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Child Development: relationships and play
Relationships that are formed by a child in the early years, play one of the most significant characters in its learning and all-around development process and it will further determine how a child will perceive the world around it in the future. Playing is also an important medium through which a child can learn and develop crucial skills in an interesting and fun way.
Relationship for the child development: benefits and strong bonding
A baby forms its very first relationship with its parents or caregiver since birth. The way the parents respond to or interact with their babies plays a huge impact on their development. For example, a baby uses certain signals to show that they need attention like crying, holding out their arms or laughing, or cooing when making eye contact. When parents respond back in a warm, loving, and gentle way, it provides them a sense of comfort and security and at the same time, strengthens the bond between the parents and their baby.
Forming a relationship, not only enables emotional and intellectual development but also helps in building confidence and self-esteem in a child from an early age, which will allow them to explore more of the surrounding world all while gaining new knowledge and experiences. It will also boost the social skills of a child, effectively helping them in communicating, behaving, and expressing themselves and forming meaningful friendships and bonds with the other family members, friends, and teachers.
As a baby observes and imitates everything around them, so it is important for the parents to check how they interact and behave with their partner, relatives, and other family members.
If the child from an early age will be exposed to the loving and respectful relationships around them, they will also learn to form relationships of the same nature with others in the future.
Playing: creative and fun medium for child’s development
Play is proven to be one of the interesting, fun, and effective way through which physical, mental and social skills development takes place in a child during its early years. It also offers a golden opportunity for the parents to spend more time with their children, thus, strengthening their bond and making them feel worthy.
Playing also allows the children to boost their imagination, decision making and problem-solving skills, which will help them significantly in their careers and life. Playing also teaches team corporation and how to peacefully resolve the conflicts, which will enable the child to socialize with other children and make friends.