Territorial Army Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

Territorial Army Exam 2024: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 16, 2024


Tony Stark


The Territorial Army (TA) is the secondary defense force of the nation after the official regular army. As opposed to the full-time regular army, the Territorial Army comprises of the soldiers that serve for a few months annually.

The applying candidates have to meet each and every TA eligibility criteria in order to get selected for the services. The most important information about the Territorial Army services is that this is a part-time commitment towards serving the nation.

It is not a full career option for anyone. Territorial Army Officers have to serve for a period of 1-2 months every year. It is not a regular occupation or employment source. So, it is like a part-time side job.


Territorial Army comprises of several entities of forces who assist in different ways like:

  • Infantry Battalions,
  • Ecological Task Force,
  • General Hospital Units,
  • Home and Hearth Infantry,
  • Air Defense Artillery,
  • Railway Industrial Units, and many more.

Currently, the strength of the Territorial Army is over 50,000 personnel which consist of both Departmental and Non-Departmental Units:

Departmental Units Non-Departmental Units
10 Ecological TA Battalions 40 units of Infantry Battalion
Indian Oil Corporation Home and Hearth TA
Indian Railways Engineer TA
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation -


Territorial Army Notification 2024 is now released officially.

The online application form for Territorial Army Officer recruitment is activated from 20th July 2024 onwards. The Territorial Army exam date is disclosed along with the official notification.

As per the latest notice, the Territorial Army exam is scheduled to be held on 26th September 2024.


Application Dates For Civilians For Ex-Servicemen
Release of the notification July 17, 2024 July 17, 2024
Date of the Application form July 20, 2024 โ€“ August 19, 2024 July 20, 2024 โ€“ August 19, 2024
Date of the Examination September 26, 2024 Interview- Will be notified later

This year the assessment and selection process has been disrupted due to the Coronavirus pandemic all over the world.

This has led to a delay in the release of the application for Civilians. This in turn has changed all the dates for the further recruitment process.


The number of opening positions is still not notified. The vacancies for the posts (for both males and females) in the Territorial Army are released every year according to the need of the recruitment by the organization.


Following are the eligibility criteria of the Territorial Army, in brief, the applying candidate must check the detailed one before submitting the forms.

  • Citizenship- The candidate should be a citizen of India.
  • Age Limitโ€“ The candidate should be of an age between 19 and 42 years, on the date of application.
  • Educational Qualification- The candidate should at least have done graduation or its equivalent.
  • Bodily Strength- The candidate should be both physically and mentally healthy.
  • Employment Standing-
  • Self-employment, or
  • Gainful employment- The candidate should already have a full-time and reliable paid job, or
  • Mainstay civilian professions- This includes people involved in the necessary community work like Accountants, doctors, para-medical, etc.
  • Ex-servicemen- The Ex-service officers who qualify the age criteria and have desired physical/mental fitness are eligible to apply for the Territorial Army.
  • Not Eligible- The people who are currently serving in the Regular Army, Navy force, Air Force, Police, GREF (General Reserve Engineer Force), Para Military, and other such forces are not allowed to apply for TA.


The application form is available at the official website of the Territorial Army https://www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in/. The form has to be filled within the mentioned deadline only or you will lose the opportunity.

The Application Fee for all the candidates is INR 200.

Documents required for Application of Territorial Army 2024

It is important to note that the Territorial Army Admit Cards 2024 will be provided to candidates after successful application. Thus, the candidates must read the following instructions and have all the documents for applying successfully.

  • All educational qualification post matriculation certificates are required
  • Latest medical physical fitness certificate from a primary health Centre, or any government hospital, or any registered MBBS Doctor registered in respective medical council.
  • A copy of Identity proof which has photographs attached to it (Voter ID/PAN Card/Aadhar Card/Passport/Driving license etc).
  • Domicile certificate or any other Residential proof.
  • Certificate for evidence of correct age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheet and certificate for verification of date of birth).
  • The people who are employed in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector Authenticated by Head of the office are required to bring a Service certificate along with a No Objection Certificate by the department as per format mentioned in the official form.
  • The self-employed candidates have to submit an Affidavit on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating the nature of their employment and annual income. This has to be attached with a photocopy of the PAN card and self-attested character certificate.
  • A Copy of Release Order.
  • A Copy of Release Medical Board Proceedings.
  • Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer as applicable).
  • A copy of the PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card.
  • Copy of the Aadhaar Card for unique identification of the candidate.
  • A Copy of Certificates / Reports of all Courses.
  • Discharge Papers / Service Particular Booklet.
  • Copy of latest Income Tax Return (ITR) filed as legitimate proof of your income.

Admit Card

Territorial Army Admit Card 2024 for the PIB Exam has been released on the official website - www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in

  • Step 1: First of all, visit the official website of www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in
  • Step 2: Now, you will be asked to enter the captcha. Solve it and enter the website.
  • Step 3: Check for any notification related to the Officer Exam (Non-Departmental) Admit Card download on the website.
  • Step 4: Login using your credentials and download your territorial army admit card.

