LIC AAO Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

LIC AAO EXAM 2023: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 10, 2023



LIC ADO is a sales administrative job. Candidates assigned to the post of Apprentice Development Officer are responsible for recruiting people as LIC Insurance Agents and inspecting existing policies. The examination is conducted in two languages English and Hindi. The recruitment process has three stages. The first stage is Prelims which will have objective type multiple-choice based questions. The second stage is Mains which will have Descriptive type questions. Third and final stage is the personal interview.

Latest updates:

LIC AAO Exam Date 2023 is out and scheduled for 28th August 2023. Earlier LIC AAO exam was scheduled to be held on April 4, 2020, which got postponed due to the sudden pandemic across the country

However, the Life Insurance Corporation of India has now released the new exam date for LIC AAO 2023 vacancy notification for the LIC Assistant Engineer Posts at the official website of LIC. The online application link for LIC AAO 2023 exam was closed on 15th March 2020.

LIC AAO Salary Highlights

Selection as LIC Assistant Administrative Services & Assistant Engineers(LIC AAO & AE) post is going to give the candidates a sense of satisfaction for it is a central government job, and the fact that it has a great career scope is another factor for choosing this path. LIC AAO AE Salary is going to be a handsome chance for the aspirants to get settled

LIC AAO & AE 2023: Important Dates

LIC AAO & AE Events Dates
LIC AAO & AE Notifications Released on 25th February 2020
On-linr Registration Of Application 25th February 2020 to 15th March 2020
Call Letter for Preliminary Examination 10โ€“20 Feb 2023
Preliminary Exam Date 17, 20 Feb 2023
Preliminary Exam Result 10 Mar 2023
LIC AAO & AE Prelims Cut Off 10 Mar 2023
Call Letter for Mains Examination To BE Notified Later
LIC AAO & AE Mains Exam Date 14 Mar 2023

LIC AAO AE Vacancy Details 2023

For Assistant Engineer post, the vacancies released are as tabulated below:

Post Vacancy
Assistant Engineer(Civil) 29
Assistant Engineer(Electrical) 10
Assistant Engineer(Architect) 4
Assistant Engineer(Structural) 4
Assistant Engineer(Electrical/ Mechanical-MEP Engineers) 3
Total 50

For LIC Assistant Administrative Officers post, the vacancies released are as tabulated below:

Post Vacancy
AAO(CA) 40
AAO(Actuarial) 30
AAO(Legal) 40
AAO(Rajbhasha 8
AAO(IT) 50
Total 168

LIC AAO AE Eligibility Criteria 2023

Educational Qualification
  • For AE (Civil): B.Tech/B.E. (Civil) from an AICTE recognized Indian University/Institution. Candidate should have a minimum of three years working experience in planning and execution of multi-storied building projects with all required infrastructure.
  • For AE (Electrical): B.Tech/B.E. (Electrical) from an AICTE recognized Indian University/Institution. Candidate should have a minimum of three years working experience in planning and execution of multi-storied building projects with all required infrastructure
  • For Assistant Architect: B. Arch. from a recognized Indian University/Institution. Candidate should be registered with the Council of Architecture and possess a minimum of three years experience in designing all types of buildings with allied services. Candidate should also be well versed with green building design requirements and application of AutoCAD software and/or similar type software
  • For Assistant Architect: M. Tech / M.E. (Structural) from an AICTE recognized Indian University/ Institution. Candidate should be well versed with the structural design of high rise building with the foundation system. He/she should be familiar with various standards of BIS pertaining to structural design and Foundation design and must be experienced in the handling of structural engineering software like ETABS, STAAD etc. Candidates applying for the post must possess minimum one-year hands-on experience in the area
  • For AE (Structural): B. Tech./ B.E. (Mechanical/ Electrical) from an AICTE recognized Indian University/Institution. Candidate should have a minimum of three years experience in planning and execution of Plumbing / Piping / HVAC system, Lift & Fire Fighting System, Electrical Sub-station in multi-storied buildings
  • For AE (MEP engineers): Bachelorโ€™s Degree from a recognized Indian University/Institution and Candidates should have passed Final Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountant and completion of Articles as presented by Institute of Chartered Accountant. The candidate should be Associate member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
  • For AAO (Chartered Accountant): Bachelorโ€™s Degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian University/Institution and Candidates should have compulsorily passed 6 or more papers of the examination conducted by the Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. as on the date of eligibility i.e. 1st February 2023. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK
  • For AAO (Actuarial): Bachelorโ€™s degree in Law or LLM from a recognized Indian University/Institution. Three years of Bar experience is essential.
  • For AAO (Legal): Post Graduate Masterโ€™s Degree in Hindi/Hindi translation with English as one of the subjects at Bachelorโ€™s Degree level OR Post-Graduate Masterโ€™s Degree in English with Hindi as one of the subjects at Bachelorโ€™s degree level OR Post-Graduate Masterโ€™s Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at Bachelorโ€™s degree level.
  • For AAO (Legal): Graduation degree in Engineering (Computer Science, IT or Electronics), or MCA or MSC (Computer Science) from a recognized Indian University/ Institution.
Age limit

