TPSC Government Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

TPSC Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 7, 2021


Tony Stark

Tripura State Public Service Commission (TPSC), hires eligibility applicants, every year, for different governmental positions through various competitive examinations. They have recently released the notification for the recruitment of 164 aspirants in the Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer post.

The TPSC stands for Tripura Public Service Commission. TPSC is one of the recruitment examinations conducted by the Government of State of Tripura every year to recruit applicants for the posts of Tripura Civil Service, Foreman, Technical Assistant, Blind Educator, Director, Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer, Teachers, Lecturers, Tripura Forest Service Grade-II, Group-A Gazetted post, etc.

The number of vacant posts for each post is released with the official notification on the official website. The number of vacancies changes every year depending on the availability of posts.

The last date of the TPSC Recruitment application was on May 17, 2021. The registration will begin on May 10, 2021. For applying to the post, the candidates will first need to register through One-time Profile Registration and the hardcopy of the filled form along with the documents must be sent to the relevant address on or before May 18, 2021.

Latest updates:

  • September 8, 2021: TRB has released the admit card for the Tripura TET Exam 2021.
  • August 31, 2021: Tripura Police TSR Admit Card 2021 Released, Check Important Instructions Here.
  • August 30, 2021:
    • Tripura Police Rifleman Admit card 2021 Released
    • TPSC Recruitment 2021: posts of food safety officer Online Application Ends before or on September 24 selection process is conducted in three stages, Prelims, Skill Test, and Mains Exam. Candidates must clear all the stages of the TPSC Recruitment exam, to be selected. The age of the candidates must be 18 years minimum and must have passed higher secondary.

TPSC Highlights

Here are the key points of TPSC recruitment 2021:

Name Of Exam TPSC or Tripura PSC
Full-Form Of TPSC Tripura Public Service Commission
The conducting Body State Government of Tripura
Job Location Tripura
Post Name Junior Medical Officer/ General Duty Medical Officer post
Total Vacancy 164
Mode of application Online
Application Fees Rs. 300/-
Process of application
  • Prelims
  • Skill Test
  • Mains
Official Website

TPSC Important Dates

TPSC exam date and important dates for the exam has been notified in the following tabular:

TPSC Events Important Dates
Start Date To Apply for TPSC Exam May 10, 2021
Late Date to TPSC Apply May 17, 2021
Admit Card Release Date To be Announced
Exam Date To be Announced
Result Date To be Announced

TPSC Eligibility Criteria

The TPSC Eligibility Criteria differs depending on posts. Candidates must check for the eligibility criteria before applying. Here are the minimum eligibility criteria to apply for the TPSC exam:

  • The minimum age of the candidate must be 18 years and the maximum age should be 41 years (as of May 17, 2021)
  • There is an age relaxation of 5 years for the candidates of SC/ ST/ PH candidates and Government Servants.
  • They must have passed the Higher Secondary examination or any equivalent examination and must have proficiency in typing English on transcription with the speed of at least 40 words each minute and 100 per minute respectively.

TPSC Application Process

The interested aspirants can apply to the posts available by following the below steps. Any wrong information entered in the form will result in the disqualification of the individual. In case of multiple submissions of the application form, only one of the submitted forms will be considered by the board.

  • Visit the TPSC official website
  • Click on the link for the post
  • Register through the One Time Profile Registration (OTPR)
  • The Time Password will be generated via the candidate's email.
  • On registering, the candidates can go to the login section and enter all details
  • The required documents need to be uploaded, as mentioned in the application form
  • Then recheck the information entered in the form, and submit the form
  • Candidates will receive a copy of their applied form in their email and take printouts of the filled form.
TPSC Application Fee

The applicants need to pay an application fee for the posts that they have applied for. Candidates can pay the application fee via online payment mode or through net banking.

Category Application fees
SC/ST/BPL Rs. 250
General and all others Rs. 300-

TPSC Admit Card

Applicants must download the admit card before entering the examination center. TPSC admit card 2021 is expected to be released 7- 10 days prior to the TPSC exam date. Follow the below steps to download the admit card.

  • Visit the official website of TPSC website
  • Go to the Link of Admit Card
  • Then enter the registration number, DOB, and click on submit
  • Cross-check the details on the admit card and download the admit for further use

TPSC Exam Pattern

The aspirant needs to clear each of the three-stage. The exam pattern for each of the stages is given below.

TPSC Prelims Exam 2021

The candidates initially need to clear the Prelims Exam. It is a Multiple Choice Question, and the full mark is 100. The exam is conducted in two parts, 50 marks each.

Part I - English
  • Use of appropriate Preposition and Article,
  • Synonyms and Antonyms,
  • Use of common phrases and Idioms Comprehension,
  • Ordering of Words in a Sentence,
  • Sports of Errors etc.
50 2 hours
Part II - General Studies
  • General Knowledge with special reference to
  • Tripura & North Eastern Region,
  • Current Affairs of
  • Local, National and International Importance,
  • Simple Arithmetic, Mental Ability, etc.
Total 100
TPSC Mains Exam 2021

Shortlisted applicants from the prelims will be eligible to attend the Mains Exam. The Mains Exam consists of a paper on General Knowledge of 100 MCQ-type questions and will be conducted under the OMR pattern. There shall be negative marking The details of the exam are given below

1 Paper I โ€“ English 100 3
2 Paper-II โ€“Bengali or Alternative English 50 1.5
3 Paper III -GK & Current Affairs 100 3

TPSC Syllabus

TPSC exam recruits for several posts. Here is the syllabus for the posts of Tripura Forest Guard, Civil Service, Group-A Gazetted post, etc.

