OTET Gov. Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

OTET Exam: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Oct 5, 2021



OTET (Odisha teacher eligibility test) is a common selection examination to recruit candidates for the vacant posts of teaching (primary and secondary standard) up to class 8th in the state of Odisha. Conducted by the BSE, Board of Secondary Education, which is a functional body of education in the state. This also manages controls and develops all the important procedures throughout the selection process. It also equips candidates for various cultural purposes.

OTET Highlights

Exam Name OTET (Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test)
Conducting Body Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha
Exam Level State
Exam Mode Offline
Exam Duration Paper 1: 150 minutes
Paper 2: 150 minutes
Official Website http://www.bseodisha.ac.in/otet-examinations-2021.html


The BSE Odisha started the application process for OTET 2021 with the release of OTET Notification 2021. Candidates need to submit the application online in order to appear for the exam.

Important Dates

Events Dates
Availability of admit card on the official portal. March 31, 2021
Exam date April 9, 2021
Declaration of results. to be notified

Eligibility Criteria 2021

  • Any high school pass out (class 12th) and any graduate or its equivalent with 50% aggregate, and who have a 2-year diploma in elementary education (D.EL.ED) or a 4-year bachelor of elementary education (B.EL.ED) are eligible to apply for the Common selection examination.
  • Applicant should be Indian national and domicile of Odisha.
  • Those who seek opportunities in government and non-govt. aided schools, possess academic and training qualifications, and aspire to become teachers are applicable for OTET under Government of Odisha, Department of school and mass education, Bhubaneswar.
  • Applicants can also appear for CTET conducted by the Central government, through CBSE, for further improvement after being qualified in OTET and also for seeking opportunities in private unaided institutions.

There are two categories (category A and B) of an application under which candidates can apply, according to their qualifications.

Category A: High School (class 12th) pass outs

Higher Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks, and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (CT, or D.EL. ED), or 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EL.ED) or 2 years diploma in Diploma in Education (Special education).

Category B: Graduate level

Graduation with at least 50% marks, and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.ED) in accordance with NCTE, or 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EL.ED), or 4-year B.SC / B.A./ B.A. Ed/ B.SC Ed. Or, B.ED (special education).

Note: Relaxation of 5% can be expected in the minimum qualifying marks in graduation and higher secondary for students belonging to the category SC, ST, and OBC, or any other reserved category.

Exam Application

OTET Online Application 2021 was expected to be released in the 3rd week of July and now stands to be declared by the officials very soon. Candidates can visit the official website of BSE (board of secondary education) to enrol.

Registration can be done anytime from anywhere via accessing the internet on the website: https://www.bseodisha.ac.in/

  • On a login portal, already registered candidates can log in by entering their email id and password, whereas new registration candidates can register themselves by providing the right and accurate information about them.
  • The application form will have six sections:
    • Personal information
    • Eligibility criteria
    • Educational qualification
    • Address
    • Information sheet
    • Declaration and payment.

After filling in the correct personal information, uploading required documents; candidates can click on the information sheet, recheck the provided information by them, make corrections, and then can take the printout of it for future references. And then can proceed to make the payment to appear in the examination. For more updated information candidates are requested to visit the official website.

Payment can be made by STATE BANK OF INDIA only through Net banking, ATM card, and Cash payment through challan.

Online Fees to appear in the examination-

Category Fees
For unreserved category. UR/ GENERAL 500 (Five hundred rupees.)
For reserved category. SC/ST/OBC 300 (Three hundred rupees)

Admit Card 2021

Availability of admit cards is to be expected in the month of August, it will be available for download on the official website of BSE Odisha, once the online application process gets done. Candidates should have to bring the printed copy of admit card to the examination center to appear in the examination along with one photo ID card. Otherwise, the candidate will not be permitted to appear in the examination.

  • Candidates will be able to download their admit cards by login into the official portal by visiting the BSE website.
  • Once the applicant is done with filling with personal details like registration number, password, Date of birth, and security code provided on the screen. The window will be directed to the download page.
  • Candidates are advised to take a print of the admit card and bring it to the allotted examination center on the day of examination.
  • Details provided on Admit card- Name of the applicant, date of birth, category, exam date and time, allocated center, the signature of the candidate, photograph, gender, mode of examination, and address of the allocated examination center.