The candidateโ€™s age is between 21 years to 30 years (Candidate must not be born earlier than 2.02.1990 and not later than 1.02.1999, both days inclusive)

Age Relaxation is as follows:

Category Age Relaxation Period
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 5 YEARS
Other Backward Classes(OBC) 3 YEARS
PwBD(Gen) 11 YEARS
Confirmed LIC employees Further 5 YEARS

LIC AAO & AE 2023

LIC AAO & AE Application Fee

Candidates belonging to UR/OBC category have to pay an application fee of Rs. 700 + GST + Transaction Charges. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD category have to pay an application fee of Rs. 85 + GST + Transaction Charges.

How to Apply online for LIC AAO 2023?
  • Visit the official site of LIC
  • For fresh registration, choose the tab โ€œClick here for New Registrationโ€ and enter the Important details asked.
  • A Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system.
  • An Email & SMS is sent to the registered email ID and a Mobile number containing the Registration number and Password.
  • Log in with the Registration number and Password and fill in all the important details asked there.
  • Upload scanned copy of recent photograph and signature, left-hand thumb impression, and a handwritten declaration.

LIC AAO 2023 Exam Pattern

LIC AAO & AE 2023 Exam is a two phrase process that includes:

  • Preliminary Exams
  • Mains Exam
LIC AAO & AE Prelims Exam:

The Written Exam will contain 3 sections namely: Reasoning, English Language Language, Quantitative Aptitude. The total duration of the written exam will be 1 hour or 60 minutes. 0.25 marks will be deducted if a candidate attempts a question wrong. Preliminary Examination consisting of objective test will be conducted online. The test will have three sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows:

Sections Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20
Numerical Ability 35 35 20
English: Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension 30 30 20
Total 100 60

Note: English Language Test will be of qualifying nature and marks in Language section will not be counted for ranking.

LIC AAO & AE Mains Exam

Main examination will consist of objective tests for 200 marks. The objective test will be online. The objective test will have separate timing for every section.

Sections Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 30 90 40 mins
General Knowledge, Current Affairs 30 60 20 mins
Professional knowledge 30 90 40 mins
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 30 60 20 mins
Total 120 300 120 mins
English: Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension 2 25 30 mins

Descriptive test of English Language etc. will be of qualifying nature and the marks in English Language will not be counted for ranking.

  • The candidates are required to qualify each of the Tests. Candidates will have to qualify in each of the objective tests.
  • There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests for main examination. ยผ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination (Phase I) will not be added for the selection and the final selection will be based on the marks obtained by a candidate in Main Examination (Phase II) marks obtained in Interview.