Tripura PSC Prelims Exam Syllabus
English Composition Questions on prepositions, editing/omission, jumbled words, Sentence organization, do as directed, fill-ups, use of phrases and idioms, etc.
Geography of India Questions on Indian Agriculture, Availability of natural resources, geographical conditions of the nation, etc.
History of modern India, the revolt of 1857, and Indian independence (1947) Questions based on Political, Social, and economic aspects of history, the rise of nationalism, nation-building, and the subsequent independence.
History, Geography, and Culture of Tripura
  • For history, questions will be based on the period between 1857 and 1947 and the creation of Tripura.
  • For geography, type of soil, forest, natural resources, climatic conditions, etc would be asked and questions on different tribes found, festivals, languages will be asked in the culture of Tripura
Indian Polity and Economy Questions on the political system of India, Indiaโ€™s constitution, Economy, Panchayati Raj, a system of government, etc will be asked
Mental Ability Questions on logical reasoning would be asked
Numerical Ability Syllabus similar to the compulsory mathematics paper at the Madhyamik Examination of Tripura Board of Secondary Education
General science and environment Questions based on basic science, environmental studies, environmental awareness, problems, and solutions.
Tripura PSC Mains Syllabus
Essay and Prรฉcis writing in English Essay writing Official Letter writing Prรฉcis writing Report writing
English Composition Antonyms, synonyms, editing/omission, comprehension, sentence transformation.
Indian Constitution and
  • Constitution of India, preamble, features, fundamental rights, citizenship
  • Members of the Central Government- The president, Prime Minister, and the council of ministers. Powers of the judiciary, relation between the Union and the State, Politics of Election, etc.
5-year Plan Planning- definition, need and Genesis of development planning in India Plan Period overview- the Nehru Mahalanobis strategy, agriculture sector vs. the industrial sector, Poverty, Unemployment, employment. Role of foreign institutions like The World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), and International monetary funds (IMF) for the development of India
Bengali Composition and Translation Poetry:
  • Ode to the West Wind by Shelley
  • Futility: W. Owen
  • The Lady of Shalott: A. L. Tennyson
  • Heaven of Freedom: R. Tagore
  • Stopping by Wood: R. Frost
  • In the Bazaars of Hyderabad by Sarojini Naidu

Prose :
  • After Twenty Years: O'Henry Shot: Pushkin
  • Toba Tek Singh: Saadat Hasan Manto
  • The Happy Prince: Oscar Wild
  • The Rocking Horse Winner: D. H. Lawrence
  • Shooting an elephant: G. Orwell
General Knowledge and Current affairs Questions on Tripura, India, World, environmental science, Games, and sports, etc.
Optional paper-1 Depending on the subject chosen
Optional paper-2 Depending on the subject chosen
Optional paper-3 Depending on the subject chosen
TPSC English Language

Question on English Composition will cover Synonyms, Antonyms, Use of common Phrase & Idioms, use of appropriate Prepositions and Articles, Comprehension, Ordering of Words in a sentence, Ordering of sentences, spotting of errors and use of appropriate and qualifying words

TPSC General Studies

Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, Indian Geography, Geographical, Historical and Cultural aspects of Tripura, General Science and Environment, General Mental Ability and Numerical Ability

TPSC Selection Process

Applicants are selected on clearing three stages of examination. The three successive phases have been discussed below:

TPSC Preliminary Exam

In this stage, the applicants are tested for the next stage, which is the Skill Test. The questions are objective types. Once clearing this stage, they will be allowed to the next stage. Almost 5 times the number of vacancies will be declared successful in this stage.

TPSC Skill Test

This stage tests the candidatesโ€™ skill in Shorthand writing and Transcription (200 marks), and Typewriting (100 marks). Candidates with 50% of the total marks will be allowed to appear in the Main Exams.

TPSC Main Exam

The Main Exam is a Conventional Type Test. It consists of three papers, they are English, Bengali/ Alternative English, and GK/ Current Affairs. After the TPSC Mains exam, the conducting body will release the final merit list which will contain the names of the selected candidates.

TPSC Answer Keys

TPSC releases the answer key of the prelims examinations after a few days of completion of the exam. Applicants can check the answer key, but cannot challenge the answer key. They can download the answer key in the following way

  • Visit the official TPSC website
  • Go to the Link of Answer Key 2021
  • Then enter the registration number, DOB, and click on submit
  • Download the answer key

TPSC Result

Applicants can check their results for the written exams from the official website itself

  • Visit the official TPSC website
  • Go to the Link of Result
  • Then enter the registration number, DOB, and click on submit
  • The result for the candidates will appear on the screen

Applicants need to qualify at all stages in order to get selected for the post. TPSC cutoff marks are released separately for different posts of each stage. Aspirants who are able to meet the cutoff marks will be able to attend the next stage. The conducting body releases the TPSC cutoff marks on the official website after declaring the result.

TPSC Frequently Asked Questions

Q. On what basis will the final merit list be released?

A. The final list of the applicants is prepared based on the marks obtained in the Skill Test and Main Examination

Q. How to apply for the post of TPSC Recruitment 2021?

A. Applicants can apply Online through the direct link of the official website of TPSC.

Q. What is the selection process of the TPSC Recruitment Junior Medical Officer Post?

A. The selection process for the TPSC Recruitment Junior Medical Officer Post consists of three stages of examination, they are prelims exam, skill test, and mains exam.

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