Master In Microbiology

*#1 Most Popular Online Course in Biology & Life Sciences* You can enroll today & get certified from EasyShiksha &

Master In Microbiology Description

Micro-organisms are the oldest inhabitants of earth. They are masters in versatility and adaptability to the changing environment. They will definitely prove to be most cost effective partners in our efforts for sustainable development. The microorganisms influence the man in several ways. The diversity of their activities varies from causing diseases in human and other animals and plants to the production of various useful products.Microbes have a very significant role in the era of biotechnology and hence microbiology has today come forth as one of the most demanding subject in the science stream of graduate and post graduate courses.

The contents of this course has been divided into 17 chapters covering basic studies of microorganisms excluding their application part. Course covers detailed information on history of microbiology, evolution of microorganisms, classification, Nomenclature and latest information of Bergey's manual. Chapter covers information about structure, metabolism reproduction,function and diseases caused by Bacteria, Viruses, Bacterial viruses, Plant viruses, Animalviruses, Archaea, Mycoplasma and Phytoplasma. General account of cyanobacteria including their nutrition and reproduction have been given. Course provides detailed information about Gram negative and Gram positive Bacteria and Eukaryotes viz. Algae and fungi.

Course Contents


Major Fields of Pure Sciences; Major Fields of Applied Microbiology.


Discovery Era-Antony Van Leeuvenhoek; Transition Period-F. Redi, Needham, Spallanzani; Historical development in the field of Microbiology; Golden Age of Microbiology-Louis Pasteur, Tyndall, L.J. Lister, Robert Koch, Hesse, Jenner, Metchnikoff, Roux, Paul Ehrlich, Domagk, Flemming; Era of Molecular Biology - Beadle & Tatum, Delbruck & Luria; Nobel Laureates in Microbiology. 


Origin of Universe-Nebular Hypothesis; Planetesimal Hypothesis; Tidal Hypothesis; Recent Hypothesis; The Primitive Atmosphere of Earth; Chemical Origin of Life (Chemogeny); Biological Evolution of Biogeny; Cognogeny. 


Hierarchial Arrangement in Taxonomy; Whittaker Five Kingdom Concept; Major Differential Features among Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya; Modern Trends in Classification; Characters used for the Classification of Bacteria; Genome Comparison; RNA Finger Printing and Sequencing; DNA Sequencing; Microbial Phylogeny; Molecular Chronometers; Phylogenetic Trees; Taxonomic Criteria used for Classification & Indentification of Bacteria. 


Organization of Bergey's Manual; Classification of Prokaryotes.


General Character; Plant Like Characteristic in Bacteria; Structure of Bacterial Cell-Shapes of Bacteria, Ultrastructure, Flagella, Pili, Capsule, Cell Wall-Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacteria; Cytoplasmic Membrane; Ribosomes; Chromatophores, Cytoplasmic Inclusions, Gas Vacuoles, Nuclear Material, Plasmid; Nutrition in Bacteria-Photosynthetic, Chemosynthetic, Heterotrophic Bacteria; Reproduction in BacteriaVegetative (Binary fission, Budding, Cyst, Gonidia); Asexual (Conidia, Oidiospores, Sporangiospores, Motile spores, Endospores); Genetic Recombination (Transformation, Conjugation, Transduction); Gram Staining, Pathogenic Bacteria. 


History, General Characters of Viruses, Difference of Virus from Bacteria and Mycoplasma, Nature of Viruses; Viroids; Virusoides; Prions; Size & Structure of Viruses; Chemical Composition; Viral Genome; Classification of Virus - LHT System, Gasjens & King Classification, Baltimore Scheme of Classification; Replication of Viruses - Lytic Cycle, Lysogenic Cycle; Interferon. 


DNA Bacterial Viruses (Phage M13; Bacterial Virus T4; Temperate Bacteriophages; A. Phage, Virus T7, MU Virus).


Morphology, Satellite Virus & RNA; Virus Infection-Symptoms (External & Internal); Classification & Nomenclature; Physiology & Cytology of Plants Infected with Viruses; Change in Low Molecular Weight Metabolites; Viral Diseases of Tomato (Leaf Curl of Tomato, Mosaic of Tomato); Rice Tungro Viruses; Sugarcane Mosaic; Algal Viruses - The Cyanophage - Properties, Life Cycle; Other Algal Viruses; Fungal Viruses-The Mycophages-Characteristics, Examples of Mycophages; Taxonomic Position of Mycophages; Tobacco Mosaic Virus; Cauliflower Mosaic Virus; Potato Virus; Transmission of Plant Viruses.


