CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat | Top College List by EasyShiksha

CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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Ahmedabad -




(4 reviews)

About the College

CU Shah Commerce College offers courses in the field of Commerce. The institute was established in the year 1968, accrediated by NAAC and Affiliated to University of Gujarat. The college has a vision "to motivate and mould undergraduates of commerce with a sense of commitment and competence in the era of Globalisation, Liberalisation and Privatisation". The Courses offered by the college is Bachelor of commerce in two divisions, foe the first year it is in Gujarati medium and for the S.Y Bcom and T.Y Bcom it is in English Medium. The infrastructure of the college is well established and very well mainted. The placement of the college is very effective with a very good placement record. Even the faculty members are Experienced and guides the students for their career. Students get the oppurtunity to explore themselves. This is one of the leading institutes among Commerce Colleges of Gujarat University. Established in 1969, our institute has been serving the community of learners with excellent academic ambiance, committed teachers, inspiring management and talented students. The college was initially guided by the able leadership of the donor Shri Chimanlal Ujamshi Shah, popularly known as Shri C.U.Shah and the Founder Managing Trustee Late Shri I.M.Nanavati, a versatile personality and a renowned lawyer by profession. In the pioneering years of the college

To know more about CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat, please visit their website at Click Here, where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat is well known college/university among students these days.


1Dr N. B. PatelM.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., Research GuidePrincipalEconomicsRural Economics and Cooperative


2Mr A D ShahM.Com, LL.BAssociate ProfessorAccountancyCost & Management


3Mr I S PatelM.ComAssociate ProfessorStatisticsStatistical


4Mrs H A ShuklaM.A.Associate ProfessorEnglishEnglish


5Dr K D JadavM.A., M.Phil, Ph.DAssociate ProfessorEconomicsRural Artisans'


6Mr B J BhattM.A., Diploma in FrenchAssociate ProfessorEnglishELT &


7Mrs P B SaraiyaM.Sc., M.PhilPart Time LecturerStatisticsInterviened


8Mr M M GandhiM.ComAssociate ProfessorAccountancyFinancial Management and


9Mr N H ShahM.ComAssociate ProfessorAccountancyCost and Advanced


10Ms C S DarjiM.Com, M.Phil, GSLETAdhyapak SahayakAccountancyAdvanced Accounting and



The facility offered by the college includes well established Lecture halls, confernce rooms,Seminar halls and they have all the euipments required. The library of the college is well stocked with all the courses books available.


All courses of the CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat are approveded. Candidates should know that the fee schedule of CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat is low so that students can easily opt for advanced courses. The most popular courses offered by the CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat. These classes are offered on a permanent basis. CU shah Commerce College Ahmedabad, Gujarat offers a combination of course.


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The college assists the students with the placement facility. Along with that institute organizes various training programs and personality development programs to enhance the skills of the students and shape their career by offering various job opportunities.

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Address : Near Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Near Income Tax Circle, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad

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