you only so far and at some point, you will stagnate. Yes, I am talking about the soft skills. These skills which are internal to all of us –include communication skills, listening, collaboration skills, negotiation skills and emotional intelligence. How do you start building soft skills? One must start at the foundation, right? This foundation is your self-awareness. With this course, I am going to help YOU to make your foundation VERY STRONG, on which you can build other skills easily.
In this world where many people overestimate how self-aware they are, by taking this course, you will take a big and important step to learn who you are, how you impact others and how others perceive you.
Now, think about this - you have a new friend, this friend was a complete stranger first. When you start knowing his/her, you start to like some of him/her characteristics. Similarly, once you start knowing yourself better, you start loving yourself more.
Becoming self-aware is the first and very important step in your personal growth. Self-awareness is also the foundation of emotional intelligence. This course teaches you the importance of self-awareness and helps you to become more aware of your life and career. You will learn 9 pillars of self-awareness which are values, beliefs, strengths, passion, unique ability, weaknesses, thinking/feeling/behavior patterns, impact on others & other’s perception of you.
You will explore different models such as Johari window, NLP communication model, wheel of emotions, wheel of life, pyramid of human needs & SMART goal setting, which will help you to gain greater clarity, build confidence and connect with your personality.
Next, you will learn 3 categories of awareness: thinking, feeling and doing, so you can make important changes to your life and career and see new results.
This course is all about being more effective in anything you want, whether you want to....
โ Get that dream job after college
โ Get a promotion or pay raise
โ Work more effectively with people
โ Become a leader of your own life
You will not only learn, but engage yourself in activities and take tests to discover more about you. You will gain a deeper understanding of your mind with NLP communication model. Next, you will become more aware of your thoughts, emotions & behavior and as a result, you will be able to make required changes in thinking & behavior and you will be able to regulate emotions effectively
What you learn in this course? What You See Here, Is What You Get!
- 9 pillars of self-awareness
- 3 categories of self-awareness
- 8 benefits of becoming more self-aware
- Self-awareness history, what major religions have said
- 2 types of insights of self-awareness
- Understand inner working of your mind with NLP model
- Pillar 1-Learn power of beliefs with experiment of 5 monkeys and bananas
- 4 step method to find your limiting beliefs and replacing them with new beliefs
- Pillar 2-Method to find your values (what is most important to you)
- Pillar 3 & 4-4 room model to find your strengths & weaknesses
- Pillar 5-find your passion
- Pillar 6-find your unique ability
- Learn why you behave a certain way with 90-10 Iceberg model
- Pillar 6-Emotional awareness - Wheel of emotions
- Pillar 7- Thinking/behavior patterns
- Stimulus & response concept to become aware of your inner power
- Maslow’s 5 level pyramid of human needs
- Pillar 8-Awareness of how you impact others
- Pillar 9-Awareness of how others perceive you
- Get clarity in 8 aspects of your life with wheel of life tool
- 10 ways to develop your awareness
- Set SMART goals which give you clarity