Replication of Animal Viruses (DNA Viruses, RNA Viruses); Classification  of Animal Viruses; Classification of Human Viruses; Picomaviridae, Enteroviruses; Polioviruses; Coxsackieviruses, Echoviruses; Enteroviruses; Rhinoviruses; Rhabdoviruses; Rotaviruses; AIDS HIV Viruses; Poxviridae; Herpesvirus; Herpes Simplex Virus; Vericella-Zoster Virus; EpsteinBarr Virus; Cytomegalovirus; Adenovirus; Polymavirus; Hepatitis Viruses (Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G).


Phytogeny; General Characteristics; Cell Wall; Plasma Membrane; Metabolism; Characteristics of the Major Archaeal Groups; Halobacteria.


General Characteristics; Classification, Cell Structure; Reproduction,Economic Importance; Plant Diseases-Symptoms, Transmission; Human and Animal Diseases.


Mollicutes; Phytoplasmas-Occurrence & Maintenance, Detection; Vectors; Spread & Transmission; Disease Symptoms; Identification; Classification;Cure & Management; Little Leaf of Brinjal-Symptoms, Control.


General Characters of Cyanobacteria; Occurrence, Thallus Organization;Cell Structure, Photosynthetic Pigments and Chromatic Adaptation; GasVacuoles; Heterocyst-Physiology & Nature of Heterocyst, Function;Nutrition of Cyanobacteria; Reproduction-Vegetative (Fission,Fragmentation, Hormogonia); Asexual (Akinetes, Endospores, Exospores,Nannocytes, Hormospores); Genetic Recombination.


Spirochetes - Movement, Cell division, Diversity, Symbiosis with Invertebrates; Trepollema pallidu11l, Borrelia, Lyme diseases; Rickettsia; Chlamydia, Gliding Bacteria (The Myxobacteria); The Sheathed BacteriaSphaerotilus, Leptothrix, Halisco11le1lobacter, Chemolithotrophs; Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria; Oxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Nitrogen Fixing Cyanobacteria; The Purple Bacteria (Sulphur and Nonsulphur Bacteria); The Green Bacteria (Sulphur & Non-sulphur Bacteria); Budding Bacteria.


Mycobacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Growth Characteristics, Pathogenicity; Endospore Forming Rods & Cocci; Anaerobic Spore Formers; Bacilllls - Anthrax, Clostridium; Actinomycetes - Biotechnological Potential of Actinomycetes; Antibiotics from Actinomycetes.


Algae-General Characters, Habit & Habitat, Thallus Organization, Pigments, Reserve Food, Algal Cell-Flagella, Reproduction- Vegetative,Asexual & Sexual; Types of Life Cycle; Classification; Fungi - General Characters, Nutrition, Growth & Reproduction, Classification

