KCCPL Government Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

KCCPL : Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 5, 2021



The Kerala clays and ceramic products ltd (KCCPL) was started by the Government of Kerala. Qualified and excellent applicants who are interested in the positions in this company can apply for the appointment of various posts on a Contract and Regular basis. The candidates need to apply through an online platform. The Kerala clays and ceramic products ltd is an unlisted private company. The company was incorporated on 27 June 1984. It is operated by the state government. The office of Kerala clays and ceramic products ltd is established in Kerala itself.

KCCPL Highlights

Name of the Organization Kerala Clays & Ceramic Products Limited
Name of the Posts Worker, Security Staff
Total Vacancy 38 Post
Article Category Admit Card
Exam Date To be declared soon
Availability of Admit Cards To be declared soon
Official website www.cmdkerala.net

KCCPL Eligibility Criteria

Name of the post Qualification
Marketing Manager MBA with specialization in Marketing.
Mechanical Engineer B. Tech/BE in Mechanical Engineering.
Electrician ITI in Electrical with Electrical Wireman Certificate.
Quality Control Supervisor B Tech/BE in Chemical Engineering OR M. Sc. in Chemistry.
Mechanic ITI in Welding
Driver Applicants should be the holder of a valid heavy-duty driving license and certificate.
Clerk B.com
Clerk cum Typist Degree with proficiency in Computer
Driver cum Attender Must have passed Plus Two. Should hold a valid license.
Security staff Minimum up to 8th standard.
Worker Passed 7th standard.

KCCPL Recruitment

The KCCPL recruits excellent candidates for various posts in the company. There are various eligibility criteria, age limits, and pay scales for different posts which mentioned are below according to the positions.

Name of the post Qualification Experience Scale of pay Age limit
Marketing Manager MBA with specialization in Marketing. At least 2 years of work experience. Rs.25000 per month The age limit is 30 years
Quality Control Supervisor B Tech/BE in Chemical Engineering OR M. Sc. in Chemistry. At least 2 years of work experience. Rs.25000 per month Min. age: 22 years Max. age: 30 years
Mechanical Engineer B. Tech/BE in Mechanical Engineering. At least 2 years of work experience. Rs.14620-25280 age limit is 40 years
Electrician ITI in Electrical with Electrical Wireman Certificate. 2 years of work experience. Rs.8340-16870 Minimum age group: 18 years Maximum age group: 36 years
Mechanic ITI in Welding 2 years of work experience. Rs.8340- 16870 Minimum age group: 18 years Maximum age group: 36 years.
Driver Applicant should be the holder of a valid heavy-duty driving license and certificate. Not required Rs.8750-17300 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years
Driver Applicant should be the holder of a valid heavy-duty driving license. Not required Rs.8750-17300 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years
Clerk B.com Not required Rs.8750-17300 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years
Clerk cum Typist Any degree related to proficiency in Computer. Not required Rs.8750-17300 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years
Driver cum Attender Must have passed Plus Two. Should hold a valid license. Not required Rs.8750- 17300 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years
Security staff Must have passed 8th std Not required Rs.15000 per month Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 42 years
Worker Must have passed 7th std Not required Rs.7360โ€“10610 Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 36 years

KCCPL Vacancies

Name of the post Vacancies available
Clerk cum Typist 2
Clerk 3
Driver (Tanker Lorry) 2
Driver (Tipper) 1
Driver cum Attender 2
Electrician 1
Marketing Manager 1
Mechanical Engineer 1
Mechanic 1
Quality Control Supervisor 1
Security staff 10
Worker 13

KCCPL Application Form

To fill the application form for KCCPL recruitment visit Kerala Clays and Ceramic Products Ltdโ€™s official website. Apply through the online platform by clicking on the Apply Online link. Fill in the required details as mentioned in the KCCPL recruitment 2021 application form.

Due to the following reasons, the application form may be considered invalid

  • Providing wrong or faulty information in the Application form.
  • No complete information was filled in the mentioned form.
  • Providing misleading or mismatching information.
  • Submitting more than one application form by a single candidate. Only one of the application forms will be considered for final submission.

KCCPL Selection Process

  • Written examination
  • Online interview once you have received the notification regarding the same.


Q. What is the total number of vacancies available in the KCCPL Recruitment?

A. As per the current notification there are a total of 38 vacancies.

Q. What are different posts available under the KCCPL Recruitment?

A. The KCCPL Recruitment takes place for various posts like security staff, worker, clerk, engineer, etc.

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