NDA Government Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

NDA Exam 2023: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - 03/09/2023


Tony Stark

NDA exam is a prominent examination among the students who want to join Indian Defence Forces. It is the gateway for candidates who wish to join the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy. It is not a cakewalk to get through NDA and SSB. To prepare for the exam, candidates must make a study plan smarty.

Latest updates:

UPSC has released the exam calendar for 2023. The notification for NDA 2 2023 was issued on June 09, 2023, and candidates can apply for the exam till June 29, 2023.

The application withdrawal link will be open till July 02, 2023.

NDA 2 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted on November 14, 2023.

As per the latest notification, candidates also will be able to choose NDA exam centres from 75 enlisted centres across India.

NDA Exam Dates

NDA (II) 2023 written exam will be conducted on November 14 across 75 exam centres spread throughout the country to fill up a total of 400 vacant posts.

  • For the first time, women candidates will also appear for the written exam, earlier only male candidates could appear.
  • NDA (II) 2023 admit card for the written exam will be released in October.
  • Earlier, UPSC had postponed NDA (II) 2023 exam scheduled to be conducted on September 5 after reviewing the prevailing situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

NDA Vacancy

Candidates can check below the vacancy break-up for NDA 2023 (I) and (II) exams are given below:

National Defence Academy 370 to include 208 for Army, 42 for Navy, and 120 for Air Force (including 28 for ground Duties)
Naval Academy 30
Total 400

NDA 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates need to fulfil the following eligibility criteria to be eligible for the exam.

Age limit: For NDA 1 exam, both male and female candidates must have been born not earlier than July 2, 2002, and not later than July 1, 2005. For NDA 2 exam, both male and female candidates must have been born not earlier than January 2, 2003, and not later than January 1, 2006.

Educational qualification: The educational qualification is different for different academies. Candidates can check the educational qualification prescribed for different academies below:

Army Wing of National Defence Academy Passed Class 12/HSC or equivalent from a recognized board or university.
Air Force, Navy, and Naval Academy of National Defence Academy Passed Class 12/HSC with Physics and Mathematics


NDA application form 2023 can be filled in two parts: Part I and II

The step-by-step guide to filling both the parts of the NDA 2023 application form is explained below.

Documents required to fill NDA application form:

  • Scanned images of photograph and signature
  • Photo-identity card in PDF format (Aadhar Card / Voter Card/PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving License/
  • School Photo ID/Any other photo ID Card issued by the State / Central Government)
  • Bank details to make an online transaction
  • Marksheet and admit card of Class 10 and 12
  • NDA Application Form 2023: Part I
  • Part I registration is divided into four pages: candidateโ€™s registration, choosing the preferred branch, verifying details, and generation of registration ID. Check below the steps to fill Part I of the NDA application form.

Page 1: Candidateโ€™s registration

Candidates are required to enter their personal details, address, and educational qualifications. In the personal details part, candidates had to fill up their name, date of birth, fatherโ€™s name, motherโ€™s name, Aadhaar number, nationality, fee remission allowed, community, marital status, etc. There will be four options indicated by the drop-down menu to select education qualifications. Candidates need to enter their complete address, email ID, and contact number.

Page 2: Choosing the branch preferences

  • Applicants are to choose their branches: Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy
  • Mark your preference in the order of one to four
  • Candidates are also required to enter whether they are students of Sanik/Military School or Son of JCO/NCO/Other Rank Officer?
  • Click โ€˜Continueโ€™ to move to the next page

Page 3: Verify the details

Candidates are required to verify the details entered by them in the application form. No correction is allowed after the submission of the NDA form. After verifying the details, candidates had to agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the required checkbox.

Page 4: Generation of registration ID

The system displays the registration ID. The page also shows other details such as name, fatherโ€™s name, DOB, email id, etc. With this, the Part I registration is completed. The registration ID is also sent to the candidateโ€™s registered email ID.

NDA Application Form 2023: Part II

In part II, candidates need to pay the application fees, select the exam center, upload scanned images of photographs and signatures.

Fee Payment

  • Applicants can pay their fee through cash/credit card/debit card or net banking
  • Those who opted for โ€˜Pay by Cashโ€™ mode are required to take the printout of the system-generated Pay-in-slip during the Part-II registration. They had to deposit the fee at the counter of SBI on the next working day
  • Candidates should note that the fees once paid are not refunded

Selection of exam centre

  • Candidates are required to choose the NDA exam centre as per their suitability
  • They can choose only three exam centres
  • Allotment of the centre will be on the first-apply-first-allot basis

Uploading of photograph and signature

  • Candidates are required to upload the scanned images of photograph, signature, and photo identity card
  • The file should not exceed 300 kb and must be less than 20 kb. Before submitting the application form, candidates had to agree to the declaration and submit the form. Candidates could view the application form by clicking the View/Print button.

