IPPB Government Exam | Application Form, Syllabus & Eligibility - Easy Shiksha

IPPB Recruitment: Eligibility, Application Form, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card & Result

Updated On - Sep 29, 2023


Tom Helson

India Post Payments Bank will be organizing the IPPB Assistant Manager recruitment exam to appoint suitable candidates as Assistant Manager under the grade of Scale- Officers. The applications are invited from interested candidates. The aspirants who meet the IPPB Eligibility standards will have the scope of applying online for the said recruitment.

Latest updates:

The latest notification for the 2023 selection process will be shortly released, as expected.


Events Dates (Tentative)
Online Registration Begins May 2023
Online Registration ends End of May 2023
Application fees payment ends End of May 2023
Application Fees INR 750
IPPB Prelims exam June 2023
IPPB Mains Exam August 2023

Important Dates

To be announced


IPPB Prelims exam June 2023
IPPB Mains Exam August 2023


Post Vacancies Eligibility
Chief Technology Officer 1 B.Tech or equivalent from a recognized university. The candidates must possess the required educational qualification as of September 1, 2019.
Scale I Officers 671 Graduates from University recognized by govt. of India. Candidates who fulfil the minimum education qualification and with postal services or sales of financial products/ rural banking/ with experience as Business Correspondent for banks are also eligible.
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director 1 The candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university. Candidates having an MBA degree or CAIIB certificate(Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers ) are preferred.
Scale II-III Officers 1077 The candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university. Candidates having an MBA or B.Tech. degree is preferred.
Corporate Roles 24 Minimum work of experience in operation/ finance/ banking/ marketing as requisites of IPPB 2023. It offers remuneration as per the companyโ€™s policy.
Scale IV-VI Officers 12 Candidates must be a graduate from a recognised university within minimum work experience.
Scale VII Officers 5 The candidate must be a graduate from a recognised university and having an MBA degree or C. A is preferred. Minimum work experience as requirements of the post.

Eligibility Criteria

Age Educational Qualification Nationality
Maximum Age: 30 Years
Minimum Age: 20 Years
The candidates must be Graduates in any discipline from a recognized university or institute as recognized by the Indian Government or UGC. The candidates must be Indian Nationals or,
A Subject of Nepal or Bhutan or,
A Tibetan refugee who came over in India before 1st January 1962 to settle here permanently
A Person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, Vietnam to settle here permanently


How to apply

  • Step 1: On clicking the above link, you will be directed to the Application panel for the IPPB Assistant Manager.
  • SStep 2: In the desired section, enter valid details and information as asked. Once you are done, click on the Submit option. A provisional registration number and password will be generated to your email id, take a note of the same.
  • SStep 3: Carefully fill the application form, enter the details correctly. Also, upload the scanned copies of the signature and photograph in the prescribed formats.
  • SStep 4: After checking the form well, click on the Submit button. The application form will be integrated with the payment method. You can complete the payment method through the available gateways.
  • SStep 5: On completion, the e-receipt will be generated. Take a hard copy of the e-challan and the application form that has been submitted

Application Fee

Category Fees
SC/ST/PWD (Only intimation charges) INR 150
Others INR 700

Exam Pattern 2023

Exam Pattern for Prelims
Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 1 hour
Reasoning Ability 35 35
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35
Total 100 100
Exam Pattern for Mains
Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time
Reasoning 50 50 40
English Language 40 40 30
Computer Language 20 20 10
General Awareness 40 40 20
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 40
Total 200 200 140


General Awareness
  • Current Affairs
  • Books and Authors
  • Important Organizations and Headquarters
  • Sports and Entertainment
  • Countries, Currencies and Capitals
  • Awards
  • Alphabet Test
  • Analogy
  • Blood Relations
  • Cubes and Dices
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Decision Making
  • Directions
  • Input-Output
  • Order and Ranking
  • Tenses
  • Verbs
  • Basics of Grammar
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Cloze Test
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Articles
  • Voice
  • Modes of Narration
Quantitative Aptitude
  • Data Interpretation
  • Mixtures
  • Percentages
  • Averages
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Sums on Ages
  • Pipes and Cisterns
  • Mensuration
  • Boats and Streams

Job Profile

  • Assistant Branch Managers at India Post Payments Banks are responsible for the smooth running of their assigned branch every day. Theyโ€™re supposed to manage the day to day operations
  • They need to ensure the bank is running as per the rules and regulations set by the RBI and steer clear of any kind of violation of the regulations
  • They are in charge of sales of third party products such as mutual funds and insurance and ensure profitability without offering loans
  • The Assistant Managers also need to coordinate the various customer service points and with the business correspondents
  • They need to assist the Bank Manager to prepare audit reports periodically

Salary Details 2023

Following are the emoluments received by an India Post Payments Bank Officer Scale 1:

JMGS-I, Payscale
23,700 - 42,020

Total Monthly CTC (Approx.)* 65,000

*This is inclusive of Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, and other allowances


Candidates who have secured the cutoff marks in IPPB Prelims will qualify for the Mains exam. Your choice of selecting the questions in the Prelims Phase is a major deciding factor whether you will be in or out for the Mains Paper.