Exam Centre

BSE Odisha has not yet released details regarding OTET 2021 exam centers. However, candidates can check complete details about their allotted OTET 2021 exam center on their respective admit cards. It may be noted that once a test center is allotted to a candidate it cannot be changed under any circumstances. Regarding the same, the official website informs, โ€œThe change of examination center is not permissible.โ€

Exam Pattern-

In the following part of the article, the exam pattern and syllabus of the OTET 2021 Exam has been discussed in detail:

Language of examination Odia, English, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, and Bengali.
OTET conducts in two parts. Paper 1 and paper 2.
Duration of the exam 2.5 hours.
Question type MCQ (multiple choice question), with no negative marking.
Mode of examination. Offline (pen and paper) mode.


Child development and pedagogy Unit -1: Child development
Unit 2: Learning process
Unit 3: Concept of inclusive learning and understanding children with special needs
Unit 4: Approaches to teaching and learning.
Unit 5: Assessment
Understanding, Concept, Characteristics, nature, and individual Differences, TLM, Competency and Teaching competency, Comprehensive, Purpose, Assessing scholastic and Sharing of assessment.
Language 1 -(Odia, Urdu, Bengali, Hindi, Telugu) Unit -1: Pedagogy
Unit 2: teaching, reading, and writing skills reading skills.
Unit 3: Assessment of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali
Unit 4: Language items
Unit 5: Language Comprehension
Learning, teaching, reading, and writing skills. Role of grammar in learning the language. Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjectives, Conjunction, Synonyms, and antonyms.
a. Pedagogy Learning English at the Elementary Level
Language Learning
Skills in learning English
English assessment Unseen passages
Language-2 (English) b. Content Unseen passage Grammar- Noun, pronoun, adverb, tense, preposition, adjectives, punctuation.
a. Pedagogy
  • Mathematics Education in Schools
  • Methods and approaches to learning.
  • Mathematics assessments.
Mathematics b. Content
  • Number system
  • Measurement
  • Shapes and spatial relationships
  • Patterns and data handling.
a. Pedagogy
  • Concept
  • Method and approach
  • Governance
  • Evaluation
Environmental studies b. Content
  • Physical features
  • History of freedom and struggle of Odisha and India.
  • Health and disease
  • Physiology of the Human body
  • Force and energy
Child development and Pedagogy Unit-1: Child development in primary school and children.
Unit-2: Learning
Unit-3: Curriculum Learning, approaches and evaluation
Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional & Moral development during pre-adolescence and adolescence. Needs and problems, meaning-making knowledge and construction, Factors affecting learning.
Learning of language
  • Learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali at Upper Primary Level teaching Language
  • Assessment of language
Objective learning, the principle of teaching, and development of skills.
Assessment, learning and planning.
Language 1 (Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali) Content
  • Elements of language
  • Items of language
  • Contribution of famous literates for development of Odia / Urdu / Hindi /Telugu / Bengali language
Two unseen comprehensions, Vocabulary, and grammar. Speech, word formation, Idioms and phrases, famous authors, and books of different languages.
Language II (English) Pedagogy
  • Primary level English. (Importance and Objective)
  • Development of English skills (Basic skills, teaching, and skills)
  • Assessment of learning skills. (Comprehension and skills)
Content Comprehension and language items
Mathematics (for Maths and Science teachers) Unit โ€“ 1: Mathematics for Primary
Unit โ€“ 2: Method learning and Approaches to teaching and evaluate
Unit โ€“ 3: Number System, Algebra, Shapes and spatial relationship, Arithmetic
Aims, logical, systematic, abstractions, pattern, mathematical language, analysis, deduction and construction, error analysis.
Science (only for Mathematics and Science Teacher Unit โ€“ 1: Nature of Science
Unit โ€“ 2: Methods, Evaluation, and Approaches
Unit โ€“ 3: Physical and Life Science.
Aims, Objective, Problem-solving, Discovery, Project, and Experimentation.
Social Study (only for Social Study Teacher) Unit โ€“ 1:Teaching Social Studies
Unit โ€“ 2: Methods, Evaluation, and Approaches
Unit โ€“ 3: Political Science and History
Unit โ€“ 4: Indian Constitution and Political Science
Unit โ€“ 5: Geography (physical features, climate, and agricultural limits)
Aim and Objective. The survey, fieldwork/trips, project, group work, diagnostic assessment, and remedial teaching

Selection Process

Step 1: Release of OTET Notification 2021

The OTET 2021 examination process begins with the release of notification. The notification informs the candidates about the registration process, applicability, eligibility criteria, important dates, exam structure and syllabus, and other details.