The Territorial Army Officer Admit Card 2024 is one of the most important documents that are mandatory during the Territorial Army Recruitment Exam 2024. Candidates must download the PDF of their Territorial Army Recruitment Admit Card 2024 and carry a printed copy of the same during the exam.

Exam Centers

List of Exam Centres for Territorial Army 2024
Jaipur Pune Bengaluru
Nagrota Kolkata Chandigarh
Dehradun Guwahati Hyderabad
Dimapur Shimla Jalandhar
Hisar Lucknow Udhampur
Bhubaneswar Srinagar Darjeeling
Delhi Ambala Allahabad
Agra - -

Exam Pattern

This national level examination is conducted in two stages for two different categories:

For Civilians -

They can fill the online application form available on the official website. There are three stages to qualify one after the, which are as follows:

  • Screening stage (Written Exam and Preliminary Interview)
  • Service Selection Board (SSB) interview
  • Medical Examination of the physical standard by Military Hospital
For Ex-servicemen -Only Interview
  • Exam Duration -Each paper is held for 2 hours (for Civilians only)
  • Exam Type -Objective questions type- OMR based paper (for Civilians only)
  • The written exam is only for Civilians. There are two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. And, each paper will be of 100 marks. So, in total, the whole written test is 200 marks.
  • Each paper will be further divided into two parts. Each section of the paper will comprise of 50questions carrying 50 marks (1 mark per question)
  • The paper pattern for the written exam is given below in detail.
Name of the sections Marks per section Marks per Paper Total marks of the Written Exam
Paper 1 Logical Reasoning 50 100
Elementary Mathematics 50
Paper 2 General Knowledge 50
English Language 50 100 200


Following is the detailed Territorial Exam syllabus for both papers of the written exam.

Paper 1 - Syllabus Reasoning and Elementary Mathematics
  • Duration of the Exam - 2 hours,
  • Number of questions - 50 + 50 = 100 questions,
  • Marks โ€“ 100

Tip for Paper 1- For this paper, you can practice these types of questions from last yearโ€™s question papers available on the official website and many competitive exams books that are available in the market. Once you find the basic trick and formula for solving these MCQs, this part will seem very easy to you.

Section 1: Reasoning Ability Syllabus

Reasoning questions are an important part of any competitive exam. Here also, this part of the paper will test the non-verbal logical capacity of the candidates through problem-solving based on figures, statements, letters, patterns, diagrams, etc.

This Critical reasoning exam is for testing the candidatesโ€™ ability to draw logical conclusions. This skill is important in everyday life also which makes it an inherent part of the exam. The subsections for the Logical Reasoning test are as follows:

Logical Problems Number Series
Analytical Reasoning Cause and Effect
Statement and Conclusion Verbal Classification
Puzzles Verbal Classification
Logical Deduction Data Interpretation
Blood Relations Clocks
Calendars Alphanumeric Series
Letter and Symbol Series Statement and Argument
Section 2: Elementary Mathematics Syllabus

This part of the paper consists of mathematics topics from the primary and secondary levels of school. This elementary level of mathematics and aptitude will test the candidatesโ€™ ability of problem-solving and basic calculation sums.

Number sense and numeration Profit and Loss
Unitary Method Geometry
Mensuration Algebra
Trigonometry Data Management
Simple Equations Problems on HCF and LCM
Elementary Number Theory Ratio and Proportion
Time and Distances Compound Interest
Average Boats and cisterns
Paper 2 Syllabus General Knowledge and English
  • Duration of the Exam - 2 hours,
  • Number of ques. - 50 + 50 = 100 questions,
  • Total Marks โ€“ 100
Section 1 General Knowledge Syllabus

Good knowledge of general awareness has become important for every exam point of view. This part of the paper will test the candidatesโ€™ knowledge of current affairs and basic familiarity with the social, economic, and political situation in India and the world around them.

Keep yourself updated about current affairs through good English newspapers and regularly watch informative news channels. This will even improve your reading, writing, and understanding skills for the English paper as well.

Countries and Capital Static GK
International Events Science and Technology
Literature- Famous Books and Authors Fiscal and Monetary Awareness
Constitution of India Inventions and Discoveries
Indian Politics Tourism
Indian Geography Famous days in History
Sports Art and Culture
Section 2- English Syllabus

This section of the paper will test the candidatesโ€™ basic knowledge about the English language, grammar, and comprehension skills. This will include familiarity with elementary English grammar and other simple topics related to the language.

Synonyms Antonyms
Vocabulary Fill in the blanks
Comprehension Passages Editing
Jumbled Paragraphs Omitting
Sentence corrections Error Spotting
One-word substitutions Spelling check
Idioms and Phrases Sentence Completion
Passage Completion Prepositions
Active and Passive Voice Sentence Arrangement
Substitutions Transformations

Study Material

Here is a brief list of books for each of the subjects asked in the Territorial Armyโ€™s written exam.

