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Newborns (0-3 months) |Parenting - EasyShiksha


New born – guidance for care and development for the first week

Welcoming a baby to the world after the seemingly lengthiest and nine months, filled with anticipation, is one of the happiest and most joyous moment for the parents. After the arrival of a new born, there comes the thousand questions related to the baby’s feeding and sleeping patterns, communication and much more. Parents are always anxious and nervous about how to properly take care of a little life during its first week but with suitable and convenient guidance and tips, they can effectively handle it. It usually takes some time for the new-born to adapt itself to its new environment and surrounding, that is so different from the womb. Parents can make it easier for them by providing them the needed warmth, smiles, cuddles and lots of love and attention.  New born baby’s appearance during the first week  The baby’s appearance may involve slightly cone shaped head, puffy or swelled face and eyes and wrinkled or saggy skin but it’s not a matter of serious concern as it will eventually even out within the next few days to normal shape and texture. The new born may also be covered with lanugo, (fine and downy hair found in foetus body for the protection and warmth in the uterus) but its also normal and will fall out over next few weeks. A baby’s umbilical cord stump also dries and falls within 1-3 weeks after birth. Parents are advised to keep the stump area clean and dry and seek medical attention if that area becomes red, swollen or oozes puss and it maybe a sign of an infection. Feeding and sleeping hour: Significant aspects A new-born baby usually sleeps for most of the time during a day, about 14-17 hours during day and night and wake up every 2-4 hours for feeding. A new born is generally requires feeding about 8-12 times a day. When a baby is hungry, they start crying, but it will be good if the parents can understand some of the other signals such as licking lips and sticking out tongue, rooting, sucking their fingers or maybe fussiness. Development and bonding during the first week: Things to remember During the first week, a new born can see objects only about 8-12 inches from their face and can only see in black and white but after few months, it will start to develop its colour vision. After few weeks, they also start to recognise their parents and caregivers. The parents can communicate and bond with their new born babies by gentle touching, smiling, eye contact and cuddling them close to their body.

ADHD And Teachers

Managing the symptoms of ADHD is not at all an easy feat. With this disorder, anything from paying the bills to completing your daily tasks on time can become a difficult mountain to climb, not to mention the juggling family and underlined social demands. There are no hard and fast rules, as ADHD can have different degrees of severity and symptoms Depending on person. However, children can benefit from person-centred or tailor-made approaches by there family members . This disorder can cause a child to have poor impulse control, which can lead to a challenging life or inappropriate behaviors. But an important step for parents is to accept that ADHD simply represents a functional difference in the brain nerves . It does not mean that their child cannot learn right from wrong deeds , but that they may need to find other ways to support and help their child in developing positive outlook.  Children who have it also can have a tough time connecting with other kids their same age, and also with other people . The symptoms of ADHD, such as inability to pay attention, difficulty sitting still and focused , and difficulty in controlling impulses, can make it hard for children with this diagnosis to do well in school. To meet the needs of children with ADHD, school organization and there teachers should adapt a different approach.  ADHD treatments, such as behavioural classroom management or organizational training to these children’s Special education services  Accommodations to lessen the effect of ADHD on their education. Kids  with ADHD have unique needs in the classroom and These things can make school  hard to crack. But by Simple classroom adjustments it can be made easier for a teacher to work with the strengths and weaknesses of a child with ADHD so Here are some strategies that parents and teachers of students with ADHD can adapt to help them succeed at school. Parents and teachers  will need to adapt their own ways of interacting and handling the child. This includes speech modifications , gestures, emotional language, and the loveable physical environment. For a child with ADHD, a proper consistency is vital. By using a well planned supportive and structured approach, challenging behaviors can be limited, and the child can flourish. 10 teaching tips for children with ADHD  Understand that children with ADHD may become deeply absorbed in activities that interest them  and may need special assistance shifting their attention. Make assignments clear to children and check if the student to see if they understand what they need to do; Make sure assignments are not very long and repetitive. Try to give Shorter assignments that provide a little challenge without being too hard may work on; Allow breaks as for children with ADHD, paying attention takes extra effort and can be very tiring; Allow time to move out and exercise; Try to Minimize distractions in the classroom by making a learnable environment.  Use organizational tools, such as a homework folder organisers , to limit the number of things the child has to track. Develop a Plan That Fits the Child very easily  Observe and try to talk with the children about what helps or distracts them (for example, fidget tools, limiting eye contact when listening, background music, or moving while learning may be beneficial and distracting depending on the child); Communicate with there parents on a regular basis and try to Involve a school counsellor or psychologist if needed. Keep careful and handy records, including written documentation, communication between home and school, health charts, progress reports, and evaluations.