Withdrawal of Application Form

  • Click the 'Apply Online' link on the home page
  • Candidates are redirected to the page that contains the application withdrawal link
  • Enter registration ID
  • Enter name, gender, date of birth, father's name, mother's name, mobile number, email ID
  • Select either 'Yes' or 'No' from the dropdown
  • Agree to the terms and conditions
  • The withdrawal facility is available for those candidates who do not want to appear in the exam
  • Candidates are advised to provide the details of the registered application as well as registration ID
  • There is no facility to withdraw the application form with incomplete details
  • Separate OTPs will be sent to candidatesโ€™ registered mobile numbers and email ID
  • Request for withdrawal will only be processed only after validating the OTP
  • After the request is accepted for online withdrawal of the application, candidates must print the receipt
  • Once the application has been withdrawn it cannot be revived.
  • On successful completion of the withdrawal of the application, an auto-generated email and SMS will be sent to the candidateโ€™s registered email id and mobile

NDA Admit Card 2023

  • Candidates receive the NDA Admit Card on the official website.
  • NDA Admit Card is a mandatory document to be carried to the exam centre along with a valid ID proof and 2 passport-sized photographs.
  • The Admit Card for NDA is different for each exam i.e. NDA 1 and NDA 2.
  • The candidates must follow the important instructions mentioned before beginning the download process.
  • UPSC releases an NDA Admit Card which can be accessed by entering the registration ID and date of birth.

Exam pattern

NDA 2 2023 exam will be conducted in offline mode and all the questions are of MCQ type. The exam is held in both English and Hindi languages. Candidates are asked to attempt two sections- Mathematics and General Ability Test.

Subject Paper Total No of Questions Duration of Exam Maximum Marks
Mathematics 1 120 2 ยฝ Hours 300
General Ability Test 2 150 2 ยฝ Hours 600
Total 270 900
  • In the Mathematics section, there will be a total of 120 questions of 300 marks.
  • All questions will carry 2.5 marks each, which will only be allotted for choosing the correct answer. 0.83 Marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

General Ability Test Distribution

Sections Maximum marks
Part A - English 200
Part B - General Knowledge Physics 100
Chemistry 60
General Science 40
History, Freedom Movement, etc. 80
Geography 80
Current Events 40
Total 600
  • The general ability test will comprise 600 marks; 200 marks are allotted to English and 400 marks in total are allotted to General Knowledge.
  • In this section, there will be a total of 150 questions, 50 from English and 100 from General Knowledge.
  • Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for each correct answer in this section.
  • A deduction of 1.33 Marks will be there for each wrong answer. There will be no mark for unanswered questions.

SSB Interview

After qualifying for the NDA 2023 entrance test, all candidates have to appear for NDA Interview. Details are as below:

Second Round Duration Maximum Marks
SSB Interview 4-5 days 900

SSB Interview: Stage I

There are two tests in this stage and these are the officer's Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test and the Picture Perception and Description Test (PP and DT).

Only the qualified aspirants will be capable to appear for the Stage II interview process.

SSB Interview: Stage II

In this stage, the aspirants should go through the multiple Group testing Officers Tasks and should attend conferences and Psychology Tests.

The entire process of this stage will take 4 days to complete.

NDA Exam Syllabus 2023

The syllabus of NDA has been divided into two parts namely Mathematics and General Ability Test.

The General Ability Test will contain questions from various topics such as General Knowledge (GK), English, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, General Science, and Current Events.

Most of the questions asked in the NDA exam will come from 10+2 levels, especially in Mathematics. For preparing the General Ability test section candidates should read the newspaper daily.

Sections Related Topics Number of questions
Mathematics Trigonometry, Differential Calculus, Algebra, Integral Calculus & Differential equations, Logarithms, and their applications, Statistics, Probability, Vector Algebra, etc. 120
English Grammar and Usage, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and cohesion. 50
General Knowledge Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History, Geography, Current Events. 100
Study Material
Subjects Books Author
Mathematics Mathematics for NDA and NA: National Defence Academy and Naval Academy RS Aggarwal
Mathematics Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations RS Aggarwal
English NDA and NA National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Entrance Examination: 10 Practice Sets(English) Expert Compilations
English NDA INA Practice Papers: Conducted by UPSC (English) Sachchida Nand Jha
General Knowledge Objective General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Level 1) Disha Experts
General Knowledge Objective General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Level 2) Disha Experts

NDA Selection Process

Filling the application form

Interested candidates are required to fill NDA application form online. The application fee is Rs 100 which can be paid both online and offline. The commission releases the list of rejected applicants a few days after the closure of the application process. Besides, the examination authority also activates the link to withdraw the NDA application form for a specified period. Candidates who do not wish to appear for the exam can withdraw their application form.

Release of admit card

NDA admit card is released three weeks before the exam. The link to download the admit card is made available on the official website. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in either with the roll number or registration number. The hard copy of the admit card is not sent to candidates by post.

Written Exam

The written exam of NDA comprises two papers: Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). The written test carries a total of 900 marks. Candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam are called for SSB Interview.

Declaration of result

NDA result is declared online in two stages: written and final. The results for both stages are made available in PDF format. It displays the roll numbers of qualified candidates. The mark sheet of candidates is released after the declaration of the final result. Candidates need to secure NDA cut off separately in the written exam and SSB Interview.