  • Reasoning Ability:

    A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
    Multi-Dimensional Reasoning by Mishra & Kumar Dr. Lal

  • Elementary Mathematics:

    Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Verma Rajesh
    Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal

  • General Knowledge:

    Lucentโ€™s General Knowledge by Binay Karna and SP Suman
    Arihantโ€™s General Knowledge by Manohar Pandey

  • English Language:

    Objective General English by SP Bakshi
    Word Power Made Easy by Norman & Lewis

Practice loads of old question papers and practice papers. It is important to clear all the stages, thus, practice for the interview too.

Selection Process

The vacancies are notified by the TA according to their requirements for male or female candidates. The selection process, as mentioned above, is different for Civilian officers and Ex-servicemen, given as follows:

Officer Civilians Territorial Army Selection Process 2024

  • Step 1 - Screening stage (Written and Interview):

    The candidates who have applied for the TA exam are called for the screening. This includes two types of exams.
    First is the Written Exam that will test Reasoning, Elementary mathematics, general knowledge and hold on the language. Second is the interview round, conducted by the Preliminary Interview Board (PIB)

  • Step 2 - Service Selection Board (SSB) examination:

    Selected candidates will have to give tests conducted by SSB.

  • Step 3 - Medical Examination:

    Selected candidates will then have to go through proper health check-ups and medical examinations of the physical body will be conducted according to standards set by Military Hospital.

Ex-servicemen Territorial Army Selection Process 2024

The Ex-servicemen will be tested by ASB (Army Headquarters Selection Board) held at Additional Directorate General Territorial Army, Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defense, โ€˜Lโ€™ Block, Church Road, New Delhi โ€“ 110 001. The candidates are then supposed to undertake a medical examination at the Armed Forces Clinic. Finally, after all these procedures, the last step is their verification.


The Territorial Army (TA) Exam Result of the year 2024 will be released by the Territorial Army Exam Board (TAEB) once the exam is conducted.

The List of provisionally selected aspirants will also be provided on the official website after each stage of examination & after all stages of the exam are conducted a final merit list of the selected aspirants will be released by the Territorial Army Exam Board.

Cut-off Trends

The cut-off of the Territorial Army will be displayed on the official website of the TA.

It slightly varies from year to year as the following factors are taken into consideration:

  • Number of candidates appearing in the exam.
  • The difficulty level of the exam conducted.
  • Total vacancies for the particular year.

Ex-servicemen Territorial Army Selection Process 2024

The Ex-servicemen will be tested by ASB (Army Headquarters Selection Board) held at Additional Directorate General Territorial Army, Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defense, โ€˜Lโ€™ Block, Church Road, New Delhi โ€“ 110 001. The candidates are then supposed to undertake a medical examination at the Armed Forces Clinic. Finally, after all these procedures, the last step is their verification.


The rank pay, entitlement to medals and honors, allowances, and several service benefits to the Territorial Army are provided as applicable in the case of the Regular Army. TA officers are also entitled to TA Decoration after completing 20 years.

In fact, if the candidates do well and fulfill the required eligibility conditions, they can be promoted to the military rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Officers commissioned in Infantry TA may be called for the military for a longer duration depending on the requirement.

Pension - Officers with 20 years and Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO) and other ranks with 15 years are given Pension.

Increment - Increment is done each time after completing 365 days of physical service.

Insurance Benefits โ€“ The benefits and incentives related to insurance are given to personnel of non-departmental TA units.

Pay Scale
Military Rank Level Pay Matrix Military Service Pay
Lieutenant Level 10 Rs 56,100 - 1,77,500 Rs 15,500
Captain Level 10A Rs 61,300-1,93,900 Rs 15,500
Major Level 11 Rs 69,400 - 2,07,200 Rs 15,500
Lt Colonel Level 12A Rs 1,21,200 - 2,12400 Rs 15,500
Colonel Level 13 Rs 1,30,600- 2,15,900 Rs 15,500
Brigadier Level 13A Rs 1,39,600-2,17,600 Rs 15,500


Q. How do I join the 2024 Territorial Army?

A. To join the Territorial Army 2024, the civilians need to apply through the official website and appear for all the rounds of selection

Q. Is the Territorial army a part-time job?

A. Yes, the territorial army is a part-time job. The recruited candidates have to serve only 1-2 months every year.

Q. How many times is the territorial army recruitment conducted in a year?

A. The Territorial army recruitment exam is conducted twice every year.

Q. What is the age limit to join Territorial Army?

A. The age limit for Territorial Army is 18-42 years. However, for the medical officer posts, the upper age limit is 45 years.

Q. What is Territorial Army Salary?

A. The Territorial Army Salary is based on the 7th Pay Commission. The details of the same are given above.

Q. Is there a hard copy of the Territorial Army admit card which will be sent by post?

A. No, the exam authority isnโ€™t providing any hard copy of the admit card. It is the responsibility of the students to take a printout of the admit card.

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