Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan : Contact details, Fees, Admission 2025, Courses, Placements

Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan

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Rajasthan, India- 302022


Start_Year: 1998


(4 reviews)

About Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan

Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan  not limited to education. Our family is looking out for some serious overall development. This is exactly what our faculty, student fraternity and our management feels. We are not just an institution we are a life style. We believe that there is something beyond profession. We focus on developing social values that will make our student a better person also. Our infrastructure offers you extracurricular activities and scope to work hard on talent that is hidden inside our students. Our campus depicts lifestyle and energy that will make you work beyond your potential and that is where success is."Tell me the name of your friends and I will tell you who you are"

To know more about Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan, please visit their website: , where you can check news update, application form, exam dates, admit cards, placement drive dates, and more other important details. Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan is well known college/university among students these days.


All our college campuses are equipped with state of the art computer lab facilities. This includes latest technologies computers with dedicated broadband internet connectivity.

 Deepshikha college of Engineering library has the distinction of being the fully automated college library in the state of Rajasthan. The library is housed in a spacious building of are of ….. sqm.

A very true saying we have been listening since kindergarten. Sports and physical education is an important part of everyone’s life. Fitness is dear to every individual present in here. In our institution Physical training and sportsmanship is worshipped. We encourage all our students to get involved into games and extracurricular activities and participate as much as they can so they can develop their skills and personality.

We provide transportation facilities to the staff and students of the colleges. Nominal fare is collected for this purpose. Bus facility is also provided to students and staff for excursions and educational tours. Timely pickup and drop facility from all part of the city makes it an instant hit among students and their parents. Students may contact colleges for availing transport services.


All courses of the Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan are approveded. Candidates should know that the fee schedule of Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan is low so that students can easily opt for advanced courses. The most popular courses offered by the Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan. These classes are offered on a permanent basis. Deepshikha College of Technical Education Jaipur, Rajasthan offers a combination of course.


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Placement continues to remain one of the most critical factor that we are looking out for. Our innovative campus connect programs have yielded results even better than what we had dreamt.

The right direction that a young, fresh mind coming out of college is through the right placements in the right corporate house with the right designation. That is important. The first job plays the real life experience kind of role. It is the first job that   creates a permanent impression in the young professionals about values, commitment, results and lots more.

This is the reason why we have tied up with a long long list of fortune 500 companies to deliver campus recruitments and a variety of job profiles, work profiles, demographics etc to choose from.

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Address : Mansarovar Sector 3, Shukalpura, Mansarovar, Jaipur

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