SSB Interview

The SSB Interview is conducted for Intelligence and Personality Test. The test is conducted in two stages. On the first day of reporting, all candidates are required to undergo stage 1 test at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Candidates qualifying for the first stage are called for the second stage exam. Those who qualify for the second stage are required to submit a birth certificate and pass certificate.

Tie-Breaking Policy

When two or more candidates secure equal aggregate marks in the NDA 2023 exam, the ties are resolved as per age which means candidates older in age will be given preference.

Final Selection

Candidates are finally selected for admission to Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of NDA and INAC based on their performance in the written exam and SSB Interview. The final allocation is done as per the number of vacancies subject to the candidate's eligibility, medical fitness, and merit-cum-preference.


To check the NDA result 2023, candidates must follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Step 1:Visit the UPSC Official website and on the home page, click on the result link.
  • Step 2:On the display, the NDA Result 2023 will appear.
  • Step 3:Enter Ctrl + F and enter your registration number. If the registration number appears, this means candidates have qualified for the exam.
  • Step 4:Download the NDA result for future reference.


Besides, the opportunity to serve the nation, candidates are offered attractive pay scales and allowances. The pay benefits to the candidates selected through NDA begin during the training period.

Stipend to Gentlemen Cadets during the entire duration of training in service academies that is during the training period at Indian Military Academy (IMA) is Rs 56,100 per month (starting pay in Level 10).

On successful commissioning, the pay matrix of Commissioned Officer is fixed in the first cell of level 10.

The rank-wise salary of cadets are given below:

Ranks NDA Salary (In Rs)
Lt to Maj Lt: Level 10 (56,100-1,77,500)
Level10 B (61,300-1,93,900)
Maj: Level 11 (69,400-2,07,200)
Lt Col to Maj Gen Lt Col: Level 12A (1,21,200-2,12,400)
Col: Level 13 (1,30,600-2,15,900)
Brig: Level 13A (1,39,600-2,17,600)
Maj Gen - Level 14 (1,44,200-2,18,200)
Lt Gen to HAG Scale Level 15 (1, 82, 200-2,24,100)
HAG+Scale Level 16 (2,05,400-2,24,400)
VCOAS/ArmyCdr/Lt Gen (NFSG) Level 17 (2,25,000) (fixed)
COAS Level 18 (2,50,000) (fixed)

Military Service Pay given to the officer is given below:

Military Service Pay(MSP) to the officers from the rank of Lt to Brig Rs 15,500 pm (fixed)

SBI PO 2023: FAQs

Q. When UPSC NDA (II) 2023 exam will be conducted?

A. UPSC NDA (II) 2023 exam was postponed to November 14. Earlier, it was scheduled to be conducted on September 5.

Q. When NDA (I) 2023 exam was conducted? What was the difficulty level of the NDA (I) 2023 exam?

A. NDA (I) 2023 was conducted on April 18. The difficulty level of the NDA (I) 2023 Mathematics paper was easy while GAT was moderate.

Q. Can a married candidate apply for the NDA exam?

A. No, only unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for the NDA exam.

Q. Can girls apply for the NDA exam?

A. Yes, girls can now appear for the NDA exam after Supreme Court's interim order. Earlier, they were not allowed to appear for the exam.

Q. What is the difference between NDA and CDS exams?

A. Though both are defence-centred, there are many similarities and differences in the recruitment process, exam pattern, training, salary, perks, promotion, eligibility, etc.

Q. What are the subjects for the NDA exam?

A. NDA exam comprises questions from two subjects: Mathematics and GAT (English and General Knowledge).

Q. What are the minimum qualifying marks in Class 12 for applying to the NDA exam?

A. There are no minimum qualifying marks in Class 12 for applying to the NDA exam.

Q. What is the eligibility for the NDA exam?

A. For NDA, the age of candidates should be between 16 to 19 years. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in Class 12 from a recognized board can apply for the exam.

Q. Is Mathematics necessary for the NDA exam?

A. Yes, Mathematics in Class 12 is necessary for candidates who apply for NDA Air Force and Navy courses.

Q. Are NCERT books enough for NDA exam preparation?

A. Mostly the questions in the NDA exam are based on the syllabus of CBSE, therefore, it is advisable to prepare from the NCERT books of Class 10, 11, and 12.

Q. Can I clear the NDA exam by preparing for six months?

A. Yes, you can crack the exam with six months of preparation. But, you need to prepare well with utmost dedication.

Q. Can I clear the NDA exam on the first attempt?

A. Yes, you can clear the NDA exam in the first attempt with a good preparation strategy.

Q. What is the salary during training after selection through NDA?

A. During the training period, candidates selected through the NDA exam are offered Rs 56,100.

Q: When NDA (I) 2022 notification will be released?

A: NDA (I) 2022 notification will be released on December 22, 2023. The exam will be conducted on April 10, 2022.

Q: When NDA (II) 2022 notification will be released?

A: NDA (II) 2022 notification will be released on May 18, 2022. The exam will be conducted on September 4, 2022.

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