SBI CBO Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

SBI CBO 2023: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 6, 2023



The most popular in India, the State Bank of India (SBI)
The selection will be based on the performance of a candidate in an Online Test and Interview

Latest updates:

  • September 29, 2023: SBI SCO Recruitment 2023: Apply for over 600 posts at
  • September 7, 2023: SBI has released the admit card for the apprentice exam.
  • August 31, 2023: SBI will soon close the online application window for recruitment to the post.
  • August 21, 2023: SBI SCO Recruitment 2023 for 69 Vacancies, Apply Online Now


Conducting Authority State bank of India
Name of the Exam SBI circle Based Officer
Name of Post Circle Based Officer (CBO)
Selection Process Online Test & Interview
Mode of Application Online


To be announced


SBI CBO vacancy 2020 was released. A total of 3850 CBO vacancies were notified by SBI.

Eligibility Criteria 2023

Academic Qualifications:
  • The aspirants have to complete their graduation from any authorized University or other similar qualification accepted by the Central Government as such.
  • The percentage obtained in graduation measured at the nearest two decimal places in the online application should be indicated by the applicant. If CGPA is awarded, the same percentage should be translated and indicated in the online application. If an interview is required, the applicant may have to produce a certificate issued by the relevant authority specifying, inter alia, the university requirements relating to the conversion of the grade into a percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in relation to those standards.
  • The percentage of marks is calculated by dividing the cumulative marks obtained by the applicant in all the subjects in all the years by the overall maximum marks obtained in all the subjects. The percentage fraction thus arrived is overlooked, i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.

Age Limit: Not above 30 years as on 01/08/2020. Applicants must be born no earlier than 02/08/1990.

Experience: The applicants should have at least 2 years experience in any of the Regional Rural Bank or in the Scheduled Commercial bank.

  • Local Language: Applicants applying for vacancies in a State must produce a 10th or 12th standard mark sheet, indicating that they have learned as one of the subjects the particular local language of the State in question.
  • Aspirants with a record of default in repayment of loans/ credit card dues and/ or against whose name adverse reports of CIBIL or other external agencies are available are not eligible for appointment.
  • Candidates against whom there is/ are adverse report regarding character & antecedents, moral turpitude is not eligible to apply for the post.

2023 Online Application

Eligible candidates should register their names online through the official website

Application fee
Other Category Rs. 750

Exam Pattern

  • Online Exam
  • Interview
  • Interview will be conducted for 100 marks. Candidates will have to score the minimum qualifying marks in the Interview for being considered for final selection.
Objective test
Sections No. of Questions Max. Marks
General/Economy/Banking Awareness/KYC-AML/Preventive Vigilance/Legal Issues 30 60
Data Analysis & Interpretation 20 40
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 30 60
English Language 20 40
Total 100 200
  • 2 marks are awarded for every correct answer.
  • For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks allocated to the question will be deducted from the total score.
Descriptive test
Sections No. of Questions Max. Marks
Letter Writing 1 25
Essay (250 words on banking related topics) 1 25
Total 2 50
  • There is no negative marking for descriptive paper.


General Awareness
  • Current Affairs
  • Banking Awareness
  • Economy
  • KYC
  • Preventive Vigilance/
  • Legal Issues
  • General Knowledge (Static GK)
Data Analysis & Interpretation
  • Number Series
  • Data Interpretations
  • Simplification/ Approximation
  • Quadratic Equation
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Mensuration
  • Average
  • Percentage
  • Profit and Loss
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Work, Time and Energy
  • Time and Distance
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Probability
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
Reasoning Syllabus
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Puzzles
  • Inequalities
  • Blood Relations
  • Order and Ranking
  • Alphanumeric Series
  • Distance and Direction
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Input-Output
  • Syllogism
  • Data Sufficiency
Computer Aptitude Syllabus
  • Computer Fundamentals & Terminologies
  • Computer Hardware & Software
  • Operating System
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Internet
English Language
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Verbal Ability

Job Profile

  • Management of core functions of a bank
  • Loan packages will be approved by the SBI CBO in a bank branch.
  • Banking Operations Monitoring
  • Maintaining Healthy Relationships With the customers
  • Smooth Implementations Of policy


The salary for selected candidates will be on the scale of JMGS-I (23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020). The initial basic pay will be Rs. 23700 plus one increment for each completed year of service rendered in officer cadre in the Scheduled Commercial Bank and Regional Rural Bank, as on 01.08.2020.