Reasons why ADHD adults need downtime to be productive

People suffering from ADHD are great at hyper focusing. We can also do it for hours, days, or months, depending on how interesting and indulging the project is. During that particular period of time we don’t need food, water, sleep, or hygiene though anybody be it our friends and family . It feels nice to hyper focus when something seemingly normal like focus is actually difficult to come by. What we don’t realize is that, for long periods of time, busting our butts means busting our brains cells . And People with ADHD need downtime while working for a long time to be more productive . We need self time. All of us need time to process things in our brain that we haven’t had time to do in our busy schedule . As people don’t process as it’s happening. We all have to break it all down later when we can give the particular task our undivided attention.  When people are in tune with the needs of the brain, they will Take some time to sit on the couch and look out the window, sometimes it can go for an hour or more.  And when the relaxing period is over the people feel less anxious and more focused. Basically, this  just make a bunch of room in the brain to allow things to settle down nicely. This gives  a sense of being more on top of things. WHAT DOES DOWNTIME actually LOOKS LIKE FOR ADHD ADULTS? Engaging in downtime may take a little bit of more work for adults having ADHD . It is Because the true downtime is actually doing a whole lot of nothing. But, as you know and we have noted above, a persons ADHD brain is always scanning the environment to get the required stimulation it needs. So, it may seem like downtime is out of there reach. But actually It’s not. It’s just that you’ll need to make sure your brain gets the enough of stimulation. Otherwise, you’ll be in a constant fight with your brain. And you might end up engaged in activities that aren’t important to you  for being busy – or for the worse default to an activity that gets you in trouble. To avoid either of these situations and allow your ADHD brain to rest, you can try: Having mindless walks Spend time with your loved ones Physical activity Healthy diet Sound sleep Go out in nature Till now What have you tried or what can you think of that allows your brain to rest calmly  and feel stimulated enough Tips to slow down Make a game  out of your work.  If you are not able to focus on a task, it’s probably because it’s a bit more mundane and fills you with little interest. People with ADHD tend to be more curious han hyperactive. We more of love novelty and learning new things. We are fully aware that life has its boring moments. That’s why try to come up with a trick to get  through the humdrum tasks that mind doesn’t want to focus on. You can find the hacks to  find something interesting while doing monotonous tasks. You might also need to learn something new ever time in order to implement a new system, which will please the reward center of your brain cells, too. Free yourself to move around while working with a standing desk People often have a  long working days on film sets where we’re constantly moving and on the go. That type of environment naturally feeds into this need to move, and people find that we are laser-focused throughout the day.   Try to fill some free time with sprints This tip is a little of an extension of the standing hack. If you’re feeling fidgety and you are not able to focus on the task at hand, it might be worth for you to settle work aside and going for a quick jog. Write all those ideas down for later Sometimes, your brain may come up with the most creative ideas at the most inconvenient times. You can pin down the idea somewhere else and save it for later use as This can distracts you to no extent.  Find your own personal productivity music If people listen to music with lyrics, they are unable to focus on whatever they are doing and just end up singing along. While enjoyable, we’ve realized music with lyrics isn’t helpful for the focus. If you are stressed or not in a good mood you can listen to a calming music which will surely calm you down

Why It’s Critical to Look After Your Needs as a Parent

Taking care of yourself will help you do the vital job of raising children well. Because you can offer your kids what they need to grow and thrive when you take care of your own physical, mental, and emotional needs. By taking care of your relationships, health, and general well-being, you are taking care of yourself. It’s simple to forget or run out of time to take care of those aspects of your life when you’re focused on taking care of infants or young children. However, it pays to look after yourself because doing so benefits both you and your children. Ensure the health of your union with your spouse. Caring for your parents and nurturing your relationship can help you get the most out of your parenting and partnership. Open communication can help you cope with the changes in the relationship and the challenges that come with parenthood. You may be getting less sleep, less time to talk to each other, and less time alone with each other. This can sometimes lead to disagreements. You can manage those tensions and keep your relationship positive by talking to each other about how you’re feeling and finding ways to support each other. It also helps to choose your battles and reserve a time and place to discuss frustrations and work out solutions. The difference between staying together and drifting away can frequently be determined by realistic expectations, comprehension, and forgiveness. Taking care of yourself: activity, food and rest Your ability to support your children’s development and well-being depends significantly on three factors: Be active. Eat wholesome foods Get as much rest as you can. Regular exercise boosts your mood, strengthens your immune system, raises metabolism overall, and improves blood circulation. You may get outside and breathe fresh air by going for a daily stroll. Your mood might be much improved by a change of location, or you can simply dance around the home while listening to your favourite music. You get energy from eating well. Keep basic items on available, such as whole wheat bread, fruit, yoghurt, and freshly chopped vegetables with dips. Postnatal depression in women and men Postnatal depression in women and postnatal depression in men can affect parents in the weeks and months after their baby is born. Symptoms of PND include trouble sleeping and eating, crying, inability to do daily tasks, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, fear of socializing or being alone, feelings of guilt, loss of confidence, and negative thoughts, including suicidal thoughts Manage stress Most parents experience occasional stress. The task of raising children is both important and difficult. For instance, it can be difficult to get yourself and your children out the door and on time for school and work. Additionally, you occasionally have to deal with more serious difficulties including monetary, physical, or interpersonal issues. Positive thinking, routine application, maintaining relationships with others, and carving out time for yourself are all effective ways to manage stress. Even a brief period of alone to enjoy a cup of tea can help you feel less stressed. Another way to release pressure is to talk to people about how you’re feeling or ask family or friends for support.

