RRB ALP Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

RRB ALP Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 29, 2021


Tom Helson

RRB ALP CBT Stage 1 is scheduled to be conducted in August 2021, the application process for the same was started in February 2021. RRB ALP is a national-level exam taken to fill the vacancies for Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and Technicians in Indian Railways.

The recruitment drive is conducted and managed by one of the 21 Regional Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) for all the regions. The registration for the RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment is Rs. 500 (for unreserved category-Males).

Latest updates:

  • September 22, 2021: Online Applications have been invited for the recruitment of apprentices by RRC.

The full form of ALP is Assistant Loco Pilot. The RRB takes the ALP exam each year to appoint aspirants into the Indian Railways. RRBs take the exam to appoint applicants for Group B, Group C, and Group D posts. The minimum age limit for the RRB ALP eligibility is 18 years while the maximum age for the same is 30 years.


Refer to the tabular data mentioned below to get more details about the RRB ALP Exam.

ALP Full Form Assistant Loco Pilot
Conducting Body Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Exam Level National
Exam Frequency Vacancy based
Exam Mode Online
Exam Duration
  • CBT Stage 1- One Hour;
  • CBT Stage 2- 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Language Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Manipuri, and Konkani.
Exam Fees
  • General / OBC-Rs 500
  • SC / ST / PWD-Rs 250
Purpose To appoint assistant loco pilots and technicians for Indian Railways
Exam Stages
  • First Stage CBT,
  • Second Stage CBT,
  • Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)
  • Document Verification

RRB ALP Vacancy 2021

The vacancy for the Assistant Loco Pilot Recruitment has been released by the examination conducting authority. The vacancies details for 2021 recruitment will be made available and updated on the official website post the announcement of notification.

The vacancy related details are given below:

RRB Ajmer 1,221
RRB Guwahati 422
RRB Muzaffarpur 465
RRB Thiruvananthapuram 345
RRB Secunderabad 3,262
RRB Patna 454
RRB Malda 880
RRB Jammu Srinagar 367
RRB Gorakhpur 1,588
RRB Chennai 945
RRB Bhubaneswar 702
RRB Ahmedabad 165
RRB Bangalore 1,054
RRB Bhopal 1,679
RRB Bilaspur 945
RRB Chandigarh 1,546
RRB Kolkata 1,864
RRB Mumbai 1,425
RRB Ranchi 2,043
RRB Siliguri 477
RRB Allahabad 4,694


RRB ALP Notification 2021 was made available in December 2020. Applicants can refer to the official website, to begin with, the application process. Each year, the exam conducting authority releases RRB ALP-related notifications on its official website.

Applicants who have appeared for previous RRB ALP exams can refer to the official website to check the list of aspirants selected for ALP and Technician exams.


All the interested students looking for RRB ALP date 2021 postponed dates can refer to the tabular data mentioned below.

RRB ALP Notification February 2021
Starting of the online application process February 2021
Deadline to apply online for RRB ALP March 2021
Last Date for Payment of Fee through online March 2021
First stage CBT August 2021
Declaration of CBT I Result To be notified
Second stage CBT December 2021
Announcement of RRB ALP CBT 2 Result To be notified
RRB ALP CBAT 2021 To be notified


The minimum eligibility to apply for RRB ALP is matriculation with ITI or Diploma in Engineering. Only Indian nationals can apply for RRB ALP 2021 The specific guidelines related to Academic Qualification, and Age Limit are stated below:

RRB ALP Eligibility Criteria: Educational Qualification
  • Individuals applying for the RRB ALP Loco Pilot exam must have qualified Matriculation or SSCL+ITI or Course completed as an Apprentice or Diploma/Degree in Engineering to be able to sit for this exam.
  • While the ones applying for the post of Technician must have qualified Matriculation or SSCL+ITI or Course completed as an Apprentice or 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics or Diploma in Engineering.
RRB ALP Eligibility Criteria: Age limit

Candidates applying for the exam must be aged between 18 to 28 years old. OBC candidates will get relaxation for 3 years while SC/ST candidates will get a relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit.

Important Note: Applicants must meet the specified eligibility criteria as per official notification. In case eligibility conditions are not satisfied by any particular candidate, at any stage of the recruitment process, then their candidature is liable to be disqualified.


Aspirants need to complete all the steps before submitting the application form. Steps involved in filling the RRB ALP 2021 Application Form are mentioned underneath:

  • Applicants need to carefully enter details like name, educational qualification, post, and exam center preference, etc. while applying.
  • Make sure that all details in the form are correct and matches with official records/documents
  • Upload scanned copies of applicantsโ€™ recent passport-size photograph and specimen signature would also have to be uploaded.
  • Application Fees can be deposited using the integrated online payment gateway.
  • A copy of the filled-in application form should be downloaded and printed for the records.
RRB ALP 2021 Application Fee

RRB ALP Application Fee 2021 is INR 500, for the general category aspirants. However, the application fee for the reserved category candidates and women is INR 250.

General (Male) INR 500
OBC, ST, SC/ Ex-Serviceman/PWD (Male) INR 250
OBC, ST, General, SC/Ex-Serviceman/PWD (Female/Transgender) INR 250

Applicants applying for the RRB ALP 2021 Exam must pay the fee either offline or online. One can make the online fee payment through internet banking or debit/credit cards while offline payment can be made through SBI or Post Office Challan.