Course Content

course-lock Fields of Pure Sciences course-lock Fields of Applied Microbiology course-lock History Of Microbiology course-lock Transition Period course-lock Historical development in the field of Microbiology course-lock Golden Age of Microbiolog course-lock Golden Age of Microbiolog Part-II course-lock Era of Molecular Biology course-lock Nobel Laureates in Microbiology course-lock Evolution Of Microorganism course-lock Recent Hypothesis course-lock Chemical Origin of Life course-lock Chemical Origin of Life Part-II course-lock Biological Evolution of Biogeny course-lock Classification Of Microorganism course-lock Hierarchial Arrangement in Taxonomy course-lock Five Kingdom Concept course-lock Domain Archaea course-lock Genome Comparison course-lock Genome Comparison Part-II course-lock Nuclear Acid Sequencing course-lock DNA Sequencing course-lock Microbial Phylogeny course-lock Molecular Chronometers course-lock Nomenclature and Bergey's Manual course-lock Bergey's Manual course-lock Bergey's Manual Volume 3 course-lock Bergey's Manual Volume 4 course-lock Classification of Prokaryotes Part-I course-lock Classification of Prokaryotes Part-II course-lock Classification of Prokaryotes Part-III course-lock Bacteria course-lock Blue Green Algae course-lock Shapes and Form of Bacteria course-lock Structure External to Cell Wall course-lock Capsules course-lock Intracellular Membrane System course-lock Nutrition In Bacteria course-lock Reproduction In Bacteria course-lock Reproduction In Bacteria Part-II course-lock Viruses course-lock Difference of Virus from Bacteria and Mycoplasma course-lock Viroids course-lock Structure of Viruses course-lock Structure of Viruses Part-II course-lock Viral Genome course-lock Replication of Viruses course-lock Bacterial Viruses course-lock Bacterial Virus T4 course-lock Bacteriophages course-lock Lamda Phage course-lock MU Virus course-lock Plant Viruses course-lock Virus Infection course-lock External Symptoms Of Virus Infection course-lock Single Stranded RNA course-lock DNA Viruses course-lock Change in Low Molecular Weight Metabolites course-lock Control and Treatment Of Viral Diseases course-lock Rice Tungro Viruses course-lock Sugarcane Mosaic course-lock Algal Viruses course-lock Features of other viruses course-lock Fungal Viruses course-lock Potato Virus course-lock Animal Viruses course-lock Replication of DNA Viruses course-lock Classification of Animal Viruses course-lock Classification of Human Viruses course-lock Picomaviridae course-lock Polioviruses course-lock Oral Polio Vaccine course-lock Enteroviruses course-lock Rhabdoviruses course-lock Rhabdoviruses Part-II course-lock Rotaviruses course-lock Rotaviruses Part-II course-lock AIDS HIV Viruses course-lock AIDS HIV Viruses Part-II course-lock Acute HIV Infection course-lock Replication of HIV course-lock Pathogenesis course-lock Pathogenesis of HIV & AID course-lock Polymerase Chain Reaction course-lock Transmission of HIV-1 and HIV-2 course-lock Epidemiology of HIV course-lock Poxviridae course-lock Control of Small Pox course-lock Herpesvirus course-lock Herpes Simplex Virus course-lock Vericella course-lock Epstein Barr Virus course-lock Human Herpesvirus course-lock Adeno Virus course-lock Polymavirus course-lock Hepatitis Viruses course-lock Hepatitis B Virus course-lock Hepatitis B Virus Part-II course-lock Hepatitis C Virus course-lock Hepatitis D Virus course-lock Hepatitis G Virus course-lock Archaea course-lock Archaeal Cell Wall course-lock Characteristics of the Major Archaeal Groups course-lock Crenarchaeota course-lock Halobacteria course-lock Mycoplasma course-lock Reproduction in Mycoplasma course-lock Phytoplasma course-lock Disease Symptoms course-lock General Characters of Cyanobacteria course-lock Thallus Organization course-lock Photosynthetic Pigments and Chromatic Adaptation course-lock Heterocyst course-lock Reproduction in Cyanobacteria course-lock Gram -ve Bacteria course-lock Spirochetes course-lock Rickettsia course-lock Characterisitics of Rickettsia course-lock Chlamydia course-lock Gliding Bacteria course-lock The Sheathed Bacteria course-lock Phototrophic Bacteria course-lock Cyanobacteria course-lock The Purple Bacteria course-lock Gram +ve Bacteria course-lock Mycobacterium tuberculosis course-lock Anaerobic Spore Formers course-lock Actinomycetes course-lock Actinomycetes Part-II course-lock Biotechnological Potential of Actinomycetes course-lock Eukaryota course-lock Algae course-lock Algal Pigments course-lock Reproduction in Eukaryotes course-lock Types of Life Cycle course-lock Classification in Eukaryotes course-lock Fungi course-lock Classification of Fungi course-lock Myxomycota course-lock Protozoa course-lock Characteristics of Protozoa course-lock Locomotion course-lock Nutrition course-lock Reproduction in Protozoa course-lock Classification of Protozoa course-lock Sporozoa

What You Need For This Course?

  • Access to Smart Phone / Computer
  • Good Internet Speed (Wifi/3G/4G)
  • Good Quality Earphones / Speakers
  • Basic Understanding of English
  • Dedication & Confidence to clear any exam

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Q.Is the course 100% online? Does it require any offline classes too?

The following course is fully online, and hence there is no need for any physical classroom session. The lectures and assignments can be accessed anytime and anywhere through a smart web or mobile device.

Q.When can I start the course?

Anyone can choose a preferred course and start immediately without any delay.

Q.What are the course and session timings?

As this is a purely online course program, you can choose to learn at any time of the day and for as much time as you want. Though we follow a well-established structure and schedule, we recommend a routine for you as well. But it finally depends on you, as you have to learn.

Q.What will happen when my course is over?

If you have completed the course, you would be able to have lifetime access to it for future reference too.

Q.Can I download the notes and study material?

Yes, you can access and download the content of the course for the duration. And even have lifetime access to it for any further reference.

Q. What software/tools would be needed for the course and how can I get them?

All the software/tools that you need for the course would be shared with you during the training as and when you need them.

Q. Do I get the certificate in a hard copy?

No, only a soft copy of the certificate will be awarded, which can be downloaded and printed, if required.

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Yes! You surely can. To begin this, just click the course of your interest and fill in the details to enrol. You are ready to learn, once the payment is made. For the same, you earn a certificate too.

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