LIC AAO & AE Syllabus 2023

Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude English Language General//Financial Awareness
  • Statement based Questions
  • Syllogism
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Alpha Numeric .Sequence
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangement
  • Blood Relation
  • Analogy
  • Odd One Out
  • Data Interpretation
  • Time and Work
  • Speed, Distance and Time
  • Number Series
  • Approximation
  • Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Average
  • Mixture and Allegations
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Arrangement
  • Cloze Test
  • Error Spotting
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Synonyms-Antonyms
  • Phrases
  • Elementary Grammar
  • Recent credit and monetary policies
  • Indian Economy
  • Overview of Indian Financial System
  • Current Affairs
  • National and International Matters
  • Currency and Capital
  • Awards and Honors
  • General History, .Geography
  • Biology and Applied Science

LIC AAO Job Profile 2023

The job of an Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) involves administrative work in LIC. It is basically a desk job.

LIC AAO is responsible for doing the following tasks:

  • Formulating new schemes, Checking existing and new policies.
  • Managing and filing Claims and Settlements of the customers.
  • Providing assistance and coordinating with the other departments.
  • To complete the work as assigned by the higher authority.
  • Interacting with the customers and solving their queries.
  • Inspecting existing policies for errors and misleading facts.

LIC AAO Salary Structure

Basic Pay - โ‚น 32,795/- p.m

Annual Increment -โ‚น 1,610 for the next 14 years from the date of joining

Basic pay after the increment -โ‚น 55,335/-

Annual increment - โ‚น 1,745 for next 4 years

Basic pay after these increments - โ‚น 62,315/- p.m

LIC AAO Other Perks and Benefits

Other than the salary and allowance there are various other benefits are provided to LIC AAO, which are mentioned below

  • Special Allowance
  • Group Insurance
  • Leave Travel Concession
  • Medical Facility
  • Accidental Insurance
  • Loan facility for personal vehicle
  • Meal Coupon
  • Mobile and other daily requirement expenses, etc

LIC AAO Cut Off 2023: Expected Cut off

Based on the difficulty level of the LIC AAOexam on 28th August 2023 and the previous year cut off, our experts have prepared the LIC AAO Cut off 2023 (Expected). The official cut off will be updated once released officially, till then have a look at Expected LIC AAO Cut Off 2023 and expect how much you can scor

Category Reasoning Ability Qualitative Aptitude English Language
General 17-19 17-19 9-11
SC 15-17 15-17 8-10
ST 14-16 14-16 7-9
OBC 17-19 17-19 9-11
EWS 16-18 16-18 9-11
LD 14-16 14-16 8-10
VI 14-16 14-16 8-10
HI 14-16 14-16 8-10
ID/MD 14-16 14-16 8-10

Steps to Download LIC AAO Admit Card 2023

To download LIC AAO Admit Card 2023, the candidate requires their Registration Number and Password. Follow the below steps to download LIC AAO Prelims Admit Card 2023.

  • Open the official website of LIC on your browser or directly click on the above link.
  • On the homepage, scroll down and search for "Careers" and click on it
  • You will be redirected to a new page where all active recruitments are detailed.
  • Click on Notification reading- "Recruitment of Asst Engineers/ AA/ AAO (Specialist)- 2020".
  • A new page will open up, click on LIC AAO Preliminary Admit Card 2023.
  • Enter your registration number and password correctly to login
  • Your LIC AAO Admit Card will appear on your screen, download it and take a printout for future reference.

LIC AAO AE Prelims Admit Card
17th August 2023

LIC AAO/AE Prelims Exam Date
28th August 2023

LIC AAO 2023 Exam Preparation Strategy

Section-wise Tips to Prepare for LIC AAO Prelims Exam

English Language:

This section is qualifying in nature, therefore you can focus on clearing this section. English is for 30 marks, and the score of this section will not be counted in the final merit list.
Revise your strong and weak topics by attempting the questions accordingly.
Focus on revising and solving questions from topics like Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Error Spotting & Phrase Replacement, and vocabulary section. This approach will help you score the cut-off marks in this subject, occupying major tips to prepare for LIC AAO.
Study Material:Tips to Master Cloze Test,Phrase Replacement Tips with Quiz,Phrase Replacement Quiz with Basic Tips,Vocabulary Learning Tips & Tricks,Word Power Made Easy 1,Word Power Made Easy 2, Quizzes:Cloze Test Quiz 1,Cloze Test Quiz 2

