NPCIL Recruitment Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

NPCIL Recruitment EXAM 2023: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 15, 2023



NPCIL is the Nuclear Power Corporation of India which is a public sector enterprise under the administrative control of DAE, i.e. Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India. NPCIL has the highest level of credit rating viz. AAA rating by CRISIL and CARE. NPCIL is presently operating 22 commercial nuclear power reactors with an installed capacity of 6780 MW.

Recently NPCIL has released different vacancies for the post of Trainee, Assistant, Steno, Fireman, Sub officer, Driver-cum-pump operator, etc at the location of Rawatbhata, Rajasthan.

NPCIL Recruitment through GATE - Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has postponed the interview dates for the NPCIL Recruitment through GATE 2023 due to a surge in COVID19. The authorities have closed the application form for NPCIL Recruitment through GATE. For this recruitment, NPCIL is not considering GATE 2023 score for the recruitment. Engineering graduates in Mechanical. Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Civil, Industrial, and Fire Safety engineering are also eligible. Candidates with a valid GATE score (2018/ 2019/ 2023) can apply for the NPCIL recruitment through GATE 2023. Selection will be based on the GATE Scores.

Latest updates:

  • September 10, 2023: ECIL is currently inviting online applications for a total of 243 vacancies of ITI Apprentice Posts. .
  • August 27, 2023: NTPC Recruitment 2023- Apply Online for 47 Vacancies for Medical Specialists and Assistant Officer(Finance) .
  • August 26, 2023: NPCIL Recruitment 2023: For 107 Apprentice.


Name of PSU Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)
Position Executive Trainees
Disciplines Required Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical, Electronics & Communication, Civil Engineering, and Industrial and Fire Safety engineering

NPCIL Recruitment Important Dates

Starting date of application 3 Nov 2023
Last date of application 24 Nov 2023
NPCIL Recruitment through GATE โ€“ Important Dates
S.No. Event Date
1 GATE 2023 Result March 16, 2023
2 Start date for NPCIL Application February 23, 2023
3 End date for NPCIL Application March 9, 2023 (Concluded)
4 Interviews Postponed (To be notified)
5 NPCIL Recruitment result To be announced

Interested candidates can apply online from the official website of NPCIL.

NPCIL Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

There are different eligibility criteria for different posts are mentioned below. Aspirants can apply for any post if they fulfill the required eligibility for that post:

  • Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/ SA) -Diploma holders- Diploma (Relevant Engineering Disciplines)
  • Science Graduates- B.Sc (Relevant Disciplines ).
  • Scientific Assistant/C - Diploma (Engineering) or B.Sc with experience.
  • Scientific Assistant/B - Diploma (Relevant Engineering Disciplines)
  • Assistant Grade-1 (HR) - Bachelor's Degree (Science/ Arts/ Commerce) & Typing Knowledge
  • Assistant Grade -1 (F&A)- B.Com.
  • Assistant Grade -1 (C&MM) โ€“ B.Sc/
  • Steno Grade 1- Degree (Science/ Arts/ Commerce) & Typing, shorthand Knowledge.
  • Sub Officer/B,Leading Fireman ,Driver-cum-pump operator cum fireman - HSC (10+2) or Equivalent.
Eligibility Criteria for NPCIL Recruitment through GATE
S.No. Eligibility Criteria Details
1 Nationality Indian
2 Academic Qualifications Full-time BE/B.Tech/B.Sc Engineering (4 years duration)/5 years Integrated M.Tech
3 Pass % in degree Minimum of 60% aggregate marks.
4 Upper Age Limit as of April 18, 2019
  • Generalโ€“ 26 years
  • OBC โ€“ 29 years
  • SC/ST โ€“ 31 years
  • Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984 -31 years
  • Jammu & Kashmir Domiciled Persons from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir) โ€“ 31 years
  • Persons With Disability (PWD) โ€“ 10 years of relaxation
5 Final year students Final year students are also eligible to apply provided they furnish proof of their eligibility and final marks sheet by November 30, 2023
6 Qualifying Exam GATE 2018, 2019, 2023
Age Limit and relaxation parameters
Category Age Limit (Years) Born on or After
General 26 April 2, 1994
OBC (relaxation - 03 years) 29 April 2, 1991
SC/ST (relaxation โ€“ 05 years) 31 April 2, 1989
Persons with Disabilities (degree of disability 40% and above) (relaxation โ€“ 10 years) - -
PWD โ€“ General Category/EWS Category 36 April 2, 1984
PWD โ€“ OBC(NCL) Category 39 April 2, 1981
PWD โ€“ SC/ST Category 41 April 2, 1979
Dependents of those who died in riots of 1984 (Dep 1984) (relaxation โ€“ 5 years) 31 April 2, 1989
Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 (Dom Kashmir) (relaxation โ€“ 5 years) 31 April 2, 1989

NPCIL Recruitment Application Form

Candidates who are interested in any of the above-mentioned posts and meet the eligibility criteria can go to the official website of NPCIL i.e.