Getting Ready for a New Baby: How Kids Feel

Other kids may become excited when a new baby is born. But they must learn to give the new infant their love and care as well. This can be a significant step, especially for young children. Perhaps you feel as though the focus is being taken away from you. Every child must adjust when a new baby is added to the household. However, over time, a good sibling connection does emerge—typically by the time the new baby is around 14 months old. When to inform children of a new baby When planning for a baby, it is up to you when and how much to inform your child about the incoming baby. Another factor is your child’s age. It can be beneficial to bring up the prospect of a second child very early in the pregnancy, perhaps three to four months before the due date. You might try discussing babies in general before bringing up your new child. Toddlers don’t fully grasp the concept of time. As a result, when telling your child that a new baby is on the way, attempt to connect it to a previous experience. Saying that the newborn will arrive soon after someone special’s birthday is one example. Getting kids ready for a new baby You may encourage your youngster to be excited about their new sibling before the baby is born. You require planning, clear communication, and a great deal of comprehension. If you can make this time positive and exciting, your child will be more likely to feel that the change affects everyone in the family, not just the new baby. Here are some ideas that may help you: Read stories about babies. Look at pictures and talk to your child about how your family is growing. Show your child pictures of you when they were very young. Let your child touch the baby bump to feel the new baby move and step inside. Even when visiting the doctor or midwife, you could have the baby’s heartbeat listened to. Involve your child in the practical preparation for the new baby. Let them help you prepare your home, and buy and decorate baby items. Talk to your child about what they look forward to most when the new baby arrives. If your child is concerned about the new baby, talk to them about their concerns and reassure them. Give your child lots of love and cuddles and focus on the positive. For example, they will have a new brother or sister to love. It's also a good idea to give your child an idea of ​​what it’s like to have a new baby in the family: If possible, spend some time with friends and their newborns. Your child will see that newborns are very sleepy and need a lot of care. Let your child know that the baby will be an independent little person with needs of their own. Encourage your child to socialize and play with other children. This will help your child develop the social skills to have a good relationship with a new sibling. Perhaps you can join a playgroup or get other family members—both children and adults—to spend some quality time with your child. Hospitals, work, childbirth, and other kids Some parents think about letting their kids see the birth of a new baby. Or perhaps you are thinking about what would be best for your child when contemplating a home birth. It could be helpful to think about the following when you reflect on these things: The age of your child How to inform your child in advance about the birthing process Whether or not you feel at ease with your child Whether you agree that your child should be exposed to sexuality and nudity Whether another dependable adult could be there to console your youngster if they’re angry or uncomfortable. During a hospital stay Here are some ideas to make your child feel comfortable when you and your partner are away for a hospital birth: Let your child know who will look after them while they are in the hospital. If your child doesn’t know the caregiver well, it will take time to get used to the idea. Print out some family photos for your child to keep near their bed while you and your partner are away. Make sure your child’s routines stay the same as much as possible. This will make your child feel safer. Keep in touch with your child while you and your partner are away. If the birth went well and everyone is fine, make an appointment to see your child. Make your child feel special and loved when they visit you. Tell your child how happy you are to see them. When the new baby comes home These ideas can help you get things done when your new baby first comes home: Reassure your child with a big loving hug before introducing the new baby for the first time. This is especially important for young children. Organize a small gift for your child right from the newborn. Small children may want to get a small doll so they can have a “baby” of their own. If family and friends are bringing gifts for the new baby, suggest they bring something small for your child as well. Schedule some quality time with your child. This can be a short game outside, some painting or crafting, or a book before bed.
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