Here is the expected IPPB Cut off for Prelims and Mains exam from the previous years:

IPPB 2019 Cut off (Prelims)
Section No. of Qs Max. Marks Expected Cut Off
English Language 30 30 7 โ€“ 8
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 8 โ€“ 10
Reasoning Ability 35 35 9 โ€“ 12
TOTAL 100 100 50 โ€“ 55
IPPB 2019 Cut off (Mains)
Section Max. Marks Duration Expected Cut Off
Reasoning Ability 50 40 mins 10-12
English Language 40 30 mins 9-11
Computer Knowledge 20 10 mins 10-13
General Awareness (with special reference to Banking) 40 20 mins 12-14
Quantitative Aptitude 50 40 mins 12-15
TOTAL 200 140 mins 95-110

Admit Card

The IPPB Assistant Manager Admit Card will be issued on the official website a few days before the exam takes place. You can follow the below instructions to download the call letters once the dates are announced.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the exam authorities.
  • Step 2: Now, in the Home Page, from the Careers tab click on the Admit Card Link.
  • Step 3: In the next step enter the relevant information as asked and click on the Submit button.
  • Step 4: The Admit Card PDF will be shown now, check the details well before taking the hard copy.


IPPB Exam General Tips

We will share a few general tips which will help you organize your study routine better before delving into the topic-wise tips.

  • Go through the previous year question papers and exam analysis to get a gist about the topics from which maximum questions are asked.
  • Make a habit of reading quickly and making notes of new words whenever possible- this will help you with the English language and the descriptive section too.
  • Prepare a study routine that you follow every day dedicatedly. Keep it realistic so that it can be followed.
  • Set aside at least two hours daily for solving and practising questions related to reasoning and quantitative aptitude.
  • Do not skip mock test schedules as they are important to assess your preparation so far


How to check the IPPB 2023 Result?

Checking the IPPB result is very easy. The steps to check the result for both posts are the same. It is released on the official website and steps to find them are here.

  • Visit the official website of IPPB at https://www.ippbonline.com/
  • Log in with your credentials.
  • Find the link to your desired result and click on it.
  • A new page will open with the PDF format of the result.
  • Check your roll number and other details on the result PDF.
  • Download and save the PDF.
  • Take a printout for future purposes too.


Ques. Is IPPB a public sector or private sector bank?

Ans. IPPB is owned by govt. of India through the department of posts. Thus, it comes under the category of public sector banks.

Ques. What are the age limit for Scale II and Scale III officers post?

Ans. The IPPB 2023 age limit for scale II & scale III officers posts are following:

The age limit for scale II officers post should be in between 26 years and 35 years and for scale III officer post is between 23 years and 35 years. Candidates should be born not before 02.09.1986 and not later than 01.09.1996 to meet the age requirement for both positions.

Ques. I will turn 20 years in January 2018. Am I eligible to apply for Assistant Manager (Scale I) Post?

Ans. Candidates who should be born from September 02, 1986, to September 01, 1996, are eligible for the scale I officer post.

Ques. My final Semester/ year will be completed in the year 2018. Am I eligible for any of the posts of the IPPB 2023 Recruitment Exam?

Ans. No, candidates who are waiting for their results are not eligible. Only those candidates who have completed their qualifications by September 01, 2016. Are eligible for IPPB 2023 exam.

Ques. Is there any experience requirement for the scale I officer post?

Ans. No, there is not any work experience required for the scathe le I officer post. Freshers can also apply for this post.

Ques. How much work experience is required for Scale II & III officersโ€™ posts?

Ans. The work experience required for these posts are following:

  • Manager (Scale II) โ€“ Minimum three years of work experience as an assistant manager in any private bank or public sector.
  • Assistant Manager (Scale III) - Minimum six years of work experience as mana ager in any private bank or public sector or similar level in any other organisation.
Ques. What is the basic salary of Officers in IPPB 2023?

Ans. The basic salaries of the various post are different. The basic pay for each of the posts of IPPB 2023 is mentioned below:

IPPB 2023 scale I Officer โ€“ Rs. 23,700 to 42,020
IPPB 2023 scale II Officer โ€“ Rs. 31, 705 to 45,950
IPPB 2023 scale III Officer โ€“ Rs. 42,020 to 51,490

In addition to basic pay, dearness allowances, city compensatory allowances & other allowances at โ€˜Aโ€™ category cities will be reimbursed.

Ques. Do I need to sign any service bond in IPPB 2023?

Ans. No, there is not any service bond or agreement for the posts of IPPB 2023.

Ques. How many years do I need to serve for probation?

Ans. The Probationary Officers will be on probation for two years. During this period, they will be given intensive training. Towards the end of your probation period, you will be subjected to a screening process for confirmation.

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