Step 2: Start of Application Process

The BSE Odisha begins the OTET Application Process after the release of notification. Candidates who want to appear for the OTET exam need to register and apply online for the OTET 2021. To fill the application form, candidates are required to pay a certain fee (General/Other Category: Rs 500; SC/ST Category: Rs 300). Candidates must fill in the details carefully as the information once submitted by candidates cannot be changed at a later stage.

Step 3: Issue of OTET Admit Card 2021

The OTET Admit Card 2021 will be released on the official website of the BSE Odisha. Candidates can download their OTET 2021 admit card from bseodisha.ac.in. The OTET admit card will contain the following details:

  • Candidate's name
  • Candidate's roll number
  • Father's Name
  • Mother's Name
  • Exam date and time
  • Name and Address of exam center
  • Candidate's Photo
  • Candidate's Signature
  • Exam Day Instructions
Step 4: Appear for OTET Exam 2021

Candidates who will apply for the OTET 2021 will be required to appear for the OTET exam. The exam comprises two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. The OTET Paper 1 is for Class I - V teachers and Paper 2 is for Class VI-VII teachers. Both the papers are held separately. Candidates can appear for either Paper 1 or Paper 2 or both papers. The exam date of the OTET 2021 will be announced soon.

Step 5: Release of OTET Result 2021

OTET 2021 results will be declared on the official website of the college. It may be noted that the minimum qualifying marks for the OTET exam are 60 percent (50 percent for SC/ ST/ OBC/ SEBC/ PwD candidates). Candidates whose names appear in the OTET merit list will then be eligible for teaching jobs in different schools of Odisha.


OTET 2021 results will be declared on the official website of the college. It may be noted that the minimum qualifying marks for the OTET exam are 60 percent (50 percent for SC/ ST/ OBC/ SEBC/ PwD candidates). Candidates whose names appear in the OTET merit list will then be eligible for teaching jobs in different schools of Odisha.


Q. What is the selection process for OTET Orissa?

A. It is a must to clear the OTET 2021 examination with a minimum of 60 % percentile or score 90 marks out of 150 in total for the general category and 50% for the OBC, SC, and ST category, to be selected for the further interview round, etc. If there will be any change in the selection criteria of OTET 2021, it will be updated on the website as per the guidelines. Applicants have to wait until the application process begins.

Q. OTET stands for which qualifying examination in the country?

A. OTET stands for Odisha teacherโ€™s eligibility test, which is conducted by the official educational body, BSE in the state of Odisha, it takes place every year to recruit candidates for the various vacant posts of the teaching department up to 8th standard.

Q. Who can appear in OTET 2021?

A. Any high school pass out (class 12th) and any graduate or its equivalent with 50% aggregate, and who have a 2-year diploma in elementary education (D.EL.ED) or a 4-year bachelor of elementary education (B.EL.ED) are eligible to apply for the Common selection examination. He/she should be an Indian national and domicile of Odisha.

Q. When will the application process of OTET 2021 begin?

A. The online application was expected to be released in the 3rd week of July and now stands to be declared by the officials very soon. Candidates can visit the official website of BSE (board of secondary education) to enrol. http://www.bseodisha.ac.in/

Q. What is the syllabus for science subjects in OTET 2021?

A. The syllabus for science subjects is as follows:
Nature of science (physics, chemistry, and biology) up to 12th standard along with Physical and Life Sciences and its Methods, Evaluation, and Approaches. For more detailed follow up you can check/visit the BSE board website.

Q. What is the difference between OTET and CTET examination?

A. There is no such big difference between the two teacher eligibility tests. Both the examinations are valid under the NCTE, it is just that OTET is valid in particular for one state that is Odisha whereas, CTET is valid for all states of the country.

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