The adolescent brain is the sharpest, but the most abused. Teenagers are just adults who aren’t quite sure what to do with their lives. It is difficult for them to develop concentration. This in turn makes them more prone to error. They are easily influenced by almost everything that surrounds them. “Should I do it or not?”, we all would have asked ourselves this question many times in our life. Teenagers are also prone to impulsive behaviour and fear of being different. Many of these influences are positive, making them better individuals, while others have a negative impact on their growth, behaviour and development. Under the influence, nursing teenagers often use alcohol and drugs unnecessarily to relax.
Here are the most influential influences in a teenager’s life
Your friends/social circle
Imagine you are watching your all-time favourite movie. A couple of your friends see what you’re watching and make fun of you saying it’s a bad movie. Inside you think differently, but in order for your friends to accept you, you agree with them. This is one of the basic forms of peer influence, where you start doing what others like instead of living for yourself. On a deeper level, teenagers start smoking, drinking and rebelling against their parents because that’s what their friends do. They want to live on the edge. However, this effect can also be positive. Sometimes teenagers join workshops/projects when their friends are there. In the process, they get information that is useful to them. This type of influence is the hardest to resist and we all fall victim to it, just to be ‘cool’.
Remember when your mother said, “Listen to me, you will regret it later,” and you DID regret not listening to her? Parents are one of the most influential people in a teen’s life. However, we are unaware of this. Teens are in a period of risk-taking and rebellion, even though they are physically and financially dependent on their parents. Parents have a positive influence on their children’s careers, studies, and even topics such as sex, advising them to make the right choices. Children may not realise it, but their parents are the ones who shape their children into who they are. It is mandatory for parents to ensure that they are a positive influence on their children.
Movies and celebrities
This type of influence has a significant impact on those in their early adolescence. Celebrities are frequently used to endorse various products because when we see our favourite TV/movie star using a product, we are more likely to purchase it. In addition, movies depict a wide range of inappropriate activities such as violence, fighting, smoking, drugs, and so on. This has a negative impact on teenagers, who automatically believe that what they see is acceptable and are motivated to replicate it in their daily lives. A child today is more likely to listen to the words of a celebrity than his own parents. As a result, this influence has the potential to be extremely positive, with celebrities actually influencing teenagers to develop a focus.
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