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Everything you need to know about abortion pills
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill, often known as medication abortion, is a secure and reliable method of ending an early pregnancy.
How does the pill for abortion function?
The term “abortion pill” refers to the combination of the drugs misoprostol and mifepristone used to end a pregnancy.
You start by taking a medicine called mifepristone. Progesterone is a hormone required for pregnancy to develop normally. By blocking your body’s own progesterone, mifepristone prevents the pregnancy from progressing.
Next, you take misoprostol, either right away or up to 48 hours later. Your uterus will become empty as a result of this medication’s cramping and bleeding side effects. The procedure is quite similar to an early miscarriage, and it’s kind of like having an extremely heavy, crampy period.
Call your nurse or doctor if you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours of taking the second medication.
You will be given both medications at the health facility by your doctor or nurse. Depending on state regulations and the policies of your health centre, you’ll decide when and where to take them. You will receive specific instructions from your doctor or nurse regarding where, when, and how to take the medications. To avoid infection, you might also receive some antibiotics.
How well does the abortion pill work?
The abortion medication works wonders. How far along you are in your pregnancy when you take the medication will affect its efficacy.
It works 94–98 times out of 100 times for women who are eight weeks pregnant or fewer.
About 94–96 out of 100 times, it works for women who are 8–9 weeks pregnant.
It works about 91–93 times out of 100 times for women who are 9–10 weeks pregnant. An extra dose of medication will be effective on about 99 out of 100 occasions.
It works roughly 87 out of 100 times for women who are 10 to 11 weeks pregnant. In 98 out of 100 cases, an additional dose of medication will be effective.
The abortion pill usually works, but if not, you can continue taking the medication or undergo the abortion at a clinic.
Can I use the abortion pill at any time?
You could be eligible to get a pharmaceutical abortion up to 77 days (11 weeks) following the first day of your last menstrual period, depending on where you reside. You can get an in-clinic abortion to stop your pregnancy if it has been 78 days or more from the first day of your last period.
Why do people pick the pill for abortion?
Your particular preferences and circumstances will determine the type of abortion you have. Some people prefer pharmaceutical abortions because they don’t require a procedure at a doctor’s office. You can get a medication abortion at home or in any other cosy setting of your choice. You are free to choose a companion for your abortion or to undertake it alone. Many individuals believe that pharmaceutical abortion is less invasive and more “natural” because it is akin to a miscarriage.
You can get advice from the staff at the health centre, your doctor, or nurse about the best type of abortion for you.