Admit Card

RRB ALP 2021 Admit Card for the Written Exam is issued online through the official website portal. The admit card is expected to be released soon by the exam conducting organization.

RRB ALP Admit Card contains the applicantโ€™s name, DOB, gender, category, post applied for, and the exam center details including address, date, and time. In case of any mismatch in the details printed on admit card, candidates are required to get in touch with zonal RRB offices

Steps to Download RRB ALP 2021 Admit Card:
  • Visit the official website for RRB ALP 2021
  • Click on the links for 'RRB ALP Admit Card 2021'
  • Enter 'Application Number' and 'Date of Birth'
  • Download and take a printout of the admit card

RRB ALP Exam Centres

Details related to RRB ALP exam centers are mentioned below.

Andaman & Nicobar Haryana Mizoram
Andhra Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Nagaland
Arunachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Odisha
Assam Jharkhand Punjab
Bihar Karnataka Rajasthan
Chandigarh Kerala Sikkim
Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu
Delhi/NCR Maharashtra Telangana
Goa Manipur Tripura
Gujrat Meghalaya Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal -- --

Exam Pattern

The Exam Pattern for RRB ALPcan is checked in the table below. RRB ALP Syllabus is based on the matriculation/ diploma curriculum. Any changes in the scheme of the exam and syllabus would be mentioned in the official notification.

Mode of Examination Online, Computer Based Test
Number of Questions
  • Total questions in CBT stage 1: 75;
  • Total questions in CBT stage 2: 175
  • Type of Questions Objective, MCQ type
    Duration of Exam
  • CBT 1: 60 Minutes
  • CBT 2: 90 Minutes
  • Sections in Paper 5 sections: Arithmetic & General Intelligence, Reasoning, General Science, General Awareness, Technical Skills
    RRB ALP Exam Pattern: Marking Scheme

    The subject-wise distribution of marks and questions in RRB ALP 2021 1st Stage CBT is indicated in the table below:

    Subject Number of questions Number of marks
    Arithmetic 20 20
    Reasoning 25 25
    General Awareness 10 10
    General Science 20 20
    Total 75 75

    RRB ALP Syllabus 2021

    The list of topics from the RRB ALP 2021 syllabus is tabulated below. The table contains only the list of important topics from each subject only.

    Reasoning Analogies; Analytical reasoning; Alphabetical and Number Series; Classification; Coding and Decoding; Conclusions and decision making; Data Interpretation and Sufficiency; Directions; Jumbling; Mathematical operations; Relationships; Similarities and differences; Statement - Arguments and Assumptions; Syllogism; Venn Diagram
    Arithmetic Decimal Fraction; BODMAS rule; LCM/HCF; Percentage; Profit & Loss; Time and Work; Time and Distance; Ratio and Proportion; Square and Square root; Cube and Cube root; Mensuration etc.
    General Awareness Indian History; World and Indian Geography; Indian Polity; Health and Physiology, General Science, National, and International Current Affairs; Computer and Information Technology
    General Science Elementary topics in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Human physiology, etc.
    Technical Skills Mechanical: Basics of mechanics; Thermodynamics; Strength of Materials; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning; Fluid Mechanics etc. Electrical: Atomic Structure; Voltage; Current; Resistance and their units; Series and Parallel Connections; Magnetism; Principles of Motors, Transformers, Generators; Gravity; Measuring Instruments, etc. Electronics: Conductivity; Electrons; Semiconductors; Insulator etc.


    The final RRB ALP result will be published after document verification on the zonal RRBโ€™s websites. The PDF available online includes details of all the successful aspirants.

    The final merit list will be prepared after combining marks of stage two and the Computer-Based Aptitude Test. In the case of technicians, scores obtained in the second stage CBT will be taken into consideration

    Expected Cutoff

    Score more than the minimum qualifying marks does not guarantee qualification due to a large number of competitions. The aspirants obtaining the maximum marks are shortlisted for the further stages of selection. The final selection of applicants is made based on the minimum qualifying marks and cutoff for normalized marks.

    The minimum cut off score 2019 are mentioned here:

    Unreserved (UR) 40%
    Other Backward Classes (OBC NCL) 30%
    SC 30%
    ST 25%

    RRB ALP Payscale and Allowances

    RRB ALP (Assistant Loco Pilots) and technician jobs are the most liked posts in Indian Railways. The salary scale of RRB ALP has been slightly increased after the recommendations of the 7th pay commission. The Railways Board is the conducting body of the RRB ALP examination and it also offers the most secure and high salary job career.

    The range of RRB ALP salary is between Rs 19,900 (excluding HRA, DA, etc.) to Rs 35,000. The details for RRB Assistant Loco Pilot salary are mentioned in the table:

    Grade Pay 1900
    Payscale Rs 19,900
    Assistant Loco Pilot Salary (inclusive of allowances) Rs 35,000 (Approx)

    Each year, the RRB Examination is given by lakhs of candidates to get the desired post. So start working hard to prepare for this highly competitive examination and get qualified for Assistant Loco Pilot or Technicians role in the Indian Railways.


    Q. What kind of questions are asked in the RRB ALP Examination?

    A. In the first two CBTs, MCQ questions are asked in the exam. RRB ALP 2020 Syllabus is based on the matriculation/ diploma curriculum.

    Q. What are the minimum and maximum age limits to give the RRB ALP examination?

    A. The lower age limit to give the RRB ALP exam is 18 years while the upper age limit in the exam is 28 years.

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