Once you visit the official website of the NPCIL click on Apply tab under which you will find a click button on Online Registration from the top menu to register yourself. Then the aspirants should fill in the required details like Name, Date of Birth, contact number, Address, Email, Mobile number, category, PWBD details, etc. after submitting these you will get a mail at your account with an activation link in it, candidate have to click on the link to carry out the further process.

After the activation of this link is done candidates can be able to log into their account through their login id to apply online, this is done to protect the privacy of candidates.

Now some more details will be asked such as Education Qualification, earlier Experience in work, and other personal details.

Fill in all the required information and save it and proceed to the next step

Upload signature and photo:

It commonly asked everywhere to submit photographs in JPEG format in not more than 50KB a minimum of 125 x 165 pixels (4.4 x 5.8 in cm) in dimensions and signature in JPEG format of size not more than 20KB and a minimum of 125 x 80 pixels (4.4 x 2.9 cm) in dimensions so is here.

Upload these with utmost clarity and proceed to the next step.

Application Submission:

Once you have filled in all the details and uploaded all the documents, you will be able to apply by clicking on the โ€œSubmit Applicationโ€ button. Go through the provided information very thoroughly as it cannot be changed once the application form has been submitted. After you are done with the above process a Registration number is generated for you and you have to carry the hard copy or printed copy of the form at the time of the personal interview.

Application Fees

To pay the application fees, the aspirants should opt for the online mode.

Name of the Category Amount of the application fees
General/OBC/EWS Rs. 500 SC/ ST/ PwD, Female aspirants, Ex-serviceman Nil

NPCIL Selection Process

The selection process depends upon the post for which you want to apply. For instance, the following are the details for the selection process of a Scientific Assistant of different disciplines:

  • The written exam will be a computer-based test or an OMR consisting of two sections.
  • The first section will have a total of 60 questions based upon GK, English, Quantitative aptitude.
  • The second section will have a total of 60 questions related to their respective disciplines.
  • There will not be any kind of negative marking for an incorrect answer
  • The total time limit for this section is given as 2 hours.
  • Based on the cutoff marks further candidates will be called for interview for the final selection.

Likewise, the selection process is different for different posts available in vacancies. Some time some skill test is also conducted for candidates basing upon the merit list of stage 2. Candidates clearing the skill test will be shortlisted and a new merit list will be made as per marks secured in stage 2.

NPCIL Recruitment Pay Scale

The last post i.e. the driver-cum-pump operator-cum-firenman/A gets a salary of 21,700 per month and that a Steno Grade 1 gets around 25,500 per month and a new common graduate has a salary of around 30,000 per month. For a fresher engineer employee salary is around 56,100 + DA and After 1 year there will be an additional increment on basic pay. In this way, the salary increases from the lowest to the highest grade of the post.


The workers working at NPCIL have many allowances other than basic pay which a worker working in NPCIL gets. At present, the allowances are being paid as per entitlements under the pre-revised pay structure. The following are the allowances an NPCIL employee get-

  • House rent allowance- this is different for different cities also applicable where accommodation is not provided.
  • Transport allowance- this is between Rs 430 and Rs 5280 depending upon employeesโ€™ grade pay.
  • City conveyance allowance- this varies between Rs .680 and Rs .5780 also depending upon grade pay.
  • Family planning allowance- Rate per month for planning allowance varies between Rs 550 to Rs 1000 depending upon levels of family.
  • Professional update allowance- Scientific officers having different grades and all auxiliary categories of employees irrespective of pay scales get allowance between Rs 7,500 to Rs 45,000.
  • Children education assistance- for children under diploma and who do not live in a hostel is Rs 1500/- and for children living in a hostel, it is Rs 4500/- per month.
  • Scholarship for children- scholarship amount for meritorious students ranges between Rs. 2000/- per annum to 3500/-per annum.
  • Other perquisites like canteen subsidy, cable tv, newspapers reimbursement, free units of electricity.
  • Qualification incentive - The amount of Qualification Incentive for a licensed position in an Operating Station ranges from 1200/- p.m. to 2000 p.m. for level-III to level I officers.
Other Facilities

There are many other facilities that are provided to NPCIL employees along with the salaries and some of them are mentioned below:

  • Housing
  • Leased Accommodation facility
  • Medical facilities
  • Medical facilities-post retirement
  • Many kinds of leave
  • Leave encashment
  • Leave travel concession for fresh recruits
  • Schooling facility for their children
  • Loans and advances
  • Social security and superannuation benefits provident fund.
  • Insurance
  • Gratuity pay.

NPCIL Recruitment FAQs

1. If the student has appeared for the final year exams and the results are yet to be announced. Can the student apply for the NPCIL recruitment?

Answer: Yes. The candidate can still apply but if the person is selected and offered a traineeship, he will be required to submit the final results on or before the last date.

2. If the activation email is not received by the aspirant after the completion of registration the what steps should be taken?

Answer: Please check the spam folder. It may have been received in the spam folder. If not, please register again as it means that the registration was not successful..

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