2020-21 Expected Cut-off- Category-wise
General 100-105
OBC 90-100
EWS 85-95
SC 70-80
ST 70-75
PWD 70-75

Admit Card

To download admit card
  • Visit official website
  • On the job, opening the portal enter your registration number and Password.
  • Click on download to get the Admit card.

SBI CBO Preparation Tips for Prelims and Mains exams

  • In-depth knowledge of your department: โ€“ One of the key points to be noted here is that the eligibility criteria require officers with at least two years of work experience. These eligibility criteria simply refer to the fact that they want someone who has an in-depth knowledge of the banking sector and how a bank operates.
  • Study your graduation notes: โ€“ Make sure you study all of your basic graduation notes to be all set for the interview. Please understand carefully how your expertise is related to the banking sector, and how your training will be of decisive importance in your banking profession.
  • Communication Skills: โ€“ It is one of the important factors that leaves a lasting impression on the panel. The words you use to convey your thoughts matter the most. You might say a positive thing, but using negative words can leave a negative impression, and vice versa. You are expected to be well-speaking and gentle as an officer.
  • Know all about the State Bank of India โ€“ You must have thorough knowledge about the bank. Read about the bankโ€™s foundation and subsidies, the recent merger, its departments, its role in the banking industry as a whole, its vision and the slogan, its economic and financial performance etc. Take help from SBIโ€™s official site.
  • Work on your body language: โ€“ Make sure you work well on your sitting posture, your hand posture, etc as body language says a lot.
  • Knowledge of government schemes โ€“ You must have a proper and up to date understanding of all latest government schemes that pertain to the banking sector. You must regularly read news, online articles, magazines to develop your understanding. Of government schemes. Knowledge of latest schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, Atmanirbhar Bharat etc. are highly desirable.
  • Stay up-to-date with current affairs: โ€“ The purpose of the interview is to check your presence of mind, awareness of worldly things and national affairs. Make sure youโ€™re working on all these issues. Theyโ€™re common, and they can be asked. Make sure you have detailed knowledge of things going on in the banking sector or the financial market because questions can be asked about these issues.
  • Keep it real: โ€“ Many times, candidatesโ€™ answers are too theoretical or too perfect to be true. Avoid giving such answers, keep your answers as honest and as truthful as you can


To check the results

  • Visit official website
  • On the menu bar go to join SBI.
  • Click on the current openings. You will be redirected to the openings page.
  • There will be all the openings and their results.
  • To check the result click on the SBI CBO result.

SBI CBO 2023: FAQs

Q. What is SBI CBO?

A. State Bank of India has released recruitment notice for Circle Based Officer. SBI CBO stands for SBI Circle Based Officer.

Q. When is SBI CBO exam?

A. SBI CBO exam schedule is yet to be announced. It will be mentioned in the SBI CBO 2023 Notification soon.

Q. Can I change my exam center after the applications are closed?

A. Yes. SBI provides an option to change a candidateโ€™s preferred test centers during a specific time window. Candidates have to login using the โ€˜Registration Numberโ€™ and โ€˜Date of Birthโ€™ to change the exam centers.

Q. Is SBI CBO recruitment for freshers?

A. No, SBI CBO recruitment is not for fresher candidates. Candidates must have a minimum of 2 years of experience as an Officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank or any Rural Regional Bank as of August 01, 2023.

Q. What is the salary of SBI Circle Based Officer?

A. The initial pay scale for Circle Based Officer is Rs. 23700/- plus applicable allowances and other benefits.

Upcoming Exams

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IDBI Executive Admit Card 2021 Published on the Official Portal

IDBI Bank has uploaded IDBI Executive Admit Card 2021 on the official website. Candidates who have appeared for Executive posts can refer to the official website of IDBI Bank, to download the same.

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SBI has successfully conducted the SBI Clerk Prelims exam in the remaining 4 centers - Shillong, Agartala, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), and Nashik centers in 4 shifts. There were four sections in the question paper.

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