ESIC Recruitment Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

ESIC Recruitment Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 2, 2021


Steve Jay

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Recruitment is done through selection exams to recruit eligible candidates in different internal posts.

Latest updates:

  • September 27, 2021: ESIC Gurugram Jobs Notification 2021: Walk-in for 13 Full-Time Contractual Specialist, Senior Resident Vacancies
  • August 11, 2021: ESIC Hyderabad Recruitment 2021: Apply Online for 237 Faculty, Specialist, Sr. Resident and Jr. Resident Posts.
  • August 10, 2021: ESIC Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Released for 60 Medical Posts.

Mizoram PSC highlights

Organization Name Employeesโ€™ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Posts Upper Division Clerk or Clerk-Cashier & Stenographer
Total Vacancies 6552 (tentative)
Official Notification Release July/August 2021 (Expected)
Category Govt. Jobs
Selection Process Written Test/Direct Recruitment
Official Site


To be notified


Posts Vacancies (tentative)
Upper Division Clerk/Upper Division Clerk Cashier 6306
Stenographer 246
Total Vacancies 6552

Eligibility Criteria 2021

For Upper Division Clerk/ Clerk-Cashier

The candidate should hold a degree from a recognised University or equivalent.
He/she should have a working knowledge of computers including the use of Office suites and databases.

For Stenographer Posts

The candidates should be 12th class pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University

Skill Test:

Dictation : 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute.
Transcription: 50 minutes (English), 65 minutes (Hindi) (Only on computers).

Age Limit

The candidate should be under the age limit of 18 to 27 years to be eligible to apply for ESIC Recruitment 2021.

2021 Online Application

The online application dates for ESIC Recruitment 2021 will be notified once the detailed notification is released

  • Visit the official website of ESIC .
  • On the home page, click on the "Recruitment" tab.
  • Click on the Post as per your desire, you will be redirected to the registration page where you will need to fill in your contact details e.g. Name, Phone No, Email ID etc.
  • You will be receiving an OTP on your registered mobile number. You need to fill that OTP on the ESIC portal to validate your registration.
  • Then you will be able to fill in your application form details and upload documents.
  • Then, you will have to pay your fee to complete your application form.
  • After successful completion of the payment process, download and print your application form.
Application Fee
General and OBC Candidates Rs 500
SC/ ST/ PWD/ Departmental Candidates/ Female Candidates/ Ex-Servicemen Rs 250

Exam Pattern

Prelims Exam Pattern:
Subjects Number of Questions Number of Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50
General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Comprehension 25 50
Total 100 200
Mains Exam Pattern:
Description of Test Number of Questions Number of Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50
General Awareness 50 50
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
English Comprehension 50 50
Total 200 200
ESIC Exam Pattern 2021 for Upper Division Clerk (UDC):
Description of Test Marks Total Marks
Preparation of 02 PowerPoints Slides 10 10
Typing matter on MS Word with formatting 20 10
Preparation of Table on MS Excel with use of formulae 20 10
Total 50 50

0.25 negative marks for each wrong answer


ESIC Recruitment - Syllabus for Junior Engineer

Syllabus of Paper I

General Intelligence & Reasoning: Arithmetical number series, analogies, analysis, similarities, relationship concepts, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, arithmetical computations, judgment, observation, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, relationships, and other analytical functions.

General Awareness: Sports, Inventions and Discoveries, Environmental Issues, Indian Parliament, Famous Books & Authors, Indian Economy, Current Affairs, Tourism, Geography, Indian History, Oceans, Rivers, Lakes and, Seas, Civics.Heritage, Famous Places in India, General Science, Artists, Indian Politics, Biology, Literature, Famous Days & Dates, Countries and Capitals.

Syllabus of Paper-II

Electrical Engineer: Basic Electrical Engineering Concepts, Estimation and costing, Power Electronics & DrivesMagnetic, Circuit, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, AC Fundamentals, Analog and Digital Electronics, Network Theory, Basic Electronic, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Measurement and measuring instruments.

Civil Engineer: Graphics, Physics, Humanities, SurveyingBasic, Engineering Workshop,

MTS Syllabus

- Syllabus for MTS/ LDC/Staff Nurse/Pharmacist and Others

Syllabus for General English - Spot the Error, Fill in the blanks, Synonyms/ Homonyms Antonyms, Spellings, Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms and Phrases, One-word substitutions, Improvement, Shuffling of sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze passage, Comprehension passage.

Syllabus for General Awareness - Indian Constitution, Awards and Honors, Books, Culture, General Politics, Current events, Economic Scene, Geography, History, Sports and Games.

Syllabus for Numerical Ability - Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, The relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work.

Syllabus for General Intelligence- Similarities and Differences, Analysis, Space Visualization, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Observation, Judgment, Figure Classification, Visual Memory, Number Series, Relationship Concepts, Non-Verbal Series, Arithmetical Computation, Analytical Functions etc.

UDC and Stenographer

General Intelligence - Number Ranking, Figurative Classification, Classification, Blood Relations, Arrangements, Arithmetical Reasoning, Mathematical Operations, Venn diagrams, Number Series, Figural Pattern, Cubes and Dice, Analogies, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding, Logical Venn Diagrams, Directions, Number, Ranking & Time Sequence


Verbal Reasoning - Analogy, Series Completion, Verification of the truth of the Statement, Situation, Reaction Test, Direction Sense Test, Classification, Data Sufficiency, Alpha-Numeric Sequence, Puzzle, Puzzle Test, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Assertion and Reasoning, Arithmetical Reasoning, Operations of Mathematics, Venn Diagrams, Word Sequence, Missing Characters, Sequential Output training, Directions, Test on Alphabets, Eligibility Test

Non-Verbal Reasoning - Dot Situation, Identical figure groupings, Forming figures and analysis, Construction of Squares and Triangles, Series, Analytical Reasoning, Paper Folding, Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Water Images, Mirror Images, Figure Matrix, Completion Incomplete Pattern, Spotting embedded figures, Classification, Rules Detection

General Awareness - Finance Commissions, Taxes on Income and Expenditure, Financial and Railway Budget, Revenue of Central Government, Economic Planning, Inflation, National Income, Public Finance, Bills, Concept of Budget, Schemes and Policies implemented by Government, Indian Banking Industry History, Functions of Banks, Types of Banks, RBI and its Monetary Policy, the Capital market in India, Money Market in IndiaRole of Banking.

