About ISCHS-Indian School Of Counselling And Healing Studies
ISCHS-Indian School Of Counselling And Healing Studies
Indian School of Counselling and Healing Studies (ISCHS) is a dedicated organisation in training and research studies related to counselling skills, behavioural well being, mindfulness, healing modalities and emotional well being of individuals in various aspects of their lives. ISCHS had established as a behavioural research organization during last decade and started full time training division from past 5 years.
ISCHS has now 3000+ empanelled and certified associates working across the world in counselling, training and behavioural sectors. Presently ISCSH delivers training in Counselling skills, Mindfulness, Psychometrics, NLP. Emotional intelligence, Hypnotherapy, Train The Trainer, Parenting skills, Personality development and Alternate Therapies
To know more about ISCHS-Indian School Of Counselling And Healing Studies, please visit their website: https://www.ischs.in , where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. ISCHS-Indian School Of Counselling And Healing Studies is well known college/university among students these days.Facilities
Classroom Programs
Distance Learning
Online Learning
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