Reasoning Ability:

For the exam-oriented tips to prepare for LIC AAO Reasoning section, you must focus on topics like Coding-Decoding, Syllogism, Inequality, Seating Arrangements, Logical Reasoning, Blood Relations to score minimum qualifying marks in the Prelims exam.
While solving the puzzle if you are not able to solve the question easily, then we advise you to move to the next question to save time.
Study Material:Coding-Decoding Part 1,Coding-Decoding Part 2,Concept of Syllogism Part 1, Coded Inequality,Blood Relation,General Understanding of Blood Relation
Quizzes:Syllogism Quiz 1,Syllogism Quiz 2,Arrangement & Pattern Quiz,Linear Arrangement Quiz

Quantitative Ability:

To attempt questions based on Number Series, solve questions on a daily basis. This will help you analyze the patterns and attempt questions quickly. To have a good command on questions based on Simplification practice LIC AAO previous year papers thoroughly for specific questions. By the time you appear for LIC AAO Prelims Examination, you should have at least practiced 200-250 questions on Approximation and BODMAS.
Data Interpretation: Practice 5 sets each on Tabulation, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, and Miscellaneous DI questions involving word problems as expert tips to prepare for LIC AAO.Quantitative Ability section demands.
Key Topics: You should primarily target topics like Number Series, D.I., Approximation, Arithmetic Word Problems (Profit and Loss, Problems on Age, Probability, SI and CI, etc.)

General Awareness:

You should practice the General Awareness section with ample importance due to two-fold reasons as it saves time and is an immense scoring section.
Make a habit of following NCERT books and popular newspapers like The Hindu, Economic Times, Dainik Bhaskar, etc to keep up with factual CA for over a year.
Revise GK & Current Affairs section with the help of daily notes that should be prepared mostly on national affairs on insurance, banking, and other newsflashes of the last six months before the exam.

Do not study new CA notes with one week left for the exam as it might overburden you.

LIC AAO Exam Results

LIC AAO Prelims Result 2023 - September 2023

LIC AAO 2023 Prelims Exam for the posts of Asst Engineers/ AA/ AAO (Specialist) was conducted on 28th August 2023. The result for the same is expected to be released by the second week of September 2023. The result will be released by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) in the form of a PDF at the official website of LIC.

How to Check LIC AAO Result 2023?

To check LIC AAO Result for Prelims Exam, a candidate must know the following:

Registration Number/Roll Number of the candidate
Date of Birth/Password
When you have access to the above-mentioned details, follow the steps to download LIC AAO Result 2023.

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of LIC India or Click on the links mentioned above.
  • Step 2: The list of qualified candidates will be shown. Now, press โ€œCtrl+Fโ€ and enter your Name/ Roll No.
  • Step 3: If you have qualified, your Name and Roll No. will be highlighted.


1. What are the maximum marks for LIC AAO Interview?

Answer: 60 as per the last LIC AAO Interview in 2019.

2. What is the LIC AAO Salary for 2023?

Answer: Shortlisted candidates from the LIC AAO interview will acquire the job. As per the notification, the initial basic pay for the LIC AAO post is Rs 32,795 per month. For more details such as salary structure, allowances, and promotion, refer to the LIC AAO Salary article.

3. List the interview questions asked in LIC AAO previous year interviews before?

Answer: There are no specific questions that can be predicted in an interview, LIC AAO interview will be purely based on your personal experiences and the knowledge of insurance, banking, and current affairs.

4. How to impress the interviewer in the LIC AAO interview?

Answer: Be well-groomed, dress formally, be punctual, calm, confident and motivated. Listen to the questions carefully before answering. Prepare for common questions.

5. How to practice for the LIC AAO interview?

Answer: Get previous interview questions and prepare answers for them. Practice mock interviews with a partner.

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