Quantitative Aptitude - Simple Equations, Quadratic Equations, Indices and Surds, Mensuration, Percentages, Areas, Time and Distance, Problems on Trains, Odd Man Out, Numbers and Ages, Pipes and Cisterns, Time and Work Partnership, Ratio and Proportion, Simple Interest, Probability, Averages, Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F, Problems on Numbers, Compound Interest, Volumes Profit and Loss, Races and Games, Mixtures and Allegations, Boats and Streams, Permutations and Combinations, Simplification and Approximation

Job Profile

Categories Roles and Responsibilities
If posted in the Regional office/ Headquarters/

Sub-Region Office
  • Accounts Related Work
  • Drafting Letters
  • Maintaining Files
  • Online Processing of Data
If posted in Branch Office (Non-cashier)
  • Drafting Letters
  • Maintaining Registers
  • Preparing Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly reports
  • Preparing Online Payment Dockets
  • Uploading of Various Certificates
If posted in Branch Office (Cashier)
  • Bank-Related Works
  • Issuing Cheques
  • Maintaining the Cash Book


Posts Salary
Upper Division Clerk/Upper Division Clerk Cashier Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100)
Stenographer Level-4(Rs. 25,500-81,100).


Expected Cutoff Marks for ESIC UDC & Stenographer (Category-wise)

Categories Overall Cutoff (out of 100)
UR 70 โ€“ 80
OBC 65 โ€“ 75
SC 60 โ€“ 70
ST 55 โ€“ 65
Ex.Servicemen 50 โ€“ 60
PWD category A (VI) 60 โ€“ 65
PWD category C (LD) 55 โ€“ 65
PWD category B (HI) 45 โ€“ 50
PWD category D & E (other and multiple disabilities) 35 โ€“ 40

Admit Card

  • Visit the official website of ESIC.
  • Click on the post's link of your desired post
  • Click on the โ€˜loginโ€™ button available on the homepage.
  • Login by entering their Email ID/Username and Password
  • Click on the "download" option.
  • The file will be displayed on the screen.
  • Save it and make a few printed copies for future reference.


  • Confidence is one of the major factors that differentiates the successful people from the ones who donโ€™t make it to the end.
  • Self doubt is the biggest stumbling block in the path of success for you. Be confident about your preparation, that helps you keep a clear head and enhances your chances of being able to attempt new questions with ease.
  • Eat healthy, meditate to stay calm and keep an optimistic approach.
  • Strategizing your study schedule have amazing benefits when it comes to starting with an exam preparation. The strategy helps you in utilizing the time properly and being in a prepared state, most of the times, when it comes to practicing mock tests.
  • Divide your tasks on daily, weekly and monthly basis and keep a track of your progress each day. Make realistic goals, keeping into consideration your daily schedule.
  • There is no alternative for hard work. You can work smart, that will save additional efforts, but you will need to put in the efforts that are required.
  • Familiarize yourself with various question patterns. The more you practice, the better understanding you will develop for that topic. Make sure not to try any topics/questions that seem entirely new.
  • Analyze your tests. Donโ€™t jump on to the next test without checking out your incorrect answers or unattempted questions. Try to learn as much as you can with each test.


  • Visit the official website i.e. ESIC.
  • Click on the link that shows your exam.
  • Click on the relevant link to view the exam result.
  • Enter the application reference number and date of birth as the password to check their exam score.
  • After filling in the details click on the submit button in order to view the result.
  • The list will appear in which the name of the shortlisted candidates will be given. Check your name on the list that will be visible on the screen.
  • The candidate, if selected, has to download the result and keep it for future reference.


Q. Which sections are included in ESIC UDC Prelims And Mains Exam?

A. Questions will be asked from Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, General Awareness sections.

Q. Is there any negative marking for the wrong answer in ESIC UDC Exam 2021?

A. Yes, for each wrong answer one-fourth marks will be deducted.

Q. Is ESIC UDC a central govt job?

A. Yes, ESIC UDC is a central government job.

Q. What is the salary of the Upper Division Clerk in ESIC?

A. The UDC will be paid with a Level-4 pay scale (Rs. 25,500-81,100)

Q. How many vacancies have been announced for ESIC Recruitment 2021?

A. As per the announcement by the Gazette of India, a total of 6552 vacancies will be recruited for Upper Division Clerk/Clerk-Cashier & Stenographer posts

Upcoming Exams

IDBI Executive
Sep 4, 2021
Sep 17, 2021
Sep 18, 2021


IDBI Executive Admit Card 2021 Published on the Official Portal

IDBI Bank has uploaded IDBI Executive Admit Card 2021 on the official website. Candidates who have appeared for Executive posts can refer to the official website of IDBI Bank, to download the same.

  Aug 31,2021
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 for August 29 (All Shifts); Check

SBI has successfully conducted the SBI Clerk Prelims exam in the remaining 4 centers - Shillong, Agartala, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), and Nashik centers in 4 shifts. There were four sections in the question paper.

  